Be New to MOS? Introduce you're self here!

natrapstip;720431 said:
What's up everyone I'm josh. Been doing PE for about a month now. I've always been really self conscious about my size and had come to terms with being 5 inches thinking there was nothing I could do to change that until I found MOS. I started at 5 inches and I'm measuring 6 1/4 EL now. My goal right now is 7 inches. I've been sticking to the basic routine training every day usually alternating stretching and jelqing days. Should I stay with the basic routine and see how far that takes me? I'm stoked about finding MOS!!! Thanks DLD!!

Keep doing the basic routine. Until you know for sure you stopped gaining then come back to us and we'll help you create a more intense routine for you.
natrapstip;720431 said:
What's up everyone I'm josh. Been doing PE for about a month now. I've always been really self conscious about my size and had come to terms with being 5 inches thinking there was nothing I could do to change that until I found MOS. I started at 5 inches and I'm measuring 6 1/4 EL now. My goal right now is 7 inches. I've been sticking to the basic routine training every day usually alternating stretching and jelqing days. Should I stay with the basic routine and see how far that takes me? I'm stoked about finding MOS!!! Thanks DLD!!

Wow, what a beautiful success story. I often wonder how many men are making gains that have not come out. I am very proud of you and your next goal is very humble and should be attained very quickly. Thank you for trusting in us and coming out with the good news!
Greetings all,

I came across pe around 3years ago but didn't have the mindset to stick at it (I was 17.5 y.o and masturbaiting almost every day!) but recently I've decided to get back in to it after some personal issues and make it work for me.

I was seeing a girl for around 2 months and became really close, the closest I've ever been to any girl in fact. We split up as we could not agree on certain issues, she was acting differently with me and I called her up on it. I wanted to try again but it turns out that she was seeing someone behind my back for a good few weeks. She hurt me more than any other girl ever has and she knew about those previous girls to which made it hurt more.
Getting back to pe, we opened up in the phone about sex one time and she openly admitted she pretended I had a bigger dick because that's what she likes. I felt hurt yet intrigued so i asked what the biggest she's had, "7.5'!" Absolutely no hesitation from her whatsoever, now I'm 5.25 so her ex was a solid 2' bigger.

She said the old cliche "size doesn't matter it's what you do with it that counts" but it got me thinking why can't I have size and be able to use it? So that's why I'm back and following DLD's beginner routine.
Stripeee;721081 said:
She said the old cliche "size doesn't matter it's what you do with it that counts" but it got me thinking why can't I have size and be able to use it? So that's why I'm back and following DLD's beginner routine.

Welcome my new Brother!

I have a much better way of saying what you have said :)

It makes no difference how big you are or how big your wife past partners were because you have found the Brotherhood. Coming to Matters of Size will not only make you as big as the biggest she has had, but bigger, far bigger if you choose. When I came here I had a 6.5" penis and I was told by many women I was huge. My last girl lied, saying I was the biggest, only to find out (the same as you) her X was 2" longer than me. That comment made my gaining vital and necessary, I had entered a self inflicted competition with someone I have never met :) So yes, she was with someone with a 8.5" penis but what now? After getting my dick she will find it hard as fuck to find someone with the same size.

You have found the fountain or cock! The Mecca of penis! There is nothing stopping you from becoming as big as you like but you yourself.
Hello there,

My name is John, glad to join the forum. Ill be happy to share my own experience and learn from others. Cheers guys!

johnhughes;721240 said:
Hello there,

My name is John, glad to join the forum. Ill be happy to share my own experience and learn from others. Cheers guys!


Hello John and Welcome to The Brotherhood. We are all about sharing with each other and helping one another make the best gains in everything a man could want!
johnhughes;721240 said:
Hello there,

My name is John, glad to join the forum. Ill be happy to share my own experience and learn from others. Cheers guys!


Welcome brother and please make a thread with your experience :)
kyomoto;721319 said:
Welcome brother and please make a thread with your experience :)

This thread should be started in the Progress Section to keep track of starting size, goals, exercises, pictures/video and daily updates to how things are going. Here is a direct link to that forum: Routines and Progress Forum
Hi my name is Mark been peing for about 9 yrs and love it my girl likes it to.At the present time I am 7 inchs long and 5 1/4 width going for 8 and 6.At the present time I am hanging, stretches and the bathmate hydromax 40.To all you guys good luck talk to you soon.
lazersedge;721467 said:
Hi my name is Mark been peing for about 9 yrs and love it my girl likes it to.At the present time I am 7 inchs long and 5 1/4 width going for 8 and 6.At the present time I am hanging, stretches and the bathmate hydromax 40.To all you guys good luck talk to you soon.

So great your girl loves your PE sessions,one inch is not that hard to get specially if you are a commited and disciplined guy..The BM can really take you where you want to get...
lazersedge;721467 said:
Hi my name is Mark been peing for about 9 yrs and love it my girl likes it to.At the present time I am 7 inchs long and 5 1/4 width going for 8 and 6.At the present time I am hanging, stretches and the bathmate hydromax 40.To all you guys good luck talk to you soon.

Damn 9 years? Nice dude!
lazersedge;721467 said:
Hi my name is Mark been peing for about 9 yrs and love it my girl likes it to.At the present time I am 7 inchs long and 5 1/4 width going for 8 and 6.At the present time I am hanging, stretches and the bathmate hydromax 40.To all you guys good luck talk to you soon.

Welcome my Brother! Great size already, where did you start size-wise?
This is my first post ever but I am hoping it will be the first of many. It is going to be a long one (unlike my penis lol) but you got to start somewhere. Not sure where to begin or how to say things but obviously I feel I have a "micro" or small penis...I have read a ton of stuff on here on how to improve that. I have looked at the newbie routine, I have looked at the srt routine. I think I understand how it works but still don't believe if that makes sence. Most of the posts I see feel like its about a promotion to buy something, which I totally understand but at the same time I don't want to do this and feel like I was tricked again you know? stats as far as what I measured are so far below "average" that I feel like I did something wrong by just by being born that way. I measured nbpel at 4.5 on my best day. I measured my girth at a little under 4 erect. I know everyone is different but it hurts knowing you are "inadequate" in so many levels, even if you cant help it. I chose my name, which I don't remember when, because I thought I was "micro" and I wanted to get to at least 6. I understand now looking at the definitions I am not micro but its still so low that its close....enough about the bad cards part more about the rest. just realized I didn't introduce myself, my name is Eric. Just retyped this a million times, no one wants to hear the back story....I probably should of posted this in the mental PE section. If you ever get a chance to look up retroactive jealousy OCD its pretty much the worst nightmire you could have as a man, and having a small penis. Lots more I would like to share and be included in the "brotherhood", just taking the first step and posting if that makes sence. I know I have to make the changes in my life but at 38 (which is another excuse) its hard to to talk about stuff and be an alcoholic and a non rational person and expect people to understand. Thanks to anyone that responds and I wish you all the best. Eric
Welcome you really dont need to buy devices if you dont want to you can use your hands and gain id take time and effort..

You have checked the newbie now,start the routine and youll see gains maybe after 3 months.....

maybe when more intensiy is needed you may need the LM because itll help to stretch harder when hands can help no more..Good Luck.
micro6;721687 said:
This is my first post ever but I am hoping it will be the first of many. It is going to be a long one (unlike my penis lol) but you got to start somewhere. Not sure where to begin or how to say things but obviously I feel I have a "micro" or small penis...I have read a ton of stuff on here on how to improve that. I have looked at the newbie routine, I have looked at the srt routine. I think I understand how it works but still don't believe if that makes sence. Most of the posts I see feel like its about a promotion to buy something, which I totally understand but at the same time I don't want to do this and feel like I was tricked again you know? stats as far as what I measured are so far below "average" that I feel like I did something wrong by just by being born that way. I measured nbpel at 4.5 on my best day. I measured my girth at a little under 4 erect. I know everyone is different but it hurts knowing you are "inadequate" in so many levels, even if you cant help it. I chose my name, which I don't remember when, because I thought I was "micro" and I wanted to get to at least 6. I understand now looking at the definitions I am not micro but its still so low that its close....enough about the bad cards part more about the rest. just realized I didn't introduce myself, my name is Eric. Just retyped this a million times, no one wants to hear the back story....I probably should of posted this in the mental PE section. If you ever get a chance to look up retroactive jealousy OCD its pretty much the worst nightmire you could have as a man, and having a small penis. Lots more I would like to share and be included in the "brotherhood", just taking the first step and posting if that makes sence. I know I have to make the changes in my life but at 38 (which is another excuse) its hard to to talk about stuff and be an alcoholic and a non rational person and expect people to understand. Thanks to anyone that responds and I wish you all the best. Eric

First off, I will not allow your name to be what you have chosen. It will serve you in no way nor will it bring confidence to others! I apologize for this violation and will change you name to anything you desire as long as it is positive. Second, and so incredibly important; You do not have any condition even close to what you have supposed. You are one inch below average on your best day. That is not so bad when you consider the average gain here, when time is put in with dedication and belief, 2" in 2 years. This would bring you an inch above average! I made this gain in only 6 months! I am nothing special, just another child trying to get a bigger dick, I just worked very hard and it paid off in gains that came much faster than most. OCD ain't no thing but a chicken wing. You are Eric, you are now a Brother here, take up the challenge and join us in the growth in every way! There are no more excuses, you found the empire of PE and a Brotherhood that will care for you like a true Brother and guide you on your way.
macro6;721687 said:
This is my first post ever but I am hoping it will be the first of many. It is going to be a long one (unlike my penis lol) but you got to start somewhere. Not sure where to begin or how to say things but obviously I feel I have a "micro" or small penis...I have read a ton of stuff on here on how to improve that. I have looked at the newbie routine, I have looked at the srt routine. I think I understand how it works but still don't believe if that makes sence. Most of the posts I see feel like its about a promotion to buy something, which I totally understand but at the same time I don't want to do this and feel like I was tricked again you know? stats as far as what I measured are so far below "average" that I feel like I did something wrong by just by being born that way. I measured nbpel at 4.5 on my best day. I measured my girth at a little under 4 erect. I know everyone is different but it hurts knowing you are "inadequate" in so many levels, even if you cant help it. I chose my name, which I don't remember when, because I thought I was "micro" and I wanted to get to at least 6. I understand now looking at the definitions I am not micro but its still so low that its close....enough about the bad cards part more about the rest. just realized I didn't introduce myself, my name is Eric. Just retyped this a million times, no one wants to hear the back story....I probably should of posted this in the mental PE section. If you ever get a chance to look up retroactive jealousy OCD its pretty much the worst nightmire you could have as a man, and having a small penis. Lots more I would like to share and be included in the "brotherhood", just taking the first step and posting if that makes sence. I know I have to make the changes in my life but at 38 (which is another excuse) its hard to to talk about stuff and be an alcoholic and a non rational person and expect people to understand. Thanks to anyone that responds and I wish you all the best. Eric

Welcome Eric! You have taken the first/best/most important step in your life, (not hyperbole) and with the proper mind-set, dedication, and determination you will become a better man in ALL phases of your life. Everyone here has a 'back-story' so please don't feel like you're on an island, heck our fearless leader Mike was clinically dead for several minutes from a heroin overdose, so...

As said previously, you will receive all the love and support to assist you in your journey, but be prepared for a few hurdles along the way...nothing worth having is easy. That being said, this isn't a 'pity-party' so you'll have to commit to some hard work, but I can guarantee you that this is the best decision you've ever thankful you've found this at 38 instead of 58 :)
Hi all, mixerman here , long time lurker and a member for a while now.
This is my first post, but I’ve been reading this forum daily for the past year and PEing for two years now. I’m 41 years old.
Of course I was inconsistent in the first year, with no routine really, just jelqing here and there, but I always believed this works. I overdid it at times, got poor EQ for a while and all that, but I was determined to do it right. In 2016 I got hydromax X30 and started pumping, and around March I finally stopped browsing all the other forums and decided to stick with MOS. The best decision of my ( PE ) life. I read through most of the threads, understood the principles of SRT and that was a game changer for me. Gains exploded. My view of myself and the world changed also, all for the better. So, those of you still in doubt, read the SRT, try and get a bathmate at least, and get to work. You WILL be transformed. I could never measure before PE, I would lose an erection just by looking at the ruler, but I guess I was around 6.2X5 bpel. I am at 7.5x5.5 now, 7 nbpel, and I will get to 8.5X6 bpel by the end of 2017, that’s what I decided and that’s what I will do. My routine for the past ten months , every day, no excuses :

30 to 40 minutes of basic stretching, with 5 min. of bundled stretches first
i try to get all the angles, but lately i focus mostly on out and down following my erection curve
i add a few bundled stretches between sets also, if i feel i need to loosen it up some more
i do kegels and reverse kegels as much as I can during this


i get in the bathtub and warm up
few minutes of bundled stretches
5 minutes of bathmate hardcore stretches
5 minutes of SRT Size blasters

after that i go straight into Girth program (SRT 5x5x3), so its 5 minutes in my X40 extreme ( i replaced my X30 a few months ago with this incredible hydropump, got it through MOS ) followed by 5 minutes of SSJs, and I do it 3 times in a row, I do fast and strong kegels non stop during this part of workout, trying to hold a kegel as long as i can and trying to lift the X40 with my cock.

Cock ring when I’m done for a few hours, actually sometimes I sleep with it if I forget to take it off.
I take l’arginine every morning, occasional cialis to help with the workout.

It takes me around 80 minutes a day to get it all done, and if anybody’s got a suggestion on how to improve my routine please feel free to tell me, as long as it fits in this time frame.
Hanging and clamping is something I’m not interested in doing, wearing an extender is also out of the question, everything else I’m up for it .I was thinking of getting a lenghtmaster, but my wife is not to thrilled, we got a baby girl two months ago so…I’ll wait.
And yes, she knows all about this and is being very supportive, she didn’t even blink when i got the X40 extreme, just six months after i got the X30. I would advise all the Brothers out there to try and share this with their spouses, it’s true you know “ the truth WILL set you free “.

Anyway, that’s it for now. For all the non-believers still lurking, please BELIEVE, it works.
Thanks to DLD and all the inspiring veterans here, I hope you know what kind of a special place you have here. Sometimes in the middle of the night when one is down and out just popping by makes one feel better, and that alone is more important than growing your dick, and it will grow.

Happy PEing, everybody
mixerman;722002 said:
Anyway, that’s it for now. For all the non-believers still lurking, please BELIEVE, it works.
Thanks to DLD and all the inspiring veterans here, I hope you know what kind of a special place you have here. Sometimes in the middle of the night when one is down and out just popping by makes one feel better, and that alone is more important than growing your dick, and it will grow.

Happy PEing, everybody

Mixerman, Welcome to the Brotherhood and thanks for coming out, another Brother makes us that much stronger! Your routine looks like a pro wrote it, I can see you have done your research. Be sure to start a progress thread so we all can follow your work.

mixerman;722002 said:
And yes, she knows all about this and is being very supportive, she didn’t even blink when i got the X40 extreme, just six months after i got the X30. I would advise all the Brothers out there to try and share this with their spouses, it’s true you know “ the truth WILL set you free “.

How in the world did you even introduce the subject of PE to her?
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