doublelongdaddy;415903 said:That was incorrect, where did I post this? Must have been stoned or something![]()
Post #191 in this thread.
doublelongdaddy;415903 said:That was incorrect, where did I post this? Must have been stoned or something![]()
aidan784;415933 said:Post #191 in this thread.
akshay317;417000 said:1) i love jelqing, is it ok if i increase the time from 20 minutes or 600 2 sec jelqs everyday to 30 minutes?
akshay317;417000 said:2) in case i do increase the time would you advise that i do slower jelqs or the regular 2 sec jelqs? i personally prefer the 2 secs as they give me good girth.
BigProblems;418627 said:To my understanding jelqs are best done when you have semi right? Does it give you improvements to your fully erect penis or just when you are flacid? Also what do you think the success rate is? Since im a newbie do you think i should start with these jelqs before trying [words=]sizegenetics[/words]?
Nshawn9;422570 said:
SirKyle;425194 said:Hey DLD,
two quick questions:
You wrote "Basic Stretching: 3 Sets of each stretch below"
Does that mean 3x12x40s = 18min or do the 3 sets just refer to the 3 directions, i.e. 12x40s = 6min?
Also: When you say you gained two inch with this, what kind of a time frame are we talking about here and do really mean just this routine or do you include the time you spent doing A-stretches and similar intermediate exercises?
regtam25;431373 said:how long should you do this routine?
EverFresh;433484 said:HAs far as your fundamental routine goes, when I stretch and you say behind cheek to the left, right center and so on....can you explain in more detail please? As in, do I reach from behind my butt and pull my penis down and to the right? You may have already answered these kind of questions, if so, can you send me a link. Also, what a rotary stretches?
Big banana;434766 said:dld. do you think its good to do the testicle massage for like a hour while edging
karmi;438479 said:hey dld is it possible to do the [words=]newbie routine[/words] combined with your lates 12 week inch gaining programme? its because on certain days i get less hours to even do the [words=]size genetics[/words] super sets.
also on average how long does it take to take for each routine?
would i make gains with my proposed routine also?
karmi;438615 said:nono imeand dothem onseperate days
i work monday tuesday and friday so i was hoping to do the [words=]newbie routine[/words] on them days before i go work. and on wednesday thursday satday and sunday i have the days off so i could do the [words=]sizegenetics[/words] super sets.
is this good idea and would i gain?
also if i was to purchase the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] from you, how much could i get it for?
thanks mr. king kong dick![]()
jonnyboy777;438985 said:i have foreskin btw and when i pull i leave it over the head, would it be better to retract it when pulling?
Swade;439857 said:ok soo been a long time lurker and have known wbout Penis Enlargement since age 18. I've done it off and on but havent seen much results due to poor consistency. There was a time at age 20 when i wanted to get back into it since i had an apartment but my girlfriend said she didn't want a bigger peepee (b4 i started going out wit her i over heard her say to a friend she didnt like big dicks cuz it hurt to much) so then when i told her i knew about pe she seemed more disgusted then anything nd thought i was just trying to pleasure my self but she just doesnt get it lol so i asked her what would be the problem with me doing it and if she doesnt like bigger members cuz of a past experience but she said all of her ex bf's were around the same. of course when i confront her what i heard she denies nd said im the only one thzt has made her cum which i dont believe at all cuz im only at 6.5nbpl so how did her other bf's not make her cum??
So anyway im finaaly passed caring what she thinks about it so i just told her today im getting back into it nd she said that its fine?????? sooo confused that she didnt go ape shit on me but i have already been doing it for 1 week so far doing [words=]newbie routine[/words] stretches nd jelqing plus pc muscle.
anyway gotta question about converting my stretches into erect gains. I cant afford any devices at this time so i wanted to kno if i can stretch my penis when its semi-erect or fully erect or if that would have anything to do with erect gains? thank you
Swade;439861 said:Thanks for the fast response
but yeah i use a heat pad for 10 min then i stretch for 40 min flaccid but thats why I was wondering if i need to do stretching while semi erect or erect after the flaccid stretching for like 15min?
AlmostGod;441192 said:Also, when I have to stretch under my head, do I remove the foreskin ? Or doesn't it matter ?
AlmostGod;441192 said:Ps. Maybe a handy thing to do, make a topic with all the words and such about Penis Enlargement ?
Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shoppedguin said:Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend