Girth Hammer;379842 said:
Hey DLD, I have clamped for a long time. Now I realize my penis isn't as conditioned as I thought. For some reason when I do basic stretches 7 out of 10 times my penis becomes pencil thin after stretching after 10-15 min. The other 3 I'm good with stretching. Some goes for Jelqing with the 7 out of 10 times. I fell I need to tune down my erect work cause EQ is lacking. But If I'm having a hard time doing the basics, I'm confused with what can be my next step in making a Penis Enlargement routine?

Also what can I change to prevent that pencil dick effect?

During stretching I welcome the thinness as I am elongating, I never worry about it because I know my girth work will fill it. I kind of look at it like a rubber band.
Hey DLD and folks

i'm new here and i used to do some jelq in the past, but not too serious. when i saw you first routine i knew i had to do it. anyways, i started yesterday (18/05/2010) and these my measures:

Bone Pressed Erect Length: 6,9" (17,5 cm)
Bone Pressed Erect Length: 6,3" (16 cm)
Mid-Shaft Erecte Girth: 5,6" (14,20 cm)
Base Shaft Erect Girth: 6,3" (16 cm)
Flaccid Length: 3,95" (10 cm)
Mid-Shaft Flaccid Girth: 4,55" (11,5 cm)
Base Shaft Flaccid Girth: 4,75" (12 cm)

I have one question: I'm uncut, uncircuncised. The point is, when i'm doing the stretchs, do i have to put my skin below the head of the penis or can i do the stretchs with the skin covering the head of the penis? if i do the second one, the skin of my penis can gets dark?

soon i'll post the results

Thank you very much

ps: sorry for my english, i'm from brazil :)
josealdowec;381541 said:
Hey DLD and folks

i'm new here and i used to do some jelq in the past, but not too serious. when i saw you first routine i knew i had to do it. anyways, i started yesterday (18/05/2010) and these my measures:

Bone Pressed Erect Length: 6,9" (17,5 cm)
Bone Pressed Erect Length: 6,3" (16 cm)
Mid-Shaft Erecte Girth: 5,6" (14,20 cm)
Base Shaft Erect Girth: 6,3" (16 cm)
Flaccid Length: 3,95" (10 cm)
Mid-Shaft Flaccid Girth: 4,55" (11,5 cm)
Base Shaft Flaccid Girth: 4,75" (12 cm)

I have one question: I'm uncut, uncircuncised. The point is, when i'm doing the stretchs, do i have to put my skin below the head of the penis or can i do the stretchs with the skin covering the head of the penis? if i do the second one, the skin of my penis can gets dark?

soon i'll post the results

Thank you very much

ps: sorry for my english, i'm from brazil :)

I first suggest you start a good progress thread so we can see what you are doing and how you are progressing. It is a wonderful daily tool that brings motivation to you and all who get involved with your progress.

Retracting the skin on your penis before stretching is always advisable but for some uncut men this may be uncomfortable at first. If this is the case retract slowly over time until it is not so sensitive. I advice this because you want more of a penis stretch than a skin one. But, it is not necessary as you will gain even if you don't retract but you will probably experience skin stretch first.

With jelqing and other girth or thickening exercises the penis may become darker but this usually fades after 1 day off.
doublelongdaddy;381602 said:
I first suggest you start a good progress thread so we can see what you are doing and how you are progressing. It is a wonderful daily tool that brings motivation to you and all who get involved with your progress.

Retracting the skin on your penis before stretching is always advisable but for some uncut men this may be uncomfortable at first. If this is the case retract slowly over time until it is not so sensitive. I advice this because you want more of a penis stretch than a skin one. But, it is not necessary as you will gain even if you don't retract but you will probably experience skin stretch first.

With jelqing and other girth or thickening exercises the penis may become darker but this usually fades after 1 day off.

I see, that's why i asked you.. because i tried to do with all the skin retracted and i wasn't confotable and i don't feel a good stretch doing this way, because i can't go stronger with the skin retracted.

and what do you mean with this: "I first suggest you start a good progress thread so we can see what you are doing and how you are progressing"?

another question: is there any exercise that we can do to make the base of the penis thicker? or no? i'm just curious.
thank you very much.
oh sorry, forgot to ask

can i do stretchs and execise the pc muscle in the afternoon and do jelqs and exercise the pc muscle at night or is that a problem?
josealdowec;381628 said:
oh sorry, forgot to ask

can i do stretchs and execise the pc muscle in the afternoon and do jelqs and exercise the pc muscle at night or is that a problem?

That sounds perfect.
hey dld i had a quick question for ya....if ya dnt doing your 2inch progam (and luvin it) got the [words=!!!]LM[/words]... and it is the best thing out for maunal stretching...if you guys dnt have one...well ya just it a bad thing to do internal or regular stretches and kengle while at the peak of the stretch?...i kw i asked this to dld..but if ne one has ne thoughts please say....thanks
Anyone out there correct me if Im wrong, but I believe that kegeling is an automatic defense mechanism to keep your penis from getting damaged if its pulled.
Therefore, I think kegeling during stretching would defeat the purpose of stretching (whereas REVERSE kegeling would make the stretch more intense) at least for tunica stretches, maybe not necessarily for lig stretches.
However, kegeling while stretching is a good way to improve erection quality, because it strengthens the PC muscle.
But Im not sure, how does it feel to kegel while youre stretching?
Kegeling during stretching, as seen in DLD Blasters, is more to pre-exaust the pelvic floor muscles so the "reflex" is weak and does not interfere with ligament stretching.
DLD's [words=]NEWBIE ROUTINE[/words]

Basic Stretching: 3 Sets of each stretch below
Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds

Straight Down to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Down Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Straight Out to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Out Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Straight Up to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Up Rotary Stretches: 25-Crank.

I'm just want to see if someone could briefly explain how to do these exercise or tell me where I could find out how.

Also, is it like a circuit where I'll do Straight up to the left for 30 seconds, then to center 30 secs, then reight then crank. then do it again and again for a third time. Or, 3x to the left, break, then 3x to the center etc.

Hope you can help,

I read all 32 pages and it seems if others would do the same, there would be about 8 pages. Newbies keep asking what is between the cheeks and dont bother reading the whole thread. If they had read the whole thread, there are pictures showing EXACTLY what it is and how to do it. If your new, do EVERYONE a favor and read the whole thread, it will only benefit you. If you post some nonsense that has been covered 10 times in this thread, noone is going to take you serious. I have learned that one must be dedicated and must be a sponge and absorb this site and learn.. just my rant after reading through 32 pages, some great info but frustrating when the same questions are ask 25 times.
yea looks liek a great routine i started jelqing when i was around 13 maybe 14 im 23 now i actually just measured my bpel its just at 9" but my bpfl is over 9"s i cant wait to get started with this nube routine the only problem i remember from jelqing was i end up figting myself not to get fully erect at the very end of the routine i think thats y i started pumping but i hate pumping had too many problems i going back to what started everything for me tommorow and also from jelqing for extened periods of time i notice a precum drip aat the tip is this ok? i tried the stretchers and got a mark at the base of my penis had to stop that too jelqing is the best of the best puming is just a confident booster but who needs black dots
another question i currently take extenze and tried jelqing the other day after i masterbated waited 5 hours then began my routine was very impressed when i woke up in the mirror but the only way i can do jelqing while on extenze is to masterbate 5 hours before the routien so i dont get too erect is that enough time ive heard longer? also is it okay to apply vip cream to my penis after i jeq or should i wait for the next day or 5 hours later or what i get very fast results with jelqing so i only plan on this for a couple weeks before pumping again plus with the kegels i usta be a 2 pump chump ive been doing them everyday for about a mouynth in a half lasted 22 minutes today 15 on average but heres my routine 5 1 minute quick squeezes then i do 10 hold for 10 seconds and thats it would you say your nube routine would work better or ? cuz it is sumwhat different then mine i have ocd cant help but to know every little detale of everything its deffinatly a strength for me but commonly casues injurys for me
i just had a quick question, i just started about 2 weeks ago now and ive been doing my Penis Enlargement in the shower, does it matter if im standing up when i do my stretching and jelqs? would it be a better idea and would i see faster gains if i sat down during my routine? BTW this is an amazing forum and this one thread has helped me get started with an actual routine instead of just trying to figure it all out myself from the [words=]dvd[/words]. DLD honestly, thank you!

BPenis EnlargementL - 6 1/2

EG - 5
Sit, stand lay or whatever...makes no difference
Hey DLD, i'm back :) I was out because college stuff, but now i'm 100% Penis Enlargement. I re-starded you routine ten days ago, 07/03/2010, and it's going fine i guess. I did started a progress thread but due that college stuff that i mentioned i did stay away from forum. I have some questions: What can i do to avoid stretching the skin (i'm uncut) when i'm jelqing? I just put the skin below the head or just keep it covering the head? Now i'm getting used to the site and learned a few things, cause i'm from brazil and my english is not very good, and i have pictures to post on my thread, you taught me how to post the pictures, but they were too big, what can i do now? Please help so i can go on with the thread :)
Hey DLD, thanks for the routine. I recently bought a book called How to Maximise your Manhood by Clive Peters out of interest which is how I found your site (it's recommended in the notes at the back as I'm sure you know). I am absolutely blown away by the size and quality of the website, I only wish I'd discovered it years ago. I think what you and all these other guys here are doing is wonderful.
I am an average guy and never even considered the issue of size until about age 21 but since then the issue has never been far from my mind. I must have read hundreds of magazine and website articles on whether or not size matters to women and usually end up reassuring myself I'm fine but I always seem to come back to wondering whether I have enough.
I once had a relationship with a "size queen" so I guess that experience has stuck with me. It's amazing how much of an effect one thoughtless comment can have on a person, I once considered surgery not because I really needed it to satisfy a woman but because it would work wonders on my self esteem.

Starting Stats

BPenis EnlargementL 6 1/2 "
EG 4 5/8"
I'm now so glad I didn't do it. Having a "support group" like this is just a fantastic gift for so many men out there and I think you are just amazing and your personal achievements are awe inspiring. It must have taken so much courage to open yourself up the way you have and the results of that are clearly fantastic. Finally, a place guys can go and talk candidly about their penises and recieve not just acceptance but lots of help and encouragement. I am about two weeks into my training now and loving it. I think I am improving my girth already which is my main goal but won't measure for at least a month to avoid dissapointment.
My heart felt gratitude to you man, you're the best
BigTool72;391173 said:
Hey DLD, thanks for the routine. I recently bought a book called How to Maximise your Manhood by Clive Peters out of interest which is how I found your site (it's recommended in the notes at the back as I'm sure you know). I am absolutely blown away by the size and quality of the website, I only wish I'd discovered it years ago. I think what you and all these other guys here are doing is wonderful.

That is pretty cool, I need to pick this book up:)
Just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work DLD.
I Am back starting the pe game after being exposed to it few years back,then not doing anything with it for few years. This post is a great refresher and starting point.
Current stats:bpel-7.8in
chamaldo;392588 said:
Just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work DLD.
I Am back starting the pe game after being exposed to it few years back,then not doing anything with it for few years. This post is a great refresher and starting point.
Current stats:bpel-7.8in

Thank you and good luck on your jorney...we will be here every step of the way!
barry sanders;394424 said:
Great thread! Quick question, should stretching be done while erect? Sorry if that's a stupid question, but I'm a serious newb at this.

Stretching should be done flaccid while girth should be done semi-to erect.
Hi I'm new to this and have been doing it for a few days now.
The thing is I only seem to be able to feel it on the BTC and downward stretches, like a sore lig feeling but for straight out and upwards stretches which seem the hardest to stretch I can only really feel it on my glans with the pressure and strength I have to put into it.
Is this normal or am I doing something wrong?

Also when stretching down would pressing down on the base of the penis with the other hand help?
Many thanks,
sms_sms;394999 said:
Hi I'm new to this and have been doing it for a few days now.
The thing is I only seem to be able to feel it on the BTC and downward stretches, like a sore lig feeling but for straight out and upwards stretches which seem the hardest to stretch I can only really feel it on my glans with the pressure and strength I have to put into it.
Is this normal or am I doing something wrong?

Also when stretching down would pressing down on the base of the penis with the other hand help?
Many thanks,

STretching downward always "feels" more intense because you are stretching your ligaments. When you stretch upward most of the stretch is being taken up by your shaft and ultimately, your tunica. Although you may not feel this as much it is working. It takes longer to see tunica gains than ligament but it is smart to train both to maximize gains.
SuperTrouper;399140 said:
DLD, do you have progress pics of your own?

There are still a few pictures floating around. I removed most years ago but some have survived. I believe there is a fairly recent thread in the main forum showing some pics.
hey just a quick question
how many times do you guys think i should do this routine?
cause right now i do this full routine at night,
and the stretches without the jelq during the moring
also do you think this is good
warmup with towel (about 5 minutes)
down, up, side stretches (30 sec each)
jelq (100)
then i do 3 sets of both, so 90 sec of each stretch and 300 jelqs.
i am on my third day of Penis Enlargement.
oh and also, for my rotary stretches, should i be erect or not?
and do you guys think i can do like 10-20 sec stretches every time i go to the washroom?
xinix724;399523 said:
also, for the stretches how far am i supposed to pull?
and is it normal to feel a slight burning sensation?

The burn is normal. I go full out when I stretch but I may not be as strong as you. Slowly work up to a very intense point, the ligaments are stubborn and need intensity to elongate.
Nice one DLD i hope to gain 2 inches like you did as i only wanna be 8 inches as i feel that is the right length to be huge and still manage to go balls deep and i am already just under 5.5 girth so no doubt i'd be close to 6 come next Spring hopefully with my 4 days on 3 days off routine.

However i need some adive on amount of pulling force i should execute and whether or not i need Baby Oil seeing as i still have foreskin.
hooj;399642 said:
However i need some adive on amount of pulling force i should execute and whether or not i need Baby Oil seeing as i still have foreskin.

You need to pull with enough intensity to break down tissue and stretch ligaments. I stretch with all my power but you may be stronger than me. The penis is pretty tough and not easily prone to injury so don't be scared you will rip it off, that would be impossible. Men have hung a lot of weight with no injury.

Oil, vaseline or the like is used for wet jelqing, it makes no difference if you are circumcised or not. Some men prefer dry work while others prefer wet.
getbig12345;399666 said:
DLD, would you mind answering my message that I sent to you?

Message? Send again, my PM's have been fucked up
hi DLD just wondering how long did it take you to get those two inches with this workout.i understand everyone is deiffrent and some people just get gains quicker then others ,but it will help as a guide line and keep my motivated to reaching my goals.
it can get hard for me especially because i work long hours 7am to 11pm
(get home tired,pe time start at 1am finsh at 3 am, sleep back to work)
doublelongdaddy;399644 said:
You need to pull with enough intensity to break down tissue and stretch ligaments. I stretch with all my power but you may be stronger than me. The penis is pretty tough and not easily prone to injury so don't be scared you will rip it off, that would be impossible. Men have hung a lot of weight with no injury.

Oil, vaseline or the like is used for wet jelqing, it makes no difference if you are circumcised or not. Some men prefer dry work while others prefer wet.

Thanks man, i will buy some oils and get started!;)
mano22;400141 said:
Awesome thanks!

what the behind the cheeks stretch?
I cannot find it in the members area?

BTC is very simple. While standing weave your penis between your legs and grab from behind. Now stretch the penis up your backside.
Hey.. I'm a newbie who has decided to stop just looking at the forums and become a part of it, as well as try this routine (which sounds just right). I've done kegels and stretches separately in the past, having some benefits in performance and EQ. But now I'm interested in growth, finally believing that it's possible. I've seen tons of advertisements for both the [words=]Size Genetics[/words] [words=]extender[/words] and the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I'd like to use one of these devices with manual exercises. Which one would you recommend?

If this helps at all, I'm 6.25 (fully erect) and 6.75 (BPenis EnlargementL) with a 5.75in girth. I'd like to get stretched out to about an 8 or 9 with a 6 or 6.5in girth.
JLM;403263 said:
Hey.. I'm a newbie who has decided to stop just looking at the forums and become a part of it, as well as try this routine (which sounds just right). I've done kegels and stretches separately in the past, having some benefits in performance and EQ. But now I'm interested in growth, finally believing that it's possible. I've seen tons of advertisements for both the [words=]Size Genetics[/words] [words=]extender[/words] and the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I'd like to use one of these devices with manual exercises. Which one would you recommend?

If this helps at all, I'm 6.25 (fully erect) and 6.75 (BPenis EnlargementL) with a 5.75in girth. I'd like to get stretched out to about an 8 or 9 with a 6 or 6.5in girth.

Total [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] - [words= ]Bathmate[/words] Workout (maximizing gains and using equipment wisely)

Have a look at this total workout, I think it is right up your ally
The [words=]Size Genetics[/words]-Bathmate Workout sounds INTENSE. I'll go with the First Routine and incorporate the devices after purchasing them. Once I reach that plateau, the [words=]Size Genetics[/words]-Bathmate Workout appears to be an excellent next step. Thanks!
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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