doublelongdaddy;766819 said:
Underwear are the biggest enemy to the flaccid size. I know this because I have had to wear underwear for quite some time (about six months) and I end up tuttleing big time. No underwear in [words=]SRT[/words], or loose boxers that do not restrict. [words=]SRT[/words] is a strategic, well thought out plan to gain at the fastest possible rate. Everything within the routine has purpose. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

I have noticed that most of the newbies in PE come to the forum with a routine they got from another forum and most of the time the said routine lacks intensity. [words=]SRT[/words] is the best procedure to follow when doing PE.
I have a problem, my skin is changing this second week, in penis and scrotum, it has become like rock, in scrotum its a little painful, its because of the shampoo i use for jelqing or is normal, should i even use shampoo for jelq?, i had to stop 3 days, what should i do.
Luftim;767042 said:
I have a problem, my skin is changing this second week, in penis and scrotum, it has become like rock, in scrotum its a little painful, its because of the shampoo i use for jelqing or is normal, should i even use shampoo for jelq?, i had to stop 3 days, what should i do.

Maybe it is because of the shampoo because I have never heard of anyone complaining about having a hard scrotum. Have you tried using something else for jelqing instead of the shampoo?
Luftim;767042 said:
I have a problem, my skin is changing this second week, in penis and scrotum, it has become like rock, in scrotum its a little painful, its because of the shampoo i use for jelqing or is normal, should i even use shampoo for jelq?, i had to stop 3 days, what should i do.

Shampoo is a big no no, it will dry your skin out big time. Use vaseline or another lubricant. I also suggest two other things that will eliminate the dryness and tightness while allowing your penis and balls to hang lower and heavier. First, do the Testicle Health Massage and Stretch found in [words=]SRT[/words] or The [words=]Newbie Routine[/words]. Next use a pea size portion of hydrocortisone on your penis after training. These two things will change your situation big time!
doublelongdaddy;767079 said:
Shampoo is a big no no, it will dry your skin out big time. Use vaseline or another lubricant. I also suggest two other things that will eliminate the dryness and tightness while allowing your penis and balls to hang lower and heavier. First, do the Testicle Health Massage and Stretch found in [words=]SRT[/words] or The [words=]Newbie Routine[/words]. Next use a pea size portion of hydrocortisone on your penis after training. These two things will change your situation big time!

I will never use Vaseline for girth work again. It has messed up my pump big time.
huge-girth;767156 said:
I will never use Vaseline for girth work again. It has messed up my pump big time.

Vaseline in the [words= ]BathMate[/words] is a big no no. The valve will get clogged and you will lose vacuum. If using Vaseline you need to do a complete cleaning after every session. I wiser choice would be a thick, water based hair conditioner.
doublelongdaddy;767215 said:
Vaseline in the [words= ]BathMate[/words] is a big no no. The valve will get clogged and you will lose vacuum. If using Vaseline you need to do a complete cleaning after every session. I wiser choice would be a thick, water based hair conditioner.

I will have to re-clean my [words= ]bathmate[/words] and remove the valve for thorough cleaning after that I will search for a water based hair conditioner.
huge-girth;767270 said:
I will have to re-clean my [words= ]bathmate[/words] and remove the valve for thorough cleaning after that I will search for a water based hair conditioner.

Or some water based lube. It's easier and faster to clean off before going into the [words= ]BM[/words] and will rinse out faster.

Water based lube does seem to dry out a bit if you're jelqing with it but all it takes is a few drops of water to make it slick again. You don't need a whole lot and can keep rewetting while jelqing and make it last quite a while.
cladre60;767314 said:
Or some water based lube. It's easier and faster to clean off before going into the [words= ]BM[/words] and will rinse out faster.

Water based lube does seem to dry out a bit if you're jelqing with it but all it takes is a few drops of water to make it slick again. You don't need a whole lot and can keep rewetting while jelqing and make it last quite a while.

Anything water based is the best. Anything oil based will collect dirt and grime and completely clog the valve. You can use oil based products but be prepared to do a full cleaning of your [words= ]BathMate[/words] after each use. Best to go with a water based lube that is viscous enough to remain present for some time.
cladre60;767314 said:
Or some water based lube. It's easier and faster to clean off before going into the [words= ]BM[/words] and will rinse out faster.

Water based lube does seem to dry out a bit if you're jelqing with it but all it takes is a few drops of water to make it slick again. You don't need a whole lot and can keep rewetting while jelqing and make it last quite a while.

Thank you very much for the well detailed explanation.
huge-girth;767382 said:
Thank you very much for the well detailed explanation.

Huge, You may need to apply several times since it does get mixed with water. I would suggest adding lube after every 5 minutes set in the [words=]SRT[/words] 5x5x3 or whatever anyone is using.
doublelongdaddy;767538 said:
Huge, You may need to apply several times since it does get mixed with water. I would suggest adding lube after every 5 minutes set in the [words=]SRT[/words] 5x5x3 or whatever anyone is using.

Alright I will do as you have suggested.
Re: DLD's First Routine (I gained 2 inches with this routine) Full Tutorial

Is this one okay?, and if i dont wash it will this harm my skin?
Re: DLD's First Routine (I gained 2 inches with this routine) Full Tutorial

Is this one okay?, and if i dont wash it will this harm my skin?

Vaseline will not harm you skin but it will clog your BathMate. I suggest a thick water based hair conditioner as this will wash away with water. The other thing that stinks about Vaseline is if any is left on the skin it will stain your pants so be sure to get all vaseline off is using.
Re: DLD's First Routine (I gained 2 inches with this routine) Full Tutorial

Head of the penis blood points normal? Im doing 600 jlq
Re: DLD's First Routine (I gained 2 inches with this routine) Full Tutorial

Head of the penis blood points normal? Im doing 600 jlq

If the spots are smaller than pinhead size and dissipate in under 24 hours, you should be OK. Light massage and heat can help the spots to dissipate faster.
Re: DLD's First Routine (I gained 2 inches with this routine) Full Tutorial

If the spots are smaller than pinhead size and dissipate in under 24 hours, you should be OK. Light massage and heat can help the spots to dissipate faster.

Indeed, deep tissue massage is a very good thing when this occurs. Within a few minutes much of the spotting will fade.
Re: DLD's First Routine (I gained 2 inches with this routine) Full Tutorial

Indeed, deep tissue massage is a very good thing when this occurs. Within a few minutes much of the spotting will fade.

I never experienced any of this things because I'm a black guy so if there is a blood spot, I will not notice. Just yesterday, I saw many stretches marks beneath the shaft of my penis.
Re: DLD's First Routine (I gained 2 inches with this routine) Full Tutorial

I never experienced any of this things because I'm a black guy so if there is a blood spot, I will not notice. Just yesterday, I saw many stretches marks beneath the shaft of my penis.

Stretch marks can be dealt with in the future by using Hydrocortisone cream. They will not fade but they will not get worse.
Re: DLD's First Routine (I gained 2 inches with this routine) Full Tutorial

They are big as a rice, i had 3 or four the first day, i ignored them, second day was like 10 and i stoped jelq, 4 days gone and 3 points left, i think im doing too much jelq or too much pressure, ill not do jelq till they dissapear and continue with 200-300 and see what will happend, or should i stop jelq forever
Re: DLD's First Routine (I gained 2 inches with this routine) Full Tutorial

I'm not bothered about the stretch marks because I'm dark in complexion so it goes unnoticed.

My stretch mark is long and red and I would never want to lose it as it reads the length I gained.
Hello everyone, I started this routine, but I've been inconsistent due to lack of discipline.
My goals will be two: decrease penile curvature and increse lenght.
I have a downward curvature which I don't like and I was trying to do routine jelqs against the curve.
Plus the penis have the left side a little bit shorter, so it looks weird.
Can I decrease the curvature and the way it points while adding lenght with the stretching exercises?
Also Do I need to do the first page routine stretches or every excersise x3?
Will be great if DLD will answer me,
Good day!
criprimieri;n1814781 said:
Hello everyone, I started this routine, but I've been inconsistent due to lack of discipline.
My goals will be two: decrease penile curvature and increse lenght.
I have a downward curvature which I don't like and I was trying to do routine jelqs against the curve.
Plus the penis have the left side a little bit shorter, so it looks weird.
Can I decrease the curvature and the way it points while adding lenght with the stretching exercises?
Also Do I need to do the first page routine stretches or every excersise x3?
Will be great if DLD will answer me,
Good day!

I have a upward curve and my right side of my penis is shorter. As you gain in penis length, the curve will reduce but I don't know if you can permanently remove the curve or not. I don't understand your second question but I will advice you do the exercise just as it is written.
huge-girth;n1814812 said:
I have a upward curve and my right side of my penis is shorter. As you gain in penis length, the curve will reduce but I don't know if you can permanently remove the curve or not. I don't understand your second question but I will advice you do the exercise just as it is written.

Thanks for sharing your experience,
The second question is: should i do the stretch routine listed in the first post of the newbie routine of dld or add 3 sets per exercise as seen in the next pages?
Dld original newbie routine :) don’t sleep on this still very relevant today for anyone starting out.

Indeed is the best place to start as it gives a great foundational beginning. A house built on sand will fall. So having a good foundation in PE is like having a rock solid foundation to build your house upon. It will teach all the basics of PE while bringing quick newbie size. And the routine flows perfectly into SRT
How long should I follow this routine

I suggest that you stay on this routine for your first 2 to 4 weeks. Within a months time you should see some good newbie games. At that point you want to switch over to the SRT routine. And from there you can just stick with SRT until you make your final goals.
A question to @DLD.
I'm following the routine, only stretches for the moment since 3 weeks everyday.
I noticed an increase in size, in flaccid state since week 2.
I'm doing the 3 set of each exercise once a day.
The next week I'll measure the BPEL. (1 month)
How much should I aspect to gain?
Should I increase the time of the stretch from 30s to 1m (like as doing it twice x day) or should I continue with the routine once per day to gain the best?
I'm thinking about starting working on girth with jelqs, what's the gaining rate in 6 months of training?
@criprimieri I'm sure DLD will chime in as soon as possible.

So while I'm not him, I have a suggestion: start a progress thread! :) That it's easier to stay on top of your workouts and being committed to gaining.
Hard to say what one could expect from the amount of training done. A gain is a gain.
This is more of a marathon than a sprint, so enjoy the ride!
I agree with Ark, I start a progress in the routine thread so we can get your beginning measurements, your goals, your exercises and tools, your routine and other important details. If you have been doing the newbie stretches In one month you could see a quick newbie gain of perhaps an inch if you’re lucky. I gained 2 inches in six months and that was doing the newbie routine twice a day.
I agree with Ark, I start a progress in the routine thread so we can get your beginning measurements, your goals, your exercises and tools, your routine and other important details. If you have been doing the newbie stretches In one month you could see a quick newbie gain of perhaps an inch if you’re lucky. I gained 2 inches in six months and that was doing the newbie routine twice a day.

Thanks for the reply DLD. Instead of doing it twice a day, could I increase the stretch time from 30s to 1m?
I started a diary, maybe you can check it out!
I am already subscribed ? I will watch over you every day
Thanks for the reply DLD. Instead of doing it twice a day, could I increase the stretch time from 30s to 1m?

Guru might have missed this ... Anyhow, I feel that spacing out exercises through the day could yield better gains than just doing longer stretches once during the day.
If you're seeing Positive Indicators with the current routine, stick with it, take the gains it has to give. Less guessing games and more workouts! :)
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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