wow jtb223, thats amazing. i'm begining to wonder if am following routine properly. Let me ask u something though, were yhe gains gradual or were they spurts of growth. and do u follow the phase 1 routine to the T or have u added excecises
I did go hard for the first two and a half months the last two weeks i didnt have a computer so i slacked and didnt go as hard. and on weekends i would Penis Enlargement for almost two hours by doing the newbie routine for about 45 mins stretch hard core then rest for like 30 mins and do a heat pad for 10mins on 10 off 10 on then do either dld girth busters or width expansion set (not sure if they are the correct names for the routine off the top of my head) and didnt rest much at all but like i said the past two weeks i had to take it "ez" bescuase i didnt have anything to look at. Oh and in the first month i took some supplement to help with blood flow for when i jelq. as to the gains they were slow as hell and i didnt notice them until i measured or my girlfriend told me i feel huge. My gains were as follows:
8/19 start date 7"EL by 4.7/8" EG
Month1 9/19 a smidge under 7.25" EL EG was same
Month2 10/19 7 5/8" EL and a full 5'' EG (this is when i started girth and width on weekends)
Month3 11/19 7.75-7/8" (almost 8inches) EG 5 1/8 just under 5.25

the best advice i can give you jusjus is to make sure u cover the routine in its entireity and use a good deal of force when stretching and do all the stretches and cool down stuff i prefer to do two sets of kegels after im done. Also find what u want to focus on and go with it, like for example im not to worried about length because thats fine id just like more girth. So imagine u have a horse penis when u do the routines and one day you may just shock yourself and wake up with one...I hope this helps brah
vaseline no doubt to wet jelq, and when u stretch or dry jelq use a lil powder helps a lot
Thanks alot for the info jtb223 for the info i really appreciate it. WEll i've been following the newbie routine as accuratley as i can. I usually warm up for about 5 - 10 minutes, i run through the stretches twice. I usually do the straight stretches for about 60 sec and the side streches for 30 and 30 cranks. I then do about 200 hundred jelq. The first 100 i do very slow like each jelq takes about 5 or 6 seconds and then the next hundred i do 100 quick ones. But i think am gonna start doing the 600 2 sec jelqs.
Well at the moment i want both length and girth. But i think right now i'd really love to see some length gains. I havent really measured my girth to see if i have gained only my length. Currently I'm around average. npel 5 1/2 length and the same for girth. My long term aim is about 7 1/2 length and 6 inch girth. I dont think i need more than that. By the way have u ever got bruising from stretching, beacuse i have and i had to rest for a day or 2 and let it heal. I dont get alot of sleep sometimes so i'm wondering if that will affect my progress aswell. By the way, have u ever missed any days?
jusjus a little tip i learned since im a athlete i treat pe like im competing. think if u were training if u dont bust ur ass in the weight room and at practice u wont peform well. well if u dont bust ur ass pe'ing and get your proper rest ur body wont recovery and cells wont heal. (thats at least what i was told) so get a game plan stick to it, split ur sessions up do stretching when u wake up and kegel every chance u get then at night b4 bed do some hard core girth (jelqing and width work) then do some hot wrap and testicle massage then go to bed and start over. i would say if u need to rest do it for a week after 3months or so so ur body doesnt plateau just my advice that is working for me. but remember no to ppl are the same so be patient
I'm a newbie with a question.While stretching are you supposed to flex the PC muscles at the same time?
hey thanks Jtb223 for ur words of wisdom and experience, I think am gonna split my routine into 2. am gonna keep it intense, i need those gains
I have a question about the stretches i feel that I'm only stretching skin and not the ligaments. How can I correct this problem?
make sure your are not gripping the skin when you take your grip behind the head/glans. Pull your foreskin back, grip below the glans, and use the head as a point of resistance. you don't want your hand to go beyond this point.
okay i guess i need to find a better way yo grip because I dont have foreskin and im having this problem
Hey i have used this routine for some while now but im starting to see a bent to the left from the middle of my penis and up. Anyone here there knows a excerice to ''making it straigt''?
I can't understand how shud "behind the cheeks" be, what he means? like stretch backwards the most u can ?? which wud be followed by "upward" stretching ?
hi. got a quick question. is it arite for me to watch �naked people movies� while i do jelqing?
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