AlmostGod;458717 said:
What are the cons and pro's off the penis stretcher ? I've been told it doesn't replace the manual exercises so what does it help ?


The [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] is a great way to stretch when people do not have the time to do manuals but it plays an even bigger position in the healing process. After length is complete, wearing the [words=]SG[/words] at a low tension will work to heal you in an extended position, which means faster cementing. Using it as a main length tool or healing tool or both is very smart. For me it is manuals, [words=]SG[/words] and [words=]SG[/words] combination for length. Add in [words=]Uncle Jim[/words]'s Strap during down time and I am golden.
And what are the cons ?
Like do you really got to be carefull with extending ?
I work in a factory on a line that only stops at breaktime, so will I be able to wear it all day, or for the proper time ?
And can you go to the bathroom with that thing on ? And if I wear it, will it replace manuals then ? And what is [words=]Uncle Jim[/words]'s device ?

AlmostGod;458825 said:
And what are the cons ?
Like do you really got to be carefull with extending ?
I work in a factory on a line that only stops at breaktime, so will I be able to wear it all day, or for the proper time ?
And can you go to the bathroom with that thing on ? And if I wear it, will it replace manuals then ? And what is [words=]Uncle Jim[/words]'s device ?


Cons are you ned to remove every hour for better circulation but it seems that many are using alternative modifications for attachment which allows them to wear longer like the Velcro Strap and the [words=]VLC[/words] Modification. If you are wearing tight clothes it can become sort of obvious but looks like a big cock rather than a device. You can pee with it but I try to plan my breaks around pee times. I can take off and put on very quickly (about 3 minutes) so no one knows the better. If your working in a factory wear some loose jeans, you will be golden. [words=]Uncle Jim[/words]'s Wrap is a way to heal in an extended position or use when you can't use the [words=]SG[/words]. It is a way to hold you firmly in your BPFL position for long periods of time. I would not replace manuals, I would do manual stretches every time you take off an put back on...nothing huge, maybe 4 /30 second stretches, 1 BTC, 1 Down, 1 Out and 1 Up.
When should the a-stretch be done during the [words=]newbie routine[/words] for best results? I have been doing it before or after manual stretching (switching it up). Is there a more optimal time to be doing this stretch in the [words=]newbie routine[/words]?
I've been doing DLD's first routine for 8 days,im doing it everyday because i think 24 hours is enough to recover,and results really made me smile,this shit is works and the major change i felt in my penis is hardness,when im in erect,i feel like a goddamn suBathmatearine,million thanks :D

Started 2 weeks ago with your phase one program from [words=]DVD[/words]. Can i start training everyday already, or i should do something like 2days training, one day off?

I wish do gain in girth the most. Do the strethces decrease girth? Seems kinda logical that when stretching, the girth decreases(like plasticine or molding clay)

At the moment im not doing stretches at all.

Ty, tc.
peneng;461329 said:

Started 2 weeks ago with your phase one program from [words=]DVD[/words]. Can i start training everyday already, or i should do something like 2days training, one day off?

I wish do gain in girth the most. Do the strethces decrease girth? Seems kinda logical that when stretching, the girth decreases(like plasticine or molding clay)

At the moment im not doing stretches at all.

Ty, tc.

Stretching does not make the penis thinner, it makes it longer and most users gain in base girth too. There is no real substitution for girth work, you need to Jelq or [words= ]Bathmate[/words] to gain girth.

Now, after two weeks on [words=]newbie routine[/words], is it okay to start doing excercises everyday? I's it better to do them everyday or should I take some days off for maximum gains?

You said penis needs 24h's to recover, but some say 1 day on, 1 day off is better for recovery. Or maybe 1 or two days a weeks.

Just want to get the maximum.

Ty, tc!
peneng;461449 said:

Now, after two weeks on [words=]newbie routine[/words], is it okay to start doing excercises everyday? I's it better to do them everyday or should I take some days off for maximum gains?

You said penis needs 24h's to recover, but some say 1 day on, 1 day off is better for recovery. Or maybe 1 or two days a weeks.

Just want to get the maximum.

Ty, tc!

From Phase 1:

I have always trained 7 days on no days off. I think this type of schedule promotes a more habitual program. For me days off can quickly turn into weeks off so it is better for me to be a daily trainer. I also believe that the penis only needs 24 hours of recovery before it is trained again. Some guys either do not have the time for this or it may be too difficult at first. In this case I recommend deducting one day at a time until the perfect routine is created. i.e. 6 on 1 off, 5 on 2 off.
Michcool125;463643 said:
wouldent you do a standard kegal rather than a reverse kegal for this?

For me it has always been a balance of the two that allow me to go so long.
Hi DLD, how long did it take to achieve the 2'' gain and how often did you do the routine per day? mean did you ever increase it or add in extra streches?
My question conerns my method of stretching. I have my foreskin, so I prefer to stretch with my glans covered. Of course, I grip right under the head but I don't know if I should try stretching with my glans exposed. I tried both ways of stretching, and I feel a big difference. I am concerned that if I stretch with my glans covered, my skin is being stretched rather than my ligaments; when I stretch with my glans not covered, it feels totally different and awkward to pull with intense force. I pull with my foreskin as it feels more comfortable and gives me an easier grip. Can someone shed some light, please?
skarmclops;465032 said:
My question conerns my method of stretching. I have my foreskin, so I prefer to stretch with my glans covered. Of course, I grip right under the head but I don't know if I should try stretching with my glans exposed. I tried both ways of stretching, and I feel a big difference. I am concerned that if I stretch with my glans covered, my skin is being stretched rather than my ligaments; when I stretch with my glans not covered, it feels totally different and awkward to pull with intense force. I pull with my foreskin as it feels more comfortable and gives me an easier grip. Can someone shed some light, please?

I found the same thing when i started.

Altering your grip should give you the ligament stretch, you just need to play around with your technique.
so I tried stetching with my foreskin pulled down...wasn't that bad. I tested it out and put some force into it, but I don't feel any sign of fatigue like I did with the skin covering my head. I guess I didn't pull hard enough since I don't really feel some type of sensation.
With grip and stretching there is a lot of user modification for comfort and grip position due to how different our hands and penis's are. Experiment and find what is best for you, it is there, you just gotta find it.
I use an overhand grip when I stretch with the skin pulled down. I do want to add that my PC muscles feel slightly exhausted. I have to squeeze slightly harder now to get the blood flowing. Is this what "fatigued" ligs feel like?
skarmclops;465806 said:
I use an overhand grip when I stretch with the skin pulled down. I do want to add that my PC muscles feel slightly exhausted. I have to squeeze slightly harder now to get the blood flowing. Is this what "fatigued" ligs feel like?

Fatigue is basically any type of overtraining that causes issues with erection quality. It can happen in many ways and when you are experiencing it you can take a day off to rest.
I just started the [words=]Newbie Routine[/words] today. A couple questions for DLD:

1) It says "100 quick Kegel squeezes". Then says do 50 five-second holds, and release for 2 secs. Then do one 1-min squeeze.

Silly question, but it appears you say do "100" and then in the detail you say do 50+1, or 51. Please clarify.

2) The jelquing made me horny, so afterwards I masturbated. Should that be avoided? Does masturbation and ejaculating affect results negatively?

3) From a practical standpoint, when at the office (at work), do guys just adjourn to the bathroom for 15 minutes and the jelqing in a stall? Then there's the cleanup issue, wiping the vasoline off, etc. and how to "warm down". Any comments?

4) To address the problem in #3, could I combine the stretching and jelquing to a morning session BEFORE work, and then do the Kegels at work?

WJoe;466524 said:
I just started the [words=]Newbie Routine[/words] today. A couple questions for DLD:

1) It says "100 quick Kegel squeezes". Then says do 50 five-second holds, and release for 2 secs. Then do one 1-min squeeze.

Silly question, but it appears you say do "100" and then in the detail you say do 50+1, or 51. Please clarify.

2) The jelquing made me horny, so afterwards I masturbated. Should that be avoided? Does masturbation and ejaculating affect results negatively?

3) From a practical standpoint, when at the office (at work), do guys just adjourn to the bathroom for 15 minutes and the jelqing in a stall? Then there's the cleanup issue, wiping the vasoline off, etc. and how to "warm down". Any comments?

4) To address the problem in #3, could I combine the stretching and jelquing to a morning session BEFORE work, and then do the Kegels at work?


I am sure DLD will be around to answer your first question.

It happens to everybody at some point and yes it should be avoided. Evidence indicates that masterbation can prevent gains if you ejaculate within a few hours of jelqing.

I think that most people do Penis Enlargement at home.

Yes, many people do one large session.
WJoe;466524 said:
I just started the [words=]Newbie Routine[/words] today. A couple questions for DLD:

1) It says "100 quick Kegel squeezes". Then says do 50 five-second holds, and release for 2 secs. Then do one 1-min squeeze.

Silly question, but it appears you say do "100" and then in the detail you say do 50+1, or 51. Please clarify.

He means do 100 quick kegels, then do 50 kegels where you hold the kegel for 5 seconds, then release for 2 seconds, then after the 50 hold the kegel for a minute. So basically three different kegel exercises: 100 quick, 50 with the 5 sec hold, 2 sec release, and then hold a kegel for a minute solid
Also about the warm down, I read in "Exercising the Penis" by Aaron Kemmer that it's best not to "warm down", but rather "cool down". The reason being that you don't want your penis tissue to be in an elastic state when healing, according to the book. So as a happy medium I started to do nothing after a workout, no warm down or cool down. Does anyone else have any insight on this?
Should a cementing routine be done after the newbie program? I've gained about .5 in length and .1 in girth. What is the cementing routine for the newbie program if it's necessary, or should I just move to the new phase?
MikeShlort;468202 said:
Should a cementing routine be done after the newbie program? I've gained about .5 in length and .1 in girth. What is the cementing routine for the newbie program if it's necessary, or should I just move to the new phase?

Cementing only needs t0 be done one time per week and you can cement through erect stretches for length and ballooning, trapping, edging and clamping/or cock ring lightly after for some time (3 hours).
Sorry it is 12:30am and I am just now getting off work. DLD I have currently been doing your stretches early in the morning times before work. I do the mandingo, mandingo V stretches, bundled and unbundled A stretches, DLD blasters, and a few more as well.

I have been wondering about something. I am circumcised and am wondering about where the correct place would be to grab in the ok grip of my unit when I am stretching? Some have said the base would be good place to grab while others have said below the head almost on the glans would be a good place to grab, but I have tried both with not too much of a feeling of pliability in my unit when doing the stretches in the ok grip on the glans.

I have had problems over the years of my Penis Enlargement with stretching my skin and some say from what I've read in many posts that stretching too close to the base will stretch the skin or has more of a possibility to stretch the skin of the unit instead of stretching the ligaments? Is this true? I have stretched my skin to the point where I do have hair follicles near or on my shaft, so I shave every day to clear any hair follicles. There are some threads I have read that even say to push the skin on the unit back to the shaft, so the glans is exposed and then use an ok grip to do all the stretches, and that has been said to be the best selection for proper stretching.

In your opinion what is the correct place to stretch from?
Last edited:
first off i just wanna give my love to DLD for teaching us the most valuable lessons of our lives
mainly, i just wanna ask what can i do to stick to the exercises?
im trying my best to do it everyday but i either have no motivation or my stretching lessons turn into jerking off sessions
what can i do to keep myself concentrated on the exercises?
please PM me
when doing the [words=]newbie routine[/words] can i do the stretches in the morning then do the rest later at night?
Hey, I just got a [words=]SG[/words] [words=]Extender[/words] and I have a question. I am doing the [words=]newbie routine[/words], and I've read that it's best to wear the [words=]extender[/words] right after manual stretch. How long should I leave it on for? And what tension? Thanks!
This looks like a good routine, i think i will start with this and see what happens. Training 7 days on and only do rest days if necessary. Interesting thinking of how the results will be staying consistent. Putting this routine to the test. I'm sure results may vary. I'm gonna use [words=]extender[/words] and [words= ]Bathmate[/words] along with this.
hey dld, could i do the [words=]newbie routine[/words] followed by [words= ]Bathmate[/words]? and then [words= ]Bathmate[/words] again in the evening? or should i just do [words=]newbie routine[/words] in morning and [words= ]Bathmate[/words] at night?

thanks dude. im also gona buy the penis enlarging programme with the 5 phases coz it sounds awesom dude.
I read that stretching doesn't cause your girth to go down in the back logs of this thread, but does the stretching cause your base girth to go up?
AlmostGod;469983 said:
Do I have to warm up before jelqing ?
Or only if I'm going to stretch to ?


Nevermind I've found it, and btw DLD, I'm more then confused right now, in your [words=]dvd[/words] which I've got. It says I do 2 sets of stretching, and 600 jelqs but in the [words=]Newbie routine[/words] it says 3 sets... Also, I find it hard to know when I'm pulling hard enough, how do I know this ? Please help me someone because I really don't want to waste my time. And I can't really seem to get alot of grip on my penis, in your [words=]dvd[/words] DLD it looks you have no feeling at all and can sqeeze and pull it as hard as you want, but I can't do that. How do I fix that ?

levista;68500 said:
Are you cut or uncut mate? If you have a lot of skin, roll it back quite a bit before you start, keep trying and you'll find something that feels right.
The bottom part of the jelq? Nothing really happens there, you are collecting blood starting at the bottom and pushing it up to swell your head. That is the jelq. Your lower penis will benefit in relation to the rest of the penis growing.
It may help to trim hairs down there too, keep them short or you could pull them along and as they are attached to the rest of you it gets distracting or even a little painful.

Keep asking questions mate, its what we are here for. And I would also fully recommend joining the site if you can afford it, I'm a member and the videos are bloody priceless =)

How do I join [words=]MoS[/words] so I can get to the 150 videos and all ?
Quick question about the testicle health and wellness aspect: after massaging the area, do you grab the tip of the penis in one hand and pull on your actual testicles with the other? or do you grab right underneath the tip and pull down on the shaft skin?

This is a thread I have over at Penis . I would like everyone to know about it because the gains I have gotten and the gains others are reporting are trully amazing. This is the exercise:

I have found the ultimate in lig stretch...ULTIMATE...

This routine combines my PC exercises with my stretching routine...Nothing has ever hit my ligs like this...NOTHING.

First I think it is very important that the PC muscle is completely understood. Try this exercise to locate your PC muscle and the proper way to do a keggle and a reverse keggle. Next time you take a pee stop the flow of urine by sqeezing...this is a keggle, that muscle that stops the pee is your PC. Now to correctly do a reverse keggle pee as hard as you can, that motion is a reverse keggle. I think this is so important to understand.

DLD Blaster

1.) While laying down pull penis up towards the chest. Create a very good tension.

2.) Do 100 pc squeezes while holding this stretch. This will completely isolate the pc muscle while making you aware of the feeling when it is releasing.

3.) let go and do a 20 second hard pc squeeze.

4.) In a laying position grab penis in a two handed type stretch (ie. DLD "A" Stretch, DLD Dual Fulcrum Stretch, 7-ups "V" Stretch) Now do 50 sets of these: PC squeeze (Keggle) for 5 seconds being very aware of the pc muscle then push out (Reverse Keggle), releasing the pc muscle for 5 seconds. Ex-hale during this and increase the tension. You will feel an immediate increase in length on the push. This is where you will be hitting the ligs 100%

5.) Finish this routine with a 1 minute squeeze followed by a 1 minute push.

Side note for vets and hangers: This exercise is ideal to do when hanging too. I personally do my "A" stretch when doing the Blaster.

Please everyone try this...I am sure you will be very happy.

Please ask any questions.

Another Side Note: The reason I thought of this exercise is it seemed that many people where having trouble with length gains due to an over strong PC muscle. In doing this exercise you will be further strengthening your pc muscle on the Keggle but on the reverse keggle all of the stress of the stretch will be supported by your ligs as a reverse keggle is a total relaxation of the PC muscle.
elisabetta-cana;471405 said:

This is a thread I have over at Penis . I would like everyone to know about it because the gains I have gotten and the gains others are reporting are trully amazing. This is the exercise:

I have found the ultimate in lig stretch...ULTIMATE...

This routine combines my PC exercises with my stretching routine...Nothing has ever hit my ligs like this...NOTHING.

First I think it is very important that the PC muscle is completely understood. Try this exercise to locate your PC muscle and the proper way to do a keggle and a reverse keggle. Next time you take a pee stop the flow of urine by sqeezing...this is a keggle, that muscle that stops the pee is your PC. Now to correctly do a reverse keggle pee as hard as you can, that motion is a reverse keggle. I think this is so important to understand.

DLD Blaster

1.) While laying down pull penis up towards the chest. Create a very good tension.

2.) Do 100 pc squeezes while holding this stretch. This will completely isolate the pc muscle while making you aware of the feeling when it is releasing.

3.) let go and do a 20 second hard pc squeeze.

4.) In a laying position grab penis in a two handed type stretch (ie. DLD "A" Stretch, DLD Dual Fulcrum Stretch, 7-ups "V" Stretch) Now do 50 sets of these: PC squeeze (Keggle) for 5 seconds being very aware of the pc muscle then push out (Reverse Keggle), releasing the pc muscle for 5 seconds. Ex-hale during this and increase the tension. You will feel an immediate increase in length on the push. This is where you will be hitting the ligs 100%

5.) Finish this routine with a 1 minute squeeze followed by a 1 minute push.

Side note for vets and hangers: This exercise is ideal to do when hanging too. I personally do my "A" stretch when doing the Blaster.

Please everyone try this...I am sure you will be very happy.

Please ask any questions.

Another Side Note: The reason I thought of this exercise is it seemed that many people where having trouble with length gains due to an over strong PC muscle. In doing this exercise you will be further strengthening your pc muscle on the Keggle but on the reverse keggle all of the stress of the stretch will be supported by your ligs as a reverse keggle is a total relaxation of the PC muscle.

What is a V stretch ?

elisabetta-cana;471405 said:

This is a thread I have over at Penis . I would like everyone to know about it because the gains I have gotten and the gains others are reporting are trully amazing. This is the exercise:

I have found the ultimate in lig stretch...ULTIMATE...

This routine combines my PC exercises with my stretching routine...Nothing has ever hit my ligs like this...NOTHING.

First I think it is very important that the PC muscle is completely understood. Try this exercise to locate your PC muscle and the proper way to do a keggle and a reverse keggle. Next time you take a pee stop the flow of urine by sqeezing...this is a keggle, that muscle that stops the pee is your PC. Now to correctly do a reverse keggle pee as hard as you can, that motion is a reverse keggle. I think this is so important to understand.

DLD Blaster

1.) While laying down pull penis up towards the chest. Create a very good tension.

2.) Do 100 pc squeezes while holding this stretch. This will completely isolate the pc muscle while making you aware of the feeling when it is releasing.

3.) let go and do a 20 second hard pc squeeze.

4.) In a laying position grab penis in a two handed type stretch (ie. DLD "A" Stretch, DLD Dual Fulcrum Stretch, 7-ups "V" Stretch) Now do 50 sets of these: PC squeeze (Keggle) for 5 seconds being very aware of the pc muscle then push out (Reverse Keggle), releasing the pc muscle for 5 seconds. Ex-hale during this and increase the tension. You will feel an immediate increase in length on the push. This is where you will be hitting the ligs 100%

5.) Finish this routine with a 1 minute squeeze followed by a 1 minute push.

Side note for vets and hangers: This exercise is ideal to do when hanging too. I personally do my "A" stretch when doing the Blaster.

Please everyone try this...I am sure you will be very happy.

Please ask any questions.

Another Side Note: The reason I thought of this exercise is it seemed that many people where having trouble with length gains due to an over strong PC muscle. In doing this exercise you will be further strengthening your pc muscle on the Keggle but on the reverse keggle all of the stress of the stretch will be supported by your ligs as a reverse keggle is a total relaxation of the PC muscle.

Hey, thanks for sharing this!! :)
Yes I do, but I would rather see Britney kissing Christina, (when she was skinny), Madonna can be on her knees getting them going.
Just did the routine for the first time. I was really feeling it by the end. The only part that a bit inconvenient was the first set stretching. My testicles kept getting in the way. Over all it seemed good. I will continue with this.
Hi there, I'm new here and I don't understand some basic things.
First, can someone please explain to me how to do those basic stretching in the beginning?? I've searched in the forum for a guide but I didn't find anything.
Second, am I supposed to know what is PC Muscles and kegel squeezes?? Because I don't and I would like to know!
Next time you urinate, try to stop the flow of urine. You feel that muscle you squeeze between your scrotum and anus? That is the group of muscles you contract to do kegels.

This is a thread I have over at Penis . I would like everyone to know about it because the gains I have gotten and the gains others are reporting are trully amazing. This is the exercise:

I have found the ultimate in lig stretch...ULTIMATE...

This routine combines my PC exercises with my stretching routine...Nothing has ever hit my ligs like this...NOTHING.

First I think it is very important that the PC muscle is completely understood. Try this exercise to locate your PC muscle and the proper way to do a keggle and a reverse keggle. Next time you take a pee stop the flow of urine by sqeezing...this is a keggle, that muscle that stops the pee is your PC. Now to correctly do a reverse keggle pee as hard as you can, that motion is a reverse keggle. I think this is so important to understand.

DLD Blaster

1.) While laying down pull penis up towards the chest. Create a very good tension.

2.) Do 100 pc squeezes while holding this stretch. This will completely isolate the pc muscle while making you aware of the feeling when it is releasing.

3.) let go and do a 20 second hard pc squeeze.

4.) In a laying position grab penis in a two handed type stretch (ie. DLD "A" Stretch, DLD Dual Fulcrum Stretch, 7-ups "V" Stretch) Now do 50 sets of these: PC squeeze (Keggle) for 5 seconds being very aware of the pc muscle then push out (Reverse Keggle), releasing the pc muscle for 5 seconds. Ex-hale during this and increase the tension. You will feel an immediate increase in length on the push. This is where you will be hitting the ligs 100%

5.) Finish this routine with a 1 minute squeeze followed by a 1 minute push.

Side note for vets and hangers: This exercise is ideal to do when hanging too. I personally do my "A" stretch when doing the Blaster.

Please everyone try this...I am sure you will be very happy.

Please ask any questions.

Another Side Note: The reason I thought of this exercise is it seemed that many people where having trouble with length gains due to an over strong PC muscle. In doing this exercise you will be further strengthening your pc muscle on the Keggle but on the reverse keggle all of the stress of the stretch will be supported by your ligs as a reverse keggle is a total relaxation of the PC muscle.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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