Eventually you will move into the Slow Squash Jelq which is far superior to any other exercise. As a matter of fact, I suggest you forego phase 2 and go directly into SRT as that will be the new "main" workout.

Where can I view the Slow Squash Jelq? I looked over the SRT and found all the information there a little overwhelming. But I was amazed with your experiment. I think if I shrunk by 2” I’d freak! I just find it hard to believe that tight underwear has that level of impact. Given how self-defeating that can be to our efforts it seems like that advice should be front and center for any workout (and haven’t read anything about that elsewhere on this site). From now on, I’m going loose or commando. However, I also get very uncomfortable with all equipment loose, flopping around and sweaty, etc. For those who have problem with that, you can get kids socks and put it over balls and/or cock. I might try some UJSM, but my work certainly doesn’t allow frequent wrapping. Also, I’m not sure that I want my flaccid length to be exactly the same as erect. Shouldn't there be some surprises?...LOL! Also it seems like if minimal restriction of gravity with tight underwear has that level of impact, then there should be a way of capitalizing on opposite force. In addition to the intensity and discomfort of strong stretching, manually or with Size Genetics, why can’t they come up with some device with a more gentle pull, and therefore less need for tight circulatory restrictive noose around the head, which could be worn comfortably and safely overnight? Seems like so many hours of potential growth that are wasted.

Grip can be painful and there are some things that can be done to ease this and allow the pressure to be less painful. Gloves are great especially gold and weight lifting leather gloves, these can be had at any sporting good store or online. The thickness of the leather allows for a softer but much more stable grip with little pain. From here other methods include wrapping with a soft material first (like a t-shirt slice) and that will cushion the grip. When using the DLD Blasters or any other "Dual Fulcrum" type stretch, the pressure at the glans is less but still may need some cushioning, the same methods can be used. Baby power is also a must on skin to skin stretching, it greatly increases grip.

Thanks for the great idea on gloves. I can see how soft leather would really help. Today I wrapped head with that black no slip sheet that comes with Size Genetics, and Wow…I could really grip with that. I also found what I think is a good way of confirming whether one is getting the needed stretch with the grip. While stretching, if I jelq and can feel the pull, then I assume I’m hitting ligaments; if not, I need to adjust grip. I can do that with various grips, including cushioning with a little foreskin. I seems like I can bring greater stretch to bear with less pain if I vary the grip in different ways, so skin is not repeatedly traumatized in the same manner.

Speaking of trauma, you have mentioned use of hydrocortisone cream. I wondered whether regular use of that could be a problem. It reduces the inflammatory response, which is great for eczema, when there is undesired autoimmune response. But we want some inflammation for building and healing (though not of the skin, I understand). I was thinking of regular use of this to reduce surface irritation. However, I am concern whether too much could end up getting absorbed some, possibly reducing the desired inflammatory response in deeper tissues.
I would just like to announce that measured for the first time since I started Penis Enlargement three months ago on this day and I have gained 1/2 of an inch in length and 1/4 of an inch in girth! I am currently 6.5 by 5.25 now! All I have done is stretched and jelqed too. No wrapping or equipment either. I can't wait to get a Penomet, I'm sure my gains will come a lot faster! Not to mention how much more blood my cock holds, I flopped it on my desk the other and and it banged liked a hammer! Very excited! If you stay positive and dedicated your changed will come!

Stay healthy, stay hungry, believe strongly in yourself and train like a champion.
doomhammer;531506 said:
I would just like to announce that measured for the first time since I started Penis Enlargement three months ago on this day and I have gained 1/2 of an inch in length and 1/4 of an inch in girth! I am currently 6.5 by 5.25 now! All I have done is stretched and jelqed too. No wrapping or equipment either. I can't wait to get a Penomet, I'm sure my gains will come a lot faster! Not to mention how much more blood my cock holds, I flopped it on my desk the other and and it banged liked a hammer! Very excited! If you stay positive and dedicated your changed will come!

Stay healthy, stay hungry, believe strongly in yourself and train like a champion.

so I just remeasured again this morning and I am actually right below the 7inch mark in length and right below the 5.5 mark in girth! I didn't feel I had the best erection when I measured last night and glad to see I put on more than I thought! I think measuring in the morning is best when you're whole body is rested and you have that rock solid morning wood.
doomhammer;531506 said:
I would just like to announce that measured for the first time since I started Penis Enlargement three months ago on this day and I have gained 1/2 of an inch in length and 1/4 of an inch in girth!

I would just like to announce that measured for the first time since I started Penis Enlargement three months ago on this day and I have gained 1/2 of an inch in length and 1/4 of an inch in girth!

nuff said, mad respect!
Mike I love this video, I swear I have watched it 100 times, still motivates me
hepcat;531572 said:
So you gained almost 1" in length and .5" girth. That's amazing for only three months! Good work! By the way, is your length measurement BPenis EnlargementL or NBPenis EnlargementL?

Thanks! I did this shit nearly everyday for the past three months. The most time I ever took off was three days and that was twice. The first time because I popped a blood vessel and the second I knicked and bruised some skin. It was just a combination of everything I got results so quickly. Dedication, positive thinking, eating healthy, and staying fit. They are all equally important and I don't think you will get the results you want missing one or the other. If your body and mind are healthy, chances are your penis will be too. My BPenis EnlargementL and NPBEL were pretty close in measurements. If you want it bad enough, it will happen!
doublelongdaddy;531587 said:
I would just like to announce that measured for the first time since I started Penis Enlargement three months ago on this day and I have gained 1/2 of an inch in length and 1/4 of an inch in girth!

nuff said, mad respect!

Loud and proud! Gettin that big dick!
I'm still trying to find a routine I can rely on and I like this routine but I also like BathmateHCS.. If I was to do BathmateHCS, manual stretch and jelq all in one session, what would be the best order to do them in? Thanks.
GOALBIG;532034 said:
I'm still trying to find a routine I can rely on and I like this routine but I also like BathmateHCS.. If I was to do BathmateHCS, manual stretch and jelq all in one session, what would be the best order to do them in? Thanks.

Do them after girth work or even before. Around the same time since the pump will be used for both.
Hey DLD i just started today actually and i did your routine on this thread. i first did a 5 min warm towel warm up, then the 3 sets of stretches, then 300 jelqs, then finally the warm down with the warm towel. i just wanna say im one of those few ppl that commit to things for a very long time, thats y im a gym rat and i know i can stick with this routine for a long time. ive read ur routine many times over and have only one question that i really coudlnt find on the first 30 pages. ACtually 2 questions, when i jelq is lotion ok? and finally the big one, when i jelq my skin on my penis comes along with my ok grip. is this ok, or do i find some way to have my skin clamped down like as if BP(bone pressed) and jelq with only one hand? i have no idea how to explain this so i hope u can picture what im talking about.

THanks for any replies DLD or any other member.
Guys..when I do the newbie stretches at different angles I dont feel much in terms of a burn or slight pain like I get with BTC stretches and Hardcore Stretches..Do you guys feel anything when you're stretching?
Stretches, will be changed a bit within the SRT structure to reduce work and further enforce some of the stronger points, particularly the use of Behind the Cheeks and Rotary Stretches.
DLD I've been messin around with different routines lately but I think I FINALLY found a solid one I'm gonna stick with. I do them every night and it takes about 45-1hr. That's a lot of my time and I wanna make sure its worth it. Here it is:

100 jelq X4 w/ 30 sec DLD bend
3 sets BTC, 3 sets straight down 30 sec each
3 sets bundle stretches, left and right

I hit girth with the jelq and length with everything else. I like this routine..do you see me making gains if I stay consistent and keep up the intensity?
would it be acceptable to do a one handed jelq in stead of 2 hands?
tryingtogetbig;533129 said:
would it be acceptable to do a one handed jelq in stead of 2 hands?

Not recommended as there is always a bigger loss of blood when only one hand is used UNLESS the other hand is CLAMPING the base and the other hand is jelqing...This is different and very acceptable. One hand, with no clamping would allow way too much blood to leave the body of the penis before the following stroke is performed. I guess Clamping was forged out of this desire to do what you want. For me, the only girth exercise ever needed, or will ever be needed is the SLow Squash Jelq. It's dual-compression force is always reserved with plenty of force to make ANY girth expand. Even old timers like me:)
doublelongdaddy;533140 said:
Not recommended as there is always a bigger loss of blood when only one hand is used UNLESS the other hand is CLAMPING the base and the other hand is jelqing...This is different and very acceptable. One hand, with no clamping would allow way too much blood to leave the body of the penis before the following stroke is performed. I guess Clamping was forged out of this desire to do what you want. For me, the only girth exercise ever needed, or will ever be needed is the SLow Squash Jelq. It's dual-compression force is always reserved with plenty of force to make ANY girth expand. Even old timers like me:)

That makes sense. I also read another post here somewhere about length and girth gains being connected somehow? If I gain girth I will gain length also?
DLD check out my last post and let me know what you think. Your words will be helpful. Also, when stretching would it be better to stretch at the base or just below the head? Thanks man
Just finished my first routine of this. Hoping to see some nice gains after a while. Thanks for sharing!
Guys Ive been doing intense newbie stretches for about a week now. Initially, I felt the burn at all the downward and btc angles but now i'm not feeling it as much. What does this mean? Again, I've only been doing them for a week.
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