Swade;439861 said:
Thanks for the fast response

but yeah i use a heat pad for 10 min then i stretch for 40 min flaccid but thats why I was wondering if i need to do stretching while semi erect or erect after the flaccid stretching for like 15min?

5 Minutes of Erect Stretching would be perfect and you can do this before or after your flaccid stretching.
yeeeeaaaaaa buddy appreciate it! thank you very much was waiting for that answer !!

hopefully will help some1 else who had a similar question
one more follow up question to add from my previous one. which stretch would be best while ereCt? straight out or up? im thinking up to get that tunica ?
Hey DLD,
first of all, I was just reading another topic saw everyone saying DLD I was like what the hell is that ?
Figured it out now though.
Second, I see I'll be training my eyes with all the reading, less tv more Penis Enlargement I guess in the future for me.
Thanks for making the routine for all of us, but I don't know any of the exercises... Especially the ones you described as sets, I'm not English so it might be just me who doesn't understand.
Also, when I have to stretch under my head, do I remove the foreskin ? Or doesn't it matter ?


Ps. Maybe a handy thing to do, make a topic with all the words and such about Penis Enlargement ?
Hey thanks alot,

I'm looking at your Newbie tutorial, you say it's best to start out with that one, Only problem is, I don't know all the exercises you describe as sets like Straight Up and Left. I have no idea what you mean by that. Could you explain those to me ?

Couldn't find the Edit option so:
I don't understand this measurement.

Bone Pressed Flaccid Stretch
Make sure you are in a completely flaccid state.
Place your ruler at the pubic bone on the side of the penis
Stretch penis straight out
Read the nearest quarter-inch measurement at the tip of your penis

What do you mean with stretch straight out ?
Like grab under the head and pull ?

If I buy Penis Enlargement pills to use WITH it, will I gain faster/more ?
And on a Dutch Jelqing site, it says I'd better hold a stretch for 5 min, but don't cut off the blood circulation.
If I follow the DLD newbie routine I do cut off the blood circulation right ?
At least on the dvd I think it does right ?
Because sometimes my head get blue-ish... Is this normal ?

Hello DLD, I started your newbie routine just yesterday and followed it completely. I did it again today. Yesterday I also ordered a Bathmate X-40 and a SizeGenetics extender. From researching a little, I came to the conclusion that these devices will maximize my efficiency in growing my penis. They are also part of your touted fast routine. Though elsewhere you mention working on Penis Enlargement in phases, and I'm on phase 1 right now. I should be getting the devices in a few days. What is your opinion, DLD, on jumping right now (only a few days into phase 1) into doing the Bathmate/SizeGenetics - Penis Traction Extender/Handwork routine that you tout as the fastest routine? Do you see any drawbacks to doing this? Thank you for your wisdom.

And I do plan on still doing the kegels and testicle exercise while doing the Bathmate/SizeGenetics/Handwork routine...

- Eric
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Hey, I've did the exercises yesterday, but now the part where my foreskin connects to my head, hurts, like if I pull back my foreskin it hurts.
I think because I hold the head, and then pull the skin to hard, how do I fix this ?
Because if I hold the skin to, I can't strecht alot ?
And will a penis stretcher replace this exercises ?

AlmostGod;442991 said:
Hey, I've did the exercises yesterday, but now the part where my foreskin connects to my head, hurts, like if I pull back my foreskin it hurts.
I think because I hold the head, and then pull the skin to hard, how do I fix this ?
Because if I hold the skin to, I can't strecht alot ?
And will a penis stretcher replace this exercises ?


I just started also a few days ago. I was having that problem the first few days. Like the routine instructions say, use a lot of talc so that when you grip yourself the skin doesn't move/rub around. You don't want to skin to rub, your goal is to mianly stretch the internals of your penis. And you want to feel around gripping and pulling until you can figure out how to stretch the internals without stretching the skin too much also, if you know what I mean.. Said a different way, holding it one way might cause you to pull on the skin or scrunch it together in a way that rubs or is painful. Holding it another way will cause you to squeeze the head and area just beneath without much rubbing and when you stretch it out, it will pull on the internals and that is what you want, I think... Does anyone agree? I'm a newbie but I think I understand it...
I know this, but I wasn't asking that ?
How do I prevent this ?

AlmostGod;443039 said:
I know this, but I wasn't asking that ?
How do I prevent this ?


By figuring out how to hold it properly by feeling around and testing different grips. And even still, your skin will probably be a little sore and tender for a while until it gets used to being worked on. Just after a few days of doing this, my skin seems to have become more resilient and gets less tender each day I do it (and I'm not going any lighter on it). I am not a full member, but I hear that if you become one you get good videos to watch that show you in detail how to do everything properly.
I have been doing it like in the gym, warm-up, workout everything, warm-down. And its wooping me bad. (3days so far)
How big can I get by using this method only ?
When I jelq I always get hard , how do I properly do it ?
drama;443866 said:
When I jelq I always get hard , how do I properly do it ?

Go with it! I am always erect when jelqing and it has given me 2" in girth.
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