doublelongdaddy;526757 said:You are talking about hydrocortisone available through prescription. Usually 2.5% hydrocortisone. The variety at the local Wallmart, 1% is far less evasive than the prescription strength and carries non of the same risks used in moderation. I was under many of the same pretenses when I started using it 20 years ago but quickly found out there was a difference in the strengths.
Using .1% hydrocortisone once per day is fine. I have used it daily for two decades and have absolutely no issues, so I speak from experience. I have discussed in in depth with my doctor and he still, to this day, still stands behind it. It has cured many skin ailments for me but what it has done for my face is miraculous. I have no wrinkles and perfectly clear skin and I am now 46, when I was 26 I went to my doctor with a rash I had my entire life, nothing got rid of it and I was ridiculed for it. He told me to use the store strength hydrocortisone and it would safely solve my skin issues...he was correct and I have enjoyed a rash free life since.
longfatdaddy;527714 said:so DLD what you're saying is you use hydrocortisone cream on your face and you have no wrinkles? do you use the 1% strength or 2.5% strength on your face?
doublelongdaddy;527826 said:Only use the .1%, it is safe at that strength. Using a 2.5% is totally unnecessary and can cause undue side effects. I have used 1% for about 20 years with absolutely no side effects and only positive results.
longfatdaddy;528275 said:ok i have the 1% strength so ill start applying it to my face and ill you know how the results go... just a quick question, how many times per day do you apply the cream? and do you do it in the morning/afternoon or night? or a mix of these?
peruano99;528615 said:I will be one of the first to buy that super pill of yours.
doublelongdaddy;528622 said:It is so exciting that it is becoming a reality! I know, with every part of myself, this is some of my best work yet and I will make the Brotherhood proud!
LoveHerDeeply;528677 said:you already do, big daddy, thats why were here. we surfed, we found [words=]Mos[/words], we read the hype, we saw your posts with your crazy name and we tbought, riiiight... so we checked your profile... saw the picture proofs, and went HOOOLLLEEEEE SHIIIIIII.....!!!!
and we been disciples of the DLD ever since!
I read [words=]SRT[/words] as the culmination of everything in Penis Enlargement that works, arranged for maximum benefit of the parts and tools working together to maximize their positive and cover each others gaps with another tool or exercise strengths. Dude its friggin genious like that.
So youre gonna lay your ultimate suppliment combo on us and in your sig, and THOUSands of brothers are gonna take and improve. You publish the exercise part of [words=]SRT[/words] and Thousands of us dudes are gonna lose millions of pounds and expose miles of cock from under their shrinking fatpads. ( I know, this has worked for me already...)
youre our guru, brother. of course you should be proud, Dld, already.
doublelongdaddy;528466 said:The so called DLD Super Pill gets some incredible feedback and results! Just read the email, I am hoping he posts it on the forum soon! Very good stuff guys! I feel so proud of what has been created! I can't wait for the word to get out!
longfatdaddy;528758 said:thanks for the tips and advice on the hydrocortisone cream. can you tell me what the DLD super pill is? this is the first time i've heard about this...
Vocifeous;528946 said:Hey is it a good idea to go through the [words=]DVD[/words] first?
Or get started with [words=]SRT[/words] method?
Also what is the behind the cheek stretch? I assume stretching downwards toward the buttocks?
Cheers V.
irafreak1;528996 said:Wow DLD. I didn't realize the problems you had. I knew you had made mention of this but didn't know to what extent. I would actually be curious to know more because my wife of over 8 years has major issues that have manifested in horrible fashion over the last two years and maybe some insight into what goes on in your experiences can help me understand what to do with her. In short I've been raising our 3 kids (6,3,1.5) for the last 2 years by myself as she has been hospitalized, catatonic, paranoid, skitzo, massively moody, a missing person on the news several times, lived in a halfway house and hasn't lived with us since this all went down. In short she has been diagnosed with partial complex seizures in her left hemisphere. Basically she seizes and instead of physical convulsions and stuff she loses touch with reality...lives in a dream world ...hallucinations etc but she displays so much of the symptoms of skitzo and bipolar through all of it...Anyway....
irafreak1;528996 said:The [words=]SRT[/words] stuff is fascinating. I wish I had the time to play out the routine in full but I may have to be one of your subjects that shows gains in a condensed routine. Plus it gives me something to focus on provided I can escape the kids long enough.I'm going to do some more research and prepare for another wave of Penis Enlargement. Thanks again for all your inspiration and help over the years.
doublelongdaddy;529000 said:Hello Vocifeous, I would go through the DVD, Phase One and the [words=]Newbie Routine[/words] to get a good, foundational understanding of penis enlargement as a whole. What you learn in the Newbie work will remain with you through advanced work. SRT can be started immediately in the sense of using the different aspects that could apply in the beginning of your quest.
My support goes out to you and your family. Paranoid schizophrenia or Personality Disorder is the most difficult to deal with as when an episode is in place the patient does not know she is shifting through various mental positions while the outside world is scratching their heads wondering what is wrong with her. Moodiness is expected as what she is going through is mental anguish and suffering of the worse kind. Empathy and Sympathy by you, your family, friends and anyone else she is in contact with will be best. Never try to rationalize with someone having an episode, simply be there for them until it passes safely.
Reality is extremely subjective and it is not fair to anyone to deny them the personal reality they may be suffering with. Her reality may include people, voices, places and subjects that may be out of the scope of reality to someone who does not have the disorder, but trust me, she truly believes these things as reality. I know, for myself, when I am having episodes the biggest thing I hate is to be denied my personal reality as being valid and important. Believe, listen, try to understand, you may just learn something about yourself. You see, what we are referring to as a disability, when viewed correctly, is a blessing. It is due to the great misunderstanding of the chemical mind that causes so much fear and prejudice in people who have a borderline personality disorder. Let me explain further, but truly take this as word, I see each and every so called disability as a blessing from Jesus!
1.) They say Personality Disorder/Paranoid Schizophrenia.....I see it as having many voices, many spirits, many beings to exchange information with and learn from. If these personalities are inside of me, then they are just as important as the id, the ego or any other singular vies of the self. Developing relationships with these beings is far greater than avoiding and closing my ears, eyes and heart. I am sure a few of those personalities in me has created some of the best Penis Enlargement exercises ever!
2.) Paranoia: This is just plain and simple, smart. Most people in the world are out for one thing, themselves. Having a paranoia about those who enter my reality and their motives has only gone to serve me in all I do. Paranoia is something I see as intuition.
3.) Bi-Polar Disorder, Manic Depression: lol, really? This, is by far, the greatest asset I have in myself. There are times when my mind is filled with endless ideas, amazing discoveries, creations, ideals most will never touch on. During these prophetic states I know, with all that is in me, I am talking directly with God. Since, I am so open to the changes contained in this disorder I have heard, seen, touched and felt things beyond this world. I rarely need to think as the words flow like a river of truth, it is beyond beautiful.
If I am open and in a safe place, surrounded with loving people I can create without boundaries. Every word I hear I write down, explore, learn and develop into a full understanding of the word. I set goals and accomplish them, I do whatever it takes to get me to where I can manifest and create in the physical world. If it were not for my being blessed with this gift, [words=]MOS[/words] would never have even been created.
3.) OCD: again, lol. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder should simply be called "The Ability to Stick with Something Until it is Perfect" OCD is a greater way to think on something, a greater way to see parts you wopuld not if you were not so obsessive. Being obsessed about something is simply being passionate.
4.) Agoraphobia: Well, no getting around this one.I tried but this part of my disability does make life more difficult but in my case, I will carry this cross!
Now, in addition to this I am almost completely blind, completely devoid of color and my dyslexia is debilitating. I can't get around these issues either. But, it is what it is. In my heart I will do my best always and if my best includes hurdles of great height, I will buy a fucking ladder!
Yes, it is a lot of time and at this point a bit too scattered. The new refinement of [words=]SRT[/words] (before the release of the [words=]DVD[/words]) will happen as soon as I get through all the post tonight. It will make it a bit easier to understand and give newbie, intermediate and advanced versions. It will also contain a completely manual version for those without equipment.
irafreak1;529279 said:Thanks for taking the time to reply. Those words certainly help me because we have all got to find a way to work through this and not suffer for the rest of our days. I have indeed learned after 2 years that trying to rationalize with her during the periods of diffcult episodes is a futile effort...although sometimes it's comforting to me. I'm still in the "learning to recognize the episodes" stage though so I often have to shut my mouth when I finaly realize what is going on.
I've learned how to cope ok and my focus now is on how I can be of assistance to her. Your perspective on the situation is truly admirable. Keep up the good work. I was just thinking today how my Penis Enlargement journey would have been different when I started in 08 with the knowledge we have now. I truly believe the healing aspect is the missing piece and am excited to further verify this with my own efforts.
Ramrod360;530894 said:Hey DLD,
After girth workout, do you put cock ring on fully erect or just with the flacid pump left from the girth workout. Just a little confused here. And also are you removing it after an hour or so and recirculating fresh blood?
Vociferous;529181 said:How to incorporate [words=]SRT[/words] in phase one training?
After Stretching heal with [words=]uncle Jim[/words] strap method?
Jelqing heal using cock ring?
Start using [words= ]Bathmate[/words] during girth sessions?
Thanks V.
doublelongdaddy;530896 said:The Cock ring should be used when erect, and tighten as the erection subsides to a comfortable pumped size. We are trying to heal not so much at erect size but more an expanded, easier state for girth to repair itself. The Tunica is very, very dense and with little elastic response. This makes it difficult to deform but once it has become deformed the same properties preserve the gains. Healing, with a cock ring, at a semi-erect state is enough to cause deformation happen at a faster rate. Become connected to the ring, understand your penis and keep things in the realm of reality...there is no way to hold an erection with a cock ring but a pump is possible and beneficial to the entire gaining process including length. I think many will be amazed with our solution to this in the planned [words=]SRT[/words] package...very brilliant indeed...until then, keep healing elongated and expanded at every possible time (without becoming overly obsessed)...reality, what really fits into your schedule.
hepcat;531981 said:Is that you shoveling in the background? Just make sure you don't get DoubleLongFrostbite.![]()
doublelongdaddy;531977 said:western massachusetts
wamo25;532022 said:I've tried messaging DLD once but I guess he might be to busy so he didn't have a chance to get back to me. But I was wondering if any of you guys know, based on whether he has said before on how big he is when he is completely flaccid. Length and girth size.
hepcat;532027 said:That's crazy! What about flaccid girth?
tparker84;532018 said:Question for DLD how do you feel about reverse kegels during manual stretching or in the [words=]extender[/words] and how effective would you say it is. I ask because I read how you were discussing it could have the same effect as someone who went through surgery if im correct. And also the 2nd question goes for the healing method of the [words=]UJW[/words] I was using that method as I find it more effective then the divosuit the only issue I have with it is the re wrapping alot but I just received the the one pound weight from the gripsystem and it is pretty comfy and doesnt restrict blood flow but it also doesnt give me that full flaccid stretch that I would get from a [words=]UJW[/words] but it's about a inch off or less then what I would get from the [words=]UJW[/words] how important is the possible inch difference in healing would you say as far as the [words=]ADS[/words]
GOALBIG;532149 said:DLD..When squatting and doing the BTC stretches, is there something you can do with your legs or hips to intensify the stretch?
tparker84;532153 said:try different angles with it and see if you could feel the stretch more but i think by squatting your already intensifying the stretch because your able to get more of a pull
tparker84;532565 said:So DLD as far as healing which would you say would be more beneficial an [words=]ADS[/words] such as the 1 pound weight that doesn't restrict blood flow that you dont have to remove and increases your flaccid length about 1 1/2-2 inches or something like an [words=]uncle jim[/words] wrap that might give me also a 2 1/2 to 3 inch stretch increase but i get a cold glans qithing an hour so how important is it bewtwwen the two even though the [words=]uncle jim[/words] gives a tod bet more stretch but the 1 pound keeps a warm blood flow and constant stretch without a problem of cold glands is it a big difference since both stretch me past my current flaccid length ?
tparker84;533086 said:As far as expressive stretching would would be a good time to do them using the [words=]SRT[/words] routine im worried that when I do my expressive stretching at night im missing out on alot of possible gains but I feel expressive stretching should be done then an [words=]ADS[/words] right after but since im using my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] to do them I feel that it may be hard to stretch then because the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is giving me a girth workout limiting my stretching ability anyone doing something different?
Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shoppedguin said:Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend