This program is amazing. I gained an inch in two weeks. I will say what I do, maybe it will be also so effective as it is for me. Firsly, i do 5min warm-up (1min,re-soak with hot water,again 1min,re-soak,1,5min,resoak,1,5min ) then 3sets of Behind the cheeks, after each set i do massage 20presses on head , then 3sets of Straight down... then warm-up the same as i do at the beginning of the workout, then 3set of straight out and straight up, and warm-down for 5min. But I do it with a lot strengh . My hands even shake and tire doing a strech despite i am a athletic person. I do it 4times a week, tuesday, wednesday, saturday, sunday, also i do PC KEGEL, first week 10min of simple flexex, 2nd - 20min 3rd-30min, ant stop doing of 30min each weak. So, that's all. But of the results I was shocked, After one week I took a ruler and can't believed my eyes, it lenghened 1,5cm, the next weak, after 2workouts ir lenhened 1cm, but now i feel that when doing that exercises despite of my hands force increasing the streching on my penis is decreasing
Hello, all. I'm new to the site and forum. I started Penis Enlargement about a month ago at a free site that had a few basic exercises and was pleasantly surprised to see +3/4 in. flacid length, +1/4 in. flacid girth, and +1/2 in. erect girth in only about 5 weeks. That other site referenced MoS, and I've been blown away by all the stuff here. DLD, I admire your effort and determination in all your physical accomplishments, and your dedication to helping others in their Penis Enlargement quest.

All that being said, I do have a couple Newbie questions. (Big surprise, huh?) In no particular order...

1. DLD, you said you gained 2 inches in length with this routine (in about six months, if I read correctly?). What kind of girth gains you made during that time with this routine?

2. When you guys talk about stretching, you talk about the "pull," "tug," or "burn" you feel from the stretch. I'm assuming this would compare to the feeling from stretching a muscle before a workout. I don't really feel anything like that. The only time I've felt anything like what you're describing is with the BTC stretches.
Now, I must explain that I slightly misunderstood these stretches and was doing something more along the lines of the LAS (stretching in the direction indicated, but then sitting on my penis as part of the stretch). As DLD and others have mentioned in several other threads, this gives a great way to really feel a burn by shifting your weight to alter the intensity of the stretch.
Anyway, when I did these modified stretches, I felt one HELL of a burn/pull at the base of my penis, especially along the top, basically on the opposite side from the direction I was stretching. Nothing too painful, just that "good" kind of burn. That's the only time I've felt anything like this, though. Am I doing something wrong when I'm stretching the rest of the time? If so, any ideas what? Please offer something a little more helpful than, "Just pull harder." I have a hard time believing that's all it is, because I can't seem to get that feeling regardless of how hard I pull while I stretch.

Two much shorter jelqing questions:

3. I've never had any problems getting or maintaining an erection, but I can't seem to stay hard while I jelq. I've tried looking at �naked people movies� while jelqing, but at some point my jelqing just deteriorates into masturbation, and that's the end of that.... I noticed a couple people mentioned pausing every 25 or 50 jelqs to re-stimulate, but I'm lucky to go 5 or 6 before I start to lose my erection. I don't have this problem any other time. I have to assume I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what. Any suggestions?

4. I'm not sure how clear this will be, but... When I jelq, I start with my OK grip at the extreme base of my penis, where the shaft meets the scrotum, just like in the pics and vids. As my grip moves up the shaft, my scrotum kinda comes along for the ride. (It is all attached...) I've noticed this is more of a problem the less-erect I am (see previous question...). When I'm rock-hard, this isn't as much of an issue, because the skin on my shaft is tight and doesn't tend to move with my grip. I guess perhaps if I could solve my last problem this one would take care of itself, maybe. Anyway, the reason I mention this, is that it's kinda painful. The scrotum (or at least mine) isn't really meant to be pinched and pulled that way. I hate sounding like a broken record, but has anyone else had this problem? Any advice?

5. I SWEAR this is the last (and shortest) question! What is LOT? I know this probably doesn't really fit here, but I've seen this mentioned in several threads, but I couldn't really find it explained anywhere. If there's a thread or page somewhere that explains it, could someone just point me in that direction?

I'm sorry this is so long. Unfortunately, I am known for being a bit long-winded, but hopefully in the future my long posts won't just be requests for help. I really appreciate any help that any of you guys can give me. Thanks.

Looking forward to lots of future success in Penis Enlargement!
basmith said:
Hello, all. I'm new to the site and forum. I started Penis Enlargement about a month ago at a free site that had a few basic exercises and was pleasantly surprised to see +3/4 in. flacid length, +1/4 in. flacid girth, and +1/2 in. erect girth in only about 5 weeks. That other site referenced MoS, and I've been blown away by all the stuff here. DLD, I admire your effort and determination in all your physical accomplishments, and your dedication to helping others in their Penis Enlargement quest.

All that being said, I do have a couple Newbie questions. (Big surprise, huh?) In no particular order...

1. DLD, you said you gained 2 inches in length with this routine (in about six months, if I read correctly?). What kind of girth gains you made during that time with this routine?

2. When you guys talk about stretching, you talk about the "pull," "tug," or "burn" you feel from the stretch. I'm assuming this would compare to the feeling from stretching a muscle before a workout. I don't really feel anything like that. The only time I've felt anything like what you're describing is with the BTC stretches.
Now, I must explain that I slightly misunderstood these stretches and was doing something more along the lines of the LAS (stretching in the direction indicated, but then sitting on my penis as part of the stretch). As DLD and others have mentioned in several other threads, this gives a great way to really feel a burn by shifting your weight to alter the intensity of the stretch.
Anyway, when I did these modified stretches, I felt one HELL of a burn/pull at the base of my penis, especially along the top, basically on the opposite side from the direction I was stretching. Nothing too painful, just that "good" kind of burn. That's the only time I've felt anything like this, though. Am I doing something wrong when I'm stretching the rest of the time? If so, any ideas what? Please offer something a little more helpful than, "Just pull harder." I have a hard time believing that's all it is, because I can't seem to get that feeling regardless of how hard I pull while I stretch.

Two much shorter jelqing questions:

3. I've never had any problems getting or maintaining an erection, but I can't seem to stay hard while I jelq. I've tried looking at �naked people movies� while jelqing, but at some point my jelqing just deteriorates into masturbation, and that's the end of that.... I noticed a couple people mentioned pausing every 25 or 50 jelqs to re-stimulate, but I'm lucky to go 5 or 6 before I start to lose my erection. I don't have this problem any other time. I have to assume I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what. Any suggestions?

4. I'm not sure how clear this will be, but... When I jelq, I start with my OK grip at the extreme base of my penis, where the shaft meets the scrotum, just like in the pics and vids. As my grip moves up the shaft, my scrotum kinda comes along for the ride. (It is all attached...) I've noticed this is more of a problem the less-erect I am (see previous question...). When I'm rock-hard, this isn't as much of an issue, because the skin on my shaft is tight and doesn't tend to move with my grip. I guess perhaps if I could solve my last problem this one would take care of itself, maybe. Anyway, the reason I mention this, is that it's kinda painful. The scrotum (or at least mine) isn't really meant to be pinched and pulled that way. I hate sounding like a broken record, but has anyone else had this problem? Any advice?

5. I SWEAR this is the last (and shortest) question! What is LOT? I know this probably doesn't really fit here, but I've seen this mentioned in several threads, but I couldn't really find it explained anywhere. If there's a thread or page somewhere that explains it, could someone just point me in that direction?

I'm sorry this is so long. Unfortunately, I am known for being a bit long-winded, but hopefully in the future my long posts won't just be requests for help. I really appreciate any help that any of you guys can give me. Thanks.

Looking forward to lots of future success in Penis Enlargement!

If your uncut pull the skin back, I seem to get a better jelq like this. Al tho it is pretty hard to do with your hands.

Lot theory
hey guys I am having a hard time jelqing with a foreskin. everytime when it's the turn of my 2nd hand to push the foreskin will wrap up the head. do I need to be circumcized to jelq :(
actually, I'm wondering if this routine would help me enlarge my glans to the point my foreskin can no longer cover it, like most of my friend's. wrong masturbation techniques shrunk my glands a little and now I want it big again.
should this take longer than a half hour..... and in how long will i start noticing improvements if i do it everyday?
doublelongdaddy;12811 said:
Basic Stretching: 3 Sets of each stretch below
Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds

Straight Down to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Down Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Straight Out to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Out Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Straight Up to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Up Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Im a little bit confused now. What do you mean with 3 sets of each stretch?
What is the total stretching time of this regime? 18 minutes plus 9x25 Rotary Stretches?
hey guys i am new to this forum and have just started DLD's newb routine only done it 3 times in the last week.
starting size is 7.25" length and 6" girth.
over the years i have occasionally done some stretching and jelqing but not a lot of dediction into it now that i found the forum and see that gains are possible i started again i do everything but the rotary cranks.

what i have to say is how fast have you guys seen gains because i measured the day i started 7.25 X6 and now after the third time doing it i am at 7.75" in length and girth is at 6.25" is this normal?
because i am aiming for 8.25-8.5 length and 7" girth.
i spend only about 30min each time and have 1-2 days between each time (to heal) i have for the last couple years not had very strong erections so i am also hoping that Penis Enlargement will help in that area also.
well thanks DLD and everyone here i am learning a lot in a short amount of time.
so how many people have used this as a first routine and what kind of gains have you seen from it.
yeah last night (i did the routine in the morning) i got a massive erection felt like it was going to explode (been years since i had one like it) but i figured i would measure and i am at 8" bone pressed but that was with a rare hard erection.. (i am praying that these routines will keep getting me hard like that then we shall see if the old lady notices anything different.) if i can hit 8.5" by xmas or earlier with a decent hard on, then i might change my goals to 9"x7". (then we will see if the gf still thinks i am average.)
so for the stretching, do you have to be seated? doesnt that make it difficult to do the behind the cheeks? i havent started yet, i plan to this week, juss wondering if stretches can be done standing.
Alright this is the way I do the kegals..correct me if im mistaken. For the kegal I close my asshole super tight then for the reverse kegal I push hard like I am about to push out a floater out of my anus...Thats How I differentiate the two because when I tested the reverse kegal while urinating I sometimes can stop the urine on a reverse kegal and I can sometimes push out urine on a kegal....I might be wrong.
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