
WHAT about the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Power assist[/words] that was included with the program,? can I really hit the ligs while im laying in bed at night -and maybe get in another hour or so of stretch? is the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]power assist[/words] a tool that I can use for any amount of time in the evening.

Thank you
Things are steady-- flacid hang is better, and girth is def noticable, and one of my girlfriends noticed it was thicker- but still the Legenth is eluding me- I use the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]power assist[/words] every night and am following the Video [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] has regarding [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]power assist[/words]-, I have not found a video for the BIB HANGER

amazing BIO By the way, I am a recovering addict myself, and on meds for depression, - we have some things in common.
Peace be with you
and thank you again

peforlife;506406 said:

WHAT about the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Power assist[/words] that was included with the program,? can I really hit the ligs while im laying in bed at night -and maybe get in another hour or so of stretch? is the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]power assist[/words] a tool that I can use for any amount of time in the evening.

Thank you

The [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PowerAssist[/words] is amazing with stretching. Here are just a few of the great stretches that can be performed: PowerAssist Videos most of the stretches can be done layying down if that was the question.
Thats great to know I am getting Phase 1 really a good understanding finally, I have 1 qusetion while I have you, - When I stretch, I sometimes have to grab the penis almost half way down, because of slippage, even though I use baby powder, I feel it deep in the Ligs, is that gonna be a prob?-
Im your video you grip JUST BELOW THE HEAD.. I dont have the same amount of Legenth,.. I am thick,

Your thoughts?

DetrminedMan;506364 said:
hey ive been doing this now for about a week but im starting to get slight pains when stretching should i continue stretching anyway or should i stop for a while?

If the pain you are in is at the base of your penis than this is normal, ligament soreness. Let me know where the pain is coming from sop I can help.
Yes Sir-- I feel the Pull at the Base Mostly, and some pain, moderate, when I pull the skin at the mid shaft, to get a better GRIP. It seems like the best lig stretches seem to be BEHIND THE CHEEKS, at first I thought it was a very uncomfortable unusual stretch but I can really feel the Ligs getting hit there-
Not so keen on the last STRETCH on PHASE 1 where you PULL straight UP Thats where I find the most slippage, and cant feel the base of the ligs getting it
I slowed doen the 600 Jelques to 300 a day, It honest to god seems like Im gaining fast GIRTH, and I really need to focus more on LIG work and stretching
Maybe because im new and its only 2.5 months, that im frustrated, I guess adapt? work harder on the stretching? Like the Gym?

Thank you for your valuable time and dedication-
Best regards
peforlife;506592 said:
Yes Sir-- I feel the Pull at the Base Mostly, and some pain, moderate, when I pull the skin at the mid shaft, to get a better GRIP. It seems like the best lig stretches seem to be BEHIND THE CHEEKS, at first I thought it was a very uncomfortable unusual stretch but I can really feel the Ligs getting hit there-
Not so keen on the last STRETCH on PHASE 1 where you PULL straight UP Thats where I find the most slippage, and cant feel the base of the ligs getting it
I slowed doen the 600 Jelques to 300 a day, It honest to god seems like Im gaining fast GIRTH, and I really need to focus more on LIG work and stretching
Maybe because im new and its only 2.5 months, that im frustrated, I guess adapt? work harder on the stretching? Like the Gym?

Thank you for your valuable time and dedication-
Best regards

Well, work through as much as you can but don't put yourself in misery, if it hurts too much back off. The pain at the base, will more than likely stick around for your first couple months, it becomes more and more manageable. At least you know your stretching it, right?

What is more important as far as length gains while stretching? Hitting the ligs or the tunica?
I've noticed that I only feel it in the tunica with the straight out stretch (all the other angles, I feel an intense stretch in my ligaments) so I think I might have tight Ligaments.

What does having tight ligs mean in terms of potential length gains, if anything?
mykdavery;506688 said:

What is more important as far as length gains while stretching? Hitting the ligs or the tunica?
I've noticed that I only feel it in the tunica with the straight out stretch (all the other angles, I feel an intense stretch in my ligaments) so I think I might have tight Ligaments.

What does having tight ligs mean in terms of potential length gains, if anything?

Tight ligaments are highly effected in stretches that go below your erection angle. Using Behind the Cheeks stretches would represent the most extreme angle of stretch to the ligaments. Ligamental gains are the fastest, while Tunica gains are very slow. The Tunica has only 5% elasticity making it very dense and very difficult to stretch. This has good and bad to it. With only 5% elasticity, when a gain is made it has little choice of returning to it's smaller size, it simply will not snap back like a rubber band, it will remain deformed. Tunica specific exercises would be any stretches that are above your erection angle, straight up stretching and extending are the best. The Tunica is also effected by girth expansion, this translates to girth and length gains.

SIR--IM stuck on PHASE 1 Until I have mastered all these stretching techniques, It takes Damn Near a full HR- SOmetimes More, To get the Stretching work done.
I just have a question about GRIP, and PULL-- I have alot of gripping problems when im pulling on the OUT- AND UP STRETCH WORK
I USE ALOT OF BABY POWDER- It seemes like I need to grab at the center of my penis just to have enough meat to pull on, Is this Normal in the Start of the program? Im at a solid 7, if that helps you

Best regards
Thank You

Ron-Penis EnlargementFORLIFE
Hello DLD.

I wanna thank you so much for brining me so motivated. I have made massive gains in a very short period of time.

I have followed the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]Newbie routine[/words] stretches and gained 0.8 inches in 22 days to be exact.
Started 6.7 inches lenght and now 7.5 inches, Im 100 % sure I have measured before and after right.

I will see what my future gains will be but the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] that Im doing now Im gonna follow for 68 days left (3 months total on Phase 1 [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]Newbie Routine[/words])

Im sure I wont gain as much as now for sure, but do you think it would be possible to gain up to 1.2 inches in 68 days for me?

Im not doing any Jelqing right now, that's because I started pretty girth from beginning and want to focus on lenght first.

You are my true Hero DLD, thank you so much for everything right now.
MartinGlad;506963 said:
Im sure I wont gain as much as now for sure, but do you think it would be possible to gain up to 1.2 inches in 68 days for me?

Of course it is! Here is how that works; see it, believe it, make it happen. I can say, yes you can make the gain in that time but unless you believe in the goal, it may not happen. It is a big gain but it is possible, I have seen happen even faster. Get yourself in the mode to make it happen and do it!
DLD what would you personally recommend to any1 here to do after no more gains on [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]Newbie routine[/words], like 3months+ training on Phase1...

¤ Should they jump to a [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]SizeGenetic[/words] routine?
¤ LenghtMaster Routine?
¤ Someother Routine (Like hanging, ETC)
¤ Or just jump to Phase 2 from 1 and holding yourself to the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/mosdvd.htm]DVD[/words]?
peforlife;506870 said:

SIR--IM stuck on PHASE 1 Until I have mastered all these stretching techniques, It takes Damn Near a full HR- SOmetimes More, To get the Stretching work done.
I just have a question about GRIP, and PULL-- I have alot of gripping problems when im pulling on the OUT- AND UP STRETCH WORK
I USE ALOT OF BABY POWDER- It seemes like I need to grab at the center of my penis just to have enough meat to pull on, Is this Normal in the Start of the program? Im at a solid 7, if that helps you

Best regards
Thank You

Ron-Penis EnlargementFORLIFE

I thought of something that may help you.

This is for stretching UP.

Grip glans with two hands. have your forearms on your hips for leverage. Grip really tight and pull your pelvis back, like your ass will be sticking out. It's like you're pulling your penis away from your hands by using your body. Standing up works really well but you can also do it while sitting. It's easier to keep your grip solid while your body does the work of pulling your penis in the opposite direction rather than gripping really tight and pulling your penis with your hands away from your body. Try it out, but make sure you do it very very slowly. Stretching UP with lots of force is the easiest way to pull a lig, in my opinion. I've done it a few times stretching up too hard and fast.
peforlife;507290 said:
Have a awesome weekend
RON- Penis EnlargementFRLIFE

Very good, please let us know how it goes.
hello DLD

wanted to ask a quck question. im feeling a real big stretch when i do phase 1 stretxching downwards, feels good, can feel tht im real hitting the ligament or tendons, but it feel sore, not so sore tht i cnt do my exercise but sore, however when i do straight ahead and straight up stretch i dnt feel the same ligament or tendon stretch, am i doing something wrong ?

futher more, i find it hard to get erect on demand when trying to do jelqing, so i was wondering with horny goat weed help, i read it on redzulu thread i think ?

cheers in advance. :D
DLD could you please just give me advise what I should do after the gains are closed for me on Phase-1? Where would you have started then? Phase 2 or some other stuff, just want to hear your opintion.
hepcat;507524 said:
It's when you reach under your legs and pull the penis towards your ass cheeks. So it's like sitting on your dick but you are standing instead.;):cool: I hope this made sense because it is very difficult to put into words.

By the way, welcome to the site.:)

Hey hepcat how has all these exercises helped you?

Regarding your last instructions for PHASE 1-- UPWARD STRETCH,, You are 100% correct It is much better the way you described, using 2 hands,
I got a much better work out in, and less slippage,
I had to really practice doing what you said, though-- and on a scale from 1- 10 i would say it was only about a 7-8 in how the upward and out stretch went.

It seemed like I was pulling more skin rather than internal ligament, and tunica,...

I still struggled to find the right grip so I could feel the INTERNAL LIGS PULL UP- and I guess that may come with practice--

From start to finnish it took me 2 full hrs!-UGHH and I was only able to get in 200 Jeljs, in before the warm down, in my shower, I was pretty tired at the end of the session..,

Your thoughts? ?:(

Thank You
Ron-Penis EnlargementFORLIFE
peforlife;507563 said:

Regarding your last instructions for PHASE 1-- UPWARD STRETCH,, You are 100% correct It is much better the way you described, using 2 hands,
I got a much better work out in, and less slippage,
I had to really practice doing what you said, though-- and on a scale from 1- 10 i would say it was only about a 7-8 in how the upward and out stretch went.

It seemed like I was pulling more skin rather than internal ligament, and tunica,...

I still struggled to find the right grip so I could feel the INTERNAL LIGS PULL UP- and I guess that may come with practice--

From start to finnish it took me 2 full hrs!-UGHH and I was only able to get in 200 Jeljs, in before the warm down, in my shower, I was pretty tired at the end of the session..,

Your thoughts? ?:(

Thank You
Ron-Penis EnlargementFORLIFE

peforlife;507563 said:
Your thoughts? ?:(

2 Hours should look more like 1 Hour as you become proficient.

I think you are doing exactly what you should be doing! I think, in your case, the time is necessary to the learning process. I can also understand the frustrations with grip, all part of the learning process. I can promise you that you will get to the point where the routines are fast and efficient, where you will have great grip and make steady gains. It is not learned overnight, much of it is learned through practice of the process. I can tell you I used to spend hours each day doing Penis Enlargement, from when I woke till I went back to sleep. Did it all add to my gains? No! But I did learn what did work. I learned my limits. I learned the exercises and developed new exercises in the process.

Be patient with yourself and take your time, believe me, there is no rush. I am happy the new stretching style is allowing a better stretch but still, lets get that from a 7 to a 10! Skin will stretch, in most cases, before ligaments and tunica. It stretches much easier than the ligaments and tunica soPenis Enlargement works in a cycle of skin stretch, log and tunica gains, girth gain then once again back to skin gain to start the process all over. The penis is literally making room for the gains to come, it is part of the process. Over time, the ligaments will be felt more and more as you make that connection with the stretch and where the intensity is being directed.

Jelqing will get better as you understand it more. You may eventually decide to use a different girth exercise hat works better for you. I personally use the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]Slow Squash Jelq[/words] and there are many other girth exercises. You may even consider adding a [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] to improve the girth work. Girth took me some time to gain but once I knew my way around the various exercises and created a few things of my own I started to pack it on.

Keep working on getting that stretching more and more focused and intense. Upward stretching is the most difficult of all stretches and a smart place to put a lot of exercise. The Tunica is the only part of the penis being stretched with upward stretching and the Tunica has only 5% elasticity. It is smart to learn the best way to do this weather it is increased grip of exercise choice. I also have the belief that Tunica growth allows for new Ligament stretch as the erection angle of the penis changes through upward stretching.

If you want to kick the upward stretch up a few notches try to do it Bundled, this will help you get much more vertical stretch with less strength. It will also allow for a more intense stretch when more intensity is applied. Be gentle until you figure it out.

Also, keep in mind that opposing angles are important when stretching so to balance the extremity of the upward, bundled stretch you would want to do some Behind the Cheeks Stretches, the total opposing extreme. You will feel how these two angle hyper affect one another.
Hey Ron (peforlife):

I did exactly what you're doing when I first started Penis Enlargement - my routine took me 2 hours and I yanked as hard as I can.

Try some of these things:

1. Instead of focusing on yanking as hard as you can, focus more on SLOWLY pulling to a good stretch that you can feel, then keeping it there at a consistent force. I find that when you stretch slowly, you are able to stretch further than when you yank it out fast. There is a thread on this theory (http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/...-Stallion-s-Paradoxical-Pullout&highlight=G.S)
I, too, worried so much about pulling my hardest more than I worried about technique and going slow and making myself feel the stretch. Its just like stretching your legs or something. You go very slow and consistent, each time going a bit harder.

2. Instead of doing it all in one session, break it up into smaller sessions. When I started, I did it all at once at the end of the day. I did this for 2.5 months and I began to just dread having to do it when I came home. I think it's also less beneficial to be doing all that stretching in one session, as opposed to breaking it up. Think about it, if you break it up, your penis is being stretched all day. If you do it all at once, that's just 2 hours your penis is being stretched, then another 22 hours it isn't.
I suggest you break it into 2-3 fifteen minute sets. Stretch in each direction for one 30 second rep. Should take you about 15 minutes. After a couple months, do a 1 rep.
The other good thing about this is your hands get more rest so your grip is stronger for the stretches. By the end of 1 hour, you grip has likely turned very weak, so you aren't able to grip as tight. This was the case for me.

3. Throughout the day, do random 30 sec-2 min stretches. I do them when I go to the washroom. Try for 6 a day if you can.

Try these tips out, I think you'll find it helpful.
Well, this was my first night doing a (more or less) complete routine. Some notes:

I feel like my keagles weren't complete. From the quick 100, I did about 10 standing and figured it wasn't supposed to be done like that. I then did the next 30 sitting on my bed when I started to get some urination sensations, so I sat on my toilet to do the remaining from that set, and for the following 51. And yet, I still don't feel like I was in the best position for it.

So then I ask, what is a good body position for keagles?

I also noticed it was really difficult keeping time. My entire work out was measured in my head so I'm sure it wasn't accurate or consistent. Do you guys sport watches or do it all next to a clock or what?

Other than that I can say it was a lot more work than I had imagined. I'm not sure if I can do this every day but maybe when I get more practice it'll be easier.

MikeShlort;507726 said:
Hey Ron (peforlife):

I did exactly what you're doing when I first started Penis Enlargement - my routine took me 2 hours and I yanked as hard as I can.

Try some of these things:

1. Instead of focusing on yanking as hard as you can, focus more on SLOWLY pulling to a good stretch that you can feel, then keeping it there at a consistent force. I find that when you stretch slowly, you are able to stretch further than when you yank it out fast. There is a thread on this theory (http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/...-Stallion-s-Paradoxical-Pullout&highlight=G.S)
I, too, worried so much about pulling my hardest more than I worried about technique and going slow and making myself feel the stretch. Its just like stretching your legs or something. You go very slow and consistent, each time going a bit harder.

2. Instead of doing it all in one session, break it up into smaller sessions. When I started, I did it all at once at the end of the day. I did this for 2.5 months and I began to just dread having to do it when I came home. I think it's also less beneficial to be doing all that stretching in one session, as opposed to breaking it up. Think about it, if you break it up, your penis is being stretched all day. If you do it all at once, that's just 2 hours your penis is being stretched, then another 22 hours it isn't.
I suggest you break it into 2-3 fifteen minute sets. Stretch in each direction for one 30 second rep. Should take you about 15 minutes. After a couple months, do a 1 rep.
The other good thing about this is your hands get more rest so your grip is stronger for the stretches. By the end of 1 hour, you grip has likely turned very weak, so you aren't able to grip as tight. This was the case for me.

3. Throughout the day, do random 30 sec-2 min stretches. I do them when I go to the washroom. Try for 6 a day if you can.

Try these tips out, I think you'll find it helpful.

Great suggestions! Thanks for taking the time for your fellow members!
DLD what happens if I warm up during a stretching session and then warm up again after like 25 minutes of stretching and end with a warmdown? Is 3 times too much? Can it limit the gains somehow?

I have had a better session and Finally feeling the stretch I go slower, until it reached max peak, I always go for a full minute- I watch the top right of the clock on my MAC-, and listen to the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Mos[/words] Music, its motivating,

Sir, my Basic Question - Is following-

1- When, for example you are in a stretch, and at the end of the stretch, "can you keep [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words]"-, then pull to the other angle?
Lets say I am pulling to my LEFT, DOWN, then at the end of that minute I hold the stretch, Not at 100% But 50% then continue with
the exercise in the Down RIGHT position, OR DOWN CENTER .. is this ok to do? Or should I release, let blood flow back in my head before I go into the next stretch?

Penis EnlargementFORLIFE

I also have another question -- again it seems like I am having to struggle the most with this stretch--Straight Up to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Up Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks/ This is the last portion of PHASE 1 Before the Jelqing --
I find that when I use 2 hands to grip I can only feel the internal ligs getting pulled if I grip half way,-- Is this normal? at 7bp--
This stretch still seems like a challenge... But working through it..

Penis EnlargementFORLIFE
peforlife;509206 said:

I also have another question -- again it seems like I am having to struggle the most with this stretch--Straight Up to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Up Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks/ This is the last portion of PHASE 1 Before the Jelqing --
I find that when I use 2 hands to grip I can only feel the internal ligs getting pulled if I grip half way,-- Is this normal? at 7bp--
This stretch still seems like a challenge... But working through it..

Penis EnlargementFORLIFE

Upward stretches always feel that way. Upward stretching, which is largely Tunica stretching, takes much effort for little gain. While we stretch upward the ligaments of the penis are not being stretched, all of the stretch goes to the Tunica. The Tunica only has 5% elasticity making it hard to stretch but the beneficial part is that since it only has 5% elasticity, once deformed it is permanent. Try various methods of intense upper stretching, explore a little, find the best possible way to give as much intensity to the upward stretches as you can. The [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words] or [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PowerAssist[/words] help immensely with upper stretching as these devices work as simple machines, allowing for assisted power where needed. If you have a [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]SizeGenetics[/words] [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]Extender[/words] you could extend in an upward position, this will allow for hours of upward stretching with no effort on your part.


IN PHASE 1, the Video shows you using your left hand for the LEFT STRETCH OVER THE LEG, "Is It OK IF I use my Right hand, and use the Right Arm and pull the Penis to the Left:?-- The reason I am asking is this--, It seems I am getting a better grip and tension that way, and Vice Versa for the RIGHT STRETCH, again, I use my Left hand and forearm to pull the stretch to the Right WILL THIS MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE? I know the Grip and pull is more intense for me...that way
Your thoughts?....

Thank you
Penis EnlargementFORLIFE
peforlife;510175 said:


IN PHASE 1, the Video shows you using your left hand for the LEFT STRETCH OVER THE LEG, "Is It OK IF I use my Right hand, and use the Right Arm and pull the Penis to the Left:?-- The reason I am asking is this--, It seems I am getting a better grip and tension that way, and Vice Versa for the RIGHT STRETCH, again, I use my Left hand and forearm to pull the stretch to the Right WILL THIS MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE? I know the Grip and pull is more intense for me...that way
Your thoughts?....

Thank you
Penis EnlargementFORLIFE

Hi Ron, If you can gain greater grip with the position above then by all means use it! Everyone will have a different idea of the perfect grip and it is good to explore and find what works best for you.
Is it possible to masterbate and then after that warm up and doing the stretches? In 100 % flaccid of course!

From my experience it does hurt less when masterbating before stretching manually, but does this really affect the gains in any ways btw?
MartinGlad;511189 said:
Is it possible to masterbate and then after that warm up and doing the stretches? In 100 % flaccid of course!

From my experience it does hurt less when masterbating before stretching manually, but does this really affect the gains in any ways btw?

The smartest time to stretch is right after masturbation. Your penis is in a temporary fatigued state allowing for optimum stretching.

Hi DLD. iv been doing phase one for abt 2 weeks, everything was fine, workouts were good, penis was feeling heavy and thick after exercise, but all of a sudden iv lost tht feeling. only recently i noticed that my penis head, top part to be exact and the outside murshroom edges feel rough. they do not hurt but feel rough, i streched my penis head whilst falccid and i can see stretch marks, the reason i no they stretch marks it cuz i use to do weighlighting and i can tell them when i see them.
but im freaking worried, my penis head feels all rough n wrinkle like an old man and i lost tht good feeling after exerciseing my penis. when i strech my penis it dosent respond, if you no what i mean, it justs shrivells back together.

please advice, i want to continue bt i dnt no if im jus gna wreck things up. i buying [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]titan[/words] pills to strech things out, i think i squeez my penis to much and maybe this has happend when steching. the first week was awesome man, i could feel the difference was looking foward to continue but im hit with this. :(
guyfawkes;511366 said:

please advice, i want to continue bt i dnt no if im jus gna wreck things up. i buying [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]titan[/words] pills to strech things out, i think i squeez my penis to much and maybe this has happend when steching. the first week was awesome man, i could feel the difference was looking foward to continue but im hit with this. :(

Sound like you have over down it a bit and are now feeling fatigue, very, very normal...fear not. Back the routine down a bit and give yourself a day on day off routine until you see an improvement in EQ. Fatigue lasts under 48 hours.
HELP--- [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]-- Please

A strange thing Just started tonight during the start of my stretching workout, and it scared me,,, I noticed a little blood from the tip of my penis after i did the first set of behind the Cheek stretch- , I think im putting alot of pressure on the head as im pulling back on the guy, Never seen anything like this before- I hope this is just a Penis Enlargement wound that will heal.. I am bummed kuz I think I have the stretching part down and Im addicted to Penis Enlargement, feeling like I lost so much time and wanna see gains, they just hard to get -- also I have to leave town for 2-3 days on business, and I will be with a bunch of people for work, and wont have privacy to Penis Enlargement

What do you think I should do... ? Im gonna do the rest of the work out, but not so intense.. and listen to my body
Is this a serious set back? or part of being new to the program?

Ron-Penis Enlargement FOR LIFE

ALSO-- there is NO pain, Just freaked me out-- Also I have a question about a past Penis Enlargement injury, a long time ago something weird happened
I was a member at X-labs, 3 years ago and the device I used, was absoutley hell, I tried to endure 6 hrs of stretching it -- and a bad thing happened, I wrapped with the self adhesive type athletic tape., which caused a little redness at the tip of my penis, I stopped asap- after 2 hrs in the rack, but to this day I still have a slight brused tip at the head, now that Im Jelquing more is seems like the redness is starting to come back, -- Im def in the game and wanna focus more on legenth-------, but it seems weird that the tip of my head has slight redness from 3 years ago..! any suggestions ? UGHHHH

Thanks Again
Penis EnlargementFOR LIFE
Hey Ron, Thanks for the question. In my case, I have a bruise that I received in the beginning that still is there. It lightens more and more as time goes by but it has never really gone away. In my case it was present prior to Penis Enlargement and going over board made it worse. 3 years with a bruise kind of means it is there for the duration.
THANKS SIR--- OOH ya I continued the workout last night No more Blood, I think I burst a cappalary by squeezing my head too hard while in the stretch-
GOD the things one must do to improve.. / STill getting good girth, flacid hang, Im afraid to measure because I don't wanna get depressed- --

Thank you!

In your experience. what is the all around best [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words]- [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words]? The one that really gets the job done? and I would guess wear it after a Penis Enlargement SESSION-
Thank You

peforlife;512725 said:
In your experience. what is the all around best [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words]- [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words]? The one that really gets the job done? and I would guess wear it after a Penis Enlargement SESSION-
Thank You


The SizeGenetics is the best way to go as it can be used to gain length plus it can be used to cement new gains.

I tried X labs it was a nightmare 6 hrs in the rack and no gain, also I remember you mentioned the BIB HANGER... WHich one should I use if im at work most of the day? [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]SIZE GENETICS[/words] AT HOME? BIB HANGER IN THE DAY?--

THANK YOU very much

Ron - Pe for life
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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