doublelongdaddy;684040 said:
I don't understand the question...Could you rephrase? Thanks

Sorry am from England, when I do erect stretches will need to be 100% erect or ??
jj93;684069 said:
Sorry am from England, when I do erect stretches will need to be 100% erect or ??

90% erect yeah a hard penis is basically what you need to get your gains 10 mins everyday can do the trick,The average period of time before you look for a new exercise is 3 months....3 months of erect stretchings. sounds perfect.

you can turn your bpfsl to bpel gains doing the erect stretchings.:)
shortdick;684070 said:
90% erect yeah a hard penis is basically what you need to get your gains 10 mins everyday can do the trick,The average period of time before you look for a new exercise is 3 months....3 months of erect stretchings. sounds perfect.

you can turn your bpfsl to bpel gains doing the erect stretchings.:)

Hope it works tbh , coz as am 8 1/4" bpfsl would love that as my bpel....
shortdick;684070 said:
90% erect yeah a hard penis is basically what you need to get your gains 10 mins everyday can do the trick,the average period of time before you look for a new exercise is 3 months....3 months of erect stretchings. Sounds perfect.

You can turn your bpfsl to bpel gains doing the erect stretchings.:)

exactly correct!
View attachment 31483
Hi guys sorry about this but is this the correct way to measure girth?? Its only flaccid girth but just wanna make sure is it where the zero is my measurement ?? So like just over 4" I've never known If u start from the zero line or at the start of the line :/
jj93;684728 said:
View attachment 31483
Hi guys sorry about this but is this the correct way to measure girth?? Its only flaccid girth but just wanna make sure is it where the zero is my measurement ?? So like just over 4" I've never known If u start from the zero line or at the start of the line :/

You start from the 0 mark, the excess tape should not be included. If you have any doubts start at the 2" mark and subtract the difference. Flaccid girth of 4" is pretty damn good. And, yes, if you would like to remove the picture just let me know and I will delete.
doublelongdaddy;684744 said:
You start from the 0 mark, the excess tape should not be included. If you have any doubts start at the 2" mark and subtract the difference. Flaccid girth of 4" is pretty damn good. And, yes, if you would like to remove the picture just let me know and I will delete.

Thank u dld yes I am 5.25/5.5 girth erect which isn't massive but as I've learnt from u [words=]bm[/words] an [words=]ssj[/words] should sort that out , yes could you delete please an thank you for your response.....
Looking at this give me motivation for results. I started a [words=]newbie routine[/words] from another site and cause i'm quite pedantic I stuck with it (the one in my log) to condition my self, I think i've gained about 0.1 in girth so far, and I was only doing around 210 jelqs for the majority of the 3 months. Now up to 280. To think after 3 month's I haven't even matched the volume of this beginner routine but gained is getting me eager to see the results with a more volumes routine :D
jj93;684749 said:
Thank u dld yes I am 5.25/5.5 girth erect which isn't massive but as I've learnt from u [words=]bm[/words] an [words=]ssj[/words] should sort that out , yes could you delete please an thank you for your response.....

Where is the picture again? I can not find it???
I think i found this site 10 years ago and re:discovered it 2 years ago but i never really tried PE. Tomorrow i will start with the [words=]newbie routine[/words] and hopefully its a beginning of a good journey. ; )
Is it a good time to use [words=]Phallosan[/words] after i have done the [words=]newbie routine[/words] or just after the stretching part?
Jamienoble1;691716 said:
I think i found this site 10 years ago and re:discovered it 2 years ago but i never really tried PE. Tomorrow i will start with the [words=]newbie routine[/words] and hopefully its a beginning of a good journey. ; )
Is it a good time to use [words=]Phallosan[/words] after i have done the [words=]newbie routine[/words] or just after the stretching part?

Have a look at [words=]SRT[/words]

You would benefit from wearing it before and/or after your routine.
Although there might be more of an advantage to wear it after
Jamienoble1;691716 said:
I think i found this site 10 years ago and re:discovered it 2 years ago but i never really tried PE. Tomorrow i will start with the [words=]newbie routine[/words] and hopefully its a beginning of a good journey. ; )
Is it a good time to use [words=]Phallosan[/words] after i have done the [words=]newbie routine[/words] or just after the stretching part?

Hello old friend, I am so happy you have made your way back to the Brotherhood! Things are pretty easy to understand today as there are 2 predominate workouts being used, the [words=]Newbie Routine[/words] and the [words=]SRT[/words] Routine. All other routines will be based on these premises. [words=]SRT[/words] is the way to go if you want to use tools in conjunction with manual work, this brings gains fastest. The [words=]Newbie Routine[/words] is all manual and will help you build a solid foundation to work upon. If you have already gone through the [words=]Newbie Routine[/words] in the past I would not spend more than 2-3 weeks before switching to something more intense. The penis has a kind of size memory that we will pick up where we left off and any size lost is gained back very quickly. If using either workout please educate yourself completely on the [words=]SRT[/words] Thread, it will teach you 14 years of experience.
I can't seem to do the [words=]Newbie Routine[/words] without getting hard. Can I try to continue through the workout or should I wait until I get soft again?

k80589;695126 said:
I can't seem to do the [words=]Newbie Routine[/words] without getting hard. Can I try to continue through the workout or should I wait until I get soft again?


Being erect is actually a good thing for girth so train girth erect. It is also smart to do some erect stretches when you are erect. In order to do your stretching routine I suggest masturbation right before training. Your refractory period should be enough time to get in a great length session.
Great, thanks! I just received my [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words] and cannot wait to use it! Can I use it with the [words=]Newbie Routine[/words]?
k80589;695205 said:
Great, thanks! I just received my [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words] and cannot wait to use it! Can I use it with the [words=]Newbie Routine[/words]?

yep do those exercise they can show you great results whitin 3 months youd see great changes....
k80589;695205 said:
Great, thanks! I just received my [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words] and cannot wait to use it! Can I use it with the [words=]Newbie Routine[/words]?

Yes, you can replace all newbie stretches with the [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words] version. I can't wait to hear your reviews!
Hey guys,

If I wanted to add the [words=]Bathmate[/words] to the [words=]Newbie routine[/words], would I add it in addition to the girth jelqs or alternate?

Also, can I incorporate [words=]SizeGenetics[/words]? Perhaps to heal after?

Thanks so much, guys!
Best to check out the [words=]SRT[/words]-thread, to see how to incorporate these tools.

Once you're conditioned to PE, you can start to incorporate 5x5x3, where you use the [words=]BM[/words] for 5min followed by 5min of jelqing/SSJs and repeat that three times.
k80589;695501 said:
Hey guys,

If I wanted to add the [words=]Bathmate[/words] to the [words=]Newbie routine[/words], would I add it in addition to the girth jelqs or alternate?

Also, can I incorporate [words=]SizeGenetics[/words]? Perhaps to heal after?

Thanks so much, guys!

Hello my Brother, with the equipment you have you are well suited to take on the [words=]SRT[/words] routine. But if you feel this is too much you can work your tools into the [words=]newbie routine[/words]. Instead of jelqing you will replace it with the [words=]BathMate[/words] [words=]SRT[/words] 5x5x3 routine. With your [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] you can opt to skip manual stretching and go exclusively with the [words=]SG[/words] but, again, the [words=]SRT[/words] method will bring gains faster. I would have a read through both [words=]SRT[/words] and the [words=]Newbie Routine[/words] and come back with any questions. I (we) can help you create a custom routine.
doublelongdaddy;695636 said:
Hello my Brother, with the equipment you have you are well suited to take on the [words=]SRT[/words] routine. But if you feel this is too much you can work your tools into the [words=]newbie routine[/words]. Instead of jelqing you will replace it with the [words=]BathMate[/words] [words=]SRT[/words] 5x5x3 routine. With your [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] you can opt to skip manual stretching and go exclusively with the [words=]SG[/words] but, again, the [words=]SRT[/words] method will bring gains faster. I would have a read through both [words=]SRT[/words] and the [words=]Newbie Routine[/words] and come back with any questions. I (we) can help you create a custom routine.

Hi DLD, thanks so much! I've read through both the [words=]newbie routine[/words] and the [words=]SRT[/words] routine and I'd like to jump right in to the [words=]SRT[/words] routine if at all possible. I have done a bit with the [words=]Bathmate[/words] and [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] before, but nothing extremely consistent. Would I be able to jump in to the [words=]SRT[/words] routine without doing the [words=]Newbie Routine[/words]?

Also, I see you mention the Monkey Spanker, but haven't found much about it on the forum. Do I need to get this before I start the routine?

Am I understanding correctly that the routine from week 2 will be the same from week 2 - 16?

Thanks so much for your help!
k80589;695791 said:
Hi DLD, thanks so much! I've read through both the [words=]newbie routine[/words] and the [words=]SRT[/words] routine and I'd like to jump right in to the [words=]SRT[/words] routine if at all possible. I have done a bit with the [words=]Bathmate[/words] and [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] before, but nothing extremely consistent. Would I be able to jump in to the [words=]SRT[/words] routine without doing the [words=]Newbie Routine[/words]?

Also, I see you mention the Monkey Spanker, but haven't found much about it on the forum. Do I need to get this before I start the routine?

Am I understanding correctly that the routine from week 2 will be the same from week 2 - 16?

Thanks so much for your help!

Yes you can jump right into [words=]SRT[/words]. Forget about the Monkey Spanker, it is no longer available and deep tissue massage works just as well. [words=]SRT[/words] starts out very much like the [words=]Newbie Routine[/words] and intensity builds over the first 3 weeks so anyone new or old can start with [words=]SRT[/words].

After week two things remain consistent from there.
ZeratulBR1;697520 said:
DLD, é bom usar Azeite de Oliva no pênis ? Se sim, quais são os benefícios? Pode usar para o jelq?

O azeite é bom para jelqing . Ele irá durar por toda a sessão . Vaselina também é muito boa. O que é importante é que você use algo que lhe permite jelq sem precisar aplicar mais e mais.

ZeratulBR1;698212 said:
Muito obrigado, DLD! E a propósito, qual é o seu tamanho do seu falo atualmente?

Meu tamanho é hoje 10,7 x 6,7. Comecei em 6,5 " x 4,75".
"O que quer dizer , ótimo quando eu comecei ?"

Quero dizer que quando você começou a fazer os seus exercícios já era de bom tamanho. O meu ereto é 12 pra 13cm. Aqui no Brasil usamos a medição em centímetros invés de polegadas.
ZeratulBR1;698676 said:
Quero dizer que quando você começou a fazer os seus exercícios já era de bom tamanho. O meu ereto é 12 pra 13cm. Aqui no Brasil usamos a medição em centímetros invés de polegadas.

Comecei com o tamanho de 6,5 polegadas. Meu espessura estava em 4,75. Não demorou muito tempo para chegar a um ganho de duas polegadas de comprimento , cerca de 6 meses . Ao mesmo tempo , ganhei 1/2 " na circunferência . Polegadas Desculpe centímetros confundir me :)
Comecei com o tamanho de 6,5 polegadas. Meu espessura estava em 4,75. Não demorou muito tempo para chegar a um ganho de duas polegadas de comprimento , cerca de 6 meses . Ao mesmo tempo , ganhei 1/2 " na circunferência . Polegadas Desculpe centímetros confundir me

Tudo bem sobre a medição. É muito pouco tempo pra conseguir 2 polegadas em 6 meses, o que você usou para chegar a isso em tão pouco tempo?
ZeratulBR1;698966 said:
Tudo bem sobre a medição. É muito pouco tempo pra conseguir 2 polegadas em 6 meses, o que você usou para chegar a isso em tão pouco tempo?

Duas polegadas de comprimento e 1/2 polegada de espessura , utilizando rotina Newbie por seis meses. Eu fiz a rotina 2-4 vezes ao dia. Após esse tempo , ele me levou mais de 10 anos para chegar onde estou hoje. Total de ganhos 4+ " de comprimento e 2 + polegadas de espessura. Hoje eu recomendo [words=]SRT[/words] rotina , este é o caminho mais rápido para o seu objetivo .
Duas polegadas de comprimento e 1/2 polegada de espessura , utilizando rotina Newbie por seis meses. Eu fiz a rotina 2-4 vezes ao dia. Após esse tempo , ele me levou mais de 10 anos para chegar onde estou hoje. Total de ganhos 4+ " de comprimento e 2 + polegadas de espessura. Hoje eu recomendo [words=]SRT[/words] rotina , este é o caminho mais rápido para o seu objetivo .

O ruim do [words=]SRT[/words] acho caro demais aqui para o Brasil, pra mim teria que ser da sua rotina newbie, apenas usando as mãos, sabe? Ainda nem comecei por estar desempregado e não ter como comprar um lubrificante para fazer os exercícios. O que você recomendaria para o começo uma rotina de exercícios mais eficazes e ganharmos mais cedo?
Started up pe again about 6 weeks ago an am happy to say I've gained 1/2" length , thanks to the great community an brotherhood that [words=]matters of size[/words] is I've achieved this..
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jj93;699878 said:
Started up pe again about 6 weeks ago an am happy to say I've gained 1/2" length , thanks to the great community an brotherhood that [words=]matters of size[/words] is I've achieved this..

Good shit my Brother!
ZeratulBR1;699512 said:
O ruim do [words=]SRT[/words] acho caro demais aqui para o Brasil, pra mim teria que ser da sua rotina newbie, apenas usando as mãos, sabe? Ainda nem comecei por estar desempregado e não ter como comprar um lubrificante para fazer os exercícios. O que você recomendaria para o começo uma rotina de exercícios mais eficazes e ganharmos mais cedo?

Eu sugiro usar a rotina iniciante desde que você tem falta de dinheiro. O lubrificante mais barato e melhor é vaselina . Se você não puder pagar vaselina sugiro secando utilizando um exercício como [words=]SlowSquashJelq[/words] . Este exercício pode ser feito seco.
Hello everyone, I found this website a long time ago, I probably commented in this thread already I think, but I never really got to start properly with training, I'm planning to start the [words=]newbie routine[/words] right this evening and I hope I get results as everyone in this amazing forum!

I have one question, let's say that I work out for a while and have some gains, no matter how big or small they are, if I believe that the results made is my desired size, should I stop working out? in case I do stop, will those gains be lost?, or is this something that I will have to keep doing forever? Sorry if I may have too many questions, but although I found this website a long time ago, I am basically an ignorant when it comes to this. Please give me some light DLD.
Cementing is very important, sometimes 6-8 weeks can be enough, but ideally you would try to get past 1cm or about 0.5" from your goal.

Munto;700095 said:
Cementing is very important, sometimes 6-8 weeks can be enough, but ideally you would try to get past 1cm or about 0.5" from your goal.


Thanks Munto, a very good video of explanation!
Munto;700169 said:
You made it :)! So it has to be good :D!

I do my best in everything I do because on that great day off judgment I want to be able to say I tried my hardest and did the best I could for my fellow Brother.
Just under 8" bpel , am doing 12-15 minutes of manual stretching everyday an have just started gaining will my gains stop where they are or continue ? I do bundle stretches, erect stretches , v & a stretches..... I don't do jelqs but I don't know its its worth doing jelqs daily ? & how many should I do ?? I also have a [words=]bath mate[/words] but I hardly use it so maby its probably good to use it 3/4 days a week ? Any advice / support I would be very grateful to the brotherhood..... One more question to anyone that knows , when I stretch I can visually see my ligaments at the base, is this a good thing Orr ??
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You can use the [words=]BM[/words] on a light setting or jelq as warm-up/down!

You probably will hit a plateau, but stick with it :D
Thanks for the response munto , as I've just started gaining am hoping I gain some more before I hit my plateau..... What should I do if I hit a plateau ??? Add exercises/ more intense routine?
jj93;700239 said:
Thanks for the response munto , as I've just started gaining am hoping I gain some more before I hit my plateau..... What should I do if I hit a plateau ??? Add exercises/ more intense routine?

As a plateau happens give it 30-60 days time to be sure you have plateaued. In most cases I suggest to go more intense with the current routine or move into a more advanced routine like [words=]SRT[/words]. In PE growth comes in spurts so it is important to know that we have completely tapped out our current routine before moving to something more intense.
doublelongdaddy;700246 said:
As a plateau happens give it 30-60 days time to be sure you have plateaued. In most cases I suggest to go more intense with the current routine or move into a more advanced routine like [words=]SRT[/words]. In PE growth comes in spurts so it is important to know that we have completely tapped out our current routine before moving to something more intense.

Thanks dld , well I don't think I've hit it yet as I've just started gaining , as I said am a touch under 8" bpel an it came from nowhere to be honest , nbpel is 7 1/2 "...... I hope my bpel with translate into nbpel soon fingers crossed. Gonna have to add a daily jelqing session , how many would you recommend DLD ?
do you do all the stretches straight thru and that is a set or do you do all 3 sets of the behind the cheeks then move onto the next stretch?
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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