This may help you if your uncut like me

What I do is pull my foreskin back, squeeze blood into the glans and kegel so its full. I then use my thumb, and index finger to grip tightly underneath the glans, but above where the foreskin has been stretched. Commence the stretch.

When combining that with the MOSgrip its ridiculous, only my own grip limits me by the fact it eventually cuts off circulation.
Great replies I want to add to this also that once you start stretching with the foreskin retracted it will get more comfortable each day until you’re able to stretch just as hard as anyone else.
I did a big pump session the other week and i pumped 5 mins per 1h over the whole day (10x5 mins or so). I also did stretch exercise in the start, middle and at the end. Between the pumps i used a cockring and held myself erected a lot to get the extended healing effect. At the end of the session I was very large. BUT the string under my glands (dunno its name) was now damaged and I had to heal it for over a week and I havent been able to do any real pump sessions since then. The session was really good, is there any way i can protect that string and still do these sessions? Can you help me with some expert knowledge here pls?
Gains after pumps like that are great, but do they actually yield any long term gains? I don't want to bother pumping up if it does not provide long term gain.
Gains after pumps like that are great, but do they actually yield any long term gains? I don't want to bother pumping up if it does not provide long term gain.

The best way to see gains with pumps is to follow SRT and the 5×5×3 work out. In this workout you will make tissue gains without retention and overtime gains become permanent.The methodology here is to get yourself beyond your maximum erect size over and over until that size is cemented. If the SRT methodology is followed in a healing sense you will see these gains manifest themselves very quickly as permanent
I know I overdid PE right out of the gait. I was blasting 2 sets of 20 minutes (minimum daily) with my power j gym. This was the route of my skin issues because once I found this resource I continued to increase the stress on my penis. I continued my self-abuse until I received my size genetics set- up and silli sleeves so that I could feel confident that I would not lose the .5" length gains while I let myself heal.

I continued to follow the basic stretch routine daily and the extender methods listed above. Now that I feel it is almost time to resume jelqing and girth work, should I start out slow or jump right back into 20 minutes at a time? I did purchase a pump and again overdid it the 1st few attempts, but have found the pumping forum and will condition my penis to pumping (every other day ay 3 mmhg) using the 5x5x3 program.
I know I overdid PE right out of the gait. I was blasting 2 sets of 20 minutes (minimum daily) with my power j gym. This was the route of my skin issues because once I found this resource I continued to increase the stress on my penis. I continued my self-abuse until I received my size genetics set- up and silli sleeves so that I could feel confident that I would not lose the .5" length gains while I let myself heal.

I continued to follow the basic stretch routine daily and the extender methods listed above. Now that I feel it is almost time to resume jelqing and girth work, should I start out slow or jump right back into 20 minutes at a time? I did purchase a pump and again overdid it the 1st few attempts, but have found the pumping forum and will condition my penis to pumping (every other day ay 3 mmhg) using the 5x5x3 program.

Anyone who is using a pump should be doing the 5×5×3 in SRT it is proven itself to be the most powerful and fastest way to make girth gains.
I started following your recommendation, DLD, to use petroleum jelly as a lubricant during manual jelqing and pumping sessions. What is the most efficient way to remove PJ from the skin? Residual lube was the source of slippage during basic stretches/ initial SG and silli sleeve attempts. I experienced the same issues when trying to substitute baby powder for MOS grip powder
Thanx! I was thinking about ordering the jelqing lube from this site. Just finished a 5x5x3 session with expressive stretches during the pumping portion. Wow, I love the feeling! It's almost as if I can feel my self growing now that I'm back in the size genetics. This time I used an unscented Curel ultra healing lotion.
I started following your recommendation, DLD, to use petroleum jelly as a lubricant during manual jelqing and pumping sessions. What is the most efficient way to remove PJ from the skin? Residual lube was the source of slippage during basic stretches/ initial SG and silli sleeve attempts. I experienced the same issues when trying to substitute baby powder for MOS grip powder

What I do with Vaseline is first I take paper towels and I remove as much of it as I can then after that I will use hot water and soap to remove the remainder. After washing dry with a paper towel to be sure that every bit of petroleum jelly is picked up. It’s a pain in the ass but there’s no better way to wet work. But as you were advised you do not want to use Vaseline with a pump as it will cause clogs and you will lose vacuum. If you’re going to use a lubricant for pumping use a water-based lubricant.
...and those products will damage materials like silicone, so, water based is advised, or, a natural oil.
Even Crocodile oil can be used, that stuff is excellent for burns, bruises, and skin disorders. Dont buy the US version, which is overpriced, has low levels of croc oil, and has a scent added. Buy the Singapore one, its pure 100% and the animal was not killed for its oil, but they eat them in the far east like the west eats chicken.
I know I overdid PE right out of the gait. I was blasting 2 sets of 20 minutes (minimum daily) with my power j gym. This was the route of my skin issues because once I found this resource I continued to increase the stress on my penis. I continued my self-abuse until I received my size genetics set- up and silli sleeves so that I could feel confident that I would not lose the .5" length gains while I let myself heal.

I continued to follow the basic stretch routine daily and the extender methods listed above. Now that I feel it is almost time to resume jelqing and girth work, should I start out slow or jump right back into 20 minutes at a time? I did purchase a pump and again overdid it the 1st few attempts, but have found the pumping forum and will condition my penis to pumping (every other day ay 3 mmhg) using the 5x5x3 program.
Thanks, this is really useful. Warning to anyone who wants to go crazy.
Thanks, this is really useful. Warning to anyone who wants to go crazy.

When we first start PE or we start a new exercise or use a new tool we need to be very cautious, patient and gentle with ourselves until we master what we are doing. Once you find what your maximum is you’re able to push that envelope closer and closer to make better gains. Time off from an injury is a real pain medication psychologically set you back. Always be cautious and never be overzealous.
This is a great starting routine. So many new guys do not know where to start so I put this together for you. Please read it over and ask any quetions. For the best in video, illustrations, sound bites and flawless text descriptions all organized into a 5 Phase system check out The [words=]MoS[/words] Members Site, for a minimal fee you will have lifetime access to the best Penis Enlargement site on the internet.

Good luck!

BEGINNERS Penis Enlargement

DLD's [words=]NEWBIE ROUTINE[/words]

New Addition to [words=]Newbie Routine[/words]

5 minutes of Bundled Stretching before Length Routine and girth work

Basic Stretching: 3 Sets of each stretch below
Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds

Straight Down to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Down Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Straight Out to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Out Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Straight Up to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Up Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Basic Jelqing

For First 2 weeks - 300 2 Second Jelqs

after 2 weeks - 600 2 Second Jelqs

After Jelq: Warm Down

PC Muscle Fitness

100 quick Kegel squeezes

50 of the following:
Squeeze your PC muscle as hard as you can, hold for 5 seconds then slowly release for 2 seconds. When you have finished the 50 your PC muscle will be screaming. This is a good [words=]sign[/words]. Now to finish the exercise start squeezing and hold for 1 minute, if you get tired squeeze harder until the minute is complete.

Testicle Health Massage



Bundled Stretching, why?

5 minutes of Bundled Stretching before your length or girth routine will pre-stretch the Tunica allowing for greater length and girth gains. This is a vital part of every routine from the Newbie to the most advanced. DO NOT SKIP THIS!


A very important part of your program will be the Warm-up and Warm-Down. During this process you will be preparing your penis for exercise. It is important to warm up in order to loosen the ligaments and increase good blood flow. There are many different ways to accomplish this here are a few:

Heating Pad: A conventional heating pad works very well for warm-up. You can pick one up for under $14.00 and they create the perfect heating supply for warm-up. Wrap your penis in the heating pad, plug it in, set a comfortable temperature and relax for 10-15 minutes.

Hot Wrap: A hot wrap is a quicker, less expensive way to warm-up. With a standard washcloth fill you sink or tub with hot water. Soak washcloth until hot and wrap penis. Re-soak rag as it cools. This process should be done for about 5 minutes.

Oil rub Warm-up: With some basic baby oil heat in hot water or microwave very quickly (making sure it is not burning hot) when desired heat is reached work this oil into your penis in a deep massage. This massage should last 5 minutes.

Hot Tub, Shower or Bath: A warm-up can also be done in one of the previously mentioned places. If time allows a nice 10 minute soak really loosens things up and prepares you for exercise.

Basic Stretching
After your warm-up in a seated position prepare yourself for your stretching routine. With an ample supply of Baby powder on you hands grip your penis just below the head. Go easy at first and over your first week, as you become comfortable, increase the stretching strength to 100%.

Basic Jelqing
With desired lubricant (I highly recommend Vaseline) cover hands and penis completely. At this point you will want to have about an 80% erection (semi-soft) Now in a seated position with your palm down grip your penis with the standard OK [words=]sign[/words] grip. Gripping your penis at the extreme base and a tight grip, force the blood from the very base up to right below the head in a sliding motion. When your first hand reaches the bottom of your head the second hand begins the same movement. This is a strange movement at first but over a few sessions it will become second nature. With each passing day increase the intensity ever so slightly. The goal of basic jelqing is too enlarge girth, add length and improve general penile health.

PC Muscle Fitness/Kegels
This is an important part of your workout.
This routine can be done anywhere. The benefits of doing these are a huge part of your growth process. A mature, developed PC muscle will be paramount to future gains and penile health.

What is a kegel?
A kegel is the name of a pelvic floor exercise, named after Dr. Kegel who discovered the exercise. These muscles are attached to the pelvic bone and act like a hammock, holding in your pelvic organs. To feel this muscle movement simply stop and start the flow of urine. This isolation of the PC muscle is a kegel.

Why would I want to do kegel exercises?

• Stronger Erections
• Longer Erections due to blood hold capacity
• Larger head size
• Further ejaculatory Distance
• Sexual enjoyment is enhanced for both partners
• It can prevent prolapsed of pelvic organs
• It can help prevent leaking urine when you sneeze or cough

Testicle Health
Testicle Health Stretch will help your penis to hang lower in flaccid state. It will also increase blood flow to your testicles and aid in sperm count. This routine should take no longer than 5 minutes but the benefits are many.

With favorite lotion grab your scrotum just above your testicles. Now in a rubbing motion massage each testy for 30 seconds rubbing between your fingers in a gentle but firm movement. Now massage all the fluid around your testicles for 60 seconds. At this point your scrotum should be very relaxed. Finally lightly stretch your scrotum downward while the other hand pulls your penis upward. Do 60 of these. This is a very quick routine but the benefits are great. This will also aid you in any kind of early warning signs of testicular problems.

I have always trained 7 days on no days off. I think this type of schedule promotes a more habitual program. For me days off can quickly turn into weeks off so it is better for me to be a daily trainer. I also believe that the penis only needs 24 hours of recovery before it is trained again. Some guys either do not have the time for this or it may be too difficult at first. In this case I recommend deducting one day at a time until the perfect routine is created. i.e. 6 on 1 off, 5 on 2 off.
I still do not know how to do the behind the checks.
I could not find in the community any post with photos or some video that teaches to do
Hey newbie here! I just started this week, and purchased the silistretcher. How should I incorporate using that to optimize my gains? Should I do the exercises in the morning and wear it during the day? Do the exercises at night and wear it overnight? Looking for some guidance. Thanks!
My Bad! I meant to say the silisleev

OK I understand. Yes you want to use your sleeves to keep yourself you long gated elongated after a stretching session. It will keep your penis elongated while it heals in an extended position. People are also using sleeves to stretch with as they feel there’s more comfort using the sleeve.
I have always trained 7 days on no days off. I think this type of schedule promotes a more habitual program. For me days off can quickly turn into weeks off so it is better for me to be a daily trainer. I also believe that the penis only needs 24 hours of recovery before it is trained again. Some guys either do not have the time for this or it may be too difficult at first. In this case I recommend deducting one day at a time until the perfect routine is created. i.e. 6 on 1 off, 5 on 2 off.

Hey DLD!

I'm going to dive in full steam on this, cuz my fiance is gone for 6 months and well, it'll be fun to see what I can accomplish.

What are your recommendations when it comes to doing this and adding the bathmate and one of the siliatretcher-2's?

Hey DLD!

I'm going to dive in full steam on this, cuz my fiance is gone for 6 months and well, it'll be fun to see what I can accomplish.

What are your recommendations when it comes to doing this and adding the bathmate and one of the siliatretcher-2's?


As stated by three you can go to the SRT thread the best workout is there. As far as pumping goes you want to use the 5×5×3 and for length since you have a SiliStretcher you will want to pick one of the hanging routines. Have a look at it let me know what you think and any questions you may have.
Once your order let me know so I can help you put a great SRT routine together. And remember if you buy the whole package you save $300.
Hey brother!

Since I already have the hydromax7 do I need the pump? Although, it seems like it's quicker/easier to use an airpump, but do they work as well?
Hey brother!

Since I already have the hydromax7 do I need the pump? Although, it seems like it's quicker/easier to use an airpump, but do they work as well?

The Mityvac can give more precise information about the pressure you're using. (As in likely a safer option.)
But worry not, you can utilize the Hydromax in SRT routine. When you've used it for a while you could think of getting Vacu-vin and giving the Hydromax a modification. It surely adds force.
Be safe!

Both ways of pumping can and do work. I personally favor hydropumping but at times air pumping has it's place and time.
The Mityvac can give more precise information about the pressure you're using. (As in likely a safer option.)
But worry not, you can utilize the Hydromax in SRT routine. When you've used it for a while you could think of getting Vacu-vin and giving the Hydromax a modification. It surely adds force.
Be safe!

Both ways of pumping can and do work. I personally favor hydropumping but at times air pumping has it's place and time.

I appreciate the response! I guess it can make sense to have both for days when I wanted to sit in the bath and relax. I guess using an air pump seems like an easier option because I can knock everything out in my bedroom versus having to go into the bathroom run a bath and do everything.

What kind of gains have you seen?
@Vision40 , I've personally made around 1" gains in length and girth, trying to get back to more vigorous training. But those gains have stuck even with longer pauses!

I feel the Bathmate / Hydromax works very well in the shower as well. Especially if you have a shower "cubicle", you can have a small seat and just relax in the shower booth, doing your session. I haven't tried the Hydromax in a bath actually, overall I feel baths are a big waste of water when you can get cleaner using the shower.
Just a personal opinion, where I live bathtubs haven't been so very prominent ever.
And anyway, I prefer sauna when it comes to heat, those are more common here in Scandinavia. ;)
@Vision40 , I've personally made around 1" gains in length and girth, trying to get back to more vigorous training. But those gains have stuck even with longer pauses!

I feel the Bathmate / Hydromax works very well in the shower as well. Especially if you have a shower "cubicle", you can have a small seat and just relax in the shower booth, doing your session. I haven't tried the Hydromax in a bath actually, overall I feel baths are a big waste of water when you can get cleaner using the shower.
Just a personal opinion, where I live bathtubs haven't been so very prominent ever.
And anyway, I prefer sauna when it comes to heat, those are more common here in Scandinavia. ;)

That's awesome! How long did it take you to make those gains?

I agree with you about baths, but I'm also not a very patient person and so maybe using the bath would be a good thing for me since it forces me to slow down
Slowing down, yes, definitely helps with certain gains! And with life overall, I believe in easing on the throttle quite often. :)

About the time span it's hard to say, I'm in the slow gainer range though (because I'm so lazy), so it did take a while for me.
But gains are possible, that's what I want to state, the timeframe varies a lot between men! Even with a same kind of routine the timeframe and gains will vary due to individual factors.
I appreciate the response! I guess it can make sense to have both for days when I wanted to sit in the bath and relax. I guess using an air pump seems like an easier option because I can knock everything out in my bedroom versus having to go into the bathroom run a bath and do everything.

What kind of gains have you seen?

In that case it is the Mityvac all the way!
How do I get the tools in Nigeria? Also, I saw a video of someone hanging 45pounds on d dick, Is the penis that strong that it wont snap and cut off? Any one with experience of snapping or injury to the dick?
How do I get the tools in Nigeria? Also, I saw a video of someone hanging 45pounds on d dick, Is the penis that strong that it wont snap and cut off? Any one with experience of snapping or injury to the dick?

Nigeria is no problem we have shipped there plenty of times. 45 pounds when you’re hanging is advanced but I’ve gotten to 75 pounds. Hanging is all about time and the increase of intensity.
Hi DLD, I’ve actually been keeping up with the Newbie routine lately, but a few days ago I think I might’ve hit rock bottom and created plateau situation by injuring my penis. It was my third week into PE exercises and I decided I should add some force into my stretching (of course stretching comfortably still), but as I gradually increased my force during the behind-the-cheeks and downward stretch I noticed a weird sensation at the base of my penis, as if tight strings have “broke”, or like a popping sensation. Then it was followed by soreness, it was PRETTY sore. Then as I moved on to jelqing after stretching, I noticed the base of my penis being exceptionally stiff, and my erection being weaker. My erection angle prior to this was pretty big, with the tip of my penis pointing straight up to the ceiling. But now it points straight forward... now I think my erected penis appears a little smaller. I’m really skeptical about continuing manual stretches now. Help please... thanks!
Hi DLD, I’ve actually been keeping up with the Newbie routine lately, but a few days ago I think I might’ve hit rock bottom and created plateau situation by injuring my penis. It was my third week into PE exercises and I decided I should add some force into my stretching (of course stretching comfortably still), but as I gradually increased my force during the behind-the-cheeks and downward stretch I noticed a weird sensation at the base of my penis, as if tight strings have “broke”, or like a popping sensation. Then it was followed by soreness, it was PRETTY sore. Then as I moved on to jelqing after stretching, I noticed the base of my penis being exceptionally stiff, and my erection being weaker. My erection angle prior to this was pretty big, with the tip of my penis pointing straight up to the ceiling. But now it points straight forward... now I think my erected penis appears a little smaller. I’m really skeptical about continuing manual stretches now. Help please... thanks!
This is all normal and expected. You’re putting your penis through some serious work and it’s going to be a bit resistant to it. You should expect to feel soreness at the base and this is a good sign that you’re making growth. Your erection quality will grow with strengthening your pelvic floor muscles. I suggest that you start a serious Kegel program now.
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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