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huge-girth;n1814915 said:
If I understand you correctly, you said you do get erection whenever you want to do length exercise. If that is the case, I will say it is happening because you are still new in PE or your mind is also wondering about sex while you are about doing length exercise. You can masturbate right before your length session.

huge-girth;n1084929 said:
Re: New to MOS? Introduce yourself here!
For you to make gains in PE, you have to do the exercises at least 5 times a week and you need to be consistent and stay committed. PE works 100%. I replied to your question in another thread.

Thanks for the reply, Huge! I'll check out the other thread. :)

The path to greatness is a journey of self-sacrifice. The hours of devotion put into developing thy resolve will shake the very pillars of willpower. In short, that's how I've felt about penis enlargement. The sheer strength it actually requires is, to a person who has never really stuck to any healthy habits, unfathomable. I tried going to the gym last month. I'd even created a perfect dieting program for myself and contacted a friend of mine, who has been ripped all is life, to join me and guide me throughout the routine. In truth, I dropped the idea after the initial motivational wave had subsided. Though, I still keep to the diet since it's surprisingly well organized and makes it easy to plan the whole week/month ahead. I guess I've created a bit of an oxymoron saying I never keep healthy habits.

I first discovered penis enlargement years ago when I was just finishing school. Being somewhat gullible, I rushed to practice my first stretching and jelqing routine and somehow did everything wrong. My grip was bad and I caused an injury to the underside of my glans. For some reason, the experience did not falter my moving forward and I decided to let my penis rest for a week, applying hot compress every evening to quicken the healing. The occurrence gave me the knowledge to better my next round. I found the OK grip while jelqing did not serve its purpose 'cause it injured my penis. The grip subjected great pressure on the underside of my glans and I presume something ruptured. Not the most welcoming encounter. I adjusted the grip to a triangle shape which allowed blood flow in the area that got damaged last time. It worked wonders and kept at it for two-three weeks. That's when I noticed a change in my penis. I had formed two thick veins on both sides of the shaft at the base. Being exhilarated would be an understatement. Shortly after I had to quit because of various social reasons. Of course, my grand adventure had just begun.

I still kept my eye on different forums and I chose to try again nearly 8 months after. Again, went at it for two-three weeks and noticed another change! Now, the two veins at the base were even bigger and had expanded via two veins running along the shaft up to the head conjoined via two smaller vessels that had wrapped themselves over my penis horizontally. It was like I had a train track on my penis. This was also the time I marked a difference in my erection quality. My erections were decent before I started but after a few weeks, my erections were horrible. That could have been the catalyst why I quit yet again.

At that point, I began to question why I was working toward a greater penis. Was it because I was below my expectations? Was it because I wanted to be the biggest in the locker room just to feed my lacking ego? Or perhaps I wished to be the best I could for a girl I fancied. The emotional stress that came with hitting a small obstacle began to eat at the perseverance that kept me coming back to penis enlargement. Did I really need to go through all this trouble just to obtain a bigger appendage? Yes, yes I did. Yes, I wanted to be bigger because I was feeling lesser. Yes, I wanted to be the guy with the biggest cock in the locker room. Yes, I wanted to impress the girl I liked. I realised penis enlargement was about really narcissistic objectives. I envisioned myself from another person's perspective and I wasn't given a strong reflection of power or confidence. Sure, I'm a decent enough guy but something was missing. The thirst for a bigger penis grew in me. It sounded better in my head =) but I'm going to leave it as is.

Now that I've rediscovered penis enlargement I'm more motivated to stick to it than ever before. I'm seeing someone new, gained hordes of friends and moved to a new flat. A fresh new start. Even though I've been lurking around in many forums and sites and amassed knowledge far beyond what I actually need to know I still consider myself a novice. I understand now that my lacking erection quality might have been my penis not being accustomed to the rough handling. I just need to withstand the phase and reap the benefits later. I've purchased a Bathmate which I find absolutely fun, a bunch of ACE bands that I cut into smaller pieces 'cause I don't really need to wrap my whole body with it.

If you're wondering what my initial measurements are, it's about 6.1x4.7 inches which aren't even that bad. I would like to gain 1in in length and girth likewise and that's a possible feat if I just follow the routine every single day. The only real issue I have with my penis is that it hangs at a really awkward angle at all times. It's as if I have a constant chubby. Not really fond of that. I guess my suspensory ligament is so damn tight it basically holds my penis upward. I hope manual stretching will fix this little concern of mine before I aquire the help of more mechanical devices. I'm currently following a very basic routine of four-point stretching and jelqing. I'll move to Bathmate after a few months just to keep it diverse.

Not really an introduction but this is how I got here. There are many hilarious occurrences that have happened over the years concerning penis enlargement but I need to keep an ace up my sleeve when comic relief is in demand =)

Gallows;n1816349 said:

The path to greatness is a journey of self-sacrifice. The hours of devotion put into developing thy resolve will shake the very pillars of willpower. In short, that's how I've felt about penis enlargement. The sheer strength it actually requires is, to a person who has never really stuck to any healthy habits, unfathomable. I tried going to the gym last month. I'd even created a perfect dieting program for myself and contacted a friend of mine, who has been ripped all is life, to join me and guide me throughout the routine. In truth, I dropped the idea after the initial motivational wave had subsided. Though, I still keep to the diet since it's surprisingly well organized and makes it easy to plan the whole week/month ahead. I guess I've created a bit of an oxymoron saying I never keep healthy habits.

I first discovered penis enlargement years ago when I was just finishing school. Being somewhat gullible, I rushed to practice my first stretching and jelqing routine and somehow did everything wrong. My grip was bad and I caused an injury to the underside of my glans. For some reason, the experience did not falter my moving forward and I decided to let my penis rest for a week, applying hot compress every evening to quicken the healing. The occurrence gave me the knowledge to better my next round. I found the OK grip while jelqing did not serve its purpose 'cause it injured my penis. The grip subjected great pressure on the underside of my glans and I presume something ruptured. Not the most welcoming encounter. I adjusted the grip to a triangle shape which allowed blood flow in the area that got damaged last time. It worked wonders and kept at it for two-three weeks. That's when I noticed a change in my penis. I had formed two thick veins on both sides of the shaft at the base. Being exhilarated would be an understatement. Shortly after I had to quit because of various social reasons. Of course, my grand adventure had just begun.

I still kept my eye on different forums and I chose to try again nearly 8 months after. Again, went at it for two-three weeks and noticed another change! Now, the two veins at the base were even bigger and had expanded via two veins running along the shaft up to the head conjoined via two smaller vessels that had wrapped themselves over my penis horizontally. It was like I had a train track on my penis. This was also the time I marked a difference in my erection quality. My erections were decent before I started but after a few weeks, my erections were horrible. That could have been the catalyst why I quit yet again.

At that point, I began to question why I was working toward a greater penis. Was it because I was below my expectations? Was it because I wanted to be the biggest in the locker room just to feed my lacking ego? Or perhaps I wished to be the best I could for a girl I fancied. The emotional stress that came with hitting a small obstacle began to eat at the perseverance that kept me coming back to penis enlargement. Did I really need to go through all this trouble just to obtain a bigger appendage? Yes, yes I did. Yes, I wanted to be bigger because I was feeling lesser. Yes, I wanted to be the guy with the biggest cock in the locker room. Yes, I wanted to impress the girl I liked. I realised penis enlargement was about really narcissistic objectives. I envisioned myself from another person's perspective and I wasn't given a strong reflection of power or confidence. Sure, I'm a decent enough guy but something was missing. The thirst for a bigger penis grew in me. It sounded better in my head =) but I'm going to leave it as is.

Now that I've rediscovered penis enlargement I'm more motivated to stick to it than ever before. I'm seeing someone new, gained hordes of friends and moved to a new flat. A fresh new start. Even though I've been lurking around in many forums and sites and amassed knowledge far beyond what I actually need to know I still consider myself a novice. I understand now that my lacking erection quality might have been my penis not being accustomed to the rough handling. I just need to withstand the phase and reap the benefits later. I've purchased a Bathmate which I find absolutely fun, a bunch of ACE bands that I cut into smaller pieces 'cause I don't really need to wrap my whole body with it.

If you're wondering what my initial measurements are, it's about 6.1x4.7 inches which aren't even that bad. I would like to gain 1in in length and girth likewise and that's a possible feat if I just follow the routine every single day. The only real issue I have with my penis is that it hangs at a really awkward angle at all times. It's as if I have a constant chubby. Not really fond of that. I guess my suspensory ligament is so damn tight it basically holds my penis upward. I hope manual stretching will fix this little concern of mine before I aquire the help of more mechanical devices. I'm currently following a very basic routine of four-point stretching and jelqing. I'll move to Bathmate after a few months just to keep it diverse.

Not really an introduction but this is how I got here. There are many hilarious occurrences that have happened over the years concerning penis enlargement but I need to keep an ace up my sleeve when comic relief is in demand =)


Jelqing has always been productive. I just fear the injuries that comes with it.
Incredible write up! So good to hear you past experience and where you want to go. The absolute fastest gaining routine is SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory. SRT uses very smart methods to gaining and healing. The LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging is a huge help in length work as is the Phallosan. Check out SRT and let me know what you think. I can help you customize your routine.
So I'm new to this forum but not PE, I've dabbled in the past with a tension type setup with a strap to the leg, never really saw much results so I stopped now I'm back at with a vengeance, the thing is is that I'm cut and I want to restore skin as well so I'm doing a two fold stretch, old plastic water bottle cap on the head wrapped around with surgical tape and pulled to the leg, I've also done jelquing in the past and have resumed that as well. So here's a little background on me I'm 53, in relatively good shape I workout everyday, measure flacid about 5 erect about 6.5 or so, girth around 4 flacid, 5 erect I'm more of a grower not a show er, my goal is to gain at least an inch in length and girth, I'm a father late in life with a special needs son and stress to say the least is a big problem, so is budget so I work with what I can afford. I'm considering an entry level battery operated air pump for around 20 buck or so, but I'm not sure, I keep reading lately there is no measurable lasting gains with pumping somehow when it comes to PE I don't think that's true. I'm also considering a cheapy extender I saw on ebay but again not really sure if it's worth it, any feedback would be greatly appreciated, thanks
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So I'm new to this forum but not PE, I've dabbled in the past with a tension type setup with a strap to the leg, never really saw much results so I stopped now I'm back at with a vengeance, the thing is is that I'm cut and I want to restore skin as well so I'm doing a two fold stretch, old plastic water bottle cap on the head wrapped around with surgical tape and pulled to the leg, I've also done jelquing in the past and have resumed that as well. So here's a little background on me I'm 53, in relatively good shape I workout everyday, measure flacid about 5 erect about 6.5 or so, girth around 4 flacid, 5 erect I'm more of a grower not a show er, my goal is to gain at least an inch in length and girth, I'm a father late in life with a special needs son and stress to say the least is a big problem, so is budget so I work with what I can afford. I'm considering an entry level battery operated air pump for around 20 buck or so, but I'm not sure, I keep reading lately there is no measurable lasting gains with pumping somehow when it comes to PE I don't think that's true. I'm also considering a cheapy extender I saw on ebay but again not really sure if it's worth it, any feedback would be greatly appreciated, thanks

Welcome to the Brotherhood cyber!

If budget is an issue what I suggest is to start with a Newbie Routine. Is very thorough work out and will bring gains rather quickly for most newbies. As far as equipment goes don’t bother buying cheap pumps are cheap extenders they’re not worth the money at all. You can win tools here as we run a monthly contest and whoever posts the most for that month gets their choice of any tools we carry.
Welcome to the Brotherhood cyber!

If budget is an issue what I suggest is to start with a Newbie Routine. Is very thorough work out and will bring gains rather quickly for most newbies. As far as equipment goes don’t bother buying cheap pumps are cheap extenders they’re not worth the money at all. You can win tools here as we run a monthly contest and whoever posts the most for that month gets their choice of any tools we carry.
Thanks for the welcome brother, I get what your saying about cheap, pretty much you get what you pay for. I'm going to start doing warm ups as I have skipped that part and I realize that's never good for any body part. I just finished doing a set of Jelqs with coconut oil and I'm going to try to keep consistent with that. I took a peek at the Newbie section, I got a little confused with the terms and what not I'm gonna have to spend a little more time on it, nice to know about the contests, I'll have to try to keep up my posts. Thanks for the tips.
Just let me know what problems you’re having with the routine what terms you’re not understanding or any questions you might have, just ask me because I want to make sure you’re doing the right thing to gain as quickly as possible.
Just let me know what problems you’re having with the routine what terms you’re not understanding or any questions you might have, just ask me because I want to make sure you’re doing the right thing to gain as quickly as possible.
Ok will do, thanks.
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Ok will do, thanks.

I posted in your other thread with some advice.
I posted in your other thread with some advice.
Ok thanks
Introducing myself :eek:

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Introducing myself :eek:

You’ve already been introduced! Stop trying to get the extras?
Whats wrong with that emoticon is from 20's
Whats wrong with that emoticon is from 20's
Nothing ?

are u gyphy dependant ?
Introducing myself :eek:

Always thought she was a dog
Anyone out there on the sidelines that have joined please let yourself be known and introduce yourself in this thread! Getting to know us will help you gain so much faster
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