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hrouge;735122 said:
Ok cool. Thank man! I'll look into that.

Do it! There is no better modification! The vacuum is increased by a great degree! It is an easy $10 job and the BathMate becomes XTREME!
So hey guys

Im so brand new to PE that i only found this site today. Im very interested in getting my Penis to 20cm in erect length. At the moment its at a horrific 15cm in erect length.

Im going to start on the JP90 routine.

If you're inteinterested in my progress let me know.
Flop2hard;735339 said:
So hey guys

Im so brand new to PE that i only found this site today. Im very interested in getting my Penis to 20cm in erect length. At the moment its at a horrific 15cm in erect length.

Im going to start on the JP90 routine.

If you're inteinterested in my progress let me know.

Welcome to the Brotherhood Flop! JP90 is a good routine and I think you will do well. I recommend that you start a progress thread where you can list all of the important information for this journey. Things like starting size, goals, exercises used, daily updates, gains, questions, exposure, etc. This is the best way for us to watch you and help you.
Hi! Im T.J. I have been doing P.E. for almost a year. Im 5 inches and have tried everything! ive been on the penis professor and got 3 refunds because I havent seen any gains and been on dream penis guide once. I ddont know what im doing wrong! I feel like Im never going to gain anything. Any suggestions on what day's I should workout or any suggestions about the intensity or the workouts I should be using? Sorry for my bad typing I'm mentally disabled and not computer savvy. Anyway I hope you guys can help me out with my gains!
T.J.Puckett;735412 said:
Hi! Im T.J. I have been doing P.E. for almost a year. Im 5 inches and have tried everything! ive been on the penis professor and got 3 refunds because I havent seen any gains and been on dream penis guide once. I ddont know what im doing wrong! I feel like Im never going to gain anything. Any suggestions on what day's I should workout or any suggestions about the intensity or the workouts I should be using? Sorry for my bad typing I'm mentally disabled and not computer savvy. Anyway I hope you guys can help me out with my gains!

TJ, welcome to the Brotherhood. The only thing you did wrong is go everywhere but here! The Brotherhood is a Family of Men who live in the modern world of PE. We are far more advanced than any other site, forum or system. If you just look at SRT and the work put into that routine alone you will see why we are the premier men's sexual health site. If you follow SRT you will gain, period. Many sites and companies are out for your money, they know that if it does not work most will never send it back and when they do they make it a nightmare to do it! It is wrong and gives the impression that all PE is in this realm. We are not. We could give 2-craps about money and the only goals we have are to help one another. I hope you dig in and start gaining, you have thousands of Brothers behind you.
hi. im new here. i only recently stared pumping. i slightly injured the tip of my dick a while back and developed a bit of peyronies. hoping to straighten out the slight tilted of the glans and gain a little length.
Excited to start my journey. Just over a week in, started at FL 4.5 and FG 4.5" plus BPEL 6" and EG 5". Doing the newbie routine with __________ stretches and this week added a Bathmate x30. I have a LengthMaster on the way, feel I'm not getting enough intensity with my hands doing the stretches. Also got wraps on the way. Just contemplating adding with an extender or fallopian but unsure what could be more successful.

Already my flaccid feels so much better and 'heavier', and my erections feel stronger. Definitely feel progress already this early on, looking forward to the size change!
CKMod;735733 said:
Excited to start my journey. Just over a week in, started at FL 4.5 and FG 4.5" plus BPEL 6" and EG 5". Doing the newbie routine with __________ stretches and this week added a Bathmate x30. I have a LengthMaster on the way, feel I'm not getting enough intensity with my hands doing the stretches. Also got wraps on the way. Just contemplating adding with an extender or fallopian but unsure what could be more successful.

Already my flaccid feels so much better and 'heavier', and my erections feel stronger. Definitely feel progress already this early on, looking forward to the size change!

welcome CK! I love the enthusiasm! It is a great way to start and you also have some great equipment. I would spend a minimal time in the Newbie Routine and jump into the SRT Routine. Use the Newbie Routine until gains slow, or if the Newbie routine is not powerful enough for you SRT will be the voice to go with. So glad to hear you are seeing changes already. You are going to really dig the LengthMaster, when the hands just can't do it the LM kicks ass!
Hi all,
How does one know if they need this site or not? There are so many confusing details out there that it's baffling.
I don't know how I compare, since surveys don't tell you how they measured!
I've measured repeatedly hard and bonepressed I'm a millimeter under 7 inches. I think width was 5.7 but I forget. I also forget what is acceptable widthwise anyway.
If surveys don't use bonepressed for hard then I'm screwed. If they do, I think I'm okay.
A big problem is flaccid. I read the average is 3.5... please tell me that's bonepressed. I also don't know if surveys use stretched for flaccid, in which case I need to remeasure if they do.
I'm a fat dude so that fat pad doesn't help.
So, are erect surveys bonepressed?
Are soft surveys bonepressed, stretched, both, neither, etc...
Aaarrg! Lol
first-off, welcome! The accepted measuring protocol is always 'bone pressed' in order to eliminate the BMI variables...where we run into trouble is that the available data is rather limited and several of the studies were of the 'self measuring' variety. The only way to answer your initial question is with another question: are you dissatisfied in any way about your size? If so, then there's a wealth of info and support here to accommodate your goals. Who knows, maybe once you begin you may find you have a real appetite for PE, (I know I did/do) and could stick-around for a while :)
Whether I'm dissatisfied depends on how I compare to surveys. Let's say the average flaccid is 3.5. Is that pressed, stretched and parallel to the floor? If I don't press or stretch, for example, I'm ashamed. I hope the proper way is the former and my issue is being fat unpressed.
Is the survey data for erect pressed and parallel or not? Even how it looks isn't a concern, so long as I know these things.
hollersisnoone;735987 said:
Whether I'm dissatisfied depends on how I compare to surveys. Let's say the average flaccid is 3.5. Is that pressed, stretched and parallel to the floor? If I don't press or stretch, for example, I'm ashamed. I hope the proper way is the former and my issue is being fat unpressed.
Is the survey data for erect pressed and parallel or not? Even how it looks isn't a concern, so long as I know these things.

My flaccid size can get 3.5" at times and others 8", it depends on so many variables that flaccid length and girth measuring is a waste of time. Gains should be measured with certainty not variables. A bone-pressed measurement will always give an accurate measurement in length as body fat and water retention can vary from day to day. The most important measurements are:

Bone Pressed Flaccid Stretches Length
Bone Pressed Erect Length
Erect Girth Measurement

Every other measurement will vary.

Keep in mind that the flaccid size will grow in relation to the erect but there will be good hang days and poor ones.
Then what I'll do, being a 5-7, 205 pound guy with a fat pad, is measure flaccid length, pressed and stretched parallel. Then erect pressed, parallel. I'll report back and you can tell me if it's what surveys mean or not, good, bad, mediocre, etc.
The girth might have to wait, as I'm never alone long enough for that pain of a hassle, lol
Flaccid, pressed, nonstretched, just under 4.
Flaccid, pressed, stretched, just under 6. Is this good, bad or so-so?
Erect, nonpressed, I don't remember. Erect, pressed, just under 7.
See, my insecurity isn't about the hard, it's about the soft, lol
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Get a Bathmate X40, use it until you're comfortable with the amount of pressure it provides out of the box, then mod it with The VacuVin! Insecurity demolished...thank me in about 6 months
Big Schwanz Acht;736046 said:
Get a Bathmate X40, use it until you're comfortable with the amount of pressure it provides out of the box, then mod it with The VacuVin! Insecurity demolished...thank me in about 6 months

hollersisnoone;736042 said:
Flaccid, pressed, nonstretched, just under 4.
Flaccid, pressed, stretched, just under 6. Is this good, bad or so-so?
Erect, nonpressed, I don't remember. Erect, pressed, just under 7.
See, my insecurity isn't about the hard, it's about the soft, lol

Those are great starting measurements, way above average. Get yourself into SRT and make that monster massive!
I'm not in a place to hide a device but soon, lol
So, I've never been around other dudes to compare nor want to but those are Truly good measurements? Why does it look like a nub then? The fat pad?
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