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MikeShlort;482228 said:
6 inches starting girth is very good. You should focus primarily on length, and do girth exercises only the complement your length exercises

what simple exercises can I do for lenght. my goal is 7 inches. I don't want to be too long.
- 6 inches of Girth (Base EG or MSEG) is really good, and yep beyond average. Some will stop at this size, or will only try to go 6,5" max
- 6 inches of Length is beyond avg too, but if it's BPenis EnlargementL, you may want to aim for 7 or 8"

Most Guys and Girls will find that 8x6 is an impressing "perfect" dick. 7x6 or 7x6,5 is already more than enough to show a good "package" I think.
Hardcore Penis Enlargement guys will want the 9x7 (BPenis EnlargementL, BEG) Massive dong, which might scare some girls, and be problematic for oral sex (deep throats)
Sema;482249 said:
what simple exercises can I do for lenght. my goal is 7 inches. I don't want to be too long.

Start using the Newbie Routine found in the same forum. The stretching portion you could use alone if you do not desire girth.
Captain.Thick;482268 said:
- 6 inches of Girth (Base EG or MSEG) is really good, and yep beyond average. Some will stop at this size, or will only try to go 6,5" max
- 6 inches of Length is beyond avg too, but if it's BPenis EnlargementL, you may want to aim for 7 or 8"

Most Guys and Girls will find that 8x6 is an impressing "perfect" dick. 7x6 or 7x6,5 is already more than enough to show a good "package" I think.
Hardcore Penis Enlargement guys will want the 9x7 (BPenis EnlargementL, BEG) Massive dong, which might scare some girls, and be problematic for oral sex (deep throats)

I wish I could help you with length, so far I've only had success with girth. I think the key to length is just keeping at it daily.
I'm going to try hanging in the next couple months. I think that may be they key. I want at least 1.5 inches length gain. My penis looks stupid/useless being so short and fat after a pump.
Maybe buy an extender. I have one, I find it helps with flaccid size and is great to put on after a length workout. Also makes penis longer for the Bathmate (pump) workout.
Sema;482558 said:
is 6x6 still a good size? From what I have read from the newbie routine threads. it takes 2 months for there to be any increase in lenght.

Just be patient. It could take years. Your girth is a good size. I suggest fucking women in the meantime while Penis Enlargementing. That way, once you have a huge penis, you'll be good with it.
I'm gunner , i'm 21 i really want to monsterize my thing without using pills whatsoever lol
MikeShlort;482582 said:
Just be patient. It could take years. Your girth is a good size. I suggest fucking women in the meantime while Penis Enlargementing. That way, once you have a huge penis, you'll be good with it.

Take years to get to 8 inches in length I meant
Sema;482558 said:
is 6x6 still a good size? From what I have read from the newbie routine threads. it takes 2 months for there to be any increase in lenght.

It is about an inch thicker than average and a half inch longer. To get to 8" it could take some time. I put on 2" of length in six months so it is possible.

I'm a complete newb to this. Have read very briefly about the Bathmate and the extender. Was looking to get the Bathmate but as a newb I dont wanna just buy the first thing I see without researching it first.
In the meantime, could someone tell me what a good routine for both length and girth would be which doesnt require hours of work.
Dont mind putting in the work- but wanna build up to that level otherwise I'd get disinterested early on.
The extender seems to expensive to buy straight off the bat..any great routines?
Muchi;483607 said:

I'm a complete newb to this. Have read very briefly about the Bathmate and the extender. Was looking to get the Bathmate but as a newb I dont wanna just buy the first thing I see without researching it first.
In the meantime, could someone tell me what a good routine for both length and girth would be which doesnt require hours of work.
Dont mind putting in the work- but wanna build up to that level otherwise I'd get disinterested early on.
The extender seems to expensive to buy straight off the bat..any great routines?

Here are two threads that focus on the Bathmate and the SizeGenetics, it gives routines and you can view many users experiences. In addition, the Bathmate and SizeGenetcis forums have stickies that give even more advice, reviews and user experiences.

Total SizeGenetics - Bathmate Workout (maximizing gains and using equipment wisely)
Bathmate and Newbies

The place to start with manual work would be the DLD Newbie Routine, this will teach you the basics and the fastest way to make gains. Good luck and please let us know if you need any help.
Helo all senior forumers. I love this forum and tonnes of imformation inside. Td DLD forthe hardwork to share the precious info to everyone
trainbc;483972 said:
Helo all senior forumers. I love this forum and tonnes of imformation inside. Td DLD forthe hardwork to share the precious info to everyone

Welcome! Thanks for becoming an active member, I wish you the best during your Penis Enlargement journey!
Hey everyone! I'm not exactly a newbie, I used Penis Enlargement for around 9 months and saw some good gains. After a bit of a break I've lost progress. So i'm looking to get back into it with new techniques, and make some progress! Look forward to contributing.
Hello all, Im new to this forum but already have experience of 4 months of Penis Enlargement now (Started in February). I have been lucky and made total gains of 0.25" length and 0.71" girth. My goal in to own a 9x6 dick by the end of this year, but my main focus is girth. I hope to learn alot from this place so as to reach my goals faster. To check my starting size refer to my signature. Greets from South Africa
TheGr8Leviathan;484641 said:
Hello all, Im new to this forum but already have experience of 4 months of Penis Enlargement now (Started in February). I have been lucky and made total gains of 0.25" length and 0.71" girth. My goal in to own a 9x6 dick by the end of this year, but my main focus is girth. I hope to learn alot from this place so as to reach my goals faster. To check my starting size refer to my signature. Greets from South Africa

Welcome to MOS and congratulations on the gains so far! You must be very happy and amazed that Penis Enlargement really works. Thanks for posting and letting us know, it really helps to inspire the members and see that Penis Enlargement is possible! I hope you make your goal this year.
Penis Enlargement has meant alot to me, it's helped me overcome problems and restored confidence. Unfortunately since i've slacked off, i've lost alot of this progress.
The main reason I started Penis Enlargement was because I suffer from premature ejaculation. While I did get to a good point with this, i've slacked off again and it's starting to become a problem. So this will be one of my goals to overcome, along with size. I also have a bit of curvature, which I noticed has curved slightly more since I stopped jelqing around 6-7 months ago. And finally i've lost my gains.. I guess I got lazy when I started dating, but I want to hit it strong again. I was much larger when I did my last measurement, so that will motivate me to stay committed. Lastly, it's really nice to be part of an active forum!

So time to cut my losses.. Here are my starting measurements:

FG: 4 FL: 4.5
EG: 5
BPenis EnlargementL: 6.2

Currently i'm jelqing, squeezing and hanging. If anyone can reccomend some good length exercises, i'd appreciate it! Thanks guys!
banana_piranha;484808 said:
Penis Enlargement has meant alot to me, it's helped me overcome problems and restored confidence. Unfortunately since i've slacked off, i've lost alot of this progress.
The main reason I started Penis Enlargement was because I suffer from premature ejaculation. While I did get to a good point with this, i've slacked off again and it's starting to become a problem. So this will be one of my goals to overcome, along with size. I also have a bit of curvature, which I noticed has curved slightly more since I stopped jelqing around 6-7 months ago. And finally i've lost my gains.. I guess I got lazy when I started dating, but I want to hit it strong again. I was much larger when I did my last measurement, so that will motivate me to stay committed. Lastly, it's really nice to be part of an active forum!

So time to cut my losses.. Here are my starting measurements:

FG: 4 FL: 4.5
EG: 5
BPenis EnlargementL: 6.2

Currently i'm jelqing, squeezing and hanging. If anyone can reccomend some good length exercises, i'd appreciate it! Thanks guys!

Hi mate,
Glad you decided to follow my link! You will enjoy your stay over at MOS!
Good luck on your journey :)
Hey just joined. I have read the odd forum discussion prior to joining the site ninthought it was great that there was a community of like minded blokes working hrough Penis Enlargement. At present when fully aroused I am 7x 5.25. I recently got the size genetics extender but haven't had much of a chance to organize myself at this stage for correct use time. I hope to reach 8x6. I have also recently volunteered- jokingly as a stripper for a friend of a friends birthday and so I have 4 months to really make some gains. Better hurry.
Thanks for the welcome !!
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