If you use my "modified jelq", which isn't really a jelq technically, I don't think that you will have any urge to get an erection. There is no "milking" or "stroking" action at all, you will simply be able to fully engorge your penis with as much blood as you can tolerate. I seriously doubt that you will get an erection with my method, and you will certainly be able to get more blood into your penis than with traditional jelqing techniques, at least in my experience. I have never even come close to being erect with my method because it is just too intense to become aroused for me. It would be like getting erect while having someone stomp on my dick lol. It is not going to happen, I am not a masochist
(I say "my" method only because I started doing it out of experimentation and not because I read about it, although it may be a known technique, to seasoned Penis Enlargementers out there for all that I know.) You can find an explanation of my "modified" jelq in my progress thread post #8.
http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?65508-IRSPOW-quot-S-Example-Penis Enlargement-Journey-for-the-Tiny-Guys-to-Watch&highlight=
The only modification that you might need, depending on how much engorgement that you can withstand currently, is to keep adding blood. After running out of "okay signs" or fingers available, eight in the case of humans
, release the entire base hand (NOT THE LAST FINGER of the glans or forward hand that retains all of the blood that you have already forced toward your glans!!), Kegel, reapply a single okay sign at the base, and start closing successive fingers again. You will notice that you will now have to release the glans or forward hand or your expanding penis will force it open anyway
. Keep the process going until you cannot stand or tolerate any more expansion. Then if you would like you can place a single okay at the base a final time. From there you can "hold" your balloon or stretch your penis by pulling from below the glans further. (Too painful for me at this point of my conditioning, but hopefully I will be able to go there soon.
This is all based upon the premise, from my personal understanding, that traditional jelqs are primarily beneficial because they engorge your penis with more blood than is normal and thus encourage expansion by making microscopic tears or destruction/damage to cells to promote growth when the body attempts to heal the tissues/cells.
And just to make further speculation and uneducated statements
, while engorging the penis while it is erect theoretically, and logically, expands the penis beyond its "normal" expansion, there are some questions that seem in need of addressing. From my experience, it is very difficult to add or force significantly more blood into the penis while it is already in the erect state. Now this may be because of the limited pressure differential while the smooth muscle is already fully relaxed. Or it may be that the fully erect penis structure does not allow that much flow because it is designed to limit or shut off flow as much as possible. The natural pressure differential is pretty much set by the person's overall blood pressure and the difference in diameter of the "veins" allowing flow into the penis and those which allow it to evacuate. And this is primarily dictated by how "relaxed" the person's smooth muscle is capable of becoming (largely dictated by how much nitric oxide is present in those cells) and the opposite or external pressure applied outside of the smooth muscle, eg. atmospheric pressure of the environment in which the penis is in, elasticity of the skin enclosing or wrapping the structure, elasticity of the tissues surrounding the smooth muscle, etc., etc.
However, when the penis is "flaccid", in the sense that you feel like you are not "erect", there seems to be no real limit to how much blood that you can force into your penis within your own personal pain threshold. For example, I can easily force blood into my "flaccid" penis making it larger than any erection that I am capable of. I can easily engorge my penis with blood making it longer than I can by stretching it without forcing blood into it. (because I make the blood do the stretching of my penis instead of making it dependent upon my grip) That might not make sense in those words. Try to think of it like this. Traditional jelqs, to me, feel like I am expanding and stretching from the outside of my penis to influence the inside. However, focusing only upon forcing blood into the penis without "milking" or "stroking" feels like pushing on blood from the inside of the penis to "push" out on the outside of the penis. Either way, the "feeling" of being fully erect is what one feels when the body has decided, the chemical levels have changed, to regulate the pressure of inflow/outflow, or pressure differential, of blood into the penis. I have yet to see any medical papers explaining what is the actual trigger or sets the standard for what the brain decides is the limit of pressure differential. (Maybe simply pain, a certain pressure of expansion, who knows.) So attempting to create significant inflow of blood in this "state", which is determined by chemical reactions which affect the smooth muscle and regulate the pressure differential, is literally fighting against the body's natural process. However, in the "flaccid" state, or "feeling" of being flaccid, the smooth muscle is in its "normal" state (which is restrictive, but not highly so, as the it attempts to keep the penis in a "neutral" state, or make pressure differential zero(?)) which still allows relatively easy inflow and outflow of blood into the penis. (Perhaps it is just normally "set" to resist atmospheric pressure)
What I am trying to relate, horribly I might add
, is that the "erect" feeling has more to do with what one feels when the smooth muscle is fully relaxed allowing maximum inflow, but at the same time, the chemical reaction that takes place minimizes outflow in other areas of the penis, so manipulation of the volume of blood in the "erect" state is fighting against the penile system. I am not saying that you CANNOT force more blood into an erect penis, you certainly can, but that it is not the optimal time to do so chemically speaking.
It is easy to demonstrate this for yourself with a little practice. Get a 100% erection, whatever that is for you. Kegel to be sure that even a tiny squeeze produces a feeling of "maximum" expansion. Place the standard okay sign on your base, and either do a traditional jelq, my method or whatever to force more blood into your penis, it will not expand too much, although it will feel pretty intense to be sure. But pay close attention to how much more additional blood that you feel being added to your penis.
Now, long after you don't have an erection, and you are in your most tiny state of all.
Use some form of jelqing, that does not get you aroused in any way whatsoever, "my" method works great for me
, and keep forcing more and more blood into your penis until it is the same size as your penis is when it is "erect". ( I am assuming that you guys have a good way to kegel and jelq without allowing blood to escape back out while you are doing this. ) After you have reached your "erect" size, but are still "flaccid" in feeling, ie. no arousal but simply engorged. Use whatever method that you use to force blood into your penis. Pay particular attention to how much blood is added! It will be considerably more than when you did the experiment while rock-hard. This is because, in my mind so far in my naivety, is because the chemical process has not taken place to regulate pressure differential, or more specifically to stop the pressure from increasing, that takes place while being erect.
Rantings from a lunatic. Have fun.