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TripleBarrel;734228 said:
I posted a couple days ago earlier in the thread wanting to know if it's possible to privately consult about possible PE.

Since no one answered, I will take the hard step of sharing a bit more publicly.

I am only 6-1/4" long with average EQ, but my girth is already crazy. I've checked it over and over and over again just to be sure: 6.8" below glans, 7.0" midshaft, and 7.2" at base. Measurements taken with a snug zip tie cut at exactly 7".

I fully understand people will have trouble believing me, but I can't come close to getting my hand around it.

Yes, the orgasms are gloriously meditative and breathtakingly magnificent adventures and I will always be grateful for that.

I just don't know whether to seek more length or not beyond 6.25". I would have to do strictly tunica work if I decided to go ahead with it, because the lower spongy chamber below my scrotum is overly huge and it would be too much of a taper if I did ligament hanging.

I'm very happy with how it looks overall; it's just that it's a "stubby" appearance because of the crazy girth and wondered if I should bother going for more proportional look. I sense it would take an awful lot of hard work on the tunica (with its own risks) over a long period to do something like that.

I never used penis pumps and I had no set girth routine (as hard as that may be to believe), just played around with it a lot over the years.

I agree with Big Schwanz Acht, His advice is solid.

I also want to say I am glad you came out instead of looking for private consultation. It benefits you and the Brotherhood to have your questioned answered in public. You will gain much more advice from many different Brothers and as you learn and gain you will be inspiring others. I have done private consults but only if it is a very extreme case that would put a user a risk to speak on. Other than that, trust your Brothers here, they want you to succeed.

Best places to start your mission:

Newbie Routine
SRT Routine
Big Schwanz Acht;734239 said:
My suggestion would be to start your personal thread identifying (specifically) what you'd like to achieve. Knowing your base-line numbers is the best 1st step and it sounds like you have a pretty good handle on how your body reacts to all the various PE forces. I'd look into all the stretching exercises and perhaps get The LengthMaster to aid in those stretches.

For some reason girth was easier for me than length and I'm struggling trying to find that perfect symmetry as well. It just takes hard work and dedication (along with a solid program).

Best of luck

doublelongdaddy;734255 said:
I agree with Big Schwanz Acht, His advice is solid.

I also want to say I am glad you came out instead of looking for private consultation. It benefits you and the Brotherhood to have your questioned answered in public. You will gain much more advice from many different Brothers and as you learn and gain you will be inspiring others. I have done private consults but only if it is a very extreme case that would put a user a risk to speak on. Other than that, trust your Brothers here, they want you to succeed.

Best places to start your mission:

Newbie Routine
SRT Routine

Doublelongdaddy & Big Schwanz Acht: Thank you both for your well-meaning starter advice. I have no doubts at all that you want the rest of us to succeed in any PE program. I am not worried about that at all.

My biggest worry is preserving anonymity. Internet security is always a severe issue and a malicious hacker could potentially break into the MoS forum and extract a database of personal info along with a bounty of the deepest carnal desires of a large group of men here. Remember the Ashley Madison hack and the massive fallout from that? We all saw what the Russians did with the US election last year, etc. Those are the things I worry about before I begin to consider becoming more public with such sensitive sexual matters.

With such deeply personal information being held by MoS, it would be of paramount importance to keep it under the tightest lock and key possible (much more so than forums/websites with less prurient "G" and "PG" rated material).

I would simply like to be more public under my own terms rather than some malicious asshole hacker forcing the issue. How can we be assured this site is locked down tighter than Fort Knox to preserve anonymity?

I hope you find this topic worthwhile to think about as I do, for these sorts of possibilities scare the crap out of me.
TripleBarrel;734289 said:
Doublelongdaddy & Big Schwanz Acht: Thank you both for your well-meaning starter advice. I have no doubts at all that you want the rest of us to succeed in any PE program. I am not worried about that at all.

My biggest worry is preserving anonymity. Internet security is always a severe issue and a malicious hacker could potentially break into the MoS forum and extract a database of personal info along with a bounty of the deepest carnal desires of a large group of men here. Remember the Ashley Madison hack and the massive fallout from that? We all saw what the Russians did with the US election last year, etc. Those are the things I worry about before I begin to consider becoming more public with such sensitive sexual matters.

With such deeply personal information being held by MoS, it would be of paramount importance to keep it under the tightest lock and key possible (much more so than forums/websites with less prurient "G" and "PG" rated material).

I would simply like to be more public under my own terms rather than some malicious asshole hacker forcing the issue. How can we be assured this site is locked down tighter than Fort Knox to preserve anonymity?

I hope you find this topic worthwhile to think about as I do, for these sorts of possibilities scare the crap out of me.

Have no fears my Brother, we have security tighter here than the DNC computers! :) We have a great tech team that watch 24/7. We run off of 3 servers that are our own dedicated servers. If anyone breached this, the site would be pulled down, bounced to another server to protect all accounts.
what are they going to see here anyway lots of stories, exercises,PE routines,sex stories,penises
LONGERDICK7+;734471 said:
what are they going to see here anyway lots of stories, exercises,PE routines,sex stories,penises

Exactly, nothing to see, move on!
Hello everyone! I am not exactly newbie but I am returnee. I haven't even sign in since 2013 according to my last message in my subscription via profile heh
DarkDream;734586 said:
Hello everyone! I am not exactly newbie but I am returnee. I haven't even sign in since 2013 according to my last message in my subscription via profile heh

Welcome back to the Brotherhood! Much time has passed but Brothers remain Brothers!
Hi all,

I've been looking at MoS for some months and have decided to join up and introduce myself.

My reasons for being here may be slightly different than most, although ultimately I want the same thing.
You see, last year I was diagnosed with bladder cancer and after an intensive and unpleasant course of chemotherapy, my bladder was removed and I spent some time in hospital recovering. Erections were definitely out of the question at that point but eventually the sensations returned, just not as strong as before.
8 months on, that is still the case. My erections are not as firm and I can no longer ejaculate. Most likely nerve damage from the operation but the sense of loss I feel is quite profound, let me tell you.
And this is how I have come to be here. I have read that PE can result in harder erections, as well as increases in length and girth. All would be a big plus at this point and I am well motivated to commit to the process.
Therefore, I have purchased a lengthmaster (yet to be delivered), a bathmate, a sizegenetics extender and I have 3 months supply of Vigrx. Following the newbie stretches and regularly using BM and SG, I've already noticed an improvement in all
So, to everyone who contributes on here, keep it up.
Pun intended. :)
And to DLD, much respect for trailblazing and then spreading the word so that others can overcome their physical limitations and be the man they want to be. That can not have been an easy journey.
Good Morning Yall!

I decided to join the journey :) having recently ordered SG and the instructional DVD not working, i am trying to figure all this out.

Glad there's a place like this to be able to learn.
Poseidon67;734686 said:
Hi all,

I've been looking at MoS for some months and have decided to join up and introduce myself.

My reasons for being here may be slightly different than most, although ultimately I want the same thing.
You see, last year I was diagnosed with bladder cancer and after an intensive and unpleasant course of chemotherapy, my bladder was removed and I spent some time in hospital recovering. Erections were definitely out of the question at that point but eventually the sensations returned, just not as strong as before.
8 months on, that is still the case. My erections are not as firm and I can no longer ejaculate. Most likely nerve damage from the operation but the sense of loss I feel is quite profound, let me tell you.
And this is how I have come to be here. I have read that PE can result in harder erections, as well as increases in length and girth. All would be a big plus at this point and I am well motivated to commit to the process.
Therefore, I have purchased a lengthmaster (yet to be delivered), a bathmate, a sizegenetics extender and I have 3 months supply of Vigrx. Following the newbie stretches and regularly using BM and SG, I've already noticed an improvement in all
So, to everyone who contributes on here, keep it up.
Pun intended. :)
And to DLD, much respect for trailblazing and then spreading the word so that others can overcome their physical limitations and be the man they want to be. That can not have been an easy journey.

Wow, what a trial and you suffered like a champ! When we can accept things that come our way that seem negative and make them positive it changes everything. Having your bladder removed, chemo, loss of eq, loss of ejaculate, God bless you for you unbelievable acceptance. Also, you have gained my respect in coming out and letting us know what is wrong and I pray, with all my heart, that you will gain that which you desire. Your starting plan sounds great and once you make a Routine/Progress tread I will subscribe and help wherever I can. Welcome to the Brotherhood, you are already a shining example.
Stoutheart;734708 said:
I am shorty and wanting to be longdaddy.

You are in the right place as your Daddy is long :) Double Long! :) JK

Welcome to the Brotherhood, I hope we can make all your dreams come true!
bty84;734769 said:
Good Morning Yall!

I decided to join the journey :) having recently ordered SG and the instructional DVD not working, i am trying to figure all this out.

Glad there's a place like this to be able to learn.

welcome to the Brotherhood bty84! I am sorry to hear about the DVD, what seems t be the issue? In the meantime, since you ordered the SizeGenetics, I will send you your free membership so you do not have to wait for the DVD to come in. Check you PM's.
Started PE about 8 months ago and have been half-assing it since. Now I'm looking to get serious and am looking for advice on programs and wonder if I should I just start with the paid program, the 5 phase one. Happy for any input you have.

I'm in my 40's and have worried about penis size forever.

Starting size: NBPEL: 5.5" and EG 4.5"

Apart from one woman saying, "Oh least you have nice teeth." I've never had anyone say it was an issue, but I knew I wasn't happy with it.

Started using Bathmate and Phallosan about 8 months back and within 6 months I got to: NBPEL 6.5" and 5.5" EG. Girlfriend didn't say anything, but did start having cervical and squirting orgasms, which I attribute to that. Pretty cool.

Next girlfriend said "Holy shit you're big" and was constantly referring to my cock as big. She'd slept with 12 guys and said I was the biggest by far. Definite ego booster!

Spent the last couple months travelling, got home and re-measured. Things have dropped off a bit: NBPEL 6.25" and 5" EG. Not too bad, I know I can get things back quick. Plus I'm psyched that some of the gains have become permanent (.75" in length and .5" in girth).

So now I'm completely dedicated to do what ever it takes to get to my new goal: NBPEL 7.5 and EG 6.

My question: What should I do? Can you recommend a program for where I'm at? I want to do this as fast and safely as possible and am leaning toward the paid 5 phase program.

Currently in possession of a Bathmate X30 and a Phallosan Forte. I've been using the Uncle Jim's Wrap too with good results. I've been using the BM 3-4 times per week and the PF 5-6 nights per week for 6-10 hours. Am wondering about getting the Sizegenetics for daytime stretching.

Hi all,

Looking forward to this new journey. Am about to order the bathmate x30 ... not sure link from this site works. I'm in Canada and it looks as though they ship from Toronto.

What lube do you recommend for jelquing and using the x30?
hrouge;734980 said:
Started PE about 8 months ago and have been half-assing it since. Now I'm looking to get serious and am looking for advice on programs and wonder if I should I just start with the paid program, the 5 phase one. Happy for any input you have.

I'm in my 40's and have worried about penis size forever.

Starting size: NBPEL: 5.5" and EG 4.5"

Apart from one woman saying, "Oh least you have nice teeth." I've never had anyone say it was an issue, but I knew I wasn't happy with it.

Started using Bathmate and Phallosan about 8 months back and within 6 months I got to: NBPEL 6.5" and 5.5" EG. Girlfriend didn't say anything, but did start having cervical and squirting orgasms, which I attribute to that. Pretty cool.

Next girlfriend said "Holy shit you're big" and was constantly referring to my cock as big. She'd slept with 12 guys and said I was the biggest by far. Definite ego booster!

Spent the last couple months travelling, got home and re-measured. Things have dropped off a bit: NBPEL 6.25" and 5" EG. Not too bad, I know I can get things back quick. Plus I'm psyched that some of the gains have become permanent (.75" in length and .5" in girth).

So now I'm completely dedicated to do what ever it takes to get to my new goal: NBPEL 7.5 and EG 6.

My question: What should I do? Can you recommend a program for where I'm at? I want to do this as fast and safely as possible and am leaning toward the paid 5 phase program.

Currently in possession of a Bathmate X30 and a Phallosan Forte. I've been using the Uncle Jim's Wrap too with good results. I've been using the BM 3-4 times per week and the PF 5-6 nights per week for 6-10 hours. Am wondering about getting the Sizegenetics for daytime stretching.


First Welcome to the Brotherhood! Thank you for doing the fam! Next, wow, what a success story going from 'nice teeth' to 'you are huge', I would see both as a great compliment :) but the size, yeah a bit bigger of a compliment :)

You have everything but the LengthMaster. You should definitely do the entire SRT routine. You will see your gains explode again.
Jelqbud;735033 said:
Hi all,

Looking forward to this new journey. Am about to order the bathmate x30 ... not sure link from this site works. I'm in Canada and it looks as though they ship from Toronto.

What lube do you recommend for jelquing and using the x30?

Yes, they will ship to Canada. Definitely purchase here so you get all the bonus's we give. In the BathMate you will not want to use a lube, only water. Lubrication will clog the valve. I would completely avoid lube and go with the SRT Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) workout that uses a jelq called the SlowSquashJelq which requires no lube and will bring the best possible expansion. Once you order send me you order number and I will send you your bonus.

Welcome to the Brotherhood and I wish you the best on this journey!
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly DLD! OK, awesome! SRT it is and I will order the Lengthmaster.

Should I order an extender too? Looking at Sizegenetics and the Penismaster Pro, which you had mentioned on another thread.

I'm psyched! And thanks again.
hrouge;735091 said:
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly DLD! OK, awesome! SRT it is and I will order the Lengthmaster.

Should I order an extender too? Looking at Sizegenetics and the Penismaster Pro, which you had mentioned on another thread.

I'm psyched! And thanks again.

Also look into modding your BM with The VacuVin...if your girl is squirting now, she'll be a geyser after :)
Ok cool. Thank man! I'll look into that.
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