DLD, thanks for this wonderful resource. I think I may have been here years ago but lacked the focus to really dive in. Now I'm back as a paying member and interested in exploring some real gains and results for myself. I seems like there's a great community of like-minded guys here. I am about 6.25" bone-pressed erect and looking to gain around 1.5-2" as a goal, more if I can... 3.25" flaccid, so if that increases accordingly too, then that will be great.

I am just getting started in the last day or two and my main issue is that I have a real difficulty not getting hard during the stretches. I haven't begun jelq exercises yet but was just beginning to explore the basic stretches. In most instances as soon as 30 seconds has gone by, I'm already half-hard. It's probably my years of conditioning as a frequent masturbator haunting me. :-) I saw in another post that you mentioned cumming before doing stretches to avoid erection, but I am one of those guys who gets hard again very quickly (this is not always a good thing). And once I cum it usually takes a good while for my boner to go down fully to 100% flaccid.

Is it harmful to do the stretches while partially erect? From what I can tell currently, I do one stretch, I get about 50% hard and then have to wait it out for 2-3 min, then do another. This isn't so bad but it prolongs the routine a lot more. Any suggestions to help me out with avoiding the constant hard-on tendency would be really helpful.

Also, I am pretty sure with jelqing that I will have issues with maintaining partial erection, likely to be at 100% before long just because of masturbatory habit (even though this isn't the same thing). It sounds like you also did your jelqing at 100% but are just wary of others injuring themselves? Should I be concerned?

Also, my last question is that I wear briefs (I like the feel and look) -- I know these are more restrictive generally, is that going to set back gains?
bjohnjohn;334569 said:
DLD, you said you stay at 90-100% erect during jelq sessions. during my sessions, i usually have a hard time keeping it at a more erect state, i tend to slip towards a more flaccid state. i want to make my length and girth gains as fast and as effective as possible, so should i stop during a session to get myself back to 80-90%? is it bad to stop reps during a session, or am i just not gripping my jelqs hard enough to keep the blood in the chambers of the penis?

I've this very same issue. Could some please answer to this?

I would also like to hear, how much can I expect gains in length and girth (by the end of this year), if I just do this program once a day? I tried this today as my morning exercise, and it felt great.

And one more thing. Do you think I should be worried about my "difficulties" to have an erection? As I started Penis Enlargement (I've done pumping), it has been little more difficult for me to get a full erection, and to maintain it.
I got PM from DLD, which he said:

"You really want to stay above 60-70% to be productive. Use pornography to keep at this level. Anything less is really only training length."
Whats going on I am new to this today is my first full week and my girl and I had sex for the first time my erection was rock hard, she said i feel different like longer. So I was pumped to hear that I haven't told her about this yet waiting till I measure for my two month mark. My stars are (nbp) 7''x5'' (length x girth) I look almost an half to full inch bigger when flaccid. And the load I let go was insane thanks mike I am a believer so I can't wait to gain more and hear her responses oh and I got her to go multiple times, but for goals I want to be at 8/8.25''x6'' in nine months I'm a very healthy fit guy so wish curious what other people gained in 6-9 months?

I am a newbie to Penis Enlargement, but first off who is the guy in all the instructional videos? did he make his current size by using this routine (phase I, phase II, etc.)? Thanks for all your help with Penis Enlargement, I really feel that I can make my 5.50 NBPenis EnlargementL 7 inches or more. How long to do i follow your [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] before i need to switch to the other phases, and of course buy your program? do i switch when i feel I've reached a plateau? I am mostly interested in making flaccid gains, what would you recommend is the best way to start this? Thanks for your help. The guy in the instructional video is a good size to be.
DLD, i have read you say that you got into Penis Enlargement by following this routine, sceptical about size gains probabilities, but just looking to improve erection quality. So what were your early jelq sessions like?
I'm having trouble with behind the cheeck stretches ouch and don't really understand how to do these stretches like to the left and up so I just do left right down and up for now someone pleasssssse help me.
I just wanted to say a few things.
First, I looked into jelqing years ago and got FREAKED OUT when i started hearing about people injurying themselves... little did I know about it, I did it for like a week, then stopped scared to death.

I am not unhappy with my current penis size, however, what guy wouldnt like a bigger peice of meat hanging between his legs...
SO, I decided to start back.. then I started doing a LOT of research and found DLD... then this forum and OMG IM GLAD I DID!!!

I didnt know about the stretches or anything... so yea!

Ive been doing it for two days now, and realized it probably would be a good idea to keep a journal! SO , Tomorrow Ill measure, record and rerecord in a month to see what happens.

I too am worried about the "baseball effect..." I am circumsized and do grab at the VERY base of the shaft, as far against my pelvic bone as possible, but my sack gets in the way some times (stupid balls), I am not overweight, I am slim/athletic built so, theres not any fat to really push away down there..... so I dont think it will be a problem... What do you guys think?

Also! I keep reading about Vasaline... DLD said its horrible to clean up. WHICH IT IS..
SO why arent you using Vitamin E oil? Its VERY good for the skin and is MUCH MUCH easier to clean up than petrolium jelly and has about the same viscosity as well... to clean it off simply wash your hands in handsoap and leave the oil(or whats left) on your penis... its great to moisterize etc... Unless there are harmful effects to using VIT E oil.. that I am unaware of.. I highly recomend it. Its about 5$ for a small bottle, yea, much more expensive than petrolium jelly... but easier to clean and better for your skin...

Also, I have a small question again.
I keep reading do not "milk the head"... my penis head gets big and VERY RED while Jelqing, is this normal? Why cant I milk the head? I dont want a... "mushroom effect" HAHA!!!

thanks guys :)
and thanks DLD... YOUR FREAKIN' AWESOME DUDE!!!!!rofl
Swimdude20;352946 said:
I just wanted to say a few things.
First, I looked into jelqing years ago and got FREAKED OUT when i started hearing about people injurying themselves... little did I know about it, I did it for like a week, then stopped scared to death.

I am not unhappy with my current penis size, however, what guy wouldnt like a bigger peice of meat hanging between his legs...
SO, I decided to start back.. then I started doing a LOT of research and found DLD... then this forum and OMG IM GLAD I DID!!!

I didnt know about the stretches or anything... so yea!

Ive been doing it for two days now, and realized it probably would be a good idea to keep a journal! SO , Tomorrow Ill measure, record and rerecord in a month to see what happens.

I too am worried about the "baseball effect..." I am circumsized and do grab at the VERY base of the shaft, as far against my pelvic bone as possible, but my sack gets in the way some times (stupid balls), I am not overweight, I am slim/athletic built so, theres not any fat to really push away down there..... so I dont think it will be a problem... What do you guys think?

Also! I keep reading about Vasaline... DLD said its horrible to clean up. WHICH IT IS..
SO why arent you using Vitamin E oil? Its VERY good for the skin and is MUCH MUCH easier to clean up than petrolium jelly and has about the same viscosity as well... to clean it off simply wash your hands in handsoap and leave the oil(or whats left) on your penis... its great to moisterize etc... Unless there are harmful effects to using VIT E oil.. that I am unaware of.. I highly recomend it. Its about 5$ for a small bottle, yea, much more expensive than petrolium jelly... but easier to clean and better for your skin...

Also, I have a small question again.
I keep reading do not "milk the head"... my penis head gets big and VERY RED while Jelqing, is this normal? Why cant I milk the head? I dont want a... "mushroom effect" HAHA!!!

thanks guys :)
and thanks DLD... YOUR FREAKIN' AWESOME DUDE!!!!!rofl

I too am worried about the "baseball effect.
Why worried about that?? Issent that great :).

Also! I keep reading about Vasaline... DLD said its horrible to clean up. WHICH IT IS..
SO why arent you using Vitamin E oil? Its VERY good for the skin and is MUCH MUCH easier to clean up than petrolium jelly and has about the same viscosity as well... to clean it off simply wash your hands in handsoap and leave the oil(or whats left) on your penis... its great to moisterize etc... Unless there are harmful effects to using VIT E oil.. that I am unaware of.. I highly recomend it. Its about 5$ for a small bottle, yea, much more expensive than petrolium jelly... but easier to clean and better for your skin...

I use lube from durex the condom brand.They have alot of things to use. I fist used also oil but its sticky.Actually it was masage oil :). But with vitimines are always good I gues.

Also, I have a small question again.
I keep reading do not "milk the head"... my penis head gets big and VERY RED while Jelqing, is this normal? Why cant I milk the head? I dont want a... "mushroom effect" HAHA!!!

Well I gues u will always push blood into the head.I big mushroom is always beautifull but you thats personal,maybe you dont like that :).
Why worried about that?? Issent that great .

What I meant was the penis being small at the base and progressivly getting thicker down the shaft. Id rather have an even girth from base to head.

As far as the Mushroom head goes, mine is perfect sized right now, I dont want it getting any bigger... So thats why i was asking about if you can ... push the blood out of the head as you jelq...
Hey DLD lately(few months) no matter what intensity or length of time I Penis Enlargement I get a weak looking penis. Sometimes it looks deflated and the side look like they are caving in some days.

Some days after my session I turtle severe and erect size is lacking. For the last few months my unit has not really been at its biggest erect size I have seen. I get the felling that I just dont have good blood flow to my penis and the intense sessions are a waste until I correct this issue.

Penis EnlargementNIS REHAB: I fell I should go back to the basics with stretches and jelqs. Mainly jelq to restore that blood flow back. I will leave the other exercises in my back pocket until my soldier is back to normal. From my reading on Penis Enlargement Jelqs are the only move that promote more blood to be held in the penis(correct me if Im wrong). I like many other neglected it because I fell in love with the visual side of the other exercise. I would see my penis get thicker and assume I was growing.

I was just digging I whole to throw my penis in rofl. Let me know what you think about the jelqing rehab?
Last edited:
Girth Hammer;354927 said:
Hey DLD lately(few months) no matter what intensity or length of time I Penis Enlargement I get a weak looking penis. Sometimes it looks deflated and the side look like they are caving in some days.

Some days after my session I turtle severe and erect size is lacking. For the last few months my unit has not really been at its biggest erect size I have seen. I get the felling that I just dont have good blood flow to my penis and the intense sessions are a waste until I correct this issue.

Penis EnlargementNIS REHAB: I fell I should go back to the basics with stretches and jelqs. Mainly jelq to restore that blood flow back. I will leave the other exercises in my back pocket until my soldier is back to normal. From my reading on Penis Enlargement Jelqs are the only move that promote more blood to be held in the penis(correct me if Im wrong). I like many other neglected it because I fell in love with the visual side of the other exercise. I would see my penis get thicker and assume I was growing.

I was just digging I whole to throw my penis in rofl. Let me know what you think about the jelqing rehab?

I kind of saw this coming as you were hitting it so hard. I think a short break followed by Phase 1 restart will be your best strategy.
Hi im completely new here and have started these exercises just this week (on my 4th day). i am having some trouble with the jelqing exercises. i am uncircumcised so i do have a lot of skin! when i do use lub i end up just pulling my skin over my head. i tried holding the skin down while doing this but then i will be losing a hand and will be just using one hand. so what i have adapted to right now is not even using lub and just using one hand forcing the blood up, letting go and placing the same hand back to the base and doing it over. since i have a lot of skin i dont need lub to do this. what im worried about that it is not as effective because you state that you need to use one hand to push the blood up and the other hand must follow with the same motion in order to keep the blood there.

please help me out
Girth Hammer;354927 said:
Hey DLD lately(few months) no matter what intensity or length of time I Penis Enlargement I get a weak looking penis. Sometimes it looks deflated and the side look like they are caving in some days.

Some days after my session I turtle severe and erect size is lacking. For the last few months my unit has not really been at its biggest erect size I have seen. I get the felling that I just dont have good blood flow to my penis and the intense sessions are a waste until I correct this issue.

Penis EnlargementNIS REHAB: I fell I should go back to the basics with stretches and jelqs. Mainly jelq to restore that blood flow back. I will leave the other exercises in my back pocket until my soldier is back to normal. From my reading on Penis Enlargement Jelqs are the only move that promote more blood to be held in the penis(correct me if Im wrong). I like many other neglected it because I fell in love with the visual side of the other exercise. I would see my penis get thicker and assume I was growing.

I was just digging I whole to throw my penis in rofl. Let me know what you think about the jelqing rehab?

Keeping a close eye on your EQ (erection quality) will help keep you on track. Surely you're displaying signs of overwork. DLD suggested a break and I definitely agree.

There are non-enlargement exercises and techniques that are better than the jelq for maximizing blood flow. I read about your [words=http://fleshlight.sjv.io/c/348327/302851/4702]stamina[/words] routine and it looked very intense- you may be overdoing that as well. How often do you do it?
Davionz;355375 said:
Hi im completely new here and have started these exercises just this week (on my 4th day). i am having some trouble with the jelqing exercises. i am uncircumcised so i do have a lot of skin! when i do use lub i end up just pulling my skin over my head. i tried holding the skin down while doing this but then i will be losing a hand and will be just using one hand. so what i have adapted to right now is not even using lub and just using one hand forcing the blood up, letting go and placing the same hand back to the base and doing it over. since i have a lot of skin i dont need lub to do this. what im worried about that it is not as effective because you state that you need to use one hand to push the blood up and the other hand must follow with the same motion in order to keep the blood there.

please help me out

someone help me out here plz
I just wanted to know how long has it taken some of you guys to notice changes in the size of penis, both girth and length, erect and flaccid?

I know it changes for every person. But it is nice to know when people are seeing changes after x amount of time.

Post it PLEASE :) :) :)
I have been doing penis enlargment for three months and two days. it has really helped me emotionally Im so happy im crying. thank you DLD you have changed the rest of my life, thank you.
finally i'm also starting. yesterday was the first day but it feels like it's gnna be the first of a long run!

anyway i already found good techniques:

for stretching i pull the skin back from my head and grab hold it just underneed. i make an okay sign with my thumb and my middle finger, grab my penis and than lock it by pushing my pointing finger aganist the head. this gives a secure lock and i can pull quit hard. also this way i don't pull the skin on the base of the penis, only the inside get's firmly stretched. it feels right.

for jelqing i think i also found the right technique:

i just milk my penis BUT just as i start milking it from base to top i immediately punt my second hand at the base, firmly. so now my two hands are at the base almost while the first one is moving to the head. this way i feel that the base and mid region of my penis get alot of bloodpressure... than i move up to the head and slighlty loosen grip when i'm moving over the head to slip off... i feel like i am putting evenly pressure on the whole penis. sometimes i move back also while milking to put pressure on the base. now and than.

okay, i'm happy i finally started!

thanks DLD and the community!
jos;359954 said:
anyway i already found good techniques:

for stretching i pull the skin back from my head and grab hold it just underneed. i make an okay sign with my thumb and my middle finger, grab my penis and than lock it by pushing my pointing finger aganist the head. this gives a secure lock and i can pull quit hard. also this way i don't pull the skin on the base of the penis, only the inside get's firmly stretched. it feels right.


I believe that you are using the correct, most effective method.
For 5 months i was stretching with the skin pulled over the head and gained zilch! Part of the reason was because i didn't understand where the ligaments were, (and thus the primary resistance) believing them to be the two bits that form a kind of triangle from the pubes area that you see if you stretch as i did, (try it to see what i mean) and so i was always striving to see that part stretched as much as possible. Then i stumbled on a 'locking in' feeling and yes it felt much more correct.
To Davionz,
I too am uncut and I know what you are getting at - when you are hard your skin covers the head right? I don't find this to be an issue with regards to correctly performing the technique, just leave your skin there and the penis will still become engorged as long as you arte jelqing correctly. make sure that you are sufficienlty lubed up, I use vaseline as lubricant and find this the best because it stays for AGES. This means that friction between hand and skin is low, making it easy to squish and slide up.
Mainly, ensure that you are achieving this engorgement up to the head and you should be alright, if this is not happening then you are probably not jelqing correctly.
Hope this helps.
Hi just starting out on all this, like the website, it's so well done. I'am in my third week and have starting measurement of 6.5 inches erect and 5 inches thick. Been doin just jeleqing for two weeks and started stretching on my days of, gonna start to combine both and follow DLD beginners routine. Don't know about 600 jeleqs a day it takes up a lot of time but i'll work away at it. No change in size yet erect but in flacid yes already and my orgams are stronger as well.
600 jelqs at 2 seconds per jelq works out to be just 20mins. If you want your goals, I should think that 20 minutes would be easy. If privacy is an issue, you could always go for a "20 minute crap" or something. You don't necessarily have to do it all in one go either, 2 ten minute sessions (300 jelqs) would be alright (a "crap" in the morning and a "crap" in the evening!), or at night when others have gone to bed. Think about when people go to the gym, that's usually an hour at least - Penis Enlargement is your workout.
Cheers, your right. I will make time for this as I want to make it work. So whats your story have you been doing this long and how's it going???
I have started to do this workout for 2 weeks now, and I hope to see some changes in the next few months :)
I also have the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/mosdvd.htm]DVD[/words], where I can see the exercises.
I'm 6'5" long and 6" in girth, and my objective is 9" long and 6"5 in girth.

hey guys, i have been doing DLD's phase 1 now for about 2 months, and to be honest i havent really noticed anygains. Do u think i should move on to phase 2
the program is working great DLD started out at 7'' EL and 4 7/8 EG on 8/19/. My EL has grown like hell in the past three months but the EG is still staggering does anyone have any suggestions how to increase with and girth a little faster. I am now at 7 3/4"-8'' EL depending on how excitied i get. But my EG has on went from 4 7/8" to 5.25" does anyone know a routine so i can get to 5.75-6.25 girth in the next six months or so?
wow jtb223, thats amazing. i'm begining to wonder if am following routine properly. Let me ask u something though, were yhe gains gradual or were they spurts of growth. and do u follow the phase 1 routine to the T or have u added excecises
I did go hard for the first two and a half months the last two weeks i didnt have a computer so i slacked and didnt go as hard. and on weekends i would Penis Enlargement for almost two hours by doing the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] for about 45 mins stretch hard core then rest for like 30 mins and do a heat pad for 10mins on 10 off 10 on then do either dld girth busters or width expansion set (not sure if they are the correct names for the routine off the top of my head) and didnt rest much at all but like i said the past two weeks i had to take it "ez" bescuase i didnt have anything to look at. Oh and in the first month i took some supplement to help with blood flow for when i jelq. as to the gains they were slow as hell and i didnt notice them until i measured or my girlfriend told me i feel huge. My gains were as follows:
8/19 start date 7"EL by 4.7/8" EG
Month1 9/19 a smidge under 7.25" EL EG was same
Month2 10/19 7 5/8" EL and a full 5'' EG (this is when i started girth and width on weekends)
Month3 11/19 7.75-7/8" (almost 8inches) EG 5 1/8 just under 5.25

the best advice i can give you jusjus is to make sure u cover the routine in its entireity and use a good deal of force when stretching and do all the stretches and cool down stuff i prefer to do two sets of kegels after im done. Also find what u want to focus on and go with it, like for example im not to worried about length because thats fine id just like more girth. So imagine u have a horse penis when u do the routines and one day you may just shock yourself and wake up with one...I hope this helps brah
Thanks alot for the info jtb223 for the info i really appreciate it. WEll i've been following the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] as accuratley as i can. I usually warm up for about 5 - 10 minutes, i run through the stretches twice. I usually do the straight stretches for about 60 sec and the side streches for 30 and 30 cranks. I then do about 200 hundred jelq. The first 100 i do very slow like each jelq takes about 5 or 6 seconds and then the next hundred i do 100 quick ones. But i think am gonna start doing the 600 2 sec jelqs.
Well at the moment i want both length and girth. But i think right now i'd really love to see some length gains. I havent really measured my girth to see if i have gained only my length. Currently I'm around average. npel 5 1/2 length and the same for girth. My long term aim is about 7 1/2 length and 6 inch girth. I dont think i need more than that. By the way have u ever got bruising from stretching, beacuse i have and i had to rest for a day or 2 and let it heal. I dont get alot of sleep sometimes so i'm wondering if that will affect my progress aswell. By the way, have u ever missed any days?
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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