I just wanted to say a few things.
First, I looked into jelqing years ago and got FREAKED OUT when i started hearing about people injurying themselves... little did I know about it, I did it for like a week, then stopped scared to death.
I am not unhappy with my current penis size, however, what guy wouldnt like a bigger peice of meat
hanging between his legs...
SO, I decided to start back.. then I started doing a LOT of research and found DLD... then this forum and OMG IM GLAD I DID!!!
I didnt know about the stretches or anything... so yea!
Ive been doing it for two days now, and realized it probably would be a good idea to keep a journal! SO , Tomorrow Ill measure, record and rerecord in a month to see what happens.
I too am worried about the "baseball effect..." I am circumsized and do grab at the VERY base of the shaft, as far against my pelvic bone as possible, but my sack gets in the way some times (stupid balls), I am not overweight, I am slim/athletic built so, theres not any fat to really push away down there..... so I dont think it will be a problem... What do you guys think?
Also! I keep reading about Vasaline... DLD said its horrible to clean up. WHICH IT IS..
SO why arent you using Vitamin E oil? Its VERY good for the skin and is MUCH MUCH easier to clean up than petrolium jelly and has about the same viscosity as well... to clean it off simply wash your hands in handsoap and leave the oil(or whats left) on your penis... its great to moisterize etc... Unless there are harmful effects to using VIT E oil.. that I am unaware of.. I highly recomend it. Its about 5$ for a small bottle, yea, much more expensive than petrolium jelly... but easier to clean and better for your skin...
Also, I have a small question again.
I keep reading do not "milk the head"... my penis head gets big and VERY RED while Jelqing, is this normal? Why cant I milk the head? I dont want a... "mushroom effect" HAHA!!!
thanks guys
and thanks DLD... YOUR FREAKIN' AWESOME DUDE!!!!!rofl