
  1. Sofad

    Exercise for a bigger head?

    Are there any exercises to increase the size of the head and glands besides jelq and ssj?
  2. S

    Why do some forums claim jelqing is dangerous?

    As the title mentiones
  3. T

    New here, need help, feeling lost

    Hiya, new here. i discovered the forum last year but never gave it a try. i wanna get into it now. but the problem is that with this much information in the forum i’m lost. anyone can please help with simple length + girth routine? that will be very helpful also, i’m 5.5 length and 4.3...
  4. T

    Having trouble

    Dear members, I have been doing PE for a year now. I have bene using the bathmate and the phallosan forte. I also do some manual stretches and jelqs everdyday. I think I gained like 0.5 inch. I feel like I already reached a plateau. I stretch for like 8-12 hours a day and use the bathmate in...
  5. Sycheaus

    Teaching partner PE exercises?

    Have any of the brothers ever taught their significant other any enlargement techniques to practise on you? My girl has expressed interest in me showing her some manual work for her to do on me, was wondering if anyone had any suggestions or experiences to share? Thinking I'll show her how to...
  6. Avglen61

    PE without equipments

    Has anybody tried PE without equipments...... I have been doing PE(without equipment) since November and I have only gained so little...... Is PE really possible without equipments? I am sharing my current routine Feel free to advice some changes..... Stretch Day: Phase 1: DLD A stretches...
  7. Egghead1

    After 2 years of dating I told my girlfriend about penis enlargement

    Hey guys!! I’ve been so busy with PE, work and life that I barely have time to post anymore so to make up for the last couple of months this is gonna be another long post! So I've been with my woman now for just over 2 years and we finally decided to move in together. When i first met her i had...
  8. A

    Can you smell what The Ark is cooking?!

    Hello Brothers! I've been around the forums for a while now. During the years I've tried several things related to PE and I will continue trying. Related to that, I've made certain trials here and there. The inspiration for this "cook out" comes from Eroset's Vein Oil, EVO for short. (Also...
  9. Wintergates

    New member quick questions

    Hello 1) is clamping equal to jelq in terms of effectiveness 2) can u gain lenght by hanging very light for hours straight "time under tension" method with enough weight just to feel a gradual stretch increasing fatigue over time 3) Is it better to decide the path "girth or lenght" first and...

    Is it possible to plateau from the Jelq exercise?

    So I've been doing very intense erect Jelqs for at least a few months already, pretty much every morning I gained a bit of length and especially girth But now it feels like my inner penile tissue is already used to the very high intensity and I don't feel that slight burning expansion much...
  11. D

    How Long Should It Take To See Results?

    I've been at it, 20 min of jelq plus 20 min of hard stretching, for probably 2 months now and nothing has changed at all. My eq isn't even all that great. Should I be getting some tiny amount of growth by now or not?
  12. T

    I can’t gain girth for the life of me.

    So for the last 5 months I’ve been so busy with everything I can’t dedicate hour on hour to PE. My routine has been 5 min tunica stretch each way and than 15-20 min in the bath are. During my one month off I was doing your bath mate sessions every day. I didn’t see a little little bit of...
  13. A

    Flaccid hang/public nudity help

    Hey all. So i live close to sf and like to go to the events and walk around nude. When hard im 7.2 inches x 4.6 inches but soft im like 1.5 inches. Ive never been consistent with PE but even using the bathmate before the parade doesnt help much im larger for like maybe half an hour. I see...
  14. Haursen

    Slow Squash Jelq...Is it Exhibit A or Exhibit B?

    Hi Sizers, I hope everyone is well. I needed clarification on the Slow Squash Jelq... Is the exercise like... Exhibit A: or Exhibit B: Thank you in advance for clarifying! :)
  15. B

    I wanted to ask because the skin of my penis became dark after slow Squash jelq?

    I wanted to ask because the skin of my penis became dark after slow Squash jelq?
  16. S

    Girth from stretches?

    I can’t do much girth work for now, so I’m just curious if anyone gains from straight stretches, ie if i do the newbie routine sans jelq, plus phallosan, should i expect any girth? Just wondering, thanks!
  17. L

    Old injury

    Hey guys After you the community helped me with LengthMaster through out the week, I was hoping you could help me with an old stupid injury I got by jelqing wrong 12 years ago. I remember searching for PE online when I got misinformed about Jelqing or probably misunderstood what was written...
  18. A

    Return to PE. cleaning BATHMATE?proper jelq? Avoiding stretch marks?

    Hey all. So I've been doing off and on pe fir like 4 years and I mean I never honestly sat in to it long enough to see permamnt results. It's been about 5 months since anything. I went to get backdate that was left In the shower but theres white powder stuff in the outside around the rubber. I...
  19. kak03

    How I got rid of fluid retention

    I just want to share my experiences with todays workout. I've been on and off from PE for years but have been sticking to it for a while now. I only focus on girth as I'm already hitting bottom on most girls so I've been using the hydromax. My problem has always been fluid retention. I get...
  20. DutchAthletic92

    I regret to have to say that.....

    Dear MOS, Due to moving to a new apartment with new roommates i’m not able to hang anymore... I lack the privacy and time to get in 10 hours of hang per week. Yesterday was my last hanging session. I’m way too afraid that someone will knock on my door and comes in unexpectedly... This is...
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