
WHAT about the Power assist that was included with the program,? can I really hit the ligs while im laying in bed at night -and maybe get in another hour or so of stretch? is the power assist a tool that I can use for any amount of time in the evening.

Thank you
Things are steady-- flacid hang is better, and girth is def noticable, and one of my girlfriends noticed it was thicker- but still the Legenth is eluding me- I use the power assist every night and am following the Video MOS has regarding power assist-, I have not found a video for the BIB HANGER

amazing BIO By the way, I am a recovering addict myself, and on meds for depression, - we have some things in common.
Peace be with you
and thank you again

peforlife;506406 said:

WHAT about the Power assist that was included with the program,? can I really hit the ligs while im laying in bed at night -and maybe get in another hour or so of stretch? is the power assist a tool that I can use for any amount of time in the evening.

Thank you

The PowerAssist is amazing with stretching. Here are just a few of the great stretches that can be performed: PowerAssist Videos most of the stretches can be done layying down if that was the question.
Thats great to know I am getting Phase 1 really a good understanding finally, I have 1 qusetion while I have you, - When I stretch, I sometimes have to grab the penis almost half way down, because of slippage, even though I use baby powder, I feel it deep in the Ligs, is that gonna be a prob?-
Im your video you grip JUST BELOW THE HEAD.. I dont have the same amount of Legenth,.. I am thick,

Your thoughts?

DetrminedMan;506364 said:
hey ive been doing this now for about a week but im starting to get slight pains when stretching should i continue stretching anyway or should i stop for a while?

If the pain you are in is at the base of your penis than this is normal, ligament soreness. Let me know where the pain is coming from sop I can help.
Yes Sir-- I feel the Pull at the Base Mostly, and some pain, moderate, when I pull the skin at the mid shaft, to get a better GRIP. It seems like the best lig stretches seem to be BEHIND THE CHEEKS, at first I thought it was a very uncomfortable unusual stretch but I can really feel the Ligs getting hit there-
Not so keen on the last STRETCH on PHASE 1 where you PULL straight UP Thats where I find the most slippage, and cant feel the base of the ligs getting it
I slowed doen the 600 Jelques to 300 a day, It honest to god seems like Im gaining fast GIRTH, and I really need to focus more on LIG work and stretching
Maybe because im new and its only 2.5 months, that im frustrated, I guess adapt? work harder on the stretching? Like the Gym?

Thank you for your valuable time and dedication-
Best regards
peforlife;506592 said:
Yes Sir-- I feel the Pull at the Base Mostly, and some pain, moderate, when I pull the skin at the mid shaft, to get a better GRIP. It seems like the best lig stretches seem to be BEHIND THE CHEEKS, at first I thought it was a very uncomfortable unusual stretch but I can really feel the Ligs getting hit there-
Not so keen on the last STRETCH on PHASE 1 where you PULL straight UP Thats where I find the most slippage, and cant feel the base of the ligs getting it
I slowed doen the 600 Jelques to 300 a day, It honest to god seems like Im gaining fast GIRTH, and I really need to focus more on LIG work and stretching
Maybe because im new and its only 2.5 months, that im frustrated, I guess adapt? work harder on the stretching? Like the Gym?

Thank you for your valuable time and dedication-
Best regards

Well, work through as much as you can but don't put yourself in misery, if it hurts too much back off. The pain at the base, will more than likely stick around for your first couple months, it becomes more and more manageable. At least you know your stretching it, right?
Yes, I Know I get a good work out in, when at the end of the session I feel a nice Dull soreness at the base.. when I warm down, Yes?,

What is more important as far as length gains while stretching? Hitting the ligs or the tunica?
I've noticed that I only feel it in the tunica with the straight out stretch (all the other angles, I feel an intense stretch in my ligaments) so I think I might have tight Ligaments.

What does having tight ligs mean in terms of potential length gains, if anything?
mykdavery;506688 said:

What is more important as far as length gains while stretching? Hitting the ligs or the tunica?
I've noticed that I only feel it in the tunica with the straight out stretch (all the other angles, I feel an intense stretch in my ligaments) so I think I might have tight Ligaments.

What does having tight ligs mean in terms of potential length gains, if anything?

Tight ligaments are highly effected in stretches that go below your erection angle. Using Behind the Cheeks stretches would represent the most extreme angle of stretch to the ligaments. Ligamental gains are the fastest, while Tunica gains are very slow. The Tunica has only 5% elasticity making it very dense and very difficult to stretch. This has good and bad to it. With only 5% elasticity, when a gain is made it has little choice of returning to it's smaller size, it simply will not snap back like a rubber band, it will remain deformed. Tunica specific exercises would be any stretches that are above your erection angle, straight up stretching and extending are the best. The Tunica is also effected by girth expansion, this translates to girth and length gains.

SIR--IM stuck on PHASE 1 Until I have mastered all these stretching techniques, It takes Damn Near a full HR- SOmetimes More, To get the Stretching work done.
I just have a question about GRIP, and PULL-- I have alot of gripping problems when im pulling on the OUT- AND UP STRETCH WORK
I USE ALOT OF BABY POWDER- It seemes like I need to grab at the center of my penis just to have enough meat to pull on, Is this Normal in the Start of the program? Im at a solid 7, if that helps you

Best regards
Thank You

Ron-Penis EnlargementFORLIFE
Hello DLD.

I wanna thank you so much for brining me so motivated. I have made massive gains in a very short period of time.

I have followed the Newbie routine stretches and gained 0.8 inches in 22 days to be exact.
Started 6.7 inches lenght and now 7.5 inches, Im 100 % sure I have measured before and after right.

I will see what my future gains will be but the newbie routine that Im doing now Im gonna follow for 68 days left (3 months total on Phase 1 Newbie Routine)

Im sure I wont gain as much as now for sure, but do you think it would be possible to gain up to 1.2 inches in 68 days for me?

Im not doing any Jelqing right now, that's because I started pretty girth from beginning and want to focus on lenght first.

You are my true Hero DLD, thank you so much for everything right now.
MartinGlad;506963 said:
Im sure I wont gain as much as now for sure, but do you think it would be possible to gain up to 1.2 inches in 68 days for me?

Of course it is! Here is how that works; see it, believe it, make it happen. I can say, yes you can make the gain in that time but unless you believe in the goal, it may not happen. It is a big gain but it is possible, I have seen happen even faster. Get yourself in the mode to make it happen and do it!
DLD what would you personally recommend to any1 here to do after no more gains on Newbie routine, like 3months+ training on Phase1...

¤ Should they jump to a SizeGenetic routine?
¤ LenghtMaster Routine?
¤ Someother Routine (Like hanging, ETC)
¤ Or just jump to Phase 2 from 1 and holding yourself to the DVD?
peforlife;506870 said:

SIR--IM stuck on PHASE 1 Until I have mastered all these stretching techniques, It takes Damn Near a full HR- SOmetimes More, To get the Stretching work done.
I just have a question about GRIP, and PULL-- I have alot of gripping problems when im pulling on the OUT- AND UP STRETCH WORK
I USE ALOT OF BABY POWDER- It seemes like I need to grab at the center of my penis just to have enough meat to pull on, Is this Normal in the Start of the program? Im at a solid 7, if that helps you

Best regards
Thank You

Ron-Penis EnlargementFORLIFE

I thought of something that may help you.

This is for stretching UP.

Grip glans with two hands. have your forearms on your hips for leverage. Grip really tight and pull your pelvis back, like your ass will be sticking out. It's like you're pulling your penis away from your hands by using your body. Standing up works really well but you can also do it while sitting. It's easier to keep your grip solid while your body does the work of pulling your penis in the opposite direction rather than gripping really tight and pulling your penis with your hands away from your body. Try it out, but make sure you do it very very slowly. Stretching UP with lots of force is the easiest way to pull a lig, in my opinion. I've done it a few times stretching up too hard and fast.
Have a awesome weekend
RON- Penis EnlargementFRLIFE
peforlife;507290 said:
Have a awesome weekend
RON- Penis EnlargementFRLIFE

Very good, please let us know how it goes.
hello DLD

wanted to ask a quck question. im feeling a real big stretch when i do phase 1 stretxching downwards, feels good, can feel tht im real hitting the ligament or tendons, but it feel sore, not so sore tht i cnt do my exercise but sore, however when i do straight ahead and straight up stretch i dnt feel the same ligament or tendon stretch, am i doing something wrong ?

futher more, i find it hard to get erect on demand when trying to do jelqing, so i was wondering with horny goat weed help, i read it on redzulu thread i think ?

cheers in advance. :D
DLD could you please just give me advise what I should do after the gains are closed for me on Phase-1? Where would you have started then? Phase 2 or some other stuff, just want to hear your opintion.
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