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Hi there, just found this forum about 1 week ago. I am new to PE but recently bought a Phallosan Forte ( didn't know about the Silistrecher at the time ) and have now 380 hours under my belt ( no pun intended ). Just bought a Bathmate as well. Also want to extend my gratitude to DLD for being so supportive to all members. Amazing to see all your detailed responses. You're a great ambassador to this brotherhood. Looking forward to join more conversations ahead. Cheers
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Hi there, just found this forum about 1 week ago. I am new to PE but recently bought a Phallosan Forte ( didn't know about the Silistrecher at the time ) and have now 380 hours under my belt ( no pun intended ). Just bought a BM as well. Also want to extend my gratitude to DLD for being so supportive to all members. Amazing to see all your detailed responses. You're a great ambassador to this brotherhood. Looking forward to join more conversations ahead. Cheers

If you need help with a routine I can do that for you my brother simply send me an email and I’ll get back to you ASAP. My email address is
Hey Guys, I'm basically new but technically I've been registered for years! I joined MOS years ago to get more information about tying my frenulum, which was very successful and helped my sexual health a lot. I remember several people chiming in about that issue after I got it done asking me about my size improvements. I wans't interested in size stuff until I got older. TBH I'm ok with my size now, but of course, I wouldn't mind gaining some extra!

Ever since then I've been open to body modification and improving myself because it worked then. I've been skeptical about PE mostly because of mainstream media, but I've learned you have to try things out in good-faith in order to really learn if they work or not. I remember MOS being pretty positive, detailed, and goal-oriented. Hopefully that hasn't changed. I look forward to reading your posts and learning about PE.

I got the Stealth Stretcher kit and the Bathpump kit. If any one knows where I can go to get started quickly, including how the heck to put some of this stuff, on I'd appreciate it!
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Hey Guys, I'm basically new but technically I've been registered for years! I joined MOS years ago to get more information about tying my frenulum, which was very successful and helped my sexual health a lot. I remember several people chiming in about that issue after I got it done asking me about my size improvements. I wans't interested in size stuff until I got older. TBH I'm ok with my size now, but of course, I wouldn't mind gaining some extra!

Ever since then I've been open to body modification and improving myself because it worked then. I've been skeptical about PE mostly because of mainstream media, but I've learned you have to try things out in good-faith in order to really learn if they work or not. I remember MOS being pretty positive, detailed, and goal-oriented. Hopefully that hasn't changed. I look forward to reading your posts and learning about PE.

I got the Stealth Stretcher kit and the Bathpump kit. If any one knows where I can go to get started quickly, including how the heck to put some of this stuff, on I'd appreciate it!

I can help you with a routine if you want my brother. Just send me a message to my email at
Hi all. Newbie here. Just started using Male Edge 4 days ago.
I am 45 years old.
Just under 4 inches erect. Wife has no problems with it but I do.
Flaccid is almost none existent since all my life, any time of the year, my penis tends to retract into body, leaving just the head sticking out.
Hoping the male edge will help with flaccid size too.
Not possible for me to do all the exercises I read about as I go into the office for work.
Realised the error in my post. Meant to say just under 5inches erect. That's NBP. My BPEL is 5.3inches and EG is 4.5 inches.
It's just about 9 weeks now using an extender and I can already feel a difference. I am resisting the urge to do a measurement since it is too soon. And if I don't find any improvement after measuring I may get depressed. Will wait till at least 12 weeks for my first measurement.
There is a big improvement in my flaccid length. It was non existent previously due to turtling, but now I see a nice flaccid gain
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Hi all. I'm relatively new to PE, but a long-time scholar of it haha. I don't have the time or the drive to perform jelqing. I joined to ask for some real-world pe vets for their advice. I can't decide between the penimaster pro, or the phallosan forte (with the plus). Can you actually sleep with them on? I've researched what I believe to be thousands of forums and threads and am having the most horrible fear of commitment in fear of these products being fraudulent. I have a the bathmate hydroextreme9. I'm 225lbs right now, and measure at 6.8" , and last time I weighed in at 200lbs my length is 7". It would be a dream to hit 10", but I know that that will take up to 6 years. I'm looking to hit 9" realistically, and I believe I can do it based on the results of using the bath mate for just a few weeks.
Hi all. I'm relatively new to PE, but a long-time scholar of it haha. I don't have the time or the drive to perform jelqing. I joined to ask for some real-world pe vets for their advice. I can't decide between the penimaster pro, or the phallosan forte (with the plus). Can you actually sleep with them on? I've researched what I believe to be thousands of forums and threads and am having the most horrible fear of commitment in fear of these products being fraudulent. I have a the bathmate hydroextreme9. I'm 225lbs right now, and measure at 6.8" , and last time I weighed in at 200lbs my length is 7". It would be a dream to hit 10", but I know that that will take up to 6 years. I'm looking to hit 9" realistically, and I believe I can do it based on the results of using the bath mate for just a few weeks.

Thanks for your question my scholar lol many people do not want to do manual work and this is the reason we have an extensive line of tools. Do not buy the Phallosan or the Penimasterpro, you will save so much money going forward the StealthStretcher. It is both a vacuum hanger and a traction stretcher so it’s the best of all worlds. The quality is higher than any other ADS and it comes with a lifetime warranty.

I’m very happy to hear that you have a Bathmate and it can play a very important role in your workout. Between the StealthStretcher and the Bathmate I can create an awesome custom routine. If you’re interested in this send me an email to
Hey everyone, I’m new here sorta I first joined 10+ years ago got some gains and then life got busy. Anyway I am back because I just want to please me wife more with bigger size. There are a lot of new tools and technics! I am going to order silisleeves for the all day stretch are the also useful as a wrap for the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging or bundled stretches? Would you recommend sili2 or 5? And is one or the other better for ADS? I have always just stretched with latex gloves but it still slips so I was hoping the sili sleeve might help there.
Thanks for the thoughts and help
Hey everyone, I’m new here sorta I first joined 10+ years ago got some gains and then life got busy. Anyway I am back because I just want to please me wife more with bigger size. There are a lot of new tools and technics! I am going to order silisleeves for the all day stretch are the also useful as a wrap for the LengthMaster or bundled stretches? Would you recommend sili2 or 5? And is one or the other better for ADS? I have always just stretched with latex gloves but it still slips so I was hoping the sili sleeve might help there.
Thanks for the thoughts and help

Great to have you back after a decade! Brothers always come back to the brotherhood. When it comes to sleeves for the 5, newest line. The lengthmaster is brilliant and can do so many things that no other tool can do. Gives solid grip with no slippage while you use two hands to stretch via the handlebars. There is nothing more powerful in stretching and every single stretch that’s out there can be done with the lengthmaster.

As far as extenders go definitely go with the StealthStretcher, this gives me many options in writing routines as it gives traction and vacuum hanging options. Between the StealthStretcher and the Lengthmaster I can write the most incredible length routine.

if you want to work on the custom routine with me I’d be very happy to help you. If you want to do this just having an email to
Hey everyone! I have been lurking for a few weeks and love the forum. You can tell it's very genuine. I am currently 6" BPEL and would like to increase to 7" as fast as possible. I have read here that girth is rather easy, while length is very hard.

So my question is, let's say you had unlimited financial resources, what would be the devices and routine that you would use to get the fastest results possible?

From my reading I assume the plan would be to get a LengthMaster and Bathmate? Any other accessories?

Should I use those devices to do the Newbie routine?

The Girth program (SRT 5x5x3)? (can't seem to find this one only saw it talked about)

Any help is appreciated!
The 5x5x3? (can't seem to find this one only saw it talked about)
Any help is appreciated!

Girth Program: 5x5x3
5 Minute Slow Squash Jelq
5 Minutes in the MityVac or Bathmate at full intensity

5 Minute Slow Squash Jelq
5 Minutes in the MityVac or Bathmate at full intensity

5 Minute Slow Squash Jelq
5 Minutes in the MityVac or Bathmate at full intensity

Attach SilliRing to retain girth

This is inside the SRT routine:

From my reading I assume the plan would be to get a LengthMaster and Bathmate ? Any other accessories?

Now the only thing you are missing is an ROD extender. [PF, SiliStretcher 2 - All Day Penis Vacuum Stretcher and Weight Hanger, STEALTHSTRECHER, SizeGenetics - Penis Traction Extender]

Should I use those devices to do the Newbie routine?

The more things you do the better but listen to your body. If you can combine everything, FANTASTIC! FASTER GAINS!

Hey contact @DLD at this email for your own personal routine:
Hey everyone! I have been lurking for a few weeks and love the forum. You can tell it's very genuine. I am currently 6" BPEL and would like to increase to 7" as fast as possible. I have read here that girth is rather easy, while length is very hard.

So my question is, let's say you had unlimited financial resources, what would be the devices and routine that you would use to get the fastest results possible?

From my reading I assume the plan would be to get a LengthMaster and Bathmate? Any other accessories?

Should I use those devices to do the Newbie routine?

The 5x5x3? (can't seem to find this one only saw it talked about)

Any help is appreciated!

Yes I can help you put a routine together and coach you through the whole process. I do not charge for this so do not worry. Send me an email to and I’ll get back to you ASAP
Hey folks, so I guess this is my turn :D DLD already greeted me with kind welcome words but I'll introduce myself real quick.
I was kind of always interested in the topic of PE but never with real commitment or the precise goal to grow my penis but more out of curiosity. And even though I really like my penis ( BPEL 7,1-7,4 x EG 6-6,2 depending on the day) I really just want to grow it and see where I can get it over the next few years. So yeah, I'm facing this as a longterm project and really looking forward to buy my first stretcher but as of right now I'm following the newbie routine and will do that for the next few months. So maybe next year as a later christmas gift for myself, I'll buy one :D
Since I'm really new into the whole topic (except for occasional jelque and manual stretching) I'm really glad for any recommendation regarding stretchers pumps routines and so forth :D Glad to have found MOS and cheers!
Hi folks. I guess I’ll introduce myself and provide some details (and maybe some encouragement?) on the short journey I’ve had so far. I was already satisfied with my penis starting around 6.25x6 but for whatever reason I just became interested in whether PE was real or not and eventually became an experiment into whether my wife would notice or not (she did ?) I’m right at 3 months of fairly intense and regular work (I’d say average 4 to 6 hours a day, 5 days a week) and have already reached 7.5x6.5. I think the fast girth gains were from obsessive use of the Penomet pump I started with. I still prefer it for longer sessions in the morning but the mighty vac is more convenient to use during the day. I bought a Quick Extender Pro that worked but is more of an instrument of torture. The SiliStretcher - All Day Penis Vacuum Stretcher and Weight Hanger is WAY more comfortable and the QEP sits in the closet as a reminder of bad decisions. Following the routines here adapting them to what I’ve found works best for me has provided (literally) measurable results. I’m focusing on length since I started fairly girthy and grew faster than I expected in that dimension. I hung on and off from the beginning starting at 2 pounds and quickly realized week over week I was able to tolerate increasingly higher weight. I hang regularly with the SiliStretcher setup I have now but am finding weight over about 7 or 8 pounds gets uncomfortable on my glans within a few minutes so I ordered a lengthmaster and am looking forward to seeing the results with that. My goal is ultimately about 9.5x7. Any bigger than that and sex would get uncomfortable for my wife. By far the fastest results I’ve gotten are from hanging and I quickly learned wearing a sleeve afterward is super important. Gains were very quickly noticeable as at least semi-permanent once I regularly wore one. So short story after this super long intro is that I’ve gained about 1.25 inches in length BPEL and about .5 inches in girth in right at 3 months. I’m 52, so yeah, PE is definitely real ? I just wish I had started in my 20s.
Hi folks. I guess I’ll introduce myself and provide some details (and maybe some encouragement?) on the short journey I’ve had so far. I was already satisfied with my penis starting around 6.25x6 but for whatever reason I just became interested in whether PE was real or not and eventually became an experiment into whether my wife would notice or not (she did ?) I’m right at 3 months of fairly intense and regular work (I’d say average 4 to 6 hours a day, 5 days a week) and have already reached 7.5x6.5. I think the fast girth gains were from obsessive use of the Penomet pump I started with. I still prefer it for longer sessions in the morning but the mighty vac is more convenient to use during the day. I bought a Quick Extender Pro that worked but is more of an instrument of torture. The Silistretcher is WAY more comfortable and the QEP sits in the closet as a reminder of bad decisions. Following the routines here adapting them to what I’ve found works best for me has provided (literally) measurable results. I’m focusing on length since I started fairly girthy and grew faster than I expected in that dimension. I hung on and off from the beginning starting at 2 pounds and quickly realized week over week I was able to tolerate increasingly higher weight. I hang regularly with the SiliStretcher setup I have now but am finding weight over about 7 or 8 pounds gets uncomfortable on my glans within a few minutes so I ordered a lengthmaster and am looking forward to seeing the results with that. My goal is ultimately about 9.5x7. Any bigger than that and sex would get uncomfortable for my wife. By far the fastest results I’ve gotten are from hanging and I quickly learned wearing a sleeve afterward is super important. Gains were very quickly noticeable as at least semi-permanent once I regularly wore one. So short story after this super long intro is that I’ve gained about 1.25 inches in length BPEL and about .5 inches in girth in right at 3 months. I’m 52, so yeah, PE is definitely real ? I just wish I had started in my 20s.

Very inspiring! Thanks for sharing! :)
Just some questions that have, I’m sure been answered.
Here’s my situation. I’ve been using ball weights a few months. Now I’m set to start Mytvac pumping. I’ve got MOS tubes 1.75, 2.25, and 3. Maybe 3.5.
Silirings are on order and I’m trying to figure out the sleeves. I’m not quite sold on penis stretchers ( yet )
My goals are
Priority 1. Low hanging balls
Priority 2. Increase girth
Priority 3. Increase Length
I’ve had some very temporary gains in all areas.
When pumping the whole package the next day the weights just aren’t an option.
I can’t seem to get it right if it’s the smaller diameter for length. Then the next up for girth
What can you suggest? Even if it’s just an existing thread here to research
i got 6.4 inch length and 6.2(6.4 on a good day) inch girth. i want length at least 8 inches. im using the vacuum stretcher and its way better than SizeGenetics - Penis Traction Extender and another PE that i got. way more comfortable. I just want length but not my girth cause it's kinda hard for an unwrecked pussy to handle. I feel the stretch length wise but still don't understand how these stretchers increase girth. i need some help to understand. Read some people did PE for 2 years without gains. I can't post any threads but have questions as a newbie.
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Hello all. I am new here and just purchased stealth stretcher bundle and bathemate. I have come up with a routine for me that I think will best suit the time that I can put towards PE. I am roughly 6"x4.5" erect now. My wife tells me I am perfect but I want more. I would be happy with 7" but perfection for me would be 8" length. Not to worries about girth but will take a bit more if it comes. Anyways glad to be here and I will create a routine journey post later when I get off from work.
i got 6.4 inch length and 6.2(6.4 on a good day) inch girth. i want length at least 8 inches. im using the vacuum stretcher and its way better than sizegenetics and another PE that i got. way more comfortable. I just want length but not my girth cause it's kinda hard for an unwrecked pussy to handle. I feel the stretch length wise but still don't understand how these stretchers increase girth. i need some help to understand. Read some people did PE for 2 years without gains. I can't post any threads but have questions as a newbie.
I have very similar measurements and goals. I don't have any answers for you but wanted to say good luck on your journey!
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