I truly believe this to be the most noble issue to take under our wings, all people are cloudy on many parts of what I outlined. Many men are suffering greatly with guilt, many couples are at odds with each other because of this, this topic truly runs deep and into areas [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Matters of Size[/words] has not explored completely. But, with that said, nor has anyone else, including the church, media, doctors or any other party. As usual, the Brotherhood is a revolution or evolution!
SRT Masturbation Sets by DLD, Massive Untold Length and Girth!
This is a routine that I promised a long time back but have finally came to the conclusion that letting it out will be the best way to develop this. I am a perfectionist and adding to [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]
SRT[/words] is a big deal for me as it is my baby and it is the best routine the world has seen in penis enlargement and also mind enlargement. Lets take a close look at some of the good and bad parts of this new take on masturbation.
For some time now I have been exploring masturbatory habits, their benefits and their deficits in 3 main areas. Very briefly I am currently doing extensive work in:
1. Conscious and Guilt Issues in Penis Enlargement and the Stimuli We Use to Fuel Our Routines? Where do we draw the line on pornography? What is considered art and when does it become pornography. What is OK to watch as far as the Bible goes: (New and Old Testament considerations.)? What is OK as far as society is concerned. Where is this grey area so many of us are trying to find? I can tell you that it will not be among the Gospels or any other part of the Good Book. Even in desperation to find answers from the various church authorities I came up empty handed with answers but surely full of undue guilt.
I think we all have a meter in us that determines what is right and wrong and that meter can be widely different when we look at the broad spectrum of men in the world. My meter may not be like yours but this does not mean we can not come together and find some good, healthy ways to express our need for external stimulation to accomplish some of the tasks that Penis Enlargement puts before us. I would like to first make a very important statement that concerns all things that cause pleasure, discipline is the most important quality in having a good relationship with external pleasures. We can look at this just like any addiction, at one point the addiction becomes stronger than us and we are left with desensitization issues mentally and physically. I would also like to say that abstinence is not the answer either, this is another way to make the addition bigger than it is. So how do we approach this? For me it has been endless experimentation in many areas that bring erotic pleasure.
We greatly depend on our eyes to bring us to a stimulated state. This, for me, has always been a handicap as I suffer with very poor eyes. So, inadvertently, I have found other ways to cause stimulation that does not solely depend on what I see. The other senses we have can bring great stimulation in ways you may have not thought on. It has also given me a way to practice Penis Enlargement techniques, with stimulation, that does not cross the border. Now, understand this, I am not perfect, I mess up and I do transgress but the idea here is not so much perfection as it is perfecting! We, as men, need to take some responsibility for ourselves and start to become disciplined! When we do fall short of the mark this is only a chance to recognize the fault and improve on it. [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Matters of Size[/words] was not built in a day, neither is anything of great value. I promise you that there is great value in disciplines and super justifications that will allow you to take a new approach towards stimulation.
The eyes will show us images that bring excitement but the ears, the nose, the mouth, the skin, WOW, all of this is available as an explosive resource in an area that has become rather confounded. When I hear sound it brings emotion, when I feel vibration is causes excitement, when the excitement can be topped with smells and tastes of erotic pleasure we can find a very safe place to enjoy, guilt free, our definite need for external stimuli. I am working to produce a series of films that will bring these ideas into full understanding. I have definitely found better paths that bring better results.
2. What do Females and Males Think? Where do they Agree? Where do they Disagree? How do couples feel about things like Masturbation and watching other people in erotic or sexual acts?
I know that women are not like men, as a matter of fact, in most ways we are opposite. As far as stimulation goes a women is much more needy than a man in the sense we can become erect when the wind blows but women seem to need a deeper affection to cause stimulation. Trying to have a woman understand what you need for Penis Enlargement is like trying to get your Mother to understand your choice in condom size....totally messed up! They are different, they are very, very different. Some women may enjoy a porno movie to get things going but most will find it oppositional and even insulting. So lets make an agreement to navigate this as a Brotherhood and find what works for MEN. I don't think involving women in Penis Enlargement is wise, involving them in the finer details could be deadly to your relationship.
3. How Can Masturbation hinder or help Penis Enlargement Efforts?
This is a many fold question and there is many silver linings but there are also pitfalls. We will address them all but in this first paragraph let me say, if masturbation was practiced as I will outline it could be the most powerful addition to [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]
SRT[/words] since Hardcore Stretches.
First, pitfalls, the bad parts of masturbation. There are many but I will stick top those that will directly effect your practice of Penis Enlargement. Too much masturbation will cause destination, plain and simple. We know that addictions can become as a sort of master, so with that said, no man can be a servant to two masters

So in this case let us have masturbation serve us.
What is normal and healthy as far as averages goo? (freudian slip

) It seems on the forums for over 10 years these averages are about 1 time per day for someone who is without a mate and 2-3 times a week for those who do. Some men do not masturbate at all and save themselves completely for sex. My brother is like this. In these averages I would say all men are safe. So for now lets use me as the example as I am writing the article but, of course, for you it may be different. I personally masturbate once per day. This sessions is done for a few reasons. First, I use the actual session as a girth workout. I do not go off and beat my dick real quick, I use the opportunity for a two-fold Penis Enlargement experience. First, what better time to do girth. Edging, ballooning, timing, expansion, pumping, edging, jelqing, slow squash jelqs and so on! I will take up to 2 hours sometimes to accomplish this first fold of the benefits of masturbation.
After I have accomplished awesome expansion and incredible erection quality then I will allow the release. This release, for me, is vital to my own social life. I am a Minister as some know, and I do not have sex. Masturbation for me is a release, just like any other body function. Yes, it feels better then most, but it is a normal body function and for me it releases all the days disciplines of abstinence. Hope that makes sense. After the release the next fold is attended to, length work! There is no better time in the world to stretch than after an orgasm, none! Yes, we can mimic this in DLD Blasters but in order to achieve full fatigue in the sense that the refractory period is preventing the muscles any kind of resistance to the stretching that will ensue.
SRT[/words] has many great ways bring expansion and elongation so utilizing the whole of the masturbatory experience is brilliant. For most the emission is nothing more than that but to us, now, we can understand that there is so much more. Refractory Period is about 30 minutes on average, this depends somewhat on sexual frequency and how often you have an orgasm but on the one per day example I think 30 minutes is generous. So the time spent prior to emission we are causing the greatest expansion possible, think about it, the time your penis is biggest is when you are excited! A good erection can bring an awesome [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]
SRT[/words] session. And, now, after we have completed this awesome girth work, we shoot off, take a deep breath and start to stretch! You will see a difference immediately! The penis is more stretchable, malleable, easier to cause elongation and have it stick as a good temp gain. In both areas, during masturbation and after masturbation we see the two most optimum times to train. During the girth session so many hormones are coursing through your member! You are in a natural state of enlargement and every additional effort will bring even more expansion. And then, afterwords, these hormones, still ever present with the pelvic floor system in suBathmateission we can attack length with intent!
This is the beginning of the idea and the beginning of the cause as far as our exploration of how this will effect all who become involved. [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Matters of Size[/words] has always been the first, the newest, the men who bring it before the rest...in this we will celebrate that same spirit of the Brotherhood and find ways of incorporating masturbation in safe, healthy, guilt free ways that will not only benefit our Penis Enlargement efforts and hopefully help many men who struggle with an addition to either pornography or masturbation or both. Together, the Brotherhood, being made up of men from every walk of life, will explore and expand on this topic and bring a better model to all of the men of the world. Pornography, with the internet, is too broad of a hole for most men and the resistance to masturbate is even greater. I think taking responsible steps in correcting some of these issues is the best thing we can do to make a positive influence on the world.
God Bless Brothers!