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Seekingsupersiz;484828 said:
Hey just joined. I have read the odd forum discussion prior to joining the site ninthought it was great that there was a community of like minded blokes working hrough Penis Enlargement. At present when fully aroused I am 7x 5.25. I recently got the size genetics extender but haven't had much of a chance to organize myself at this stage for correct use time. I hope to reach 8x6. I have also recently volunteered- jokingly as a stripper for a friend of a friends birthday and so I have 4 months to really make some gains. Better hurry.
Thanks for the welcome !!

I don't usually say this but you can definitely make those gains in time for the party! The kicker would be to also use the Bathmate right before the party and swell that fucker up like an arm:)
Hey all, I've been lurking for awhile but I'm just now getting serious about Penis Enlargement. My wife and I have been married for 11 years and have 4 kids. It may be TMI, but she never quite "snapped" back to normal after our youngest boy. It definitely has had an impact on our sex life and is the primary reason I'm looking into Penis Enlargement.

I'm starting off at 7.25 BPenis EnlargementL x 5.25 MSEG and I just got my Bathmate Monday so I've had a few nights to try it out. I'm primarily concerned with packing on as much girth as possible with at least 6 as a goal. The additional girth, I believe, should help offset what having my children has done to her body. My wife's primary means of reaching climax is clitoral stimulation. We've had our fair share of toys over the years and I know that 8" is about all she can take comfortably and still get the grinding and pressure she needs to get there. Adding much more length than that would be counterproductive.

So I guess that makes me another one of those 8 x 6 goal guys.

A quick observation about the Bathmate. I'm in the process of also trying to drop the 40 or so pounds I've put on since high school. I've got a bit more of a fat pad than I care to admit and I think that it is hindering the Bathmate's ability to get a good seal. I can tell that its working from the obvious engorgement but I haven't yet seen the eye popping results I've read about. I guess that's another motivation to stick to the plan and drop the lbs so that I can get the results I'm looking for.

So I guess I'll be posting progress on two fronts, Penis Enlargement and weight loss. I'd expect most of my length gain goals to come from the weight loss as I still couldn't get the ruler solid up against my pubic bone with the pad in the way. I'm expecting the Bathmate and manual exercises to handle the girth end of things which should also speed up as I drop weight and the Bathmate can more effectively do its job.
LOBBS;484995 said:
Hey all, I've been lurking for awhile but I'm just now getting serious about Penis Enlargement. My wife and I have been married for 11 years and have 4 kids. It may be TMI, but she never quite "snapped" back to normal after our youngest boy. It definitely has had an impact on our sex life and is the primary reason I'm looking into Penis Enlargement.

I'm starting off at 7.25 BPenis EnlargementL x 5.25 MSEG and I just got my Bathmate Monday so I've had a few nights to try it out. I'm primarily concerned with packing on as much girth as possible with at least 6 as a goal. The additional girth, I believe, should help offset what having my children has done to her body. My wife's primary means of reaching climax is clitoral stimulation. We've had our fair share of toys over the years and I know that 8" is about all she can take comfortably and still get the grinding and pressure she needs to get there. Adding much more length than that would be counterproductive.

So I guess that makes me another one of those 8 x 6 goal guys.

A quick observation about the Bathmate. I'm in the process of also trying to drop the 40 or so pounds I've put on since high school. I've got a bit more of a fat pad than I care to admit and I think that it is hindering the Bathmate's ability to get a good seal. I can tell that its working from the obvious engorgement but I haven't yet seen the eye popping results I've read about. I guess that's another motivation to stick to the plan and drop the lbs so that I can get the results I'm looking for.

So I guess I'll be posting progress on two fronts, Penis Enlargement and weight loss. I'd expect most of my length gain goals to come from the weight loss as I still couldn't get the ruler solid up against my pubic bone with the pad in the way. I'm expecting the Bathmate and manual exercises to handle the girth end of things which should also speed up as I drop weight and the Bathmate can more effectively do its job.

The great thing about getting in shape is that you get rock hard erections. Jogging for 20+ minutes each day (if possible) is the best way to have amazing erections and lose fat. Eating properly is also as important. You can look up how to eat at many websites but as a rule of thumb: raw vegetables, cook your meals, no fast food.
If you lose your fat pad, I bet you'll get another half inch of length. This is good.
When you're using the Bathmate, you need to remember that it is not the primary tool of adding girth. The user stillwantmore put it best when he said pumping should be done after the girth work has been done. That being said, there are also many great routines that include sets of pumping first then manual jelqing afterwards. The point I'm trying to get across is that you need to do manuals along with pumping.
Good news for you pal. If you're just after girth, you're set. I started at 5.4" girth. I'm now around 5.8" girth and haven't done girth work in awhile. I was at over 6" while I was working girth. My biggest temporary gain from pumping was 7.4" of girth, this was 8 hours after I had done my girth session. So if you have the motivation, you can pretty much anticipate when you will be having sex with your wife and do a session prior to that. Be sure to tie off after pumping/girth if you want to keep the pump for as long as possible. If you don't care about length, then start pumping away and tieing off after a session. Although if you care about length gains, I have heard from a doctor that pumping and tieing off hurts length gains and should only be done once you are satisfied with your length/have plateaued in length.
You're in a pretty good position, so good luck!
MikeShlort;485004 said:
The great thing about getting in shape is that you get rock hard erections. Jogging for 20+ minutes each day (if possible) is the best way to have amazing erections and lose fat. Eating properly is also as important. You can look up how to eat at many websites but as a rule of thumb: raw vegetables, cook your meals, no fast food.
If you lose your fat pad, I bet you'll get another half inch of length. This is good.
When you're using the Bathmate, you need to remember that it is not the primary tool of adding girth. The user stillwantmore put it best when he said pumping should be done after the girth work has been done. That being said, there are also many great routines that include sets of pumping first then manual jelqing afterwards. The point I'm trying to get across is that you need to do manuals along with pumping.
Good news for you pal. If you're just after girth, you're set. I started at 5.4" girth. I'm now around 5.8" girth and haven't done girth work in awhile. I was at over 6" while I was working girth. My biggest temporary gain from pumping was 7.4" of girth, this was 8 hours after I had done my girth session. So if you have the motivation, you can pretty much anticipate when you will be having sex with your wife and do a session prior to that. Be sure to tie off after pumping/girth if you want to keep the pump for as long as possible. If you don't care about length, then start pumping away and tieing off after a session. Although if you care about length gains, I have heard from a doctor that pumping and tieing off hurts length gains and should only be done once you are satisfied with your length/have plateaued in length.
You're in a pretty good position, so good luck!

Yep, that's pretty much the diet that I've settled into. We've got a juicer so I've been taking a 32 oz mason jar of mean green juice to work and that makes up 2 of my smaller meals during the day. It tastes like pond water most of the time but you can't beat it for nutrient density and getting in 8-12 servings of raw fruits/veggies a day. For my other meals its pretty much lean proteins, salads and healthy fats. I've got a Foreman grill at work so I run to the store on my lunch hour and cook at work. If I stay true to my diet (which is hard to do sometimes, especially with kids) I usually drop 3-5 lbs a week.

I've got a pretty good feeling that once I lose the fat pad I'm gonna be pretty close to my length goals so I'll add more manual work to my routine to go along with the Bathmate.

Thanks again.
LOBBS;485044 said:
I've got a pretty good feeling that once I lose the fat pad I'm gonna be pretty close to my length goals so I'll add more manual work to my routine to go along with the Bathmate.

Thanks again.

You sound very motivated and on track, you will have no problem making this happen!

I am new to Penis Enlargement and just purchased a Bathmate from amazon. I have only pumped once this afternoon and could tell a little girth gains immediately. The routine I did was right off of the Bathmate website but I am wondering, do the different routines work and why?
kenosis;485095 said:

I am new to Penis Enlargement and just purchased a Bathmate from amazon. I have only pumped once this afternoon and could tell a little girth gains immediately. The routine I did was right off of the Bathmate website but I am wondering, do the different routines work and why?

I like the 6x6 routine, but it's advanced and needs to be gradually worked up to. It's basically 6 sets of 6 minutes in the Bathmate, followed by jelqing. You can also do some jelqs at the beginning as well. Some people find doing some jelqs in between sets is okay too. Penis Enlargement is about experimenting.

The reason this routine is good is because it gives better internal expansion than just pumping for a long period of time (say one or two sets of 20 minutes). This is what I have found. Maybe start with 3 sets of 3 minutes, work your way up to 3 sets of 6 minutes (add 30 seconds each night). No need to go crazy at first if you can gain doing less work. My best routine with pumping was 300 jelqs, 5 min pumping, 150 slow jelqs, 100 down jelqs, 5 minutes pumping. Then each night I added 10 jelqs, 3 slow jelqs, and 2 down jelqs, as well as 15 seconds to the time in pump. I was already 4 months into Penis Enlargement so this is why I did so many jelqs. I gained about .4" girth which I still have after not pumping for 3 weeks. Another good routine is Dan Clizer's 6x6 which is basically the 6 sets of 6 min followed by 15 min of jelqing. But work your way up to this. You will find that doing a fraction of these routines will give you permanent gains. Just gotta keep doing it every night (unless one night you are tired and can't get an erection. Avoid overtraining. It's best to be able to get erections throughout the day and at night for optimal gains. Get the book "Exercising the Penis" by Aaron Kemmer if you're really serious about Penis Enlargement. It's very thorough and explains it well for new people.)
LOBBS;485044 said:
Yep, that's pretty much the diet that I've settled into. We've got a juicer so I've been taking a 32 oz mason jar of mean green juice to work and that makes up 2 of my smaller meals during the day. It tastes like pond water most of the time but you can't beat it for nutrient density and getting in 8-12 servings of raw fruits/veggies a day. For my other meals its pretty much lean proteins, salads and healthy fats. I've got a Foreman grill at work so I run to the store on my lunch hour and cook at work. If I stay true to my diet (which is hard to do sometimes, especially with kids) I usually drop 3-5 lbs a week.

I've got a pretty good feeling that once I lose the fat pad I'm gonna be pretty close to my length goals so I'll add more manual work to my routine to go along with the Bathmate.

Thanks again.

Ya man keep it up. It gets monotonous and less exciting as time goes on, but the results are worth it.
I haven't had many other feelings that compare to looking in the mirror and being happy with what I see.
Good Evening! I'm sevenandahalfx6! But, I wasn't always. Been lurking and reading since 2009, picking up on methods and routines, adjusting some to better fit my schedule. For the first year I was pretty regular, mostly utilizing various jelging routines, some air pumping. Within that year I went from 7 bpel x 5 mseg to 7.5 x 5.5, but life gets in the way of all our plans and until just recently it prevented me from regular Penis Enlargement.
Now, I'm back on track and for the past few months have concentrated on gaining more girth, with measurable success, half an inch.
Since it's release I've been interested in the Bathmate, but wanted to wait until there were a good number of reviews out there and later on I never could decide on which model, being one of the "in-between" sizes. My base eq is 6.75, but I was "short" on the length part. After much study, here and anywhere I found someone rating the Bathmate, I concluded that due to my base eg the X-40 was the way to go.
Obviously, ordering from a trusted source was important to me, so I ordered mine from DLD's link here on MoS. In all ways, it was a good decision. I ordered my X-40, with the significant discount, last Sunday. It was delivered on Wednesday. Amazing!
So far, it works as advertised, the pump I get (nearly 200 my first time) after a session, that includes jelging, is awesome. Even flaccid. You just want to walk around showing it off!
Thanks, DLD, and thanks to all the knowledgeable members here on MoS!
sevenandahalfx6;485118 said:
Thanks, DLD, and thanks to all the knowledgeable members here on MoS!

No problem! Thanks for your awesome post.
Hello I just joined today. I have what I think is a small penis around 5 inches errect. I have been reading some of the things and stories on this forum and I am convinced that I can do this. My goal is 7 inches. I hope I can meet some people that can help me along with my goal.

falconx;485418 said:
Hello I just joined today. I have what I think is a small penis around 5 inches errect. I have been reading some of the things and stories on this forum and I am convinced that I can do this. My goal is 7 inches. I hope I can meet some people that can help me along with my goal.


Start slow and keep at it everyday. You'll gain something
falconx;485418 said:
Hello I just joined today. I have what I think is a small penis around 5 inches errect. I have been reading some of the things and stories on this forum and I am convinced that I can do this. My goal is 7 inches. I hope I can meet some people that can help me along with my goal.


You found the right place. What do you plan on using for a routine?
New to the site here. I've lurked for the last week and just decided to jump in to this website. Started jelqing 2 days ago but starting slow until I figured out what I want to do as far as a routine. Advice is always greatly appreciated. Will w reading more as the day goes on.
Bear-tweezy;485953 said:
New to the site here. I've lurked for the last week and just decided to jump in to this website. Started jelqing 2 days ago but starting slow until I figured out what I want to do as far as a routine. Advice is always greatly appreciated. Will w reading more as the day goes on.

Welcome to the forums! Reading becomes addictive at MOS!
Hi everyone, joining from western mass. I am starting at 6.5 nbpel & 5 eg looking to get to the 8x6 and who knows maybe more. I will be starting a routine thread and posting weekly. My plan is to do phase one and also incorporate the sg and Bathmate slowly into it. Looking forward to taking this journey and growing with you guys, enjoy your weekend.
Gday Chaps,
Been lurking and reading for a while...suffered from information overload at first but now all the info is finally starting to sink in!

Hoping I will receive my Bathmate Tomorrow so I will be starting my routine this week.:)

Thanks for a great forum.

Umass_Hangar;486640 said:
Hi everyone, joining from western mass. I am starting at 6.5 nbpel & 5 eg looking to get to the 8x6 and who knows maybe more. I will be starting a routine thread and posting weekly. My plan is to do phase one and also incorporate the sg and Bathmate slowly into it. Looking forward to taking this journey and growing with you guys, enjoy your weekend.

Umass, huh? We are neighbors:) I live in Northampton and my family is in Amherst. It feels good to have a home boy on the forums! WELCOME!
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