The [words=]SRT[/words] equipment list includes the [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words]. There are several of us in the LegthMaster forums trying to buy these. Can we get an idea when these will be available?
Lay'n Pipe;475574 said:
The [words=]SRT[/words] equipment list includes the [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words]. There are several of us in the LegthMaster forums trying to buy these. Can we get an idea when these will be available?

They will be available in 4 weeks:)
So what are the average results of the [words=]SRT[/words] theory study ?
Miiiiiiighty;475777 said:
So what are the average results of the [words=]SRT[/words] theory study ?

I'm trying to follow the week 1 [words=]SRT[/words] routine, but I've not done it correctly until now. I'll report any gains when i see them.
Miiiiiiighty;475777 said:
So what are the average results of the [words=]SRT[/words] theory study ?

Not enough data yet but so far, ones who have responded to me, and my own results, it is the best program ever. Although, a lot of work, the results are SOOOOOOO worth it. Most good things are though:)
For what it is worth, after all of the studying I have tried to do about how Penis Enlargement actually works, [words=]SRT[/words] theory is perfectly sound. There is nothing in it that runs contrary to how the cell cycle works or how it is induced when applying forces. It is already LAW as far as I am is only "theory" because there isn't data to verify its precise and accurate use of a basic physical/biological process in regards to Penis Enlargement. But its underlying principles are used throughout the medical community for everything done to "mutate" or expand tissues, nerves, vascular systems, and even bones. All [words=]SRT[/words] needs to be LAW is controlled data.

"we are simply increasing the number of cells people...we are not building muscles. Penis Enlargement uses mitosis...not hypertrophy"

irspow;475847 said:
For what it is worth, after all of the studying I have tried to do about how Penis Enlargement actually works, [words=]SRT[/words] theory is perfectly sound. There is nothing in it that runs contrary to how the cell cycle works or how it is induced when applying forces. It is already LAW as far as I am is only "theory" because there isn't data to verify its precise and accurate use of a basic physical/biological process in regards to Penis Enlargement. But its underlying principles are used throughout the medical community for everything done to "mutate" or expand tissues, nerves, vascular systems, and even bones. All [words=]SRT[/words] needs to be LAW is controlled data.

"we are simply increasing the number of cells people...we are not building muscles. Penis Enlargement uses mitosis...not hypertrophy"


I agree but we are driven by an audience that demands proof, beyond that they get proof and still lack belief:) How many people have denied my gains? I can name at least 200,000:) This is after I was measured by an independent party, (GQ Magazine, later, Salon Magazine, Peter Ruben). I kind of gave up on proving anything any longer, I put out the sandwiches and people eat (or not) :)
[words=]SRT[/words] is every bit of education I have received, over more than a decade in Penis Enlargement in one thread. Over time I have found what works and what does not. I rarely waste my time looking through a third eye, I put the physical world to work!:) In my world I have pumped, pulled, jelled, squeezed, grown, healed, recuperated, injured, healed, and grown over 4" in length and 2" in girth (larger measurements now due to [words=]SRT[/words], I will post soon). Men can believe me, believe the thousands of men who have come before and after me, and gain penis size or deny it and gain nothing. No skin off my teeth. [words=]SRT[/words] works and men will gain size and gain a better body, they will learn a lot about themselves and gain in many ways. Setting a goal in something as brave as Penis Enlargement is amazing, making it happens changes a man forever!
Well what I was saying really Daddy is that there IS proof already. It is just that the proof is not about Penis Enlargement in particular. The expansion of tissues, by increasing the number of cells, by using force to cause separation-induced mitosis is used throughout the medical community regularly. But anyone that can add two plus two can see the proof in how this applies to Penis Enlargement.

I tried to spell out the explanation of why [words=]SRT[/words] is LAW with my PMS ramblings about the cell cycle, and maximizing efficiency of increasing cell count, so that people could see it from a more fundamental level. (I myself am more of a WHY person when told of a HOW thing :D) So I figured that it needed to be put out there so that others like myself could see it from a "deeper" scientific perspective.
[words=]SRT[/words] IS truly your greatest work ever :D It is the next evolution of Penis Enlargement. Actually, mostly everything prior to [words=]SRT[/words] in Penis Enlargement, is rather very inefficient and often a hindrance to maintaining a steady growth rate. The children will learn...eventually...when they grow tired of wasting far too much of their efforts trying to be body builders instead of penis builders :D

"If you want more penis, you want more cells. If you want to "grow" your penis as fast as possible, you want to add as many cells as possible over time. If you want a more dense and resistant to "growth" penis, overtrain, overstress, intermittently. Let those daughter cells starve on the stalled conveyor belt of the cell cycle. Stress, rest, stress, rest = stop the growth flow, waste time, stop the growth flow, waste time. LOL


Keep the "conveyor belt" running smoothly Daddy! :)


**Well there are also the studies using [words=]traction[/words] that prove [words=]SRT[/words] that clearly show significant growth that coincides with time of duration far more than magnitude of force applied to the penis.**
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irspow;475947 said:
Well what I was saying really Daddy is that there IS proof already. It is just that the proof is not about Penis Enlargement in particular. The expansion of tissues, by increasing the number of cells, by using force to cause separation-induced mitosis is used throughout the medical community regularly. But anyone that can add two plus two can see the proof in how this applies to Penis Enlargement.

I tried to spell out the explanation of why [words=]SRT[/words] is LAW with my PMS ramblings about the cell cycle, and maximizing efficiency of increasing cell count, so that people could see it from a more fundamental level. (I myself am more of a WHY person when told of a HOW thing :D) So I figured that it needed to be put out there so that others like myself could see it from a "deeper" scientific perspective.
[words=]SRT[/words] IS truly your greatest work ever :D It is the next evolution of Penis Enlargement. Actually, mostly everything prior to [words=]SRT[/words] in Penis Enlargement, is rather very inefficient and often a hindrance to maintaining a steady growth rate. The children will learn...eventually...when they grow tired of wasting far too much of their efforts trying to be body builders instead of penis builders :D

"If you want more penis, you want more cells. If you want to "grow" your penis as fast as possible, you want to add as many cells as possible over time. If you want a more dense and resistant to "growth" penis, overtrain, overstress, intermittently. Let those daughter cells starve on the stalled conveyor belt of the cell cycle. Stress, rest, stress, rest = stop the growth flow, waste time, stop the growth flow, waste time. LOL


Keep the "conveyor belt" running smoothly Daddy! :)


**Well there are also the studies using [words=]traction[/words] that prove [words=]SRT[/words] that clearly show significant growth that coincides with time of duration far more than magnitude of force applied to the penis.**

No, I agree with you 100%, I am a believer and I have reaped the benefits of this. On a more scientific level it makes complete truth of Penis Enlargement, gaining and healing but even with that said, men will hold themselves back. It is up to us to proclaim our gains and make believers out of those who lack it. I would make the assertion that half of our audience is on the fence for even trying it! It is very easy to understand that stretching a part of the body, that naturally is created to grow, would respond to stretching or makes perfect sense. I use this example often but the weld record holder on elongating his ears is 4" and now the record holder for Penis Enlargement is in the 5" area, albeit using surgery as a portion of growth, it is still a "world record". It always amazes me how men hold themselves back from a bigger penis for lack of belief. I appreciate your scientific input and it makes another important part of [words=]SRT[/words] understandable. Thanks!
doublelongdaddy;475846 said:
Not enough data yet but so far, ones who have responded to me, and my own results, it is the best program ever. Although, a lot of work, the results are SOOOOOOO worth it. Most good things are though:)

I agree with you, this is basic principle of life indeed, 99% of the time " nothing worth having comes easy "

I'm eager to see the dedicated people's result on this routine
My only question is....
I'm 5 1/2 and I stretch my penis to 5.75/6 inches.
I was wondering if that correct stretching or am I over doing it?
And also, if I stretch to 5.75/6 inches how long does it take to make a cement gain or any gain at all or do I
stretch it more and more to make a gain?
Increasing flaccid stretch will raise your potential erection length. Be happy that you are stretching to 6, as that is a good sign that your erection will be getting longer in the near future as your ability to increase blood flow or pressure differential increases catch up to your potential.


I've been wrapping and stretching at work as well.
Fantastic stuff.

Been doing BTC stretches in a squat, get a good grip and standing up while reverse kegeling. Hold for 30 sec.

Just fantastic, plus am getting a leg workout ;)

Thanks for the missing link to cementing gains quickly.
irspow;476819 said:
Increasing flaccid stretch will raise your potential erection length. Be happy that you are stretching to 6, as that is a good sign that your erection will be getting longer in the near future as your ability to increase blood flow or pressure differential increases catch up to your potential.


I agree

Miiiiiiighty;476010 said:
I agree with you, this is basic principle of life indeed, 99% of the time " nothing worth having comes easy "

I'm eager to see the dedicated people's result on this routine

I am too. I only wish the [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words] was available, I can't wait until it is available again. I got news a few days ago that it was going to be within 2 weeks.

Jeff010;476771 said:
My only question is....
I'm 5 1/2 and I stretch my penis to 5.75/6 inches.
I was wondering if that correct stretching or am I over doing it?
And also, if I stretch to 5.75/6 inches how long does it take to make a cement gain or any gain at all or do I
stretch it more and more to make a gain?

You will always stretch beyond your erect length but it always is relative to the gains you are making. If you stretch to 6" now with a 5.5" erect penis soon you will stretch to 7" with a 6.5" penis. It is always relative and there is usually always a gap. The best way to close the gap between erect length and stretched length is to practice Erect Stretches on a regular basis, they really help close the gap.

Jeff010;476857 said:
How long before gain becomes permanent?

Gains becoming permanent follows the same process I outlines above. How long really depends on how well you apply [words=]SRT[/words]. If you are following the complete healing protocol you may see gains at an very high rate. How does 2" in 6 months sound? I did it.

rochout;476888 said:
So let's see if I got this correct if I wear a cock ring with no underwear/loose boxers and sweat pants after my girth work out I will gain better and faster? Any one got a good cock ring to refer me too

So lets see, yes.:) If you read the complete study you would understand why these things are important and how they effect the gaining and healing process. [words=]SRT[/words] advocates the things you listed (plus [words=]Uncle Jim[/words]'s Strapping Method) because it allows the penis to heal in an expanded/extended position...this makes all the difference in the world.

Powersnake12;477485 said:

I've been wrapping and stretching at work as well.
Fantastic stuff.

Been doing BTC stretches in a squat, get a good grip and standing up while reverse kegeling. Hold for 30 sec.

Just fantastic, plus am getting a leg workout ;)

Thanks for the missing link to cementing gains quickly.

I am so happy you are seeing the potentials of this smart way of training, healing and ultimately, gaining through [words=]SRT[/words]. The name may throw some people off so I may edit the thread name. I want every guy to see this and use it...THEY WILL SEE GAINS, and the gains WILL be rapid.

hepcat;477591 said:
Who is this guy who has the world record and what are his starting stats and current world record stats?

World Record Book Holder
I have been very interested in the separate factors of [words=]SRT[/words] through isolated routines either specializing in length or girth individually. For me, at this moment, I love my length, my body, thanks to [words=]SRT[/words], is very lean and muscular but for symmetrical reasons I will be concentrating on a little more girth and width to balance out everything. I will not abandon the complete length portion, as I believe a lot of girth copies by way of length work but I will cut it back. Increasing girth work and adding in some heavier weight training will bring me even closer yto my ultimate goals. I will give you the revised version soon and I will write the routine for either length or girth specific isolations.
DLd, any picturs of the [words=]Jims Strapping[/words] method applied?
Gravik;479196 said:
DLd, any picturs of the [words=]Jims Strapping[/words] method applied?

I think I can wrangle that up:) Lemme look around.
Made some slight changes in diet, sleep and exercise and now am seeing results, good and bad. This is why it is good to keep a thorough record of events so when there are changes in body, mind, penis, etc. I can look back and see what caused this. Anyway, I put on 5 pounds over the last month. This is largely due to sleep changes (which I believe happen every season change). I am going to bed earlier and getting up earlier which brought on more times of hunger, during the day. I slipped from sticking with a strict diet to allowing myself a little freedom...this proved to be poor judgment, sticking with a routine is always best. I will go back to Novembers diet and exercise routine. I will also push myself to stay awake later and get up later, this always puts me in a better mental space. With all the construction happening at AlphaBlade Studios I have had to change many of my daily rituals. I will be happy to see more organized days:)

The Penis Enlargement portion will also be changing and I will have that posted tonight. This is only for me, DO NOT CHANGE the [words=]SRT[/words] routine unless you have a specific reason.
My newest workout SRT employs all these devices with some very good healing and manual tips. Check it out!
I started using the [words=]tugger[/words] with [words=]sg[/words] and it's a huge difference. Only thing I hate is that you have to wet it constantly (at first) to catch a good grip.
hepcat;479575 said:
What about a newbie length routine followed by wearing the [words=]SG[/words] [words=]extender[/words]? I am in need of more length than width at the moment. I also want to know if I should be taking breaks or days off. I read that you found that taking breaks was better than your previous assertion that it is best to train 7 days a week. Did I misread the post? Further clarification would be great. Thanks.

I have always trained 7 days on no days off. I think this type of schedule promotes a more habitual program. For me days off can quickly turn into weeks off so it is better for me to be a daily trainer. I also believe that the penis only needs 24 hours of recovery before it is trained again. Some guys either do not have the time for this or it may be too difficult at first. In this case I recommend deducting one day at a time until the perfect routine is created. i.e. 6 on 1 off, 5 on 2 off.

You can employ as much of [words=]SRT[/words] as you can handle. Intensity is very much up to the individual. Some can take a lot others can not. This is why you see some men gain with a 3 on 2 off routine and others need a 7 day routine. [words=]SRT[/words] is all about how much you can handle and how fast you heal. Gains can be very fast when these principals are followed.
Jeff010;479595 said:
I started using the [words=]tugger[/words] with [words=]sg[/words] and it's a huge difference. Only thing I hate is that you have to wet it constantly (at first) to catch a good grip.

ALways something with a modification but worth the pain!
Same here looking forward to that I have been asking around about this technique because I have been a little confused
Gravik;479196 said:
DLd, any picturs of the [words=]Jims Strapping[/words] method applied?
Anyone have a link to some info on wrapping? I'd like to start with this [words=]SRT[/words] routine, and am looking for some info on the wrapping throughout the day. Thanks!
pezz;479980 said:
Anyone have a link to some info on wrapping? I'd like to start with this [words=]SRT[/words] routine, and am looking for some info on the wrapping throughout the day. Thanks!

Uncle Jim's Strapping Method
what are the changes to the NEW [words=]SRT[/words] thread ??????
garber;480789 said:
DLD, you lost a 140 pounds in 4 months? That's amazing!

Do you have any advice for dealing with loose skin.

Getting your body fat percent lower helps and also building muscle will help tighten any loose skin you have.
OK, on DLD's advice I've been reading all the 13 pages of this thread, so if I try to summarize what [words=]SRT[/words] is, I would say :
[words=]SRT[/words] is an intensive Penis Enlargement Length + Girth routine lasting 3 months and involving :

- The best material and equipment available for Penis Enlargement (Bathmate, [words=]SG[/words], [words=!!!]LM[/words], [words=]PA[/words])
- Some of the most efficient Penis Enlargement exercises known so far (BTC, Expressive Stretches, Jelqs, [words=]SSJ[/words])

- Healing in an expanded state (wrapped with [words=]uncle jim[/words]’s strap throughout the day, or extended several hours in the [words=]SG[/words] after the length session, expanded with a cockring after the Girth session), then sleeping lightly wrapped too during the night.

- Using a diet and physical exercises (cardio/resistance) that gives you the best metabolism (high metabolism), and the best blood flow possible for your size/age/condition
- A Positive mindset (believing in what you’re doing, thinking in the moment)

- Penis Enlargement 7 days a week if possible (deducting one day off as needed until the best routine is found)
- 1 to 2 hours of Penis Enlargement a day + several hours of healing extended/expanded

Did I get that right ? ;)

So, what would make the real [words=]SRT[/words] "trick", or the key of this routine, is actually managing to heal in an extended/expanded state ?

In conclusion : Would it be a fair statement to say, that according to you, anyone who's not doing 1 & 2 (diet/exercise, healing extended/expanded) properly while doing Penis Enlargement is basically wasting his time and energy ?

Well, I'm trying to lose weight these days (diet/exercise), so I guess I'll see if that impacts my gains (I just focus on Girth for the moment). I also had stopped using a cockring after Girth work (was not convinced of it in terms of perm gains), but will try again for 3 months to see how it goes.
Captain.Thick;482868 said:
In conclusion : Would it be a fair statement to say, that according to you, anyone who's not doing 1 & 2 (diet/exercise, healing extended/expanded) properly while doing Penis Enlargement is basically wasting his time and energy ?

All Penis Enlargement works that you find on [words=]MOS[/words], [words=]SRT[/words] is more a combination of modern Penis Enlargement theory and proven Penis Enlargement techniques to create a better routine, a faster way to gain, a smarter way to work for quicker, more desired results. I have always been one to use the latest works of Penis Enlargement as my building block for routine. [words=]SRT[/words], right now, is the best routine I have created.
Been off for about 2 weeks, dealing with some other stuff. I can really feel the difference when I am not training, my energy is low, I feel sluggish and I feel hungry constantly. Time to buckle down and get back on track. I created [words=]SRT[/words] now I need to implement it again. My last sessions were largely based on width but I think I will go back to the basics on my new training cycle.
doublelongdaddy;484304 said:
Been off for about 2 weeks, dealing with some other stuff. I can really feel the difference when I am not training, my energy is low, I feel sluggish and I feel hungry constantly. Time to buckle down and get back on track. I created [words=]SRT[/words] now I need to implement it again. My last sessions were largely based on width but I think I will go back to the basics on my new training cycle.

C'mon man. Lol. You already won the girl, now you tryna take my wife? You remind me of the bodybuilder who won every trophy, but still shows it off just the let the whip-a-snapers know who's the boss.
Jeff010;486330 said:
C'mon man. Lol. You already won the girl, now you tryna take my wife? You remind me of the bodybuilder who won every trophy, but still shows it off just the let the whip-a-snapers know who's the boss.

Trophy Cup winner here!
Just bought my second [words=]sg[/words] and wore it today. This thing is like a 357 magnum with a lot of recoil in it. I wear it with the [words=]tugger[/words] and it's heavy when I walk around, but feel so light at a still motion. I might just buy the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] so there could be a deathly combination.
Jeff010;486355 said:
Just bought my second [words=]sg[/words] and wore it today. This thing is like a 357 magnum with a lot of recoil in it. I wear it with the [words=]tugger[/words] and it's heavy when I walk around, but feel so light at a still motion. I might just buy the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] so there could be a deathly combination.

lol, AK47 my man, the [words=]SG[/words] is an AK! Now if you want to get whale gun, grab a [words= ]Bathmate[/words]:)
How do I know when I'm being stretched when I'm wearing the [words=]sg[/words] with the [words=]vlc[/words]? Is it like wearing the comfort strap, but no feeling or does it have a burning sensation? I ask because I can't tell the difference. It's just feels like I'm wearing a condom for a long time. Lol.
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Jeff010;486423 said:
It's just feels like I'm wearing a condom for a long time. Lol.

This is similar to how it feels. Are you getting more used to it or are you thinking you want something different as an attachment? Many guys prefer the velcro strap modification which would be very inexpensive to compare.
Oh I love how it feels. I just wanna know how to tell the difference between feeling nothing with the [words=]vlc[/words] and the burning sensation when wearing everything else. Basically the results from the reaction/pain.
Jeff010;486460 said:
Oh I love how it feels. I just wanna know how to tell the difference between feeling nothing with the [words=]vlc[/words] and the burning sensation when wearing everything else. Basically the results from the reaction/pain.

This is why there are so many modifications on the forum. [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] addressed it with the 16 Way system and even then guys are looking for different modifications. It is a good thing, we have many choices, there is one that will work for everyone.
I would, but I be having trouble with wearing the modifications. Simply because when I add tension i don't feel anything. When I add rods i feel nothing, but when it's not to many rods it's too short. I feel everything in the [words=]vlc[/words] mod.
Jeff010;486926 said:
I feel everything in the [words=]vlc[/words] mod.

Don't understand, what do you mean?
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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