Be New to MOS? Introduce you're self here!

Hey brehs! New to the site, but only semi-new to penis enlargement. I did some exercises years ago (jelqing and pumping) but stopped due to an insane work schedule.

I recently started back up in April by using Joel Kaplan's electric pump system and doing some basic hand stretches in the shower. My starting measurements were 6.75" in length and 5.25" in girth. Yesterday I measured about 7" in length, which surprised me. I haven't made any gains in girth yet, which is the one area I'd like to make the most gains in. Ideally I want 6" girth. Seems like 8" x 6" would be the perfect cock size for me.

But I have an "N" curve (bend?) that I've had for as long as I can remember, and it really bugs me. I've decided to make straightening my cock my main priority, followed by gains in girth and a bit in length. I never really believed that a curve could be fixed, but browsing this forum is opening my eyes up to some techniques that might work for me. I bought the SG yesterday, so I plan on using that. It also seems like the LengthMaster (wow that thing looks genius) might work as well?

Really impressive forum with so much information it's making my head spin haha
RatherLargeCock;695073 said:
Hey brehs! New to the site, but only semi-new to penis enlargement. I did some exercises years ago (jelqing and pumping) but stopped due to an insane work schedule.

I recently started back up in April by using Joel Kaplan's electric pump system and doing some basic hand stretches in the shower. My starting measurements were 6.75" in length and 5.25" in girth. Yesterday I measured about 7" in length, which surprised me. I haven't made any gains in girth yet, which is the one area I'd like to make the most gains in. Ideally I want 6" girth. Seems like 8" x 6" would be the perfect cock size for me.

But I have an "N" curve (bend?) that I've had for as long as I can remember, and it really bugs me. I've decided to make straightening my cock my main priority, followed by gains in girth and a bit in length. I never really believed that a curve could be fixed, but browsing this forum is opening my eyes up to some techniques that might work for me. I bought the SG yesterday, so I plan on using that. It also seems like the LengthMaster (wow that thing looks genius) might work as well?

Really impressive forum with so much information it's making my head spin haha

Welcome my new Brother! Yes, we are a unique family here and this is why it is called a Brotherhood. I am glad you found us. Since you are experienced and have a SizeGenetics I would highly recommend the SRT routine. The LengthMaster will be the best purchase you have ever made, nothing can compare because there is nothing like it. It is a MONSTER!
Never really sure what to put in these introduce yourself bits!
I got into PE a few years back after finding PEgym, I followed and completed the newbie routine and made some newbie gains but then life kinda got in the way and the PE fell by the way side.
I attempted to restart when I bought a bathmate herc but again finding the time to dedicate was difficult and it ended up being put in a draw.
A few weeks ago I decided to dust off the BM and restart my journey... Thankfully I found this fantastic forum and I have been spending alot of time reading through posts and taking in as much as I can. I am currently doing the Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) routine (6 days on 1 off) that I found whilst browsing through and once conditioned enough I will modify this to include hardcore bm stretches during the bm sections.
My favorite exercise at the moment though has to be the ssj... I actually end up nearing a 6" girth after doing these which is just awesome!!

That's my background, I have already replied to a few threads and look forward to becoming a part of this brotherhood.

Beginning stats...

Pre pump
Bpfsl 170mm
Bpel 165mm
Mseg 132mm
A big, hearty welcome to you! Your BM is much more than just a water pump, the creative minds here at MOS have developed numerous exercises along with a few mods that'll turbo-charge your Bathmate and your gains!
Best of luck and stick with it cuz it works
Big Schwanz Acht;698864 said:
A big, hearty welcome to you! Your BM is much more than just a water pump, the creative minds here at MOS have developed numerous exercises along with a few mods that'll turbo-charge your Bathmate and your gains!
Best of luck and stick with it cuz it works

Thanks dude.
I've no doubt it works, as I said I saw some newbie gains the first time I got into all of this. I have a vacu vin mod but can only withstand the full pressure for a minute or two before I have to hit the valve lol.
I will get there though... The guys here really seem to get behind everyone and help out where they can and the amount of info in the older posts is unparalleled...
Big props to all you guys!
You can check out the SRT.
With the SG, a hanger and a pump you can get a great SRT-based routine going :)!

It's a long read, but well worth it!
A big welcome to the Brotherhood ThinkingBig and 2slow! You have found the place where you will make the gains you desire. With every new Brother we become stronger and more united. It is these qualities that have brought so many into the fold. I wish you both a fabulous journey!
2slow;700669 said:
Thanks for the welcome! DLD, thanks for a informative long have you been doing p.e.exercise's? Unbelievable how much you know..I'm glade there's folks who are willing to share there knowledge with other folks. A lot of guys get jealous and want to keep secrets to themselves or won't talk about guy things to other its forbidden..I'm grateful I been boxing and working out since a kid, it's seems jocks or sport minded folks are more open to talk about stuff others may not..thanks for the board and sharing your knowledge..

Boxing? I am Italian and this is a must in our family. My Son is a great fighter, beat the Golden Gloves Champ of Massachusetts in a post-matchup. I was very proud, 1st round, left upper cut and ZZZZZZ :) I love it!

Thank you for your compliments about the Brotherhood. I have been doing this for over 15 years, this forum has been around since 2002. We are the biggest and best forum online as we are the ones who do all the creation of exercise, routines and equipment. No one can keep up with us because we are always 10 steps ahead. You will find great friendship and support here and I am so happy to call you my Brother!

God Bless
Hi everyone,
I'm new here and just getting started. I ordered some measuring devices from Amazon so I can get a baseline. I've been reading tons of threads and testimonies, but I'm a little confused. Aside from the exercises, what do I need to buy? What does a paid membership provide? I'm not trying to be a cheap ass, I just want to know what I need to do in order to succeed in my goals. Please advise, Thanks.
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Hello MOS Brotherhood!

NS92 here, introducing myself . Joined a while ago but haven't very active, gonna change that in the near future.
Tilly2;701315 said:
Hi everyone,
I'm new here and just getting started. I ordered some measuring devices from Amazon so I can get a baseline. I've been reading tons of threads and testimonies, but I'm a little confused. Aside from the exercises, what do I need to buy? What does a paid membership provide? I'm not trying to be a cheap ass, I just want to know what I need to do in order to succeed in my goals. Please advise, Thanks.

No you don't need to buy anything. Just use your hands...start with a beginner routine
Tilly2;701315 said:
Hi everyone,
I'm new here and just getting started. I ordered some measuring devices from Amazon so I can get a baseline. I've been reading tons of threads and testimonies, but I'm a little confused. Aside from the exercises, what do I need to buy? What does a paid membership provide? I'm not trying to be a cheap ass, I just want to know what I need to do in order to succeed in my goals. Please advise, Thanks.

To find the best equipment and what it does and how to use it is contained in the SRT thread. Please read through the first post and let us know what you think. If you are looking for length there is equipment for that and if you are looking for girth there is equipment for that. What matters most is how you use the equipment. Please read through the first post in SRT to gain a better understanding of many parts of PE. SRT is basically 14 years worth of my knowledge in one routine.
doublelongdaddy;701442 said:
To find the best equipment and what it does and how to use it is contained in the SRT thread. Please read through the first post and let us know what you think. If you are looking for length there is equipment for that and if you are looking for girth there is equipment for that. What matters most is how you use the equipment. Please read through the first post in SRT to gain a better understanding of many parts of PE. SRT is basically 14 years worth of my knowledge in one routine.

Thanks. In gonna read SRT tonight. Not knowing my exact current size yet, I'm not sure what I want to achieve. Does my starting size determine what kinds of gains I can achieve? Roughly guessing. I'd be happy with an extra inch in length and 1/2-1 inch in girth. More would be great, but that's what I would like at a minimum. I also have a downward curve that I'd like to straighten out as well. Once I get my measuring tape and other equipment, I'll post some photos and stats. I'd like to document my before during and after progress.
Tilly2;701475 said:
Thanks. In gonna read SRT tonight. Not knowing my exact current size yet, I'm not sure what I want to achieve. Does my starting size determine what kinds of gains I can achieve? Roughly guessing. I'd be happy with an extra inch in length and 1/2-1 inch in girth. More would be great, but that's what I would like at a minimum. I also have a downward curve that I'd like to straighten out as well. Once I get my measuring tape and other equipment, I'll post some photos and stats. I'd like to document my before during and after progress.

I suggest you do a complete measuring and photo session, not to post, but for your own record. You may want to post the pictures after you have made your goals. So first get very accurate measurements;

Bone Pressed Erect Length
Penis length is defined as the linear distance along the dorsal side of the erect penis extending from the mons veneris to the tip of the glans. In non-medical terms, the penis length is measured in a straight line on the top side of the erect penis, from the start of your pubic bone to the tip of your penis. Penis circumference is defined as the linear distance around the widest, thickest, part of the erect penis.

1. Stimulate yourself into the erectile state.
2. Place your ruler at the pubic bone, at the base of your erect penis and measure to the tip of your glans.
3. Read the nearest quarter-inch measurement at the tip of your penis. (In the example shown, the measurement would be 4 and 3/4 (4.75) inches.)

Bone Pressed Flaccid Stretch
1. Make sure you are in a completely flaccid state.
2. Place your ruler at the pubic bone on the side of the penis
3. Stretch penis straight out
3. Read the nearest quarter-inch measurement at the tip of your penis

Non-Bone Pressed Erect Length
1. Stimulate yourself into the erectile state.
2. Place your ruler at the skin on the belly, at the base of your erect penis and measure to the tip of your glans without pushing ruler.
3. Read the nearest quarter-inch measurement at the tip of your penis.

Flaccid Length
1. Make sure you are in a completely flaccid state.
2. Place your ruler at the skin on the belly, at the base of your flaccid penis and measure to the tip of your glans without pushing ruler.
3. Read the nearest quarter-inch measurement at the tip of your penis.

Penis Erect Circumference
Penis length is not the only factor in determining penis size. The width, girth, or fatness, of a penis is also an important aspect when considering how you compare. Most people have a penis that is either longer and thinner, or shorter and fatter. To compare how the girth of your penis compares to the population, use the instructions below to determine your penile circumference (distance around the widest part of your penis).

1. Stimulate yourself into the erectile state.
2. Place the fabric ruler or string end at the widest part of your penis and wrap it carefully around one time. Mark the spot where the string first touches itself.
3. If using string, take the marked string and lay it against the ruler. Read to the nearest quarter-inch measurement.

Penis Flaccid Circumference
1. Make sure you are in a completely flaccid state.
2. Place the fabric ruler or string end at the widest part of your penis and wrap it carefully around one time. Mark the spot where the string first touches itself.
3. If using string, take the marked string and lay it against the ruler. Read to the nearest quarter-inch measurement.

Now I would also shoot pictures of you measuring yourself for proof for you and the Brotherhood after you have gained.

Lastly, start a progress thread so the Brotherhood can follow your progress and give you advice.

Equipment is gone over in SRT very well.
pfff yep i think i have to take that into consideration..definitely if i had registered my humble gains that wouldve been a great motivation..
Hi guys ~ mic check. Lol. New to the forum here
AboveAvgAries;701556 said:
Hi guys ~ mic check. Lol. New to the forum here

AboveAvgAries, Welcome to the Brotherhood! It appears, by your name, you are starting with a good size. What is your size and what are your goals?
evening all

new here just ordered my x40 extreme, got a good deal here in the uk @ 165 quid.

i used a x40 for 3 months but on my max out days, I felt I could handle more of a vacuum to make my training more intense and sex more interesting for her ;)

i do jelq and stretch 3 days out the week. im currently 6.5 erect and 4.5" grith. with the bathmate it can touch over 7.5 for 5-8 minuet sessions over 3 sets. My goal is to be 7.5"+ without the bathmate erect. i also have a slight curve i would like to fix and hoping to try new ways of sorting that out , with a few ideas from some of you guys.

anyways thats me, seen its a great place for help and ideas. feel free to message and lets connect,


I have made some good gains with my x40, erect and facild, though
kulisidhar;703340 said:
evening all

new here just ordered my x40 extreme, got a good deal here in the uk @ 165 quid.

i used a x40 for 3 months but on my max out days, I felt I could handle more of a vacuum to make my training more intense and sex more interesting for her ;)

i do jelq and stretch 3 days out the week. im currently 6.5 erect and 4.5" grith. with the bathmate it can touch over 7.5 for 5-8 minuet sessions over 3 sets. My goal is to be 7.5"+ without the bathmate erect. i also have a slight curve i would like to fix and hoping to try new ways of sorting that out , with a few ideas from some of you guys.

anyways thats me, seen its a great place for help and ideas. feel free to message and lets connect,


I have made some good gains with my x40, erect and facild, though

Did you buy this pump used?
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