doublelongdaddy;448493 said:
Just prior to stretching shoot one off. You may eventually be able to stretch without it becoming erect, this will happen as you become more used to the handling of your penis.

I´m going to start doing that, thanks! DLD, what would be a realistic gain that i would make? How much will i grow after doing Penis Enlargement?, I´m 6in. right now? Or im going to grow all i want until i stop doing Penis Enlargement? Sorry for the whole buch of questions but im very interested and want to know all i can.
jose-s;448583 said:
I´m going to start doing that, thanks! DLD, what would be a realistic gain that i would make? How much will i grow after doing Penis Enlargement?, I´m 6in. right now? Or im going to grow all i want until i stop doing Penis Enlargement? Sorry for the whole buch of questions but im very interested and want to know all i can.

Everyone gains at different rates. I gained 2" in 6 months if this helps you at all.
Ahh! 2 set's of the stretches and my hands are cramping like crazy. I have to train my hands before my dick O_o Anyone else have this problem?
chunderitis;448630 said:
Ahh! 2 set's of the stretches and my hands are cramping like crazy. I have to train my hands before my dick O_o Anyone else have this problem?

EVeryone feels this in the beginning, especially since we rarely use those muscles in the way we do...hands can get sore and cramped up but over time your hands will become more and more strong. Just stick with it!
Hey DLD,

Ive been doing the [words=]newbie routine[/words] for a week and have been already seeing results in flaccid length. Ive noticed I cant take a lot "force" and have been doing my stretches at 100% pulling power with no problem. Im just getting into my 2nd week and I began to do the routine twice a day (2-a-days lol) but I'm worried I might be leaving out necessary recovery time. What are your thoughts on this?
SOURorbetter;448677 said:
Hey DLD,

Ive been doing the [words=]newbie routine[/words] for a week and have been already seeing results in flaccid length. Ive noticed I cant take a lot "force" and have been doing my stretches at 100% pulling power with no problem. Im just getting into my 2nd week and I began to do the routine twice a day (2-a-days lol) but I'm worried I might be leaving out necessary recovery time. What are your thoughts on this?

I never really believed in overtraining your penis for length (while flaccid). I think the longer you can keep the penis in a stretched state the better chances you have of gaining. Manual stretching should be done everyday. The [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] [words=]Extender[/words] will also log hours of stretching onto your day while you are able to multitask, all hidden beneath your clothes, undetectable to the rest of the world! The [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] [words=]Extender[/words] can be used for length alone and no other exercises and you would grow. Uncle Jim's Strapping Method is also very good with keeping the penis in an extended state for long periods. I say, if you want a longer penis your need to stretch it longer! The more time you are stretching each day, the greater your length gains will be.
Thanks for the quick reply. I will be sticking with 2 a days then! I will shortly take it to 3 times a day until I get the [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] [words=]Extender[/words]. Another quick question... I was also thinking about adding more quick kegel squeezes to my 100-200 more. Your input is appreciated.
I love kegels and I think they are one of the most undervalued exercises in Penis Enlargement. I do them constantly, all day, every day, I believe the more you can do the stronger your muscles are.
ok ok. then let me ask you this last question. I noticed you mentioning in another thread I just seen earlier talking about doing kegel squeezes while stretching. Can you explain this to me or post a link to a thread concerning this topic? I get the idea I just want hear what you have to say on this.
SOURorbetter;448686 said:
ok ok. then let me ask you this last question. I noticed you mentioning in another thread I just seen earlier talking about doing kegel squeezes while stretching. Can you explain this to me or post a link to a thread concerning this topic? I get the idea I just want hear what you have to say on this.

Nshawn9;448237 said:
i will try...

i feel a stretch at the base and length-wise down the middle of my penis, right where the two cavernosa tissues meet, like the dividing tunica is thicker and stiff (like my tunica is the limiting factor). but i dont feel like i am getting a stretch throughout my whole penis.

If i knew how to post pictures i would illustrate it in MS paint or something, that would really clear it up.

sounds ok to me, like you're stretching the suspensory ligaments. As long as you use a lot of force when you do the second sequence (straight out left, centre and right) you should feel a stretching along each side of the penis also. Maybe try altering your grip if you find it hard to up the intensity. Anyway sure DLD will give more advice if you can get some pics on
doublelongdaddy;448618 said:
Everyone gains at different rates. I gained 2" in 6 months if this helps you at all.

How long have you been doing Penis Enlargement and what are you currently at? I kinda wanna have an idea of how it grows and how long
jose-s;448864 said:
How long have you been doing Penis Enlargement and what are you currently at? I kinda wanna have an idea of how it grows and how long

I have been at it about 10 years. I started at 6.5" x 4.75"....My size today is 10.75 x 6.75.
Mdoc;448782 said:
sounds ok to me, like you're stretching the suspensory ligaments. As long as you use a lot of force when you do the second sequence (straight out left, centre and right) you should feel a stretching along each side of the penis also. Maybe try altering your grip if you find it hard to up the intensity. Anyway sure DLD will give more advice if you can get some pics on

The red line represents where i feel the biggest stretch, and what i think could be a big limiting factor. since i feel a lot of the stretch there, my concern is that the other parts of my penis are being neglected since i dont feel much tension anywhere else.

Should i keep up this rountine with the hanging i do (currently do 3 sets of 15 minutes, with 2.5 lbs), or add a variation to hit the other tissues?
doublelongdaddy;448866 said:
I have been at it about 10 years. I started at 6.5" x 4.75"....My size today is 10.75 x 6.75.

how did it happen that you grew 2" in 6 months but it hasnt grown too long after that if its been 10 years? im curious to know if there is a limit to what we can grow, if we each have a limit and we cant grow anymore over that.
jose-s;448872 said:
how did it happen that you grew 2" in 6 months but it hasnt grown too long after that if its been 10 years? im curious to know if there is a limit to what we can grow, if we each have a limit and we cant grow anymore over that.

The more you gain the harder it is to gain more. Every time I reach a point that I feel I have maxed out my gains I think of a new way to keep them coming. I also took 2 years off of Penis Enlargement completely so that may explain a bit.
doublelongdaddy;448955 said:
The more you gain the harder it is to gain more. Every time I reach a point that I feel I have maxed out my gains I think of a new way to keep them coming. I also took 2 years off of Penis Enlargement completely so that may explain a bit.

So, even though it might take a while, it is possible to beat the guy with the longest penis, im not going for it but wondering about that? He is 13.5", if im not mistaken.
jose-s;448975 said:
So, even though it might take a while, it is possible to beat the guy with the longest penis, im not going for it but wondering about that? He is 13.5", if im not mistaken.

I am not sure who has a penis that long but if that is what you want you can have it with belief, work and motivation.
doublelongdaddy;448976 said:
I am not sure who has a penis that long but if that is what you want you can have it with belief, work and motivation.

One last thing, I own your [words=]dvd[/words] but what is the difference between the [words=]dvd[/words] and the website?
jose-s;448979 said:
One last thing, I own your [words=]dvd[/words] but what is the difference between the [words=]dvd[/words] and the website?

Nothing, they are identical.
doublelongdaddy;448981 said:
Nothing, they are identical.

one very important thing that i just started feeling, my pc muscle seems to contract by itself when my girlfriend starts stroking my penis. especially the head. that didnt happen but it just started happening. should i do more kegels, less, how do i solve it so my head wont be so sensible, as it wasnt before?
jose-s;449011 said:
one very important thing that i just started feeling, my pc muscle seems to contract by itself when my girlfriend starts stroking my penis. especially the head. that didnt happen but it just started happening. should i do more kegels, less, how do i solve it so my head wont be so sensible, as it wasnt before?

Involuntary PC squeezes? That is something I have never encountered. Maybe you are doing too much. Kegels will not help with sensitivity as much as being to last longer.
doublelongdaddy;449013 said:
Involuntary PC squeezes? That is something I have never encountered. Maybe you are doing too much. Kegels will not help with sensitivity as much as being to last longer.

im doing the routine in the [words=]dvd[/words]. i can hold it longer than 2 minutes without a problem but this started happening this week. the part where i hold my penis to stretch is the place that became a bit more sensitive
jose-s;449015 said:
im doing the routine in the [words=]dvd[/words]. i can hold it longer than 2 minutes without a problem but this started happening this week. the part where i hold my penis to stretch is the place that became a bit more sensitive

When you say sensitive do you mean sore?
doublelongdaddy;449020 said:
When you say sensitive do you mean sore?

no, its just that it became a bit more sensible as in when touched or rubbed. but it actually goes away and comes. for example, it was sensible when i was going to have sex with my girlfriend earlier but right now its perfectly normal.
jose-s;449021 said:
no, its just that it became a bit more sensible as in when touched or rubbed. but it actually goes away and comes. for example, it was sensible when i was going to have sex with my girlfriend earlier but right now its perfectly normal.

Maybe just an adjustment your body is going through, I say stick with what you are doing and expect this issue to fade.
doublelongdaddy;449076 said:
Maybe just an adjustment your body is going through, I say stick with what you are doing and expect this issue to fade.

ok. thanks for the help. imma go do my routine for today. i tried a ebook in the past, similar to the one you started with, and saw results in just a week. i can wait to see the ones with this program!
jose-s;449129 said:
ok. thanks for the help. imma go do my routine for today. i tried a ebook in the past, similar to the one you started with, and saw results in just a week. i can wait to see the ones with this program!

You will find the best ways to gain right here on [words=]MOS[/words]!
Nshawn9;448871 said:
The red line represents where i feel the biggest stretch, and what i think could be a big limiting factor. since i feel a lot of the stretch there, my concern is that the other parts of my penis are being neglected since i dont feel much tension anywhere else.

Should i keep up this rountine with the hanging i do (currently do 3 sets of 15 minutes, with 2.5 lbs), or add a variation to hit the other tissues?

Looks alright to me dude. I also tend to feel the stretch where the red lines are. I guess if you're concerned and if it doesn't push the intensity up too much you could try throwing in a 1 minute A-stretch at the end of each set, just to get more of the tissue and tunica worked. My guess however is that the red lined probably represent where DLD, myself and most others using this routine feel a stretch. Bear in mind the jelq also helps to make both length and girth increases.
I agree with Mdoc, mixing in some other angular stretches to hit other angles would be a smart move. The penis can become very used to a single intensity, adding in other exercises, super-sets or the like will keep things mixed up and the penis always guessing and growing.
chunderitis;454145 said:
Great routine DLD I gave noticed immediate results! :) May I ask how long you were doing this routine before you gained the 2 inches? thanks

Six months but I think I could have done it faster with the [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] and [words= ]Bathmate[/words] added in.
hepcat;454209 said:
DLD did you increase 2" only in length, or were there also gains in girth, or were you making an overall statement (meaning 1.5" length and .5' girth)?

2" in erect length and 1/2 inch in erect girth.
what does Behind The Cheeks to the Left,Straight Down to the Left,Straight Out to the Left,Straight Up to the Left and rotary stretches mean
SageL;454388 said:
what does Behind The Cheeks to the Left,Straight Down to the Left,Straight Out to the Left,Straight Up to the Left and rotary stretches mean

Those are the basic stretches found in the [words=]Newbie Routine[/words] or Phase 1 of the MOS [words=]DVD[/words].
Lol I teweeze. But I ment when streching should I be hard or 80% what's the best way to grip your penis also The same way you jelq? Or a different way?
And can you clear up what " behind the cheeks " means. Thanks DLD
TheBlackSloth;455659 said:
Lol I teweeze. But I ment when streching should I be hard or 80% what's the best way to grip your penis also The same way you jelq? Or a different way?
And can you clear up what " behind the cheeks " means. Thanks DLD

While stretching you should be flaccid or soft. Behind the Cheeks are where you weave your penis through your legs, grab from the back and stretch up your crack:)
TheBlackSloth;455726 said:
HA right on. Is there one that is more effective for results or dose it vary from person to person?

It is important for every guy doing Penis Enlargement to cover all angles of stretch, if one is missed a gain could go unmade.
TheBlackSloth;455923 said:
Ok thanks, i have noticed a soreness around the middle shaft area "if that makes any sense" its sore to the touch is this normal?

Tunica soreness:) Good sign
Is starting with this routine and a [words=]size genetics[/words] a problem? If not how long and how often should the [words=]SG[/words] be worn.
ace001;456137 said:
Is starting with this routine and a [words=]size genetics[/words] a problem? If not how long and how often should the [words=]SG[/words] be worn.

Get as much [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] in as possible. Really push yourself as the longer you can stay elongated the longer you will become:) Have a peep at the [words=]SRT[/words] Thread to understand some of this better.

SRT Theory: Maximizing gains and Healing
Thanks DLD. I will be placing my order for the [words=]SG[/words] today!
hepcat;456281 said:
I have been putting the [words=]SG[/words] on right after doing the newbie length routine. After an hour, as suggested, I take it off to return circulation to my joint. I use all three types of cushioning provided in the [words=]SG[/words] materials.

I don't feel sore while I'm in it and after an hour it is getting a little bluish-purple. The problem is that once I take off the [words=]SG[/words] my head hurts a lot, so I don't try to put it back on as I know stretching my penis out and getting into the [words=]extender[/words] is going to be very painful. So I usually go into my girth routine if I have the time.

Lately I've been doing length work one day, girth the next, and so on and so on. I can wear the cock ring after girth work with no proiblem. I just find the [words=]extender[/words] really hurts the head of my penis, and as you have to stretch the penis by the head to go back into the [words=]extender[/words], I only do a one hour session.

I will say that I always go for the strongest tension with the most bars on that I can stretch into, so I really have to pull hard on the head to stretch it and get into a higher amount of those metal bars. Is it bad form to do this? If I just fit into a higher set of bars by really stretching by the head hard, I still make the tension as high as it can go before the bars will fall off.

Any advise?

If your head starts to become sore I would step back in intensity and go into cement mode (a light stretch). If that becomes too much go for [words=]Uncle Jim[/words]'s Wrap. The idea is to stay extended as long as possible.
sorry but i'm a little lost on the kegel.

when you mean squeeze, do you mean tighten like flexing your pc muscle or using your hands to squeeze?

What are the cons and pro's off the penis stretcher ? I've been told it doesn't replace the manual exercises so what does it help ?

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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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