PC muscle will help to get better erections and also gains the more blood in your penis the more gains.
When you urinate if you stop and start the flow of your urine this is flexing your pc muscle also know as kegeling another example is say when you orgasm you will contract flex ur pc muslce pc is short for Pubococcygeus muscle
i'm trying to understand. when he says 3 sets of each..does he mean 3 sets of each exercise in each category (ie ...3 sets of up right stretches...3 stretches up center up)
Tight bro! That's great to hear that you actually get it. Handling this part of your life really provides alot of happiness and brings calm to you. Keep taking baby steps! Good for you!
does anyone's hands get tired.I cant even finish the routine and my hands are beat, am i squessing to hard when i jelg, im about 40-50% erect. I just started out.