
  1. K

    Post-Stretching Routine - I NEED HELP!

    I’ve started doing the beginner stretching routine again with some added btc bundles and few other additions but want to make sure the recovery portion is on point going forward. Up until now I’ve mostly been using ace bandaging to remain flaccid stretched post-stretching but I’m guessing I...
  2. T

    Potential injury not sure

    I have been using my Bathmate, my Dld Stealth and my penimaster, just got the LengthMaster and I typically follow protocol and I have been seeing great results (Inch in length in 2 months.) During some of this time I have been taking something called Kratom, it mellows me out, but I didn’t...
  3. NIK1

    Volume & Recovery Pills

    Over at the ZEN Hanger Website they released some new Pills..I have not tried them yet but I was thinking of getting a bottle to try.. Looks like it has good ingredients for what we do with PE...Any thoughts..
  4. C

    I am at a crossroad with continuing PE

    Since my hysterectomy thread got derailed with jokes.... My wife is facing a hysterectomy very soon. They've been running tests and scans and hopefully there's no cancer or we're really screwed. They need to remove her cervix and uterus from what we're being told. Fortunately the upper 1/3 of...
  5. Lightning

    Re-Introducing Lightning and about MoS (Pictures Inside)

    Hello to all. Some of you may know me, and some of you may not. I started MoS with DLD over 15 years ago, April 11, 2003 to be exact. For the past 7 years I have been fighting liver complications that has led me to be out of commission due to meds and recovering. Throughout this time, I...
  6. C

    Gotta get back into the groove again

    Haven't been here in a while. Between the hernia surgery recovery and a lot of personal issues I haven't done PE since August. The last time I tried using the BM was 3 months after surgery and may have been too soon. Still have some discomfort 7 months after surgery but from some "test pulls" I...
  7. P

    im back and with doubts

    hi guys , hi DLD .been a while i came here. was caught up with an injury first and then work. so cutting the bullshit i wanna get straight too it and begin PE again. so my doubts. 1. ACE WRAP- i had this ace wrap that was thick material and would stay in place when wrapped, the new ace...
  8. DLD

    Been very sick my Brothers and I am sorry for my absence

    My Brothers, just wanted to apologize for my absence over the last 3 weeks. I have been very ill and have not been able to get around to well. In bed most of the time and I have lost my appetite. I went to the doctors yesterday and they said I was clear of flu and pneumonia. If it continues...
  9. F

    Kicking my Addiction

    My wife and I have been trying to get pregnant which has meant lots of sex. However, over the last month I've noticed I can barely get hard and it's starting to a take toll on us. After reading some articles and other people's posts I think I'm addicted to �naked people movies� and masturbating. I've been doing...
  10. C

    Who has resumed PE after hernia surgery?

    It's only been a few days since surgery so I'm in no way ready to start up again. It's actually going to be at least a month before I start, maybe 2, as I might look to the guidelines of when it's safe to start doing core strength exercises again (6-8 weeks). It's already been 2 months since I...
  11. R

    Erosets Vein Oil Revisited

    Hey guys so I wanted to make a post regarding this oil as I was actually surprised by its affects. This is something everyone should be using in my opinion. I found the recipe on the old post which can easily be found if you search or even google search "Erosets vein oil". After 3 days of using...
  12. T

    Feel like my penis needs a little break...

    So my routine is the newbie routine stretches and an hour of hanging. I no longer have heavier weights so I ordered some that should come in Tuesday or wednsday next week. But in the mean time, i feel mydick needs a break. I can tell its exhausted because it isnt that elastic, and I havent...
  13. C

    Where I've been and where I'm going

    Maybe a couple of you have noticed I haven't been around for a while. I kinda post-whored when active (I'm good at that) but then I disappeared. Well first there was life getting in my way.... not being able to PE in peace and privacy before work and then 6 weeks of hell at work where I was too...

    Best heating pads for warmup or post-PE recovery?

    any recommendations on amazon or in general i'll probably order one online soon

    Best Oil for JELQ & post-PE recovery/skin elasticity gains?

    ive only tested olive and coconut i found that olive was being poorly absorbed by my skin, b/c hours after PE it would still be greasy coconut on the other hand was quickly absorbed and after a few hours my skin was very supple and smooth but at the same time dry enough not to be greasy or...
  16. B

    how often should i rest?

    what is the most effective workout schedule for PE? should i be exercising daily or should i take rest days? if i should take rest days then how many and how often?
  17. B

    Major prayers needed my brothers.

    My brothers the last few days, there has been alot of stress here at home, alot of fighting with the mother inlaw, well she will be moving out in a few days. but with her moving out money will be tight, I have a job interview lined up for Monday for 40 plus hours a week. it has put so much...
  18. S

    Rest day

    I felt like I was reaching the brink of overtraining after my BAthmate session yesterday so I skipped PF overnight. Still a lil sore so I decided to do a full day rest today. Going to bed now and felt like PF wouldn't be overkill but playing it safe to go hardcore tomorrow. What's the general...
  19. S

    Silicon sleeves?

    Are sleeves good for all day extension? Overnight? What's the best place to buy them?
  20. B

    Jelqing Injury, did I go too hard and overdo it ? - PLEASE HELP !!!

    Hey guys so im a little on edge right now, Yesterday I did something to my penis while clamping. My penis has an awkward curve to it to the left so when i been clamping lately i pusha little to the right when im jelquing. After yesterdays session, my penis has been totally weird. It doesnt seem...
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