peforlife;503020 said:


10 years ago i underwent surgery and had the suspensory ligament cut, I didn/t notice much of a change in legenth.- It seemed to heal just fine-
at that time I was desperate and had no Idea about Penis Enlargement - DO you think I will still make gains? even though I did this a while back?
I am very healthy, and get rock hard erections, -- This is a important question. and I always wondered if it was still possible to gain.



With that knowledge, you should make gains even faster. We stretch the ligament to mimic what would occur in surgery. As the ligaments becoming longer we start to stretch the tunica. In your case, you should make quick gains in the actual stretching of the tissue where the ligament was attached. Since there is no ligament to resist the stretch, you will be making tunica gains immediately. You will also benefit from Expressive Stretching for the same reasons.
hepcat;503240 said:
Is that you on the

Same name:

Ron McKinney
All American boy Ron McKinney hails from small town middle America. Join him as he travels back into his child hood in search of clues to his real self. Early in his teen years this young stud learned how to make a buck by just laying back. Captivated by the cash and attention he grew into one of the worlds most sought after male escorts. Small town mentality moved him into the US Marines and put him in California where the sexual skills he learned as a boy blossomed. Easy cash became his mantra and his beauty kept him at the top of the favorite toy list of the rich and famous. As a man still in his prime Ron has written a tell all book. Sexual secrets of the jet set fill each page of Mckinney's book "Sunset and Gomorrah".
another shy one;33950 said:
All right. Being still new to Penis Enlargement, I have some advices to give to the newbies.

The first concerns the grip. Now, if you're a newbie, you might have noticed that it's somewhat difficult to keep the grip on your penis when you want to do stretching exercises. The best natural and easy method that works for me is a soap called Irish Spring. Before doing your exercises, wash your hands and your penish with it (it's not necessary to take a bath. Be careful to dry those regions with a towel) and it will permit you to have a much better grip. Other methods to improve your grip are: Latex or plastic gloves (like surgeons's, golf gloves, etc.) and baby powder.

Second is more of an advice for the ligament stretches for the sides (right and left). When you do this exercise while standing up, spread your legs appart and shift your body towards the direction your're doing the stretch. For example, if you stretch to the Right, spread your legs appart and shift your body's weight to the Right (you should feel the Right leg's muscle tense... this is also quite a workout for the muscles! :D ). This method will help you target more easily the side ligaments.
Hello fellow Penis Enlargement gurus. im a newbie so am going to do what newbs do best and ask a sili question.

when jelqing should i be 100% erect of semi exrect. im on phase 1 of the MOS dvd aka DLD's newbie routine. i dnt know whether i should be fully erect or semi, as im also doing the newbie bathamte routine.

any adivse would be much appreciated.
guyfawkes;503298 said:
Hello fellow Penis Enlargement gurus. im a newbie so am going to do what newbs do best and ask a sili question.

when jelqing should i be 100% erect of semi exrect. im on phase 1 of the MOS dvd aka DLD's newbie routine. i dnt know whether i should be fully erect or semi, as im also doing the newbie bathamte routine.

any adivse would be much appreciated.

Hello Guy, I like to be at 100% erect when I start and it will soon subside (sometimes) to about 90%. I like to keep the erection level high so I can maximize expansion.
Cheers DLD.

i be honest 1st week in and my penis wrecks, not painfully, but i can feel the stretches i do and i can even see some difference, penis feels thicker slightly. however i wish to continue this routine for atleast 6 months for max gains.

i wanted to ask whether i should keep the hot wrap on for a longer period after exercise.? i persoanlly use a sock with rice in it, seal it of from the top and stick it in the microwave for a while and then wrap that rounf me penis. do it for 2-3 times for abt an hour. cuz i feel after exercise my penis in its flacid state is thincker and heavier, and i simply want to be on the afe side and get as much blood into the penis to avoid injury.

If i shouldnt be doing this let me knw DLD or anyone else.
guyfawkes;503751 said:
Cheers DLD.

i be honest 1st week in and my penis wrecks, not painfully, but i can feel the stretches i do and i can even see some difference, penis feels thicker slightly. however i wish to continue this routine for atleast 6 months for max gains.

i wanted to ask whether i should keep the hot wrap on for a longer period after exercise.? i persoanlly use a sock with rice in it, seal it of from the top and stick it in the microwave for a while and then wrap that rounf me penis. do it for 2-3 times for abt an hour. cuz i feel after exercise my penis in its flacid state is thincker and heavier, and i simply want to be on the afe side and get as much blood into the penis to avoid injury.

If i shouldnt be doing this let me knw DLD or anyone else.

Hey Guy, A longer warm up will not really change too much. a 5 minute warmup is the most you will need. It is only meant to relax and loosen the tissue prior to training. I personally do light stretching as a warmup and do well with that.
cool i understand.

i only started doing them as i felt my penis didnt feel the same, it was thicker and havier after exercise, so i kept the wrap thing on untill my penis looked normal. i guess i was more cautious than anyhting, gievn the fact i read abt to many injuries in the Penis Enlargement injury section as most of the time your remedey was hot wraps to get the blood into the penis, i also read Doctors giving the same advice to those who do Penis Enlargement.

But i guess im much calmer than before lol. cheer DLD you are a real inspiration.
guyfawkes;503758 said:
cool i understand.

i only started doing them as i felt my penis didnt feel the same, it was thicker and havier after exercise, so i kept the wrap thing on untill my penis looked normal. i guess i was more cautious than anyhting, gievn the fact i read abt to many injuries in the Penis Enlargement injury section as most of the time your remedey was hot wraps to get the blood into the penis, i also read Doctors giving the same advice to those who do Penis Enlargement.

But i guess im much calmer than before lol. cheer DLD you are a real inspiration.

You want your penis thicker and heavier after a Penis Enlargement session. That is the ideal state. Means you didn't over train. If you've over trained, your penis will be weak, sore and will probably turtle (shrivel up)
is light stretching a suitable warm-up for jelqing? Or is a hot wrap the ideal when dealing with girth work?
mykdavery;504156 said:
is light stretching a suitable warm-up for jelqing? Or is a hot wrap the ideal when dealing with girth work?

Ideally you want to do a hot wrap of some kind, heat and massage are the best way to warm up. If I have a really busy day I will use some light stretching and massage as a warmup.
Hi guys i ahve a question.

what is the best way to jelq and how much pressure do you use? sili thing to ask, i no, but i beend reading were guess have unfortunately bleed from their pee hole do to kjelqing, i guess tht useung alot of force, but it made me wonder whether i am doing it write. i usually get the feeling tht im gna explode. hehe but i control it by distracing my attention, works some times lol.

guyfawkes;506081 said:
Hi guys i ahve a question.

what is the best way to jelq and how much pressure do you use? sili thing to ask, i no, but i beend reading were guess have unfortunately bleed from their pee hole do to kjelqing, i guess tht useung alot of force, but it made me wonder whether i am doing it write. i usually get the feeling tht im gna explode. hehe but i control it by distracing my attention, works some times lol.


Oddly enough, the bleeding usually happens due to a nick or cut in the urethra or meatus. It can be a pain for guys, it was for me once, but I soon knew why it happened and it never occurred again. It is not a hugely reported injury, but it does come up from time to time. If it happens, do not freak out, the small amount of blood is not going to hurt you, but it is a warning that you should stop and allow the injury to heal (about 2 weeks) and jump back in.

Now, with jelqing, the pressure can be anywhere from light to "about to pop", I love training in the 'about to pop" area because I know this will force girth gains so much faster, if I am stressing and deforming the tissue. One can go too far with girth work and develop thrombosis, which can put you out of the game for a minute too so it is best to practice resistance progressively, learning your limits with accuracy and pressing these limits as you can.

I have a question, I am on Phase 1 for 2.5 months, I finally Measured -/ a bit unhappy to be honest
I am noticing very good GIRTH GAINS, and Flacid Hang-, but NEIL in Legenth...<:(
Am I doing something wrong? I have followed all of the directions on Phase 1 to a T-
Is it normal to have girth gains first before Legenth?

Do you have a educated answer as to what I may need to do to get faster legenth?

Thank you

hey ive been doing this now for about a week but im starting to get slight pains when stretching should i continue stretching anyway or should i stop for a while?

ITS a book I wrote, I am in LA, and thought maybe if you have time check it out-

Its about overcoming impossible odds and finding peace its very controversial,
Im my book I even talk about mens, insecurities with Penis Size, its helped me move on-
right now we are trying to ride off of the 50 shades of grey project-

Brother it's ben one hell of a ride, and I joined your site because I was desperate
and always felt inadequate my whole life -- /
I left a message for you regarding phase 1- Im gaining GIRTH but neil in Legenth, im getting a little depressed
bit following your lead..

Have a great day
Thank you so much

peforlife;506365 said:

ITS a book I wrote, I am in LA, and thought maybe if you have time check it out-

Its about overcoming impossible odds and finding peace its very controversial,
Im my book I even talk about mens, insecurities with Penis Size, its helped me move on-
right now we are trying to ride off of the 50 shades of grey project-

Brother it's ben one hell of a ride, and I joined your site because I was desperate
and always felt inadequate my whole life -- /
I left a message for you regarding phase 1- Im gaining GIRTH but neil in Legenth, im getting a little depressed
bit following your lead..

Have a great day
Thank you so much


If you want to accelerate length gains, you should buy a device. There are plenty of effective lengthening tools out there. If you have a lot of time on your hands, the Bib hanger would be your best option. That is my opinion. If you don't wish to hang, why not buy an extender and increase the intensity of the manual exercises? Girth is easy to get. Length is tough.
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