So, I've just recently discovered that for a month of being on the [words=]newbie routine[/words], I haven't been pulling hard enough to make length gains...

Although, the jelqing is great! I've gained 1/4" on my base girth!!! I can tell this as it feels thick and meaty right at the bottom, lol. So, I've just started really squeezing at the base as I jelq with the other hand upwards, and alternate by trying to keep full squeeze on the base to really fill up the rest of the cock.

As I've just recently started pulling real hard 3 days ago (from reading the whole of this thread, with the amount of redundancy of people...), I've noticed that it seems to be an issue with the dick getting red piping hot when on the first few sets. This results to the hand cramping frequently and difficult to sustain the maximum stretch because of slipping.

I'm implementing the [words=]SRT[/words] into this routine by using either [words=]SG[/words] or [words=]Uncle Jim[/words]'s Wrap.

So to alleviate the issue of hotness on the knob, I'm going to split each exercise into separate sessions i.e. 3 x BTC in the morning, 3 x down in early afternoon and etc.
It really works to hold with a tissue (as a member here had suggested) to prevent slipping, although it's not so good to hold for maximum stretch throughout every exercise in one shot.

I'd tried splitting the exercises into 2 intervals by doing BTC and immediately after would be the next exercise, and then later on in the day the rest of the 2 exercises, although this helps, it's still a little difficult to hold the stretches when partway through the 2nd exercise. I feel like I'd benefit from max stretching if I split each exercise.

Well... let's see! I'll report back in a month to see if any 1/4" length in gains or something. Nevertheless, I'll stick the routine for 6 months and report in bi-monthly visits.

Another thing: I think I'm doing something right when I'm sweating as I'm pulling this hard... :)
Hey DLD, I'd just wanted to ask about the videos on the paysite:

Is there any way I could download them? I've tried viewing them on the site although it wouldn't run the videos, and I've tried downloading Quicktime player and it's not installing it, also Apple are asking to pay for it, unsurprisingly...

I just want to ensure that I'm performing the exercises as efficiently as I can be. So far, I feel like I'm doing good with the hard pulling. It's difficult to do all the exercises in one shot so splitting them, for now, I think is more practical.. it's now getting sore around the base of the penis. I notice this if I 'lift' my abs up by lightly tensing the upper part of the abs.
LeStrongBambino;659494 said:
Hey DLD, I'd just wanted to ask about the videos on the paysite:

Is there any way I could download them? I've tried viewing them on the site although it wouldn't run the videos, and I've tried downloading Quicktime player and it's not installing it, also Apple are asking to pay for it, unsurprisingly...

I just want to ensure that I'm performing the exercises as efficiently as I can be. So far, I feel like I'm doing good with the hard pulling. It's difficult to do all the exercises in one shot so splitting them, for now, I think is more practical.. it's now getting sore around the base of the penis. I notice this if I 'lift' my abs up by lightly tensing the upper part of the abs.

You can download them for the either mac or pc. You will notice there are two lists in the video list section, one side is Quicktime and the other is Windows Media Player, both download to your hard drive.
LeStrongBambino;659494 said:
I just want to ensure that I'm performing the exercises as efficiently as I can be. So far, I feel like I'm doing good with the hard pulling. It's difficult to do all the exercises in one shot so splitting them, for now, I think is more practical.. it's now getting sore around the base of the penis. I notice this if I 'lift' my abs up by lightly tensing the upper part of the abs.

A little soreness is good and common with this training routine. You're on the right track brother.
My bpfs is now 1/2 longer than when I started. Does this mean I will see gains soon ? as I've only gained 1/4 length an maby same girth
1-I'm a Newbie . .I Didn't do any PE before .. Is that routine is intense for me ?

2- when I warmup .. I use Rice socks .. I put it on my penis .. but I didn't put it on my glans , is that right ?
Last edited:
wrap the whole shaft whit the sock,i only use a sock,let say it works..yeah check the DLDs [words=]newbie routine[/words].:) a 5 min warm up is enough..

I think is a quite effective routine.Discipline is key here
I read in another forum that routine

The [words=]Newbie Routine[/words]

5 minutes hot wrap
5 minutes manual stretch (ten 30-second stretches)
10 minutes of jelq (two hundred 3-second strokes)
5 minutes hot wrap
50 kegels of five second holds each

wich is small routine compared with DLD routine .. as with DLD routine I finish stretching in 30 minuntes ( in contrast the routine above said 5 minutes only !! ) ?

about warmup .. i didn't get it .. could I include the glans while warming up or not * cover the glans with the rice socks or cover the shaft only ? *

Sorry for my bad english , I'm from middle east
Thanks in advance
hex13;666182 said:
1-I'm a Newbie . .I Didn't do any PE before .. Is that routine is intense for me ?

2- when I warmup .. I use Rice socks .. I put it on my penis .. but I didn't put it on my glans , is that right ?

1) This routine is what you need.You might get sore or fatigue the first times but it's ok.

2) I have always warmed up the whole penis,not just the shaft.Nothing wrong with warming up the glans :) The glans are a bit more sensitive so careful,if the rice is too hot,it might hurt.
hex13;666182 said:
1-I'm a Newbie . .I Didn't do any PE before .. Is that routine is intense for me ?

2- when I warmup .. I use Rice socks .. I put it on my penis .. but I didn't put it on my glans , is that right ?

1. No brother the routine is just perfect for a noob. 2. Its ok that you leave the glans out as there is not much injury that can happen to it.
templnite;666228 said:
1. No brother the routine is just perfect for a noob. 2. Its ok that you leave the glans out as there is not much injury that can happen to it.

Temp is correct. Most of us started with the [words=]Newbie Routine[/words]. It will help you understand exercise and intensity and help you build a solid foundation for your future gains. Many men make very fast gains in their first month using the [words=]Newbie Routine[/words]. I also suggest you read through [words=]SRT[/words], the entire first page, this will help you will many understanding in the practice of PE.
I'm in [words=]newbie routine[/words] .. after 2 weeks .. I began in 600 Jelq which take around 50 minutes ( 3 seconds or more for one jelq ) .. is that Too much time ?
hex13;669163 said:
I'm in [words=]newbie routine[/words] .. after 2 weeks .. I began in 600 Jelq which take around 50 minutes ( 3 seconds or more for one jelq ) .. is that Too much time ?

No,it's not too much.
hex13;669163 said:
I'm in [words=]newbie routine[/words] .. after 2 weeks .. I began in 600 Jelq which take around 50 minutes ( 3 seconds or more for one jelq ) .. is that Too much time ?

That is not to much but a 3 second stroke could be reduced a bit, a slightly quicker pace will get the work done quicker. I usually take about 1-2 seconds per stroke.
hex13;669241 said:
I read that jelqing prefer to br 3 sec stroke .. anything less than that is waste of time and not effective

Let me guess,you read that on Pegym.

You can do 100 jelqs with a 3 sec stroke
Or you can do 500 with 1-2 sec stroke.

Same shit.Do not worry about that.Just jelq.
Yeah Right I read it on PEgym
As a Newbie .. I search alot , confused .. don't know the right from wrong thing .. In every site there is techniques and routines different than others .. So I try to figure out ... as with 3 sec stroke 600 reps .. it took from me 50 minutes .. So I didn't know if that right or wrong thing .
Hey man good on ya six hundred reps is a substantial amount. With your experience I would look to throwing a few slow squash jelqs into your routine. With the [words=]ssj[/words] you will expand the tunica really good, and thus make your jelqs count times two %O.
That's my 12 day ( today ) i'm newbie .. i think [words=]SSj[/words] is for advance routines
I committed to DLD newbie programme
hex13;669405 said:
That's my 12 day ( today ) i'm newbie .. i think [words=]SSj[/words] is for advance routines
I committed to DLD newbie programme

You are doing great,stick with the [words=]newbie routine[/words] and stay consistent !
hex13;669405 said:
That's my 12 day ( today ) i'm newbie .. i think [words=]SSj[/words] is for advance routines
I committed to DLD newbie programme

Stick with it until you feel ready, there is no rush! You are on the right road.
Hi Guys ,
Have a Few questions
1- Can I jelq under 40% or 30% erection ? * in the jelqing sesion I lose some EQ and go under 40 % .. Could I countinue Jelqing or stimulate myself till 70 % ? *
2- I read somewhere here in the forums .. that any inches beyond 2 inches not good .. i.e ( if you are 6 inches .. your target should be 8 inches not more that that .. as if you go above 8 inches that heart will not pump enough blood to the penis which will end you with non hard rock erct penis ( vey bad thing ) .. I think kingsnake who wrote that I don't remeber ) .. So is That true ? * I ask that question to be cristal clear about my target and visualize it everyday *
3-Doubting Question ( about gaining 2 inches )
I'm a Huge fan of kingsnake , this guy inspires me , motivates me alot .. I think he is from the top committed people in the PE community , BUT , I read in his Journal that he started serious PE in 2009 with 8 inch NBP .. and now 2016 he didn't gain yet the 2 inch ( and he is veeery committed to the PE , Chem Me , hanging and all kind of stuff ) .. that made me doubt about my ability to make 2 inch gain
I'm almost 6inch length and almost 5inch girth .. and I'm 25 years old >>> My Target : 8.5 inch X 6-6.5 girth by 27 years old ? Is that achieavable or over ambitious ? * the reason that make me optimisstic is that I read in the hanging forum 2 inch is achievable and alot of people done it + one inch with manual exersice and [words=]SRT[/words] is also can be done * so .. what do u think folks ?
4- I can't buy now ADC ( [words=]phallosan[/words] ) .. is that could slow my gains ?

* Sorry for my Bad english *
thanks guys
1. You should do most of your jelqs with 70% , but you can do some with less blood it helps as well. 2. No that's not true as long as you're doing your kegels, and have a healthy lifestyle. 3. Don't think that you can only be as good as snake because you may turn out better. 4. That will definitely not slow your gains, but you won't have faster gains without it, you can also go with the [words=]sizegenetics[/words] it could even benefit you more.
Well snake isn't the epitome of PE that's all i'm saying. Every single one of us could come up with something useful, and that's why you should stick around so we can take care of you
It's realistic if you have commitment, but if you like to slack off alot then no.
hex13;672575 said:
Hi Guys ,
Have a Few questions

1- Can I jelq under 40% or 30% erection ? * in the jelqing sesion I lose some EQ and go under 40 % .. Could I countinue Jelqing or stimulate myself till 70 % ? *

Any kind of girth exercise,jelqing included,should be done at 100 % erection level for the best results.Jelqing at 40 % or 30 % is useless for girth,maybe you will gain a bit at the beggining but after that,it's useless.You should work on your EQ if you can't stay erect,your problem is not common in the newbie world,most newbies are getting erect very fast and they are scared of that.You can try to watch adult entertainment while jelqing ( make sure you don't masturbate before a girth session because you won't be able to maintain a erection,leave a 6-8 h window between ejaculation and girth workout ) , if you can't stay erect not even when watching adult entertainment,work on your EQ.Kegels,exercise,better diet,etc.

I read somewhere here in the forums .. that any inches beyond 2 inches not good .. i.e ( if you are 6 inches .. your target should be 8 inches not more that that .. as if you go above 8 inches that heart will not pump enough blood to the penis which will end you with non hard rock erct penis ( vey bad thing ) .. I think kingsnake who wrote that I don't remeber ) .. So is That true ? * I ask that question to be cristal clear about my target and visualize it everyday *

I LOLed at that,such bullshit.You would need a gigantic penis to have that blood problem.DLD is 10.75x6.75 if i remember corectly,and he can get hard with no problem.Unless you are 15x10 ,don't worry.

I'm almost 6inch length and almost 5inch girth .. and I'm 25 years old >>> My Target : 8.5 inch X 6-6.5 girth by 27 years old ? Is that achieavable or over ambitious ? * the reason that make me optimisstic is that I read in the hanging forum 2 inch is achievable and alot of people done it + one inch with manual exersice and [words=]SRT[/words] is also can be done * so .. what do u think folks ?

A 2 inch gain is very possible without much trouble,you just have to stay consistent and have a good workout.In a year you can gain 2 inches and cement it.With the correct routine,diet,rest ( not rest days ) , etc.

I can't buy now ADC ( [words=]phallosan[/words] ) .. is that could slow my gains ?

Yes,keeping your dick elongated will speed up the gains.If you don't keep your dick elongated,you will gain more slowly.But not much slowly.Let's say there is guy 1 and guy 2.Guy 1 does keep his dick elongated and guy 2 isn't.They're goal is 1 inch in length.Guy 1 will gain that size in 3-4 months,guy 2 in 6 months.

But [words=]Phallosan[/words] [words=]forte[/words] isn't the only [words=]ADS[/words],there are a lot of good and much cheaper [words=]ADS[/words] like the [words=]VLC[/words],even a [words=]extender[/words] at light tension,or a homemade [words=]ADS[/words] if you're creative.
hex13;672575 said:
I'm almost 6inch length and almost 5inch girth .. and I'm 25 years old >>> My Target : 8.5 inch X 6-6.5 girth by 27 years old ? Is that achieavable * Sorry for my Bad english *
thanks guys

First, welcome to the Brotherhood Hex! Next, your English is just fine but if you need to use your native language to ask questions that are difficult in English please do. I speak many languages as do many of the Brothers here.

Your goal is very attainable. I started out about where you are and I managed to go beyond 10" in length with 6.75" of girth. This did take me years to accomplish but my first 2" in length and .5" in girth came for main the first 6 months, the rest I accomplished over 10 years or so.
I have seen this bullshit theory too,like : " you can't gain over 2 inches " or " anyone who gained over 2 inches is lying " or " gaining 2 inches in unealthy " etc..Do you thing that 2 number is magic?Do you think there is something in your body that stops at 2 inches? can gain way over that..i've heard this story that a guy gained around 6 inches in length using an [words=]extender[/words] in about 3 years.He did have lig surgery,but that's not something special.DLD is the living proof that anyone can gain way over 2 inches in length. :)
Thanks Childsh for quick response
-No you got me wrong , I can get a hard erection but after 20 minutes the erection get low as I jelq and watch Shark tank :D * a Business Tv show * .. I don't prefer adult entertainment , I need to complete my journey without make my mind get used of adult entertainment .. I just every 10 minutes try to edge to gain the 70 % erection
-Your response about the 2 inch gain made my day , Give me Hope .. Visulaizing that i'm 26 years and 8.5 inch length is an awesome feeling .. I'm very excited to the day I will begin Hanging alot of people say that is the best way to gain length
the doubt only came from that I see alot of guys who Do PE for years and gain lil bit or just an inch .. that made me doubt only .
hex13;672604 said:
Thanks Childsh for quick response
-No you got me wrong , I can get a hard erection but after 20 minutes the erection get low as I jelq and watch Shark tank :D * a Business Tv show * .. I don't prefer adult entertainment , I need to complete my journey without make my mind get used of adult entertainment .. I just every 10 minutes try to edge to gain the 70 % erection
-Your response about the 2 inch gain made my day , Give me Hope .. Visulaizing that i'm 26 years and 8.5 inch length is an awesome feeling .. I'm very excited to the day I will begin Hanging alot of people say that is the best way to gain length
the doubt only came from that I see alot of guys who Do PE for years and gain lil bit or just an inch .. that made me doubt only .

A lot of people think adult entertainment is bad,and it's true if you over do it.Watching adult entertainment when you do your girth work is the best way to keep your as erect as possible.Let me explain this theory to you:

If you're 70 % hard,and get 20 % girth expansion,this will be 90 % , still under your full erect size.

But if you're 100 % hard and get 20 % expansion,that's 120 % of your size.That's what it takes to gain.

Try and stay as erect as possible,when you feel like your erection level is droping,watch adult entertainment for 30 sec or watch a pic of a naked chick to get you stimulated again :).

Hanging is good for length but i prefer an [words=]extender[/words].You can literally achieve hours upon hours of length workout under your cloths without doing anything.We have a deal with the [words=]SizeGenetics[/words],50 % discount if you buy the [words=]extender[/words] clicking our link.Hanging works too.Another great device for length is the [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words].
Thanks DLD for answer , Actually my native language is Arabic , I'm from middle east
I just read yesterday Topic in Thunderplace doubting your gains .. and read in alot of forums other than thunderplace doubting other people .. wich made me sad !! as I Can't find the truth .. when I got hope , I read a topic from guy doubting peoples gains .. and You know these things make your belief system shaking .
thanks childsh for repsonse
In my plans .. I will use the [words=!!!]length master[/words] for tunica and hanging and [words=]phallosan[/words] .. I just need to attach to the manual exercises * as i read in thunder that you could make your gains from manual only .. you just don't need devices *
hex13;672612 said:
Thanks DLD for answer , Actually my native language is Arabic , I'm from middle east
I just read yesterday Topic in Thunderplace doubting your gains .. and read in alot of forums other than thunderplace doubting other people .. wich made me sad !! as I Can't find the truth .. when I got hope , I read a topic from guy doubting peoples gains .. and You know these things make your belief system shaking .

You don't have to believe DLD,do PE following [words=]MoS[/words]'s routines and you will see your dick growing with your eyes :).
hex13;672613 said:
thanks childsh for repsonse
In my plans .. I will use the [words=!!!]length master[/words] for tunica and hanging and [words=]phallosan[/words] .. I just need to attach to the manual exercises * as i read in thunder that you could make your gains from manual only .. you just don't need devices *

Depending on how quick you want to gain...gaining 2 inches with only your hands,no device,it's possible.I have seen many cases,but it's gonna take time.A few years probably.

I see money is not a problem for you since you're comfortable with buying a [words=!!!]LM[/words] and a [words=]Phallosan[/words] [words=]forte[/words],so using devices + manual exercises will speed up the gains.You can gain 2 inches in a year,maybe even less.
ChilDsh;672615 said:
You don't have to believe DLD,do PE following [words=]MoS[/words]'s routines and you will see your dick growing with your eyes :).

No I don't doubt DLD .. I just talk with you as you are my family .. I write what is in my mind without thinking .
A 1.3 inch gain person on thunder reply about my 2+ inch target and said that over ambitious ... and require 5-10 years to achieve ?
* I know i'm a lil bit ask strange question .. but I read that you should ask in everything *
hex13;672697 said:
A 1.3 inch gain person on thunder reply about my 2+ inch target and said that over ambitious ... and require 5-10 years to achieve ?
* I know i'm a lil bit ask strange question .. but I read that you should ask in everything *

You need to stop going on thunders , pegym , or other PE forums.They are very limited and very scared of PE.Going on those forums will just pull you down.If you want to gain , stay here on [words=]MoS[/words].I'm telling you,a 2 inch gain is 101 % possible in 1-2 years with consistency and a good routine.

Stay away from thunders.
hex13;672697 said:
A 1.3 inch gain person on thunder reply about my 2+ inch target and said that over ambitious ... and require 5-10 years to achieve ?
* I know i'm a lil bit ask strange question .. but I read that you should ask in everything *

instead of doing all of this research,why don't you start a routine and see how easy it is to gain 2 inches?Stop overthinking..Just do it.

I have gained 1 inch in lenght in about 5 months.I could've have gained much more,but i'm just lazy and not consistent.
No I don't overthink .. I'm already in the newbie programe .. and I'm very consistent
I just research with the work and ask
hex13;672720 said:
No I don't overthink .. I'm already in the newbie programe .. and I'm very consistent
I just research with the work and ask

Good..just ignore thunders,they're knowledge about PE is very limited.

DLD took PE to a whole new level,now we can gain faster and better than ever.That's why thunder is saying DLD is lying about his gains,because they are very don't understand what you don't know :) .
hex13;672612 said:
Thanks DLD for answer , Actually my native language is Arabic , I'm from middle east
I just read yesterday Topic in Thunderplace doubting your gains .. and read in alot of forums other than thunderplace doubting other people .. wich made me sad !! as I Can't find the truth .. when I got hope , I read a topic from guy doubting peoples gains .. and You know these things make your belief system shaking .

You do not need to believe me but I think you can trust these sources, one's Thunders would never allow their forum to see:

DLD in KING Magazine
DLD in Salon Magazine
DLD in Chanel 4 documentary

These are 3 very credible sources and I was measured by an independent rep. from GQ Magazine.

I hope this helps with any doubts that T's place tries to lie about.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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