jose-s;448979 said:
One last thing, I own your dvd but what is the difference between the dvd and the website?

Nothing, they are identical.
doublelongdaddy;448981 said:
Nothing, they are identical.

one very important thing that i just started feeling, my pc muscle seems to contract by itself when my girlfriend starts stroking my penis. especially the head. that didnt happen but it just started happening. should i do more kegels, less, how do i solve it so my head wont be so sensible, as it wasnt before?
jose-s;449011 said:
one very important thing that i just started feeling, my pc muscle seems to contract by itself when my girlfriend starts stroking my penis. especially the head. that didnt happen but it just started happening. should i do more kegels, less, how do i solve it so my head wont be so sensible, as it wasnt before?

Involuntary PC squeezes? That is something I have never encountered. Maybe you are doing too much. Kegels will not help with sensitivity as much as being to last longer.
doublelongdaddy;449013 said:
Involuntary PC squeezes? That is something I have never encountered. Maybe you are doing too much. Kegels will not help with sensitivity as much as being to last longer.

im doing the routine in the dvd. i can hold it longer than 2 minutes without a problem but this started happening this week. the part where i hold my penis to stretch is the place that became a bit more sensitive
jose-s;449015 said:
im doing the routine in the dvd. i can hold it longer than 2 minutes without a problem but this started happening this week. the part where i hold my penis to stretch is the place that became a bit more sensitive

When you say sensitive do you mean sore?
doublelongdaddy;449020 said:
When you say sensitive do you mean sore?

no, its just that it became a bit more sensible as in when touched or rubbed. but it actually goes away and comes. for example, it was sensible when i was going to have sex with my girlfriend earlier but right now its perfectly normal.
jose-s;449021 said:
no, its just that it became a bit more sensible as in when touched or rubbed. but it actually goes away and comes. for example, it was sensible when i was going to have sex with my girlfriend earlier but right now its perfectly normal.

Maybe just an adjustment your body is going through, I say stick with what you are doing and expect this issue to fade.
doublelongdaddy;449076 said:
Maybe just an adjustment your body is going through, I say stick with what you are doing and expect this issue to fade.

ok. thanks for the help. imma go do my routine for today. i tried a ebook in the past, similar to the one you started with, and saw results in just a week. i can wait to see the ones with this program!
jose-s;449129 said:
ok. thanks for the help. imma go do my routine for today. i tried a ebook in the past, similar to the one you started with, and saw results in just a week. i can wait to see the ones with this program!

You will find the best ways to gain right here on MOS!
Nshawn9;448871 said:
The red line represents where i feel the biggest stretch, and what i think could be a big limiting factor. since i feel a lot of the stretch there, my concern is that the other parts of my penis are being neglected since i dont feel much tension anywhere else.

Should i keep up this rountine with the hanging i do (currently do 3 sets of 15 minutes, with 2.5 lbs), or add a variation to hit the other tissues?

Looks alright to me dude. I also tend to feel the stretch where the red lines are. I guess if you're concerned and if it doesn't push the intensity up too much you could try throwing in a 1 minute A-stretch at the end of each set, just to get more of the tissue and tunica worked. My guess however is that the red lined probably represent where DLD, myself and most others using this routine feel a stretch. Bear in mind the jelq also helps to make both length and girth increases.
I agree with Mdoc, mixing in some other angular stretches to hit other angles would be a smart move. The penis can become very used to a single intensity, adding in other exercises, super-sets or the like will keep things mixed up and the penis always guessing and growing.
Great routine DLD I gave noticed immediate results! :) May I ask how long you were doing this routine before you gained the 2 inches? thanks
chunderitis;454145 said:
Great routine DLD I gave noticed immediate results! :) May I ask how long you were doing this routine before you gained the 2 inches? thanks

Six months but I think I could have done it faster with the SizeGenetics and Bathmate added in.
hepcat;454209 said:
DLD did you increase 2" only in length, or were there also gains in girth, or were you making an overall statement (meaning 1.5" length and .5' girth)?

2" in erect length and 1/2 inch in erect girth.
what does Behind The Cheeks to the Left,Straight Down to the Left,Straight Out to the Left,Straight Up to the Left and rotary stretches mean
SageL;454388 said:
what does Behind The Cheeks to the Left,Straight Down to the Left,Straight Out to the Left,Straight Up to the Left and rotary stretches mean

Those are the basic stretches found in the Newbie Routine or Phase 1 of the MOS DVD.
Lol I teweeze. But I ment when streching should I be hard or 80% what's the best way to grip your penis also The same way you jelq? Or a different way?
And can you clear up what " behind the cheeks " means. Thanks DLD
TheBlackSloth;455659 said:
Lol I teweeze. But I ment when streching should I be hard or 80% what's the best way to grip your penis also The same way you jelq? Or a different way?
And can you clear up what " behind the cheeks " means. Thanks DLD

While stretching you should be flaccid or soft. Behind the Cheeks are where you weave your penis through your legs, grab from the back and stretch up your crack:)
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