doublelongdaddy said:
I am not sure if I should say sorry or congratulations of the relation things but please apply which ever one applies. I am __________about your relationship. (sorry or happy) Penis Enlargement is the best bounce back regardless, use all that emotion to get huge!

Otherwise it sounds like your schedule is crazy so try to at least get 15-20 minutes in a day until you have the time. Mini-Sessions will help you keep your sanity.

It's a good thing. It's not as hectic as it sounds, I actually have everything in a nice set routine...working on fitting the Penis Enlargement in there
MidwestFreek said:
Would doing this in the morning as well as at night provide better results, or could it be possibly counterproductive?

I have tried it all:D

Think jelqing once a day is enough but stretching twice would be extremely beneficial.
Aslo, would doing alllll the jelqs in one sitting be required or could you span em out along the course of the day. I just tried the workout after getting out of the shower, and it takes so long
Basic Stretching: 3 Sets of each stretch below
Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds

Does that mean I do:

3 sets Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds
3 sets Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds
3 sets The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds ??


3 sets Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds ??

wawawa said:
Does that mean I do:

3 sets Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds
3 sets Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds
3 sets The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds ??


3 sets Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds ??

The first one
Hello All,

I'm new to this Penis Enlargement business. I plan to get into the member site at the end of the month with the next pay check, but I wanted to get started now if possible using this routine.

I do have a questions. From all my reading I see where the 80-100% erection is good for the jelqing, but from reading this thread you are supposed to do the stretching in the flacid state, is that correct? I'm rather small when flacid (only about 1.5-2" flacid and 5.5 erect). It is difficult for me to get a decent grip like that. I was getting to about a 50% erection for the stretching to help. Is this ok?

Thanks for the advice.
osmittyo said:
I'm new to this Penis Enlargement business. I plan to get into the member site at the end of the month with the next pay check, but I wanted to get started now if possible using this routine.

This is a great place to start and this routine goes hand and hand with the members site so when you are ready things will make perfect sense.

I do have a questions. From all my reading I see where the 80-100% erection is good for the jelqing, but from reading this thread you are supposed to do the stretching in the flacid state, is that correct? I'm rather small when flacid (only about 1.5-2" flacid and 5.5 erect). It is difficult for me to get a decent grip like that. I was getting to about a 50% erection for the stretching to help. Is this ok?

With most stretches you don't need a whole hell of allot of flaccid penis to do them. Since you are using an "ok" grip you only need enough room to get one finger around. I think semi-erect stretches are beneficial but do not have the potential fully flaccid ones do.
ok... so I hope I don't say anything out of place here... but any reason this routine is more involved (but close) to the one on the pay site? I like this one more, and have been doing it instead because of the additional stretches involved. I was just wondering.

Also... some of the "movies" on the may site still aren't working. One I'm specifically interested in is the "horse sqeeze".

Thanks! Still loving it.
Zuul said:
ok... so I hope I don't say anything out of place here... but any reason this routine is more involved (but close) to the one on the pay site? I like this one more, and have been doing it instead because of the additional stretches involved. I was just wondering.

It should be identical, sometimes I update in one place and not another so if that is the case I am sorry. What is different?

Also... some of the "movies" on the may site still aren't working. One I'm specifically interested in is the "horse sqeeze".

I am on it today.

doublelongdaddy said:
It should be identical, sometimes I update in one place and not another so if that is the case I am sorry. What is different?

Well, here you are having people do a behing the cheek, straight down, straight out and straight up whereas on the pay site it is only straight down (left, right center) and straight up center so you miss the behind the cheek, straigh out and 2 of the straight up ones (plus here has 2 additional rotary cranks).

I hope I was clear enough.

Still, I'm very pleased so far in my first 2 weeks. I've seen enough to keep my motivation going for a while! :)
oh yea, in looking I guess that may also apply to the "basic stretching" page as well with the pictures. Don't know if you need to update that as much though other than to add the rest of the stretches (IE: Maybe don't need the pictures?).

Hey, pictures are great! You can say a 1000 words with one picture! Again, I'll state it has helped me joining the member site for the videos and pictures alone.
I can answer you...DLD is kind, he shares some of his paysite material with the forum members and hence this comes in.
Just so happens that he has exercises in this that aint in the paysite one...that doesnt mean its any worse or better.
This is DLD's FIRST ROUTINE, the paysite isnt his first routine and has been stripped down to fit the phases.
hey, absolute newbie here. just joined the paysite last week and trying to get on a schedule of Penis Enlargementing AND jogging. spring's the time:) anyways, regarding the stretching routines. i'm going to switch to the DLD routine mentioned in this thread because it seems more intensive without me jumping the gun to a too advanced phase. so, when i'm done stretching it's good to really feel it at the base of the penis right? i'm not talking about pain here just soreness like you've had a good workout. glad to be a part of the group and looking forward to good news in six weeks or so.
hello, I'm also a new member to this forum but already doing Penis Enlargement sessions for about 4 weeks. I started to notice some changes in girth but still no erect lenght changes. Is this normal? been doing BTC, up, down, front stretches and jelqing for about 20 mins a day with a 3 sec stretch... is it possible that I don't respond so well to this [words=]newbie routine[/words] and have to switch to some different exercises? If not at this point, please advise me when... THANKS
newbie here, just signed up a few days ago. question about the [words=]newbie routine[/words] specifically jelq's. The routine says 2 second jelq's and the video shows 2 second jelq's, but the pictures say 10s minimum for each jelq. which one is correct? Also, the videos for the testicle health page aren't up. thanks!
Thanks for the quick reply insearch! is there a such thing as too erect or too soft when jelqing? what happens if you're too soft or too hard?
Hi every one"
and Hello to DLD".
Im new to the forums here.
and I tried some of DLD hand Stretching techinques that I saw through his download video for examples..
Nice Job DLD :) :)
I tried them for about a week or so and I also did some variations to it.
and in just a littel over 1 week I gained close to about 1/2" in length.
then again I also did it 3 times a day for stretching with a littel Jeqluing.
and I did the stretching and Jeqluing while erect too.
this was the cause for the variation in the techinque..
the stretching while erect cause more cells to devided in the Corpus Cavernosum chambers of the penis.
and you can really feel the stretch good duren most the basic Stretching exercise DLD show you how to do.
I also seen some gains right off in girth for width for erect and soft..
and The Keleg duren being erect and stretching and doing it while stretching soft..
it impressed me alot on the gains I gotten from it in just a littel over week time.
and most important part is rest so the body can heal it self and rebuild the stretched tissue.
so I wish you all the best of luck and to DLD keep up the good Job man Cheers" :) :) :) :) :) ;) ;) :cool: :cool: rofl rofl
mannyflugo said:
Thanks for the quick reply insearch! is there a such thing as too erect or too soft when jelqing? what happens if you're too soft or too hard?

Jelqing when too soft probably won't produce many gains. Personally I jelq at 100% erection although this can cause vascular damage if the penis is not used to it.jelq at around 75% erection for a month, then it should be ready to jelq at 100%
Well I been doing some the techinques DLD shows for the [words=]power Assist[/words] and for just basic hand stretching.
I noticed allot the next day that the penis feels more solid and stronger and heavier then what it used to feel..
I even noticed the skins looks more healthier and so does the penis head glan look more bigger and feels more solid from this type of techinque for Penis Enlargement..
I been seeing faster gains from this type of stretching and exercise then using one of those penis stretching devices.
those Penis stretching devices can only do stretchs two ways.
up and down..
they seem to make the penis slimmer some from the stretch using a penis stretcher device.
Doing DLD hand stretchs I feel more stretch in the shaft area and on the ligament and in the Corpus Cavernosum tissue then using a penis strecter device.
I can tell by sight and by the feel of it that DLD techinque works good and fast.
I bet in a few more weeks I see even more size gains in thinkness and length doing DLD techinque for Penis Enlargement.!
can any you tell me how much you guys gains was in your first week to two weeks of gain doing DLD Penis Enlargement techinque ?
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guys....quick question:

when you it best to have foreskin in your hand too or should you totally peel that back and just jelq the shaft?
I think DLD is taking a bit of a break from posting due to personal matters, but most people here could answer this.

The PC muscle is located between the scrotum and anus. Put your finger anywhere on this and contract as though you are trying to hold in urine. You should feel it tense up. These contractions are how you exercise (you don't need to keep your finger there that was just for location purposes)

Kegels are great for powering up erection quality and increasing the amount of fluid ejaculated aswell as many other benefits I myself don't really know.

Hope this helps man.
insearchof9inch said:
a stretching feeling in the base of your penis will mean that your ligaments are beings stretched (a good thing)

I dont feel this stretching feeling in the base of my penis i've only been doing them for 3 days does this mean i'm not doing enough sets or not pulling hard enough. I was not doing 3 sets of stretches only one set of each but was doing them for more than 30 sec each. More like 60 sec each
wishiwasbigger said:
I dont feel this stretching feeling in the base of my penis i've only been doing them for 3 days does this mean i'm not doing enough sets or not pulling hard enough. I was not doing 3 sets of stretches only one set of each but was doing them for more than 30 sec each. More like 60 sec each

Hello wishiwasbigger
Well if you do not feel the stretching in the shaft or the base of your member.
try pulling it a bit more hard, but do it slowly and when you start to feel the stretch in the base or in the shaft area, you may want to increase the tension pull on it a bit more to increase a bit more of a stretch.
cause I been doing some of these exercises and stretches my self.
and they do work good.
I noticed a change right off after the first time I did them for about 30 minutes to an hour.
and I stretch longer then 30 seconds.
I mostly stretch for one type of stretch for about 5 minutes at a time some times longer to get more of stretch out of it.
and some times I do jeqluing in between 3 sets of stretching.
this helps give more circulation and blood flow to the penis duren stretching.
I do a routine of 2 - 3 days on and 1 day off then back on again.
and I also use a FastSize device as well too.
and I use that to stretch 1/2" inch to 1" inch over the erect length.
for about 1 to 2 hours tops with a 20 to 30 minute break in between for jelquing to restore circulation and blow flow to the head.
cause some times, ( not all the time) the device does cut of some circulation to the head, ( mostly hanging down)..
and with the combo of DLD techinque and the device it seems to increase more growth and faster results in size gains...
I did try using weights before on and off in the past.
but there not that good to use [words=]penis health[/words] or size gains realy.
cause the weight tend to cut of circulation to the head to much and I never did that much weight any way.
cause it's not how much weight you use its how long you stretch it for that gets the results.
and I did not feel comfortible using weights cause its dangerous type of exericse and if you ever watched those chinees videos of them pulling a truck with their penis ?
they also say they had some of the men pull their tunica out of wack and not only there that was a case reported were a few men actualy pull the head off their penis completely..
so I do think thats to healthy at all..
DLD techinques and Stretching device is a more safer routine to do then weights..
and for pumps for that matter too.
Pumps if you over do it to much and to fast can cause damage to your member and even cause you not to have an erection again !!
I read the reports on pumps and there not intended for enlargement their made for those that can NOT get an erection.
and if you want more stonger erection do kelag exercise the way DLD instructs you should do it and also do reps like you would do for a bicep curl.
do not hold it for 15 count just do reps of 10 to 20 for 3 sets then do the reps of holding it for 15 count or as long as you can do it.
and soon you notice some results behind the sack area feels more musclar and stronger.
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Nice work Jcool , after a 3rd post i can see you will contribute to our Pe community. Its god to see a lot of help going into the newer members :)
VeryShyGuy said:
Nice work Jcool , after a 3rd post i can see you will contribute to our Pe community. Its god to see a lot of help going into the newer members :)

Thanks VeryShyGuy
I also seen some of custome exstenders on here too.
they seem okay.
but I made a home made one my self and it has power springs that uses for force for stretching.
simular to a pro fastSize exstender device but not as nice.
you can exstend right up to 12" or more depending on how long you want the screw rodes to be when you buy the parts for it.
it does not fold down or up stays straight.
but it does work.
I made that about 3 years ago and used it on and off.
I can some time soon post pics on how it looks and what parts to buy, which you can find in any home depo store.
and it only cost about around $10. the most to make.
so in any one wants to see the home made exstender device I made.
just post on here a few times and I will gather my files and post the pics.
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jlcool said:
Thanks VeryShyGuy
I also seen some of custome exstenders on here too.
they seem okay.
but I made a home made one my self and it has power springs that uses for force for stretching.
simular to a pro fastSize exstender device but not as nice.
you can exstend right up to 12" or more depending on how long you want the screw rodes to be when you buy the parts for it.
it does not fold down or up stays straight.
but it does work.
I made that about 3 years ago and used it on and off.
I can some time soon post pics on how it looks and what parts to buy, which you can find in any home depo store.
and it only cost about around $10. the most to make.
so in any one wants to see the home made exstender device I made.
just post on here a few times and I will gather my files and post the pics.

Sure post the pics. I'm sure a lot of us are interested.
wishiwasbigger said:
I dont feel this stretching feeling in the base of my penis i've only been doing them for 3 days does this mean i'm not doing enough sets or not pulling hard enough. I was not doing 3 sets of stretches only one set of each but was doing them for more than 30 sec each. More like 60 sec each

just for an update i wasnt using baby powder now i am a world of difference so newbies who see theese guys talking about baby powder use it cus they know what they're talking about it works
i just read these first routines, but i don't understand what you mean byt "behind the cheeks". can u please explain?

thx a lot
asd1 said:
how long did it take for you to gain 2 inches with this routine? and was it everyday you worked on it?

I gained 2 inches just inside of six months and I trained, with this routine, daily.

Thank you for your inspirational threads. Over the past two years, I've read them over and over and adopted many of your techniques. Without a doubt the three most important things we have in common are the desire, the intense, daily workouts,
(I rarely miss a day), and the willingness to stick to our goals through thick and thin.

As many of my Penis Enlargement pals say, "You're da man!!!"
I am looking at a picture of where the pc muscle is at, if I am reading it right, its under the balls between that and your anus or is it inside your dick? Just wanting to know confused.
Here is a post from a member at another forum that should be helpful:

I guess it doesn't really matter what you call the muscle you contract when doing Dr. Kegel's exercise, as long as you do it correctly and consistently. However, being a stickler for accuracy, I have to point out that men contract a different muscle than women when doing Kegels and it isn't the PC (pubococcygeus). It's actually the BC (bulbocavernosus). This is probably the only place on the Internet where you'll find this distinction. Most will probably find it easier to "go with the flow" and conform to years of misconception by just calling it the PC.

Why isn't it the same muscle? Men and women are different. Females have essentially internal sex organs, males essentially external. The PC muscle is located in such a way that it is above and behind the penis and it contracts up into the pelvis. While its action on the rectum may add a little to the pull on the penis, it isn't the main muscle being exercised when men do Kegels. Of course men can contract their PC muscle. They do it every time they have a bowel movement. Some probably contract it while doing the Kegel exercise (by involving the anal area), but it isn't necessary to do so for a stronger penis.

First part of the anatomy lesson. Please see the "Pelvic Muscles" illustration below. The PC muscle, along with the Iliococcygeus muscle (IC) make up the Levator ani muscle which serves as the "floor" of the pelvis, keeping your abdominal contents from sliding into your perineum. It also plays a roll in bowel movements. Both the PC and IC are made of two flat sheets of muscle (one on each side). The PC is attached in the front to the pubic bone. The two halves sweep along the sides of the pelvis and attach at the rear to the coccyx (tail bone). The IC attaches to the pelvic bone on the sides and at the coccyx in the rear like the PC. In a side view (not shown) the Levator ani is funnel-shaped, surrounding the rectum/anus. One of its main purposes is to pull the rectum back up into position after a bowel movement.

Note how the PC forms a "U" shape as it wraps around the rectum. The urethra and vagina in women are much more in contact with the PC than the urethra is in men. In addition to forming a sling around the rectum, the PC passes by the sides of and inserts into the vagina and urethra in women. The contractions of the muscle can be felt by a finger in the vagina. This is why Dr. Kegel advised his female patients (he was a gynecologist) to exercise the PC muscle. It helps tighten the vaginal canal, rectum, and urethra especially after childbirth which can stretch these pelvic structures and cause urinary incontinence and uterine prolapse. Dr. Kegel showed that exercising the PC muscle could strengthen the female perineum and help cure the physical ailments as well as improve their sex lives.*

Where is the bulbocavernosus (BC) muscle? Please see the "Perineal Muscles" illustration below for the second part of the anatomy lesson. Both sexes have a pair of BC muscles. In females it surrounds the vaginal opening. Some women can independently contract the BC and the PC. Most contract both at the same time. In the male, the two halves of the BC are joined in a "herringbone" pattern surrounding the bulb of the penis (the internal base of the corpus spongiosum).

The BC muscle has two main purposes. One is to force liquid (urine or semen) out of the urethra. It does this by way of the herringbone interlacing of muscle fibers which, as they contract, milk the urethra toward the meatus (opening at the tip of the glans). It also happens to cause the penis to be pulled into the body (the LOT tug-back). This happens every time a man urinates. It also happens with much greater force, and with rhytHydromaxic contractions, when he ejaculates. The BC muscle is the main ejector of semen. This is why ejaculation improves by exercising it.

The other function of the BC is to squeeze blood into the corpus spongiosum and the glans. The bulb of the penis is a reservoir of blood. At the time of greatest arousal voluntary or reflex contractions of the BC and Ischiocavernosus muscles force blood into the corpora. The Ischiocavernosus muscles surround the crura of the penis (legs of the corpora cavernosa). With both sets of muscles contracting on the base and legs of the penis, a maximum erection is achieved.

Locating the BC: The adage about stopping the flow of urine is valid in locating the BC muscle in men. Even though the urethra does have a sphincter (just below the prostate) to stop urine flow, contraction of the BC will "milk" the urethra and let the man know which muscle to use for Kegel's exercise. The BC muscle can also be felt with the fingers by placing them between the scrotum and the anus. Contractions felt through the skin at this point (in the midline) are from the BC muscle. The illustration "P.C. or B.C." below shows the relationship of the PC muscle in men as it passes by the prostate and surrounds the rectum (top two images). It also shows the location of the BC muscle at the base of the penis (two lower images).

Searching the Internet for instructions on how men should do Kegels will bring a wide variety of exercise plans. Some say start with 20 at a sitting, twice a day, and work up to 100 doing them daily for six weeks. Another site suggests working up to 300 per day, holding each contraction for a few seconds, and doing that many every day "for the rest of your life." There's no set answer. Each man must evaluate his situation and exercise accordingly. The plan that starts out gradually, with a few quick squeezes, and work up to a hundred holding each one for a few seconds, sounds like a good one to start with. A few days a week should be enough to evaluate your situation. If you don't notice a change in the force of your ejaculations or the strength of your erections, then more exercise of the BC, not PC, might be in order.

*Here is Kegel's original article for those interested.
I don't mind this being included here at [words=]MOS[/words], but I would like to be credited as the author.

Here is the missing link to the online version of Dr. Kegel's original discussion.
I think its best to start on phase one.. atleast do a bit.. why jump the gun.. be patient
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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