snappop;534120 said:
Can we get a condensed version of the directions, please?

Everything seems really jumbled after week 1, plus tons of questions have been asked and answered. So can we get an updated version?
It would be wonderful to have like a printable version of each week's activities. Thanks!

Yes, this will be done in the updates coming this April. I am super busy organizing all this stuff so I apologize for all delays, I wish I could clone myself.
NXT_432;534085 said:
One question!

After you pumped you're supposed to put on a cock ring on. Im now looking in to different types of rings.
What ring should I purchase?, and why should I use a cockring?

I like the cheap black rubber rings, they come like 5 to a pack. They are easy on and off and serve the purpose just fine. You could invest in better rings but there are many to choose from.
hepcat;534987 said:
Don't get a metal one or any type that you can't remove in an emergency!

Yup, this is important. Restriction needs to be easily prevented.
Vociferous;536808 said:
Is the Jim wrapping important at bed time?
I just can't sleep with it on. :(

I think wrapping up at bedtime is retarded because you're supposed to have erections all night long anyways and that alone should keep your flaccid gains locked in. I asked a doctor in the Penis Enlargement field about this and this is his opinion as well. However, you will find many people telling you otherwise. I myself have went for 2-3 hour naps wearing an [words=]extender[/words] (PMP - safe to be hard in).

It's really up to your discretion. Monitor your penis and see if it even makes a difference having it wrapped up at night or not. Other options are wearing a Ring Of Power at night (Which I have done - good erections). I personally don't put much stock into things like divosuits or [words=]uncle jim[/words]'s strapping method (which I own both and have tried) - the latter I have a problem with because the tightness and material causes skin discoloration - but I do own and use an [words=]extender[/words] between my hanging sets (on days that I can) and I find it helps.

Divocup is a different story - I think it may be effective for keeping the penis plump all day, but I really don't have the time or effort to fuck around with it. I just wear my [words=]extender[/words] and hang my sets.
Dude thanks so much,
This advice is great.
I'm checking out the divo suits they look better than the [words=]vlc[/words] [words=]tugger[/words] or auto sleeve.
How does it work? Cup creates suction, extend then sleeve compresses length in place?

Thanks again.

MikeShlort;536835 said:
I think wrapping up at bedtime is retarded because you're supposed to have erections all night long anyways and that alone should keep your flaccid gains locked in. I asked a doctor in the Penis Enlargement field about this and this is his opinion as well. However, you will find many people telling you otherwise. I myself have went for 2-3 hour naps wearing an [words=]extender[/words] (PMP - safe to be hard in).

It's really up to your discretion. Monitor your penis and see if it even makes a difference having it wrapped up at night or not. Other options are wearing a Ring Of Power at night (Which I have done - good erections). I personally don't put much stock into things like divosuits or [words=]uncle jim[/words]'s strapping method (which I own both and have tried) - the latter I have a problem with because the tightness and material causes skin discoloration - but I do own and use an [words=]extender[/words] between my hanging sets (on days that I can) and I find it helps.

Divocup is a different story - I think it may be effective for keeping the penis plump all day, but I really don't have the time or effort to fuck around with it. I just wear my [words=]extender[/words] and hang my sets.
Vociferous;536976 said:
Dude thanks so much,
This advice is great.
I'm checking out the divo suits they look better than the [words=]vlc[/words] [words=]tugger[/words] or auto sleeve.
How does it work? Cup creates suction, extend then sleeve compresses length in place?

Thanks again.

The Divo cup is so-so. I like the suits but I stopped using the cup. Sometimes it pinches, ouch.

I'm thinking of using the grip system like Kingsnake or a padlock or the anchor.

Just using a wrap now with a divo-suit underneath it; very comfortable.

Vociferous;536808 said:
Is the Jim wrapping important at bed time?
I just can't sleep with it on. :(
I've found that to get rid of positional discomfort, what works for me with an [words=]ADS[/words] is to set it up several hours before bed time. Once you get the initial couple of hours of fidgeting out of the way it can be worn indefinitely provided it is not too restrictive.
DLD...I was just wondering...I've been extending and air pumping for about 3 months with no gains before i came to this site...should I start on the phase one or should i start right away with this [words=]SRT[/words] method???

Also...I just got my [words=]penomet[/words] in the mail yesterday...should i not use it untill passing phase one??? or if I can jump right into [words=]SRT[/words] do I hold off on the [words=]penomet[/words] for awhile??? Any advice would be appreciated..thanks.

BTW I don't work and have ALL DAY to do Penis Enlargement...just thought I should add that. Thanks!
I'm a little confused DLD, you are 10.5 when you are fully erect right, but your 9 inch when flaccid. I just want to know out of curiousity, cuz i have like a 3-4 inch diff from when im flaccid to erect. I saw your erect size was 10.5 in length and 6.5 in girth, just want to make sure I know you flaccid size. Get back to me when you have a chance.

wamo25;539919 said:
I'm a little confused DLD, you are 10.5 when you are fully erect right, but your 9 inch when flaccid. I just want to know out of curiousity, cuz i have like a 3-4 inch diff from when im flaccid to erect. I saw your erect size was 10.5 in length and 6.5 in girth, just want to make sure I know you flaccid size. Get back to me when you have a chance.


lol, my flaccid size can be as large as 9" but it is usually not! When I am 140 pounds my flaccid size is 9" most of the time, unfortunately I am still carrying some extra weight so I lose size (flaccid-wise) when I am heavier. I also lose non-bone pressed size. Fully erect I am 10.75" Bone Pressed (9.5" non-bone pressed now) by 6.75" in girth...(which can fluctuate a quarter inch depending on EQ. My flaccid size can range from 6" up.
Hello DLD,

I like [words=]SRT[/words] program and I have seen gains in length and girth which are great. I was wondering if you had spread sheet of routine out. I work midnight to 8am. My routine consists of 10 minute warm up with hand held massager with built in heat. I get erect and put cock ring and 1 in cock ring at base of penis and do [words=]SSJ[/words] for 10 minutes at 1 minute intervals. Then jump into [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for 10 minutes at full pressure and also do 3 minutes of hardcore stretches while in [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I do 3 sets of [words=]SSJ[/words] for 1 minute after [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I do some erect stretches and do six minutes or more of stretches. I do assisted A stretches, assisted V stretches, DLD blasters, Behind the check and truckpulls and I get into [words=]extender[/words] for 4 hours at 1 1/2 intervals with stretches. I am resting during [words=]extender[/words] use and after 4 hours of [words=]extender[/words] I sleep in shorts with no underwear. When I wake up I hang with 2 to 4 pounds and stretch every hour. At work I use [words=]extender[/words] but not at full tension for 4 to 5 hours. I use lower tension because my breaks don't always come at 2 hours. I have done full 3 month routine and wonder if what I am doing is enough or off base with [words=]SRT[/words] program. I am diabetic but treated with insulin and sugars are great. I don't know if that slow progress down or do I need more healing time. I have used [words=]Uncle Jims[/words] wrapping but that method exposed more of my penis than I wanted shown so hang with weights. I don't if that helps stay fully extended during healing time either. Flaccid length is 5 to 5.25 and girth is 5.25 and erect length is 6.3 to 6.5 in and girth is 5.75 in. I know when I get out [words= ]Bathmate[/words] I have [words= ]Herc[/words] model. My girth is 6.25 in and length in [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is between 170 mm to 175 mm I don't if girth being large is hurting my stretch in [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I know I have had to add one bar to [words=]extender[/words] to help with feeling a good stretch. I see the improvements but I am wondering were to precede and if I am going in right direction to continue to make gains. I need some advice and help to continue with [words=]SRT[/words] program. DLD.
DLD I'm on week 2. I've never done expressive stretching but it sounds legit. So I'm basically putting my penis and balls through [words=]PA[/words] and then using both hands to grab at the base & behind ballsack and pull. I would sometimes use the other hand to apply pressure with the [words=]PA[/words] on the underside of my base. I would kind of stretch in all directions: downwards to hit ligs and upwards to hit the hidden penis. Am I doing this right? Is there any videos or diagrams available. I am a paid member but I don't think I saw anything.

Also do you want us to apply the cockring after the girth and then go straight into BTC stretching with the cockring on. Or do you recommend wearing the cockring for 30-45 min, then take it off and do the BTC stretching?
OK guys, I am finishing the rewrite of [words=]SRT[/words] close to finished. I will hopefully have this live before the weekend....quite the stroke of brilliance if I don't say:)
PudendaPleasure;540023 said:
DLD I'm on week 2. I've never done expressive stretching but it sounds legit. So I'm basically putting my penis and balls through [words=]PA[/words] and then using both hands to grab at the base & behind ballsack and pull. I would sometimes use the other hand to apply pressure with the [words=]PA[/words] on the underside of my base. I would kind of stretch in all directions: downwards to hit ligs and upwards to hit the hidden penis. Am I doing this right? Is there any videos or diagrams available. I am a paid member but I don't think I saw anything.

Also do you want us to apply the cockring after the girth and then go straight into BTC stretching with the cockring on. Or do you recommend wearing the cockring for 30-45 min, then take it off and do the BTC stretching?

Your assertion on Ring Stretching is correct. You want the ring of the [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words] or [words=]PowerAssist[/words] to be firmly against the Pelvic bone so as to expose as much inner structures as possible. Once you have the package through and the ring firm, stretch that exposed penis! Claim it by expressing it and stretching it.

I would take the cock ring off during any active exercises. Girth, if held in form, expanded for 2-3 hours is a great feat! This should not become obsessive! Just the use of the ring to allow healing in an expanded state. After 2-3 hours your penis has been well into the healing period and the benefits are reaped. Behind the Cheeks stretching needs to be done flaccid with no obstructions!
wryc;540011 said:
Hello DLD,

I like [words=]SRT[/words] program and I have seen gains in length and girth which are great. I was wondering if you had spread sheet of routine out. I work midnight to 8am. My routine consists of 10 minute warm up with hand held massager with built in heat. I get erect and put cock ring and 1 in cock ring at base of penis and do [words=]SSJ[/words] for 10 minutes at 1 minute intervals. Then jump into [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for 10 minutes at full pressure and also do 3 minutes of hardcore stretches while in [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I do 3 sets of [words=]SSJ[/words] for 1 minute after [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I do some erect stretches and do six minutes or more of stretches. I do assisted A stretches, assisted V stretches, DLD blasters, Behind the check and truckpulls and I get into [words=]extender[/words] for 4 hours at 1 1/2 intervals with stretches. I am resting during [words=]extender[/words] use and after 4 hours of [words=]extender[/words] I sleep in shorts with no underwear. When I wake up I hang with 2 to 4 pounds and stretch every hour. At work I use [words=]extender[/words] but not at full tension for 4 to 5 hours. I use lower tension because my breaks don't always come at 2 hours. I have done full 3 month routine and wonder if what I am doing is enough or off base with [words=]SRT[/words] program. I am diabetic but treated with insulin and sugars are great. I don't know if that slow progress down or do I need more healing time. I have used [words=]Uncle Jims[/words] wrapping but that method exposed more of my penis than I wanted shown so hang with weights. I don't if that helps stay fully extended during healing time either. Flaccid length is 5 to 5.25 and girth is 5.25 and erect length is 6.3 to 6.5 in and girth is 5.75 in. I know when I get out [words= ]Bathmate[/words] I have [words= ]Herc[/words] model. My girth is 6.25 in and length in [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is between 170 mm to 175 mm I don't if girth being large is hurting my stretch in [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I know I have had to add one bar to [words=]extender[/words] to help with feeling a good stretch. I see the improvements but I am wondering were to precede and if I am going in right direction to continue to make gains. I need some advice and help to continue with [words=]SRT[/words] program. DLD.

Wait for my updates to happen, it explains things with so much more clarity.
doublelongdaddy;540040 said:
Your assertion on Ring Stretching is correct. You want the ring of the [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words] or [words=]PowerAssist[/words] to be firmly against the Pelvic bone so as to expose as much inner structures as possible. Once you have the package through and the ring firm, stretch that exposed penis! Claim it by expressing it and stretching it.

I would take the cock ring off during any active exercises. Girth, if held in form, expanded for 2-3 hours is a great feat! This should not become obsessive! Just the use of the ring to allow healing in an expanded state. After 2-3 hours your penis has been well into the healing period and the benefits are reaped. Behind the Cheeks stretching needs to be done flaccid with no obstructions!
Thank you so much for answering so fast. So what you would recommend for the best way to heal in an expanded state and make the most gains in week 2 is to do the girth portion. Use a cock ring for 2-3 hours after and then do the stretching and [words=]UJS[/words]?
PudendaPleasure;540174 said:
Thank you so much for answering so fast. So what you would recommend for the best way to heal in an expanded state and make the most gains in week 2 is to do the girth portion. Use a cock ring for 2-3 hours after and then do the stretching and [words=]UJS[/words]?

I prefer doing length first then girth but in some cases this is not possible. So, with that said, leave as much space between girth and length so that you are not too expanded to get a decent stretch. This is sometimes adjusted when orgasm happens as you will want to take advantage of this time and stretch. But, most of the time you will want to be as flaccid and loose as possible for length work.
doublelongdaddy;540189 said:
I prefer doing length first then girth but in some cases this is not possible. So, with that said, leave as much space between girth and length so that you are not too expanded to get a decent stretch. This is sometimes adjusted when orgasm happens as you will want to take advantage of this time and stretch. But, most of the time you will want to be as flaccid and loose as possible for length work.

You just confused the hell out of me. When I read the [words=]SRT[/words] instructions and took notes on them it says that in week two you do girth first and then the length routine as close as possible to the girth routine. Here your saying the total opposite. Which way is the best to see better results?
GOALBIG;532149 said:
DLD..When squatting and doing the BTC stretches, is there something you can do with your legs or hips to intensify the stretch?

I found that during BTC's if I push my hips forward a bit, the stretch is a little more intense.
Good luck.
SuperShaft;543269 said:
You just confused the hell out of me. When I read the [words=]SRT[/words] instructions and took notes on them it says that in week two you do girth first and then the length routine as close as possible to the girth routine. Here your saying the total opposite. Which way is the best to see better results?

Looking back thru the post I came upon this response of yours that gave me some clarity: "That is correct, this is the portion of the routine that will help you become proficient with stretching, while in an expanded state. I only do this one week out of each month, the other 3 weeks length is done first. I feel that when we are expanded and get a good stretch in it could act to further deform the tissue to become longer an thicker. i also think that it keeps the penis guessing when we switch up the routine, this is also good for gains. "
longfatdaddy;544466 said:
DLD in regards to the program for how long am i supposed to wear a cock ring after i do my pumping session?

As long as possible and if you want, when the pump starts to diminish you can go in the bathroom and either get a quick 2 minute jelq session in or maybe a couple minutes back in the pump to regain the expansion and put the ring back on. It is up to you but keep in mind that at the heart of [words=]SRT[/words] is using these healing methods to promote faster gains.
doublelongdaddy;544534 said:
As long as possible and if you want, when the pump starts to diminish you can go in the bathroom and either get a quick 2 minute jelq session in or maybe a couple minutes back in the pump to regain the expansion and put the ring back on. It is up to you but keep in mind that at the heart of [words=]SRT[/words] is using these healing methods to promote faster gains.

yeah thats a good idea ill keep that in mind thanks for the tip! but would you be able to give me a rough estimate on how long the cock ring should be worn and more so how long is it safe to be worn? as in up to one hour or two hours? can you let me know so i have a better idea...
longfatdaddy;544789 said:
yeah thats a good idea ill keep that in mind thanks for the tip! but would you be able to give me a rough estimate on how long the cock ring should be worn and more so how long is it safe to be worn? as in up to one hour or two hours? can you let me know so i have a better idea...

I've been following the girth portion of [words=]SRT[/words] (will be going all in once I can spring for a [words=]sizegenetics[/words]) and I'm wearing the cockring 3-4 hours after my session. Here's what I can tell you:

1) Once I've finished my last set of SSJs, I get myself fully erect, then reverse kegel as hard as I can to get even MORE erect, then strap on the cockring.
2) I take the cockring off periodically just to let some fresh blood circulate. Generally I do this every time I feel my dick getting cold. Once or twice an hour.
3) In addition to this, once every hour or 2 I will take the ring off and look at adult entertainment and edge for 5 minutes or so, and then reverse kegel in a fully hard and expanded state and put the ring back on (and by the way, feeling your dick in your hand when it's in this beefed up state is totally amazing lol).
4) I keep this up for as long as I can, but usually after 3 or 4 hours the ring starts majorly chaffing my dick, so that's when I finish up for the day. I'm working on ways to go even longer with the ring, but from what DLD says above even 2-3 hours is really good.
5) I do my girth work in the morning or in the afternoon, so I don't wear the ring up until bed. Supposedly you can, but you're not supposed to sleep in it. But this isn't an issue for me anyway because I do it earlier in the day and am usually way too sore to wear it up until I'm ready to sleep.

Hope that helps :)
redthorn;544810 said:
I've been following the girth portion of [words=]SRT[/words] (will be going all in once I can spring for a [words=]sizegenetics[/words]) and I'm wearing the cockring 3-4 hours after my session. Here's what I can tell you:

1) Once I've finished my last set of SSJs, I get myself fully erect, then reverse kegel as hard as I can to get even MORE erect, then strap on the cockring.
2) I take the cockring off periodically just to let some fresh blood circulate. Generally I do this every time I feel my dick getting cold. Once or twice an hour.
3) In addition to this, once every hour or 2 I will take the ring off and look at adult entertainment and edge for 5 minutes or so, and then reverse kegel in a fully hard and expanded state and put the ring back on (and by the way, feeling your dick in your hand when it's in this beefed up state is totally amazing lol).
4) I keep this up for as long as I can, but usually after 3 or 4 hours the ring starts majorly chaffing my dick, so that's when I finish up for the day. I'm working on ways to go even longer with the ring, but from what DLD says above even 2-3 hours is really good.
5) I do my girth work in the morning or in the afternoon, so I don't wear the ring up until bed. Supposedly you can, but you're not supposed to sleep in it. But this isn't an issue for me anyway because I do it earlier in the day and am usually way too sore to wear it up until I'm ready to sleep.

Hope that helps :)

Definitely helps! I greatly appreciate the Brothers who actively help where they can, it makes this place so unique and special!
doublelongdaddy;544827 said:
Definitely helps! I greatly appreciate the Brothers who actively help where they can, it makes this place so unique and special!

Ha well the flip side is that I get confirmation that what I'm doing is actually useful and not off in left field it helps to help! :D
redthorn;544851 said:
Ha well the flip side is that I get confirmation that what I'm doing is actually useful and not off in left field it helps to help! :D

What girth increase did you see following the [words=]SRT[/words]? Just curious... :)
redthorn;544810 said:
I've been following the girth portion of [words=]SRT[/words] (will be going all in once I can spring for a [words=]sizegenetics[/words]) and I'm wearing the cockring 3-4 hours after my session. Here's what I can tell you:

1) Once I've finished my last set of SSJs, I get myself fully erect, then reverse kegel as hard as I can to get even MORE erect, then strap on the cockring.
2) I take the cockring off periodically just to let some fresh blood circulate. Generally I do this every time I feel my dick getting cold. Once or twice an hour.
3) In addition to this, once every hour or 2 I will take the ring off and look at adult entertainment and edge for 5 minutes or so, and then reverse kegel in a fully hard and expanded state and put the ring back on (and by the way, feeling your dick in your hand when it's in this beefed up state is totally amazing lol).
4) I keep this up for as long as I can, but usually after 3 or 4 hours the ring starts majorly chaffing my dick, so that's when I finish up for the day. I'm working on ways to go even longer with the ring, but from what DLD says above even 2-3 hours is really good.
5) I do my girth work in the morning or in the afternoon, so I don't wear the ring up until bed. Supposedly you can, but you're not supposed to sleep in it. But this isn't an issue for me anyway because I do it earlier in the day and am usually way too sore to wear it up until I'm ready to sleep.

Hope that helps :)

yeah thanks man that was a great explanation! thanks for the info i appreciate that
Zambrodom3;544909 said:
What girth increase did you see following the [words=]SRT[/words]? Just curious... :)

Like I said in my own thread, I've set myself a month long challenge of doing my girth routine at least 6 days a week after which I'll measure to see if I've gained permanently...I still have a week and a half to go. The [words=]SRT[/words] principle I'm following is using the cock ring after my girth session so that I stay in an expanded state as long as possible, allowing my dick to heal in that expanded state.

I'll post my definitive results for better or worse when my challenge is up. For now, I can tell you two things. One, I'm gradually getting more length inside the pump...when I started pumping, I'd be a little under 7.5 at maximum pressure, whereas now I'm getting close to 7.75, which is getting more consistent every day. Two, my post-pump temporary girth gains are increasing. When I started, I was getting around a quarter of an inch increase, whereas now it's close to three quarters of an inch.

So even though I haven't measured yet, I can see objectively that my dick is expanding more and more as I continue to use the pump, which I have to assume, logically, translates to some deeper change (i.e. permanent growth). Otherwise I'd just be pumping to the same size every day.

Anyway, between the 1-1.5 hours I spend on my routine plus another 4 in the cock ring afterwards, I'm spending over 5 hours every day with my cock expanded to 3/4s of an inch more than its usual girth. If I'm gonna grow at all, I'm pretty that's how it's gonna go down lol.
Redthorn, Thanks for your incredible help, support and comprehension of [words=]SRT[/words] and how it works and your sharing of such! Bless you!
Thanks, DLD! Like I said, it's good to know that I'm properly understanding your concept. The logic behind it makes huge sense, which inspires enough confidence to keep pushing forward with it long enough to give it a chance to work. Plus, it's just an enjoyable process. My self-esteem finds it kind of hard to argue with 5 hours of Mega-Dick every day lol.
Just got a good routine down, and I'm trying to follow [words=]SRT[/words].

This is what I do:
Mornings- 4 to 5 hours of [words=]size genetics[/words] extending, worn two times for 2 hours or 3 times at an hour and a half. I'll gradually increase the tension as time passes, so start off easy and work my way up.
Evenings- 3 to 4 sets of [words= ]Bathmate[/words] Pumping and Jelqing for 10 minutes each. Comes out to be about an hour or an hour and a half of Penis Enlargement. When I'm done, I'll put on my cock ring until bed.
Before Bed- Remove the cock ring and do [words=]Uncle Jims[/words] Wrap while I sleep.

I don't know if I'm doing the [words=]Uncle Jim[/words] Wrap the right way though, because sometimes I'll wake up and the bandage unrolled itself.
DLD, your theory seems logic to me, but you used tight briefs as underwear. I'm using boxer briefs and only feel a slight difference when going commando. I try to extend the legs by pulling a couple of times a day to have them as loose as possible. It doesn't feels like the package is squeezed altogether, just kept in place so it doesn't dangle back and forth, it feels like it hangs freely though. When I'm sitting I can feel the package getting squeezed with or without underwear if I'm wearing any pants. Do you think my underwear is holding my dick back?
grapeape;546596 said:
This is an incredible thread! Nice work gentlemen.

Along with the enhanced healing cementing gains, has anyone tried using glutamine as a regular supplement staple?

Its prob been adressed 14 times on this massive site and i'm being annoyingly redundant.

just being curious

Yes you lazy bastard, its already been addressed.....duh!

(man you can find anything on here) sorry for the waste of some posts gentlemen
I read every post from the beginning of the thread and I can say.. WOW! This is awesome- the theory, the science, everything. Makes a lot of sense. Congratulations on your spectacular observations DLD. I feel like I got everything except for some of the writings from the user "irspow". I find them amazing and based on the [words=]SRT[/words] theory and science that has been applied to medicine numerous times. But here is the part that I did not understand 100%. (Sorry, but I am quite unfamiliar with quoting, so I'll post the quotes with copy-paste and tell where they are from).

irspow;473635 said:
It is applicable to noobs and vets the same, it is fundamental, without it, no form of Penis Enlargement would not work at all. [words=]SRT[/words] is simply the next step in the evolutionary transformation of Penis Enlargement from a slow inefficient system to a more efficient system using the same techniques, but over increasingly longer periods of continuous time. (Which will, when people start to really grasp it, require far less force, because it is time under force which is significantly more important than applying high-intensity intermittently.)
Post number 194, page 10

"There is nothing in it that runs contrary to how the cell cycle works or how it is induced when applying forces."
Post number 210, page 11

"If you want more penis, you want more cells. If you want to "grow" your penis as fast as possible, you want to add as many cells as possible over time. If you want a more dense and resistant to "growth" penis, overtrain, overstress, intermittently. Let those daughter cells starve on the stalled conveyor belt of the cell cycle. Stress, rest, stress, rest = stop the growth flow, waste time, stop the growth flow, waste time. LOL
Post number 212, page 11

Ok, so, the above quoted was from his writings and comments on this same thread, but this is his answer on another thread ( " " ,post number 2)
"....Using a force which recruits a number of cells greater than the number of parent cells available simply starves or slows the growth of developing daughter cells. The preceding explains why all of the studies of [words=]traction[/words] have shown that time under [words=]traction[/words] is significantly more important, and correlates closer to gains in tissue expansion, than the force of [words=]traction[/words] itself. (If you used enough force to theoretically recruit every cell, you would simply be starving all of your daughter cells slowing their growth significantly.) Because we cannot measure how many cells we recruit, or cause sufficient separation, it is BETTER to recruit less than maximum cells for a longer time period, than to recruit too many and slow (or even stop temporarily) the growth of daughter cells with a greater force for a limited duration. No matter how much force is applied to a group of cells, and how many cells that we cause to split, they will still have to go through there approximate twenty-four hour mitosis cycle. You cannot speed up mitosis of cells themselves by increasing force. You can only increase the number of cells triggered into mitosis by increasing force. But the number of "ready" parents is finite and unknown. Exceeding this force is highly INEFFICIENT.."

Now, all of these quotes talk about the splitting of the parent-daughter cells during mitosis. He says that exceeding the intensity that the parent cells can handle (I am not very good in expressing myself, but I hope you get my question and what I mean) can lead to starvation and death to the daughter cells, which destroys every chance of one to gain. Does that mean that the more intensity I apply, the more daughter cells I destroy, because I exceeded the intensity the parent cells can handle? And if all of the above is true, how should one know when he should apply no more tension and stop?

I was thinking on incorporating hanging or maybe some more intense exercise to the [words=]SRT[/words], but if this is true- There should be no exercises that give you a lot of tension (mostly light ones that will be cemented with constant extension/expansion, rather than hard ones that will be cemented with constant extension/expansion). I would really appreciate your answer, because I think that could be the confusion of the thousands of readers of this thread. Wish you all the best, hope everything with the pill formula, [words=!!!]Length master[/words], and videos you are currently doing (damn you're busy) goes ok and no difficulties are on the way. Zam :)
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Oh, and another question (sorry for spamming, but it is a must to know if you want to gain rofl ) If I want to do only the girth part of the routine and keep myself in expanded state for as long as possible after the pump, if I lose my pump expansion, is it good to repump. I read DLD recommending this, but this got me- what if I can do this all day long to assure maximum time for my girth to heal and grow (CAN I??????- like 4 times a day for example). If I do it after the first (6 (pumping) x6(SSJ)x3 supersetting), how much should the second one last and should there be [words=]SSJ[/words] again or one is ok. And how much more will I be able to do after 1st or 2nd one and for shorter periods of time each or not? Hope my questions make sense rofl.
Zambrodom3;546775 said:
Oh, and another question (sorry for spamming, but it is a must to know if you want to gain rofl ) If I want to do only the girth part of the routine and keep myself in expanded state for as long as possible after the pump, if I lose my pump expansion, is it good to repump. I read DLD recommending this, but this got me- what if I can do this all day long to assure maximum time for my girth to heal and grow (CAN I??????- like 4 times a day for example). If I do it after the first (6 (pumping) x6(SSJ)x3 supersetting), how much should the second one last and should there be [words=]SSJ[/words] again or one is ok. And how much more will I be able to do after 1st or 2nd one and for shorter periods of time each or not? Hope my questions make sense rofl.

You're not going to lose your post-pump expansion if you keep the cock ring on. Seriously, the expansion lasts for a few hours by itself and much longer with the cock ring. Yesterday I finished my set at 5, wore the cock ring until half past 9, and I still had my post pump expansion at midnight. Probably longer, actually, but it was gone by the time I woke up.

I don't know if you've started pumping, but take it slow. I wouldn't worry about going all day right off the bat because if you're doing it right the workout should be pretty intense. When you pump, the pressure is essentially pulling your dick outward...microscopically, tearing the cells "horizontally" the same way stretching does "vertically." Repumping later in the day after you've already done a set will just create more damage while you're trying to heal from what you've already done. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try it, but start off with the recommended sets and see how your body handles that before you start going epic. Plus, for me at least, the cock ring comes with a built in time limit because it starts majorly chaffing at the 4 or 5 hour mark.

What you can and should do though is restimulate yourself every hour or 2, get a big hardon, and then put the cock ring back on so that you're expanded again and with fresh blood.

I don't know if you saw my post from yesterday, but the later sets (second and especially third) are where I see the most expansion. When I add pump time, I start adding it to the third set, then the second, then all three. So I started out doing 10 x 3 in the pump, then 10 x 10 x 15, then 10 x 15 x 15, and now its 15 x 3. Slow and smart way to work it up.

Finally, SSJs make a big difference as far as making your temp gains more "solid." Those times I've skipped the manual exercises and only pumped I still get the temp gains, but they're sort of "puffy" and don't feel as hard and tough in my hands. So personally I always [words=]SSJ[/words] (or at least jelq) after a pumping set. Currently doing 5 1-minute SSJs each time.
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Thanks for the answer,red! I still haven't begun doing this, but I am trying to get as much info as possible before attempting to do anything. If I don't do it right- I am wasting my time- that's why I ask now. I know that the cock ring will keep my expansion for some time. But what made me ask this question is that I am unsure if my pumping expansion would last long itself. I've read that some guys keep it for 2 and other for around 6 hours and it varies. If I do not keep my expansion for 2 hours or so, I thought I'd have to add another pumping session, when the first one's effect disappears. It is really good to hear that your expansion lasts 4+ hours, but for the sake of having everything in mind (if you know how to deal with a problem before you get it- that's best), I assume my expansion to be around 30 minutes rofl to hour and a half max.
I saw DLD advising you that a second session might be good, but I see your point there. You are right. I must heal, but what if the expansion doesn't last as long as it has to (at least around 4 hours).
Can you please explain what those 10x3, 10x10 and so on mean actually. 10 mins. in the pump then 10 SSJs or what? Or as in the end you said- you do 5x1min [words=]SSJ[/words] after each [words=]Penomet[/words] set (Pump- [words=]SSJ[/words](1 min) X5?)
And last, but not least- what cock ring are you currently using, is it good, where do I buy it from. I am currently looking for a good one, an advice will be highly appreciated :). Plus, so you take the ring off every hour to get a better EQ, put again and this for 4-5 hours or so, right?
Thank you really much for your answers and all, I highly appreciate your support :)
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New Video on [words=]SRT[/words] just added. A full length film will be uploaded tonight! Enjoy!

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Zambrodom3;546781 said:
You are right. I must heal, but what if the expansion doesn't last as long as it has to (at least around 4 hours).

The whole point of wearing the cock ring is that it keeps the expansion for you. I have no idea how long my temp gains would last without the cock ring but I strongly doubt that I would keep them as long as I do without it.

The reason for this is that the pump stretches the dick and lets the newly formed space created by the stretching fill with blood...this is what causes the temp gains. The cock ring then traps blood in your dick and keeps that newly created space full of blood longer than it would normally be, which means it stays bigger longer. In other words, as long as you've got the cock ring on, you shouldn't lose your temporary gains.

Zambrodom3;546781 said:
Can you please explain what those 10x3, 10x10 and so on mean actually.

My routine:

15 minutes in pump
5 60-second SSJs

Do this three times.

It's a variation of what was presented to me as "5 x 5 x 3," which just means 5 minutes in the pump followed by 5 minutes jelqing/SSJing, and doing three sets of these.

Zambrodom3;546781 said:
what cock ring are you currently using, is it good, where do I buy it from.

I'm just using a 10 dollar silicone one from a sex shop. It may not be the cadillac of cock rings, but it gets the job done :)

Zambrodom3;546781 said:
Plus, so you take the ring off every hour to get a better EQ, put again and this for 4-5 hours or so, right?

Depends on how the dick is feeling. I take it off whenever it starts feeling cold/looking greyish blue, because you want blood to circulate. When I started, I had to do this every 20-30 I can go an hour or more without taking it off. Basically you just let your dick "breath" for a minute or two, shake it around, etc, then put the ring back on. After 4-5 hours I take it off for the da
Thank you for the support and the fast answers, red. You're awesome! I will assume that wearing and ring will make my expansion last 3-4 hours minimum. When you measure your gains, please share them, the theory sounds like results are sure and fast. :)
i have a question for expereinced users with the [words=]penoment[/words]... so i just started using it(today was my second time) and i want to know when you pump and after you finish pumping is your penis still hard or not? i go in the gaitor fully erect and it stays the same while im in the gaitor but after when i finish and take the [words=]penoment[/words] off my penis is a long flappy semi erect/semi flaccid penis and for now i dont see any real expansion after pumping... i just wanted to hear how it is for other users and if the experienced guys with the [words=]penoment[/words] could answer my question, thanks!
lamthao927697;546883 said:
- Trung tâm &#273;ào t&#7841;o và sát h&#7841;ch lái xe THÀNH CÔNG

- &#272;&#7883;a &#273;i&#7875;m sát h&#7841;ch c&#7911;a các trung tâm &#273;ào t&#7841;o lái xe ô tô

- Sát h&#7841;ch viên tr&#7921;c ti&#7871;p gi&#7843;ng d&#7841;y

- H&#7885;c và thi ngay t&#7841;i trung tâm - cam k&#7871;t &#273;&#7847;u ra

LH: 093.785.9665 - Minh Tú - phòng tuy&#7875;n sinh và &#273;ào t&#7841;o

Google Tr***lated-
- Training center and driving test SUCCESS

- The location of the test center car driving training

- Examination of direct teaching staff

- Learning and exam right in the center - the first commitment

LH: 093.785.9665 - Minh Tu - recruitment and training rooms
rofl rofl rofl, makes no sense, man- it's not such a site rofl
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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