Hi my name is Mike and I have a real little dick. Can some of you big boys send me pictures of your huge cocks????
hi my name is mike and I have a real tiny little dick, can some of you big boys break me off with some pictures?????

I paid the membership a few days ago.
I studied the phase 1, and started 2 days ago.
Now I see, in this thread, you suggesting a different (more intense) phase 1 routine, regarding the streches.

How should I do?

One suggestion:
for a newbie, one of the toughest challenges when knowing Penis Enlargement's techniques is exactly being able to separate what is more proven, valid, tested than all bulls.. that there is all over the net. The appearent organization and structure of your method is surely what attracted me in the first place. As I paid and got to read all sections the overall impression was fine (altough some minor bugs). But, this deviation between newbie routine from two different parts of the site, honestly, that really doesnt sound good, makes us insecure of whether we are on the right track or not.

As far as I understood (besides being obvious..) the routine posted in this thread is a more intense one, making gains faster. Why not updating the info in the paid section?? surely everybody agrees to prefere the routine with more agrresive results if are still not being risky. If this "ultra" newbie routine was posted a short while ago, I would naturally believe and understand that there were some natural delay regarding updating the site. But surely that is not the case. The message was posted several months ago, and the routine in the paid section, as of ...2 days ago were not updated yet.

I hope you take these critics in a constructive way. That was my intention. I dont regret for paying the subscription. I just happen to be one of those guys who needs as much as possible confidence regarding the consistence/efficiency of something that I do that consume 30+ minutes daily.


how to interpret the fact the in the pay site, newbie
Why not updating the info in the paid section?? surely everybody agrees to prefere the routine with more agrresive results if are still not being risky. If this "ultra" newbie routine was posted a short while ago, I would naturally believe and understand that there were some natural delay regarding updating the site. But surely that is not the case. The message was posted several months ago, and the routine in the paid section, as of ...2 days ago were not updated yet.

I agree, it's kind of frustrating to navigate arounds to manually sort out what's the "latest" on the routines and it would be a huge plus to have routines and videos "updated" so you can check when the latest updates are done so that we all can be on top of it :)

Forgot to ask, if I'm strictly going for length can I cut out the jelqs or should I keep them in for a while.
keep em in for the first month, after that exchange em for some more length exercises. It's not like i wanna make you do unneeded exercises but jelqing conditions you're dick big time and if you jelq for the first month it realy minamises the chance of injurys when doing advanced strech technics later on. I'm advising you this out of expereance. And anyway, jelqing brings you 2/3 girth and 1/3 length I have noticed so it's not a real wast of time if you just want length.

And belive me, those 30 min of jelqing a day are nothing compared to the 2 - 4 weeks of rest time after an injury!
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Hi everyone :)

I'm a pretty young Penis Enlargement'er so i have alot of homework and other things to look after. Therefore i would like to know:

Is it possible to split up the work and spread it out a bit? For example doing the stretching part when i get home in the afternoon and then doing the jelqs in the evening before i go to bed?

It would suit my time schedule alot better than doing the whole routine at the same time, but I'm worried that the recovery time will get to short.

Thanks in advance ;)
NRA said:
Hi everyone :)

I'm a pretty young Penis Enlargement'er so i have alot of homework and other things to look after. Therefore i would like to know:

Is it possible to split up the work and spread it out a bit? For example doing the stretching part when i get home in the afternoon and then doing the jelqs in the evening before i go to bed?

It would suit my time schedule alot better than doing the whole routine at the same time, but I'm worried that the recovery time will get to short.

Thanks in advance ;)

Yep it can be done that way. I don't see a proplem with doing it like that.
Hey there everyone, first time posting at the site though I've been a member for nearly a month now though I've only started phase 1 about 3 weeks ago. I'm fairly comfortable with what I'm doing now but still have a few questions about Phase I and in general that you guys can probably help me out.

When do the basic stretch's (down, down to right, down to left, up and crank) am I supposed to be stretching out the actual penis or the base (the ligaments?) as when I first started I felt the actual penis stretching but now that I've gotten more used to doing them it seems I feel much more of a stretch at the base of my penis and along the ligs, especially when pulling down and to the sides. Is this where I'm supposed to be feeling the strain?

Second question I've got is about the jelquing routine, I'm up to 600 a day now and I was wondering how tight a grip I should use? Should I grip it like a vice or just tightly? I usually just grip it tightly but again, I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it.

Another question about jelquing is do I start from where the penis base meets my crotch or where it meets the testicles? When I do the latter I often find myself gripping and pulling uncomfortably on the looser testicle skin at the base of my penis.

One final question is about kegel's (trying to cover all the bases at once). I dont find myself squeezing my anal muscles when doing them anymore but instead find myself squeezing my abs when doing kegels to really get a burn out of them as otherwise they dont feel like they're really getting worked. Is this alright?

Thanks for all the help.
Hey dld,

What up I'm pretty new to all this but it seems legit....... I had a few questions for u........ When I warm up do I just masage my dick with a warm wash cloth for 5 min? I usually stretch afterwards right b4 I jelq........ What's a crank? Do I grab just the head or under the head when I stretch? Now when I jelq should I go fast or slow which one benefits the length better?...... Cause I've been doing this about a month and a half and it seems only my girth is growing not my lenth...... Should I jelq sitting or standing? Which is better? Now I jelq for 30 min straight every day is that good or should I take breaks in between? Which helps the length more stretching or jelqing? Now when I'm done jelqing I stretch again should it be as intense as b4 I jelqed?....... Srry bout all the questions but I'd appreciate ur response I'm trying to get this all down so I can be successful at it..... Thanks
Just put a warm rag around it for 5 minutes then stretch and when your finish you jelq. A crank is while stretching it pull it in a circular motion. Crab wherever is comfortable most people grab just below the head. Slow is better in both aspects for jelqing. Stretching will make you gain length so if your not stretching enough you won't gain length. Jelq sitting. Jelq every other day is what I prefer.You don't stretch AFTER jelqing only before. If you are concerned about length I would consider hanging. That is mainly for length and jelqing for girth.
Good look p. Bear

So when I do the newbie routine do I have to do all the stretches at once or can I do half in the morning and half at night?......... And I still can't figure out how to do a reverse kegel...... Can u help me? I heard if u do it while fucking u can go longer.....
stretch all at once 3 sets each exercise. Reverse kegel is simple. I do it like this. I push to start the flow of urine and when I feel it starting to move I stop it. Do like 200 of those a day and your pe muscles will get strong and then start edging *you'll learn these later* you can go longer any day of the week.
What's edging? So do u mean flex my pc until I gotta pist and then just stop? Is that right?
edging is stopping during sex or flexing your pe muscles to stop the cum from coming out so you can go longer.
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