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doublelongdaddy;646245 said:
Great routine and even greater gains! You must feel like a million bucks making those gains. I think your plan sounds wonderful and I am happy you are taking advice from the best routine on Earth, SRT. Anyone who has gotten involved with SRT has found it to be their saving grace. I am also happy that your partner allows you to train, that is a rarity!

Actually finding a suportive girl women that really understands that PE is for her enjoyment N they wouldnt say no its hard to find,i think most girls cant comprehend the PE process...they want a bigger penis but they dont want their men to get bigger?:( trough PE...
shortdick;646316 said:
Actually finding a suportive girl women that really understands that PE is for her enjoyment N they wouldnt say no its hard to find,i think most girls cant comprehend the PE process...they want a bigger penis but they dont want their men to get bigger?:( trough PE...

Guess they are afraid youre gonna cheat on her or something..if you got a big cock...anyway youre doing Pe for yourself,dont let any girl/woman/wife tell you to stop ;) Ofc if youre getting to big and start hurting her thats another problem .
shortdick;646316 said:
Actually finding a suportive girl women that really understands that PE is for her enjoyment N they wouldnt say no its hard to find,i think most girls cant comprehend the PE process...they want a bigger penis but they dont want their men to get bigger?:( trough PE...

The term "Penis Envy" was created just for this purpose. Some women will become very jealous of your relationship with your penis. Some may be cool with it. It is all a crap shoot. I guess when you meet a girl you could pose the question right away like "hey, I like you and would love to date you, are you OK with me making my cock bigger?" Maybe get a slap or a laugh but you will definitely get something!
doublelongdaddy;646527 said:
The term "Penis Envy" was created just for this purpose. Some women will become very jealous of your relationship with your penis. Some may be cool with it. It is all a crap shoot. I guess when you meet a girl you could pose the question right away like "hey, I like you and would love to date you, are you OK with me making my cock bigger?" Maybe get a slap or a laugh but you will definitely get something!

thats for sure....if she say yes that would be great,if she wants to slap me or something that means she is an hypocrite whore..:p lol
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shortdick;646537 said:
thats for sure....if she say yes that would be great,if she wants to slap me or something that means she is an hypocrite whore..:p lol

Getting slapped from a chick at least would be some contact:) Thats more than I am getting now...take it where you can!
shortdick;646564 said:
We enjoy getting bigger but we get no Pussy...strange situation?:( lol

I am just holding off till I get my body in order. I got my brain in order now just need to accomplish a better body and I will be out on the prowl:)
Hey all, I’m new. I’ve been on-and-off jelqing for a few years and decided to finally get social about it. I had great results initially, almost reaching 9” BPEL, but soon experienced a stretching injury and decided to lay off PE for a long time. I was healed within a month of two, but I was very hesitant to get back into it. I had tried to convince myself that size wasn’t that important (which is clearly false) and that I should be happy with the 8” I have… well, I am happy with it, but why not bring it back to 9” and beyond! I just need to be safer about it this time.

I think a major part of my injury was my grip. All along I’ve read to not grip the head, to grip just below the head. However, I feel that I concentrated the pressure too precisely below the head… this two fingered vice grip was making me turtle in the middle of a stretch and I just wouldn’t pay attention to my own body. Stupid. I’ve tried to learn a valuable lesson from this. To distribute the tension of the grip along the shaft more, using three or more fingers so as not to squeeze any particular area too much. This method does seem to target the ligs more than the tunica, which is why I’ve supplemented these stretches with tunica-focused flaccid bends.

I’ve been doing this routine for about 2 weeks:

5 minutes of basic stretches / flaccid bends
10 minutes of jelqing
Edge for 30 sometime afterward

My hang is fat and floppy after I PE, but edging seems to be very hit-and-miss for me. I can do way more than 30 minutes of edging after PE and experience no ill effects, but sometimes an orgasm at the end pushes me into overtraining territory. Something near my PC muscle will feel achy for a few hours. Perhaps the bulb of my penis. All I have to do is wait a little while after PE to cum and I don’t experience this ache, but I’d still like to get to the bottom of this someday.

P.S. I can’t find a ball stretching subforum. Am I blind? Or perhaps there’s not enough interest for it?

doublelongdaddy;646681 said:
I am just holding off till I get my body in order. I got my brain in order now just need to accomplish a better body and I will be out on the prowl:)

so good¡¡
Hello everyone. I've been doing PE off and on for about the last year. Started at 5.5 x 5. Upon my last measurements I'm right at 6 x 5.25. So, not bad for being inconsistent. Basically I got back into my relationship with my previous fiance. It's made PE a little tough. She knew something was different because she said it felt more full than it ever has before. Sadly, what drove me to PE was her cheating on me with my worst enemy towards the end of 2013. She had always ridiculed him as being small to me. Feeding me with a story of something that never happened. Upon finding out she cheated, the guy told me she commented he was a lot more than she was used to. True or not, I don't know. She denies this. Me and this guy used to hang out a lot, and I've actually never heard anything good about him when it come to sex or size. But, she did cheat with him. She did have a past, more so than I believe she's claiming. And 3 months after cheating on me with him, she did leave me and go back to sleeping with him. So, I used this as motivation as I've sort of developed a complex about myself. My ideal size would be 7 x 5.5, maybe 6. So I know that's achievable.

I've recently decided to purchase a Bathmate. My plan is to use it as sort of a supplement to stretching. Because the stretch is gives for 20 minutes is nuts. I figured 20 minutes a day of bathmate followed by 300 jelqs, eventually leading to 500 jelqs should get me where I want to be. Open to suggestions.

Also, DLD, thanks for this site. I've watched several of your videos, and have been reading this site for about a year. You're truely an ispiration to PE man.
Willing2work;646785 said:
Hello everyone. I've been doing PE off and on for about the last year. Started at 5.5 x 5. Upon my last measurements I'm right at 6 x 5.25. So, not bad for being inconsistent. Basically I got back into my relationship with my previous fiance. It's made PE a little tough. She knew something was different because she said it felt more full than it ever has before. Sadly, what drove me to PE was her cheating on me with my worst enemy towards the end of 2013. She had always ridiculed him as being small to me. Feeding me with a story of something that never happened. Upon finding out she cheated, the guy told me she commented he was a lot more than she was used to. True or not, I don't know. She denies this. Me and this guy used to hang out a lot, and I've actually never heard anything good about him when it come to sex or size. But, she did cheat with him. She did have a past, more so than I believe she's claiming. And 3 months after cheating on me with him, she did leave me and go back to sleeping with him. So, I used this as motivation as I've sort of developed a complex about myself. My ideal size would be 7 x 5.5, maybe 6. So I know that's achievable.

I've recently decided to purchase a Bathmate. My plan is to use it as sort of a supplement to stretching. Because the stretch is gives for 20 minutes is nuts. I figured 20 minutes a day of bathmate followed by 300 jelqs, eventually leading to 500 jelqs should get me where I want to be. Open to suggestions.

Also, DLD, thanks for this site. I've watched several of your videos, and have been reading this site for about a year. You're truely an ispiration to PE man.

well that is loads of work for girth man.......
if ur only looking for girth......
for length u need to get other devices...
the bathmate will heklp get length also but mainly girth....
pogzee;646811 said:
well that is loads of work for girth man.......
if ur only looking for girth......
for length u need to get other devices...
the bathmate will heklp get length also but mainly girth....

Well when it happened, she told me if anything he was a little thicker so lol. It made me insecure about my girth. Me personally, I've always liked my girth and not my average length. But, they say girth matters most. And since I'm only gunning for 7 inches, the gains may come slow, but I figure the jelqs, and a little assistance from the bathmate will get me there. I know I should incorporate stretches, but it's tough to find all this time. I usually wake early in the morning to do my exercises. But this morning I woke and got laid instead lol
You are welcome for the site my friend, this is a Brotherhood and we are all here for one another.

This girl sounds kind of iffy to me for wifey material but maybe I am not understanding the complete situation. In most cases, if a woman cheat once she will most likely do it again, especially if her indiscretions are forgiven. Be careful my Brother and do not allow yourself to be burned twice. Your goals are very attainable and with the experience you gathered from your inconsistent PE it is obvious you could make much bigger gains being dedicated. As far as where to start, since you have experience I suggest jumping head first into the SRT Routine. I wish you the best my friend! Welcome to the Brotherhood.
doublelongdaddy;646906 said:
You are welcome for the site my friend, this is a Brotherhood and we are all here for one another.

This girl sounds kind of iffy to me for wifey material but maybe I am not understanding the complete situation. In most cases, if a woman cheat once she will most likely do it again, especially if her indiscretions are forgiven. Be careful my Brother and do not allow yourself to be burned twice. Your goals are very attainable and with the experience you gathered from your inconsistent PE it is obvious you could make much bigger gains being dedicated. As far as where to start, since you have experience I suggest jumping head first into the SRT Routine. I wish you the best my friend! Welcome to the Brotherhood.

Thanks brother! You are correct on probably not being wifey material. She wants me to believe that she's been with 3 men that she's dated, and one other in a drunken night instance that she can't recall, and that's it. Problem is, that's who she cheated on me with....12 years after they hooked up the first time! If you're interested man, here is my first ever PE post ever at PEGym
becky7000;650014 said:
Names becky7000 and i am just really tired of having an average package

Then you have come to the right place. Acclimate yourself with the Newbie Routine and the SRT Thread, both of these threads will give you incredible guidance and get you started on gaining right away. Great having you here and welcome to the Brotherhood.
Hey guys the names becky7000 im a new to mos and pe ive heard about it on youtube but never really looked in depth ive heard about this guy names dld and how much he has changed many mens life "keep up the good work" im currentlt 7 inches in length and about 5 and a half in girth i wanna get to about 8 and a half inches in length and 7 in girth but some ow i dont feel condident
becky7000;651213 said:
Hey guys the names becky7000 im a new to mos and pe ive heard about it on youtube but never really looked in depth ive heard about this guy names dld and how much he has changed many mens life "keep up the good work" im currentlt 7 inches in length and about 5 and a half in girth i wanna get to about 8 and a half inches in length and 7 in girth but some ow i dont feel condident

You should be confident you're above average right now.8,5x7 would be huge.You will get there no worries.
Hi guys, my name's Cris I've been lurking this site for a few weeks and finally decided to sign up and hopefully see some PE gains. Right now I'm 5.3 inches erect but with a horribly small flaccid length (wich sucks) . I want to achieve a respectable flaccid length as a short term goal and add an inch and half while erect as a long term goal. I've been taking PSP for a few weeks now and I've seen some small improvement but I know pills alone are not enough. Any advice on where to start? Should I stick with manual exercises for beginners for now since I'm a total noob or should look I into investing into some gear from the start? If so what would you recommend? Thanks a alot , I'm looking forward to learn everything I can from this site
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