x 50

  1. A

    PE and the bodybuilding perspective

    Hey there ~ first post here so bear with me. I've been doing PE and in touch with DLD for at least 6 months so I consider myself a newbie, always learning. I love the body and how it works. Through the newbie program and SRT on / off I have definitely seen gains, and hope to help others...
  2. P

    Progress thread It is getting thicker

    The little bastard is getting thicker.
  3. E

    critique routine 1in in 12 weeks,, length then girth comments

    Now I'm at 6.25" BPEL & 5.4" EG. My goal is 7-8in length. I have a hanger and a clamp. I've read you should focus on achieving your length goals, "cement them" then work on girth. If it takes 1 year to "cement" length gains I suspect a routine with a girth element are for people that are...
  4. G

    Seeing how far I can go in 2015

    I'm dedicating the rest of 2015 to improving my body. I have not done PE in many years so this is almost like starting over for me. I like doing things systematically, so a log will be really useful. For the first month, I'm doing jelqing only, 5 days on/2 days off per week. After the first...
  5. B

    Boohoohoo's Super Long Dong Thread

    Hey everybody, So I am back at PE, and this time I am going to take a different approach to it. I am not going to measure so often like I used to and get discouraged when I haven't grown 1/16 in or whatever. This time I am only going to measure after every three or so months or when I truly see...
  6. G

    my new routine

    -_-_- .MY NEW ROUTINE. -_-_- by - grow4me. ------------- [6 day week: Sun - Fri] Stretches: 1 x morning - before work. 1 x evening - after work. Followed by: Jelqs - Alternate routines 1 / 2. Followed by: sizegenetics / VLC combo. Followed by: AutoXleeve / Uncle Jims wrap - ADS / ANS...
  7. S

    Scaryperson27s Progress Log

    I've started PE a month ago (3/3/2014). I'm going to keep a log of what I'm doing and what my results are in hopes that I will get advice and also that this may help someone else in the future. Things I'm working on right now. My main contender are my ligs. I can stretch my penis out and my...
  8. R

    Rosskoe - My PE log

    I posted a thread three weeks ago that I haven't got any gains from newbie routine over 7 months, but that's all crap. I didn't measure myself properly and got pissed off. I have been following all the advice from MOS since July 2012, but have never opened my thread to make sure that I'm doing...
  9. F

    Need a review on my routine and experienced users help.

    Hey guys, please help me with this I need some advice from all of you, experienced users. I bought an sizegenetics extender pro package with a penishealth Penis Enlargement excersices. I started my first newbie routine on 24.1.13 and I'm about to increase some tensity on extender, does it...
  10. S

    2 months in jelqing + BM "my results"

    Hi there, Passed my 2 month point,so I wanted to share my results proudly :) I started at 4 December '12, gave myself the Bathmate Hydromax X40 and started jelqing. + Multivitamin and 2x 500mg L arginine everyday 4 Dec. Emg: 14,4...
  11. 8

    8incyclops journey

    My routine is as follows i no longer stretch the ligaments but am now trying to get more length from stretching the tunica,i gained 2 inches from lig stretch to put me to 8 inchs EL now i'm hoping to gain another half inch in Erect length. Start 5 days on 2 off [working up to 6 days on 1 off]...
  12. DLD

    SRT SRT: The Fastest Way to a Massive Penis and a Perfect Body

    SRT Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory HUGE SPECIAL ON EQUIPMENT https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/s-r-t-bundle-package Why do some gain and others struggle in penis enlargement? Yes, we can ask this question a million times and get a million theories, none that hold more logic...
  13. T

    Need vitamin C

    I notice some guys take supplements with great results and others see none. Vitamin C is essential for absorbtion. I was thinking guys who don't see results lack vitamin C?
  14. D

    My Weightlifting blog

    I just decided that I will begin blogging my weightlifting here on MOS. Might as well blog everything I do, exercise-wise under the same roof. Sunday began a new chapter of my training, I want to get back in shape (not that I'm in a horrible shape now) and get the strengh and muscles that I...
  15. H

    My Exercises,Gains,Journal + Pictures

    ok, i am about to face some serious shit in my personal life and i dont really have time to pe anymore, i know i havent posted much here, but i read so many peoples rountines and journals, there are too many people to thank but the peoples rountines that helped me the most were; dld, redzulu...
  16. S

    Question About Heavy Duty Static Stretcher

    Hey folks, When I wear my Heavy Duty Static Stretcher (HDSS) I place the top of my penis against the ceiling of the dome, put the black circle in, and stretch. I have been stretching for a while now and at no time have I felt my ligs exhaust (very tight ligs and high LOT). So I have been using...
  17. longstretch

    Progress thread Stretch For the Stars...Land in the Cul de Sac!!!

    *Update 2019: After some Revelations and 18 to 20 months decon I came back and am gaining at a very acceptable rate. Around 0.1 cm weekly.* https://mattersofsize.com/threads/stretch-for-the-stars-land-in-the-cul-de-sac.36274/post-1853774 Ok guys I've finally decided to start a log after all...
  18. S

    What was your PE workout today?

    Just thought I should make this thread. Post what you did to enhance your penis today. Post often....hoping to increase MOS's daily posts. I'll be first. 4x 3mins of horse's and squashes while clamped.
  19. 1

    A New Beginning

    Today I finally decided to start a real Penis Enlargement routine after over a month decon break. I am getting real with it now. After assessing where I'm at, I have decided I want to get back to a solid 6" girth above everything else. Also influencing that decision is that for some reason...
  20. 1

    Chemical ADS

    Well, I have just ordered some liquid C. Hopefully it'll come in in a day or two since the place I ordered from is located in Baytown, which is right outside of Houston, where I'm currently at. I'll need a week or so of experimentation to see what doses I need at what interval in order to...
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    Hello all!
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @crazy_monkey, greetings and welcome.
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @nickyboy, Slow Squash Jelq. It's one of the jelq methods.
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  • G @ Growing4Squirting:
    ComradeImprover2 said:
  • G @ Growing4Squirting:
    ComradeImprover2 said:
    I'm at 5.3 currently So I will need to gain 0.6 inchs of girth
    shouldn't be hard brother
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    i am a beginner here and i will need some help. dm me if you are willing to help me. thanks in advance
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