So why they doubt all the 2+ inch gainers , called them frauds , bib , you !!.. called anyone who has 2 + inch gain is fraud .. They disappointed me about the PE journey .. said that to gain 2 + inch will take you 5-10 years , when I asked Bib , he said " Many guys do not want two additional inches. Many want it, but do not want to put in the work, or do not have the time. Some have really tough collagenous tissues, that make gains hard " ...
^Here you will find all you seek Pl@ce-3.html
hex13;672952 said:
So why they doubt all the 2+ inch gainers , called them frauds , bib , you !!.. called anyone who has 2 + inch gain is fraud .. They disappointed me about the PE journey .. said that to gain 2 + inch will take you 5-10 years , when I asked Bib , he said " Many guys do not want two additional inches. Many want it, but do not want to put in the work, or do not have the time. Some have really tough collagenous tissues, that make gains hard " ...

This is why [words=]Matters of Size[/words] is the biggest brand in Penis Enlargement today, we are always on the cutting edge of what is next. I gained 2" in 6 months and the only reason they say I am a fraud is because the Brotherhood took all their good people. Today we are the biggest PE site in the world.
man i have been into this pe world for 6+ years n im 7.10 inches or something like 19 cms bpel. but if i had been disciplined enough i wouldnt be suffering by now lol

what i do suggest you is to start your routine wheter is the [words=]SRT[/words] or the [words=]Newbie Routine[/words] or any other routine you have in mind.

What i do suggest you is to learn more about the penis anatomy,warming up warming down, time you invest exercising,intensity you apply everytime you are going to exercise,how to break the tunica..
hex13;672952 said:
So why they doubt all the 2+ inch gainers

Because they are very limited.And not only thunders,pretty much every PE forum/site out there.They do not have our information.

DLD gained 2 inches in 6 months,but i don't think you should stretch it so far.Imo DLD is gaining length easily and he put in a lot of work,do not expect to gain 2 inches in 6 months.But in 1 year,it's totally possible.
shortdick;672970 said:
man i have been into this pe world for 6+ years n im 7.10 inches or something like 19 cms bpel. but if i had been disciplined enough i wouldnt be suffering by now lol

what i do suggest you is to start your routine wheter is the [words=]SRT[/words] or the [words=]Newbie Routine[/words] or any other routine you have in mind.

What i do suggest you is to learn more about the penis anatomy,warming up warming down, time you invest exercising,intensity you apply everytime you are going to exercise,how to break the tunica..

Shortdick. If you're willing to commit to three consecutive hours of uninterrupted extending for a minimum of five days a week there's no doubt in my mind that you'll gain an undeniable, accurately measured inch in bone pressed erect length after a year and a half with that work alone. This is a very realistic regimen and goal. Without over-stressing yourself. DM me for advice or motivation.
Last edited:
9InchNBPorBust;673068 said:
Shortdick. If you're willing to commit to three consecutive hours of uninterrupted extending for a minimum of five days a week there's no doubt in my mind that you'll gain an undeniable, accurately measured inch in bone pressed erect length after a year and a half with that work alone. This is a very realistic regimen and goal. Without over-stressing yourself. DM me for advice or motivation.

thanks a lot for your words n info,i do own the [words=!!!]LM[/words] n being honest i think is an amazing device n is helping me out i think im going to get to 7.25NBPEL maybe more by dec 31st.but would like to know more about how you did it...would like to have plenty of time,n spend hours exercising n experimenting.unfortunately i cant do it for now.:)
9InchNBPorBust;673068 said:
you'll gain an undeniable, accurately measured inch in bone pressed erect length after a year and a half with that work alone

I think it could be done sooner,with other manual exercises,consistency,good diet,good sleep,in 6 months he could gain an inch and cement it no problem :).
shortdick;673093 said:
thanks a lot for your words n info,i do own the [words=!!!]LM[/words] n being honest i think is an amazing device n is helping me out i think im going to get to 7.25NBPEL maybe more by dec 31st.but would like to know more about how you did it...would like to have plenty of time,n spend hours exercising n experimenting.unfortunately i cant do it for now.:)

So happy you love you [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words]! And I agree with CliL on this too, you could make this happen much quicker.
ChilDsh;673117 said:
I think it could be done sooner,with other manual exercises,consistency,good diet,good sleep,in 6 months he could gain an inch and cement it no problem :).

doublelongdaddy;673133 said:
So happy you love you [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words]! And I agree with CliL on this too, you could make this happen much quicker.

I'd have to agree with you both. Please excuse the tortoise type approach. From my own experience with extending, I know that things can get physically and mentally grueling over time. Especially when you're clocking in several consecutive hours of uninterrupted work daily. As adults we already have loads of responsibility on our plate. The key is to not get overwhelmed, which tends to lead to discouragement. Hence, the reason why I suggested a simplified solo routine. But the additional advice given from you guys was golden. As there are many variables that can easily be added to speed things up safely. Kudos.
speeding things up safely could be amazing! knowing how to destroy the overwhelming anxiety,n just doing my PE routine is a great thing..

yesterday i didnt PE i had a few things to think about..

anyway today is a brand new day !!hope amazing things happen to me today!!
9InchNBPorBust;673247 said:
I'd have to agree with you both. Please excuse the tortoise type approach. From my own experience with extending, I know that things can get physically and mentally grueling over time. Especially when you're clocking in several consecutive hours of uninterrupted work daily. As adults we already have loads of responsibility on our plate. The key is to not get overwhelmed, which tends to lead to discouragement. Hence, the reason why I suggested a simplified solo routine. But the additional advice given from you guys was golden. As there are many variables that can easily be added to speed things up safely. Kudos.

Agree completely. With PE comes usage of time and with a busy schedule things can become challenging. The [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] and The [words=]Phallosan[/words] are both great, and for those who just don't have the time these tools will do the work for you. I also would approach PE is stealth mode, getting in what you can throughout the day. Every bathroom break, when in the shower, under the covers when you are in bed, etc. Creativity needs to be used in the cases where men are struggling with time. It is all worth the adjustments though, very worth it!
hex13;673281 said:
Guys , I just ask BIB *this guy is a LEGEND* about hanging .. he told me that you could hang even if you are anewbie .. I'm excited about hanging than manual PE .. what do you think ?

I would stick with manuals if i were a newbie.Hanging could work for newbies of course,but it's just that you're new to PE.You should learn how to stretch,jelq,etc, corectly before going further.It's like on the first day of gym you start doing fancy oversets...learn the basic moves,and after that you can do whatever you want :).
Slow and Steady wins the race. PE is a journey not a walk around the block. Progression in PE is so important. Even when you look at the most advanced routine we have, [words=]SRT[/words], it starts out slow and builds in intensity over the first 3 weeks. Once the body is understood, in the sense of self, you will know your limitations but until that time remain committed to learning.
shortdick;673641 said:
true creativity is important when time is a limitation..:)

It really is and when you sit down and really evaluate your day there will be plenty of places where you can pick up time but creativity is very important.
I read in Pegym a Guy called BigAl .. that Kegel in Non-hard state , flaccid state .. is useless and less productive .. is that true ?
hex13;675837 said:
I read in Pegym a Guy called BigAl .. that Kegel in Non-hard state , flaccid state .. is useless and less productive .. is that true ?

mmm doing kegels helps to increase the strenght on the pelvic you to get better harder erections even if you do them flaccid IMO..
Well id definitely do them first erect, and weighted then some flaccid ones just to burn it out. He probably just said it that way for effect, and isn't to be taken so literally
Yeah but make sure you get the good kind. I never looked into it, but I remember they said the bottle had to read 99.99% purity. You also need to learn how to mix it
hex13;675837 said:
I read in Pegym a Guy called BigAl .. that Kegel in Non-hard state , flaccid state .. is useless and less productive .. is that true ?

Less productive yes...useless no.When you're erect your penis is heavier and full of blood of course so it will put more preasure on your PC's like increasing the weights at the gym...after one point doing flaccid kegels won't be enough ( just like training with the same weights at the gym for 1 year won't work ) but don't worry,you won't hit that phase in the next 6 months - 1 year.
hex13;675837 said:
I read in Pegym a Guy called BigAl .. that Kegel in Non-hard state , flaccid state .. is useless and less productive .. is that true ?

Not at all, Kegels can be done flaccid or erect. The penis does have more weight when erect but it is not so much of a difference that it would out shadow flaccid kegels. I have done flaccid kegels for all of my 14 years and very, very rarely have done them erect.
I was wondering If I can do dld [words=]newbie routine[/words] twice a day or would that be over training. Thanks
Really need help gaining length haven't done manual exercises for a while need to start a new routine, been using the [words=]bath mate[/words] for a month consistently [words=]x30[/words], I have maxed it out an wondering if I should get the [words=]x40[/words] to see if I actually get some gains , wanna gain 1 3/4 " in length an 1" girth but mainly length. Any suggestions would be grateful .....
jj93;681351 said:
Really need help gaining length haven't done manual exercises for a while need to start a new routine, been using the [words=]bath mate[/words] for a month consistently [words=]x30[/words], I have maxed it out an wondering if I should get the [words=]x40[/words] to see if I actually get some gains , wanna gain 1 3/4 " in length an 1" girth but mainly length. Any suggestions would be grateful .....

Hey bro at what size did you start and where are you now ?
When first purchased [words=]x30[/words] how far did you get in it compared to now ? What was your routine like with it ?
ka855;681309 said:
I was wondering if I can do dld [words=]newbie routine[/words] twice a day or is that over training. Thanks

I did it 3 times a day when I was actively gaining and I made a 2" gain in length and 1/2" in girth in six months. Listen to your body if you feel like you are overdoing it. But, if all is good, rock it twice a day every day.
ka855;681468 said:
Ok that sounds good dld..I have been doing it twice a day so far with no just soreness, but I work through the soreness

Awesome I hope your gains come as fast as mine did! I will keep an eye on things for you. When will you measure next?
I will probably measure after 3 weeks, but I will try to do month intervals so I don't get discouraged cause I realize gains will not come overnight
Ik you insist on jeql/girth sessions to be done separately from stretching..but will jelqing after my stretches still be beneficial?
Hey dld I have another question on intesity for manual stretches. Is it true that I can toughen my Ligs by stretching too hard. Because I like to pull pretty hard but without pain so I can feel my Ligs really stretching. Because I read about some people not gaining and I think it's cause they don't pull had enough. What do you think?
No pain, but a slight burning sensation in your ligs aim for. This is a [words=]sign[/words] that you're tissue is separating at a microscopic level. Don't worry about toughening it doesn't matter
Ok cool good info. I definitely feel that burning stretch feeling in my Ligs. If I don't feel that, I feel like I'm not stretching enough.
ka855;681740 said:
Hey dld I have another question on intesity for manual stretches. Is it true that I can toughen my Ligs by stretching too hard. Because I like to pull pretty hard but without pain so I can feel my Ligs really stretching. Because I read about some people not gaining and I think it's cause they don't pull had enough. What do you think?

As you stretch the ligaments they become longer but will only slightly thin. Ligaments can't really be built up or reduced in any natural way. As the Ligaments are stretched over and over they become more and more malleable or stretchable. So over time you will see gains come more and more but eventually basic stretches will no longer effect the ligaments and more intense methods must be employed.
Hi DLD as beginner im going to start with this newbiw routine then venture into the [words=]SRT[/words] routine, how much days/ months do you recommend that i stay on the [words=]newbie routine[/words]?
Ok thanks dld I will keep doing basics until I stop gaining.. do you think half an inch gain in girth is possible with only jelqs.. I do 900 jelqs every day with good intensity and close to full erection.. I have already gained close to an eighth of an inch but its only been a week and a half so I'm guessing its fluid buildup
dgreatkingp;682226 said:
Hi DLD as beginner im going to start with this newbiw routine then venture into the [words=]SRT[/words] routine, how much days/ months do you recommend that i stay on the [words=]newbie routine[/words]?

I suggest the [words=]Newbie Routine[/words] as a perfect start but remember to take cues from [words=]SRT[/words] to work into the [words=]Newbie Routine[/words]. Maybe an example will be best.

The [words=]Newbie Routine[/words] Modified for [words=]SRT[/words] (Bold areas are additions from [words=]SRT[/words])

DLD's [words=]NEWBIE ROUTINE[/words] with [words=]SRT[/words] cues

Prior to basic stretching get in a minimum of 5 minutes of Bundled Stretches equally to both sides.

Basic Stretching: 3 Sets of each stretch below
Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds

Straight Down to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Down Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Straight Out to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Out Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Straight Up to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Up Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Expressive Stretching: at least 5 minutes

After Length Work remain elongated in one of a few ways. The [words=]Phallosan[/words], The [words=]SizeGenetics[/words], The [words=]PeniMaster[/words], The [words=]VLC[/words]. The [words=]ACE[/words], or some other creative way to keep the elongation for as long as possible.

Basic Jelqing
Prior to jelqing get in a minimum of 5 minutes of Bundled Stretches equally to both sides.

For First 2 weeks - 300 2 Second Jelqs

after 2 weeks - 600 2 Second Jelqs

After Jelq: Warm Down

After Girth work is done it is important to keep that pump so you will want to use a cock ring (or similar) to hold this expanded state as long as possible.

PC Muscle Fitness

100 quick Kegel squeezes

50 of the following:
Squeeze your PC muscle as hard as you can, hold for 5 seconds then slowly release for 2 seconds. When you have finished the 50 your PC muscle will be screaming. This is a good [words=]sign[/words]. Now to finish the exercise start squeezing and hold for 1 minute, if you get tired squeeze harder until the minute is complete.

Testicle Health Massage

In addition to what is above I would also include 4 days a week where you get in a minimum 5 minutes of erect stretches.

You can Start [words=]SRT[/words] full routine within a month.
doublelongdaddy;682326 said:
I suggest the [words=]Newbie Routine[/words] as a perfect start but remember to take cues from [words=]SRT[/words] to work into the [words=]Newbie Routine[/words]. Maybe an example will be best.

The [words=]Newbie Routine[/words] Modified for [words=]SRT[/words] (Bold areas are additions from [words=]SRT[/words])

DLD's [words=]NEWBIE ROUTINE[/words] with [words=]SRT[/words] cues

Prior to basic stretching get in a minimum of 5 minutes of Bundled Stretches equally to both sides.

Basic Stretching: 3 Sets of each stretch below
Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds

Straight Down to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Down Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Straight Out to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Out Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Straight Up to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Up Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Expressive Stretching: at least 5 minutes

After Length Work remain elongated in one of a few ways. The [words=]Phallosan[/words], The [words=]SizeGenetics[/words], The [words=]PeniMaster[/words], The [words=]VLC[/words]. The [words=]ACE[/words], or some other creative way to keep the elongation for as long as possible.

Basic Jelqing
Prior to jelqing get in a minimum of 5 minutes of Bundled Stretches equally to both sides.

For First 2 weeks - 300 2 Second Jelqs

after 2 weeks - 600 2 Second Jelqs

After Jelq: Warm Down

After Girth work is done it is important to keep that pump so you will want to use a cock ring (or similar) to hold this expanded state as long as possible.

PC Muscle Fitness

100 quick Kegel squeezes

50 of the following:
Squeeze your PC muscle as hard as you can, hold for 5 seconds then slowly release for 2 seconds. When you have finished the 50 your PC muscle will be screaming. This is a good [words=]sign[/words]. Now to finish the exercise start squeezing and hold for 1 minute, if you get tired squeeze harder until the minute is complete.

Testicle Health Massage

In addition to what is above I would also include 4 days a week where you get in a minimum 5 minutes of erect stretches.

You can Start [words=]SRT[/words] full routine within a month.

thank you so much for the extra tip and your response!! will be going hard at it!!
dgreatkingp;682356 said:
thank you so much for the extra tip and your response!! will be going hard at it!!

Awesome! Let us know how things are going or if you need any other attention. I hope my directions help you create a monster!
dgreatkingp;682356 said:
thank you so much for the extra tip and your response!! will be going hard at it!!

BigBeardBig;681354 said:
Hey bro at what size did you start and where are you now ?
When first purchased [words=]x30[/words] how far did you get in it compared to now ? What was your routine like with it ?
I started at 15 now am over 18 , thanks for reply
Yet to gain tbh, my flaccid stretch is 1 inch bigger than when I started will gains be round the corner ??
doublelongdaddy;683056 said:
what were your gains over this period?

Not gained yet , my bpfs is 1inch bigger than when I started would u say gains are close in your experience dld ??
jj93;683877 said:
Not gained yet , my bpfs is 1inch bigger than when I started would u say gains are close in your experience dld ??

Well that is certainly a gain of 1" any way you look at it. Now to make that 1" translate to a BP erect length you will need to get in Erect Stretching, this is the fastest way to sure up that 1" gain in stretch.
doublelongdaddy;683915 said:
Well that is certainly a gain of 1" any way you look at it. Now to make that 1" translate to a BP erect length you will need to get in Erect Stretching, this is the fastest way to sure up that 1" gain in stretch.

Thank you dld, sorry to bother but one more question does it need to be 100% erect because that's quite hard to do.
jj93;683940 said:
Thank you dld, sorry to bother but one more question does it need to be 100% erect because that's quite hard to do.

I don't understand the question...Could you rephrase? Thanks
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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