The [words=]Ace[/words] wrap while you sleep will stretch when you get a nighttime erection but you'll still wake up with an irritated penis. The cock ring will have you waking up in the middle of the night feeling like your penis has so much blood in it that it's going to explode.
dmoney101;596587 said:
The [words=]Ace[/words] wrap while you sleep will stretch when you get a nighttime erection but you'll still wake up with an irritated penis. The cock ring will have you waking up in the middle of the night feeling like your penis has so much blood in it that it's going to explode.

This is why the [words=]Phallosan[/words] has such a prominent place in nighttime penis enlargement.
I need so help guy I seem to not be able to stretch pass 7in any tips how to get longer stretch I am see flaccid gain but not really any erect gain I need to do a proper measurement. Tell me wat I need to fix or add in my routine... I do stretching in all direction if I have time I do 3 set in every direction also I throw In the A STRETCH 3sets 30 seconds each stretch I haven't been doin girth wrk lately but I mainly want length gain so I make sure I stretch do I have to get equipment plzzz help DLD AN THE REST OF FAMILY
I need so help guy I seem to not be able to stretch pass 7in any tips how to get longer stretch I am see flaccid gain but not really any erect gain I need to do a proper measurement. Tell me wat I need to fix or add in my routine... I do stretching in all direction if I have time I do 3 set in every direction also I throw In the A STRETCH 3sets 30 seconds each stretch I haven't been doin girth wrk lately but I mainly want length gain so I make sure I stretch do I have to get equipment plzzz help DLD AN THE REST OF FAMILY

There are tools you can use to make gains happen faster. If you are mainly interested in length right now you could look at the [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words] and the [words=]SizeGenetics[/words], both are great length tools and will make gains happen faster. Some men just can not get the stretch they want in manual stretching and this is where the [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words] shines as it allows you to stretch with both hands to intensities far beyond the capability of your hands. You could simply replace the manual stretching exercises and do them using your [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words]. The [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] will serve to cement and increase gains due to long, productive sessions.

Sometimes getting past a measurement can be a mental thing too, where you kind of make a subconscious belief that it is impossible to pass a certain point. Dispelling this belief happens when you are able to make a greater measurement but once this is done the mental plateau is broken. It happened to me a few times and I got better at dealing with it each time. I would break the plateau by increasing the intensity, time or exercises used in the routine.
Ok any thought on my routine is it good?

Nothing wrong. How long have you been doing it? Consistency and intensity are the most important things. Your hands and a lot of determination can do more for you than any device.
I DNT think the mental is stopin me actually I think I am overly confident .... If I keep doin wat I'm doin wat with 1 or 2 days off wat will be my gain over 2months????? Estimate
Don't post so many times in a row man, just make one post. It takes longer than a month usually. You should be seeing results around 3 months if you stick with it, but don't expect to be growing whole inches just yet.
dmoney101;598134 said:
Don't post so many times in a row man, just make one post. It takes longer than a month usually. You should be seeing results around 3 months if you stick with it, but don't expect to be growing whole inches just yet.

You can also edit the post :) that's what I do when I forget things. Happy gains.
DLD, A few questions:

1. What are Alpha Jelqs?

2. What is a Monkey Spanker?

3. Just to clarify, this is an 8-week program? Weeks 1 & 2, plus weeks 3-8?
Last edited:
k18;599235 said:
DLD, A few questions:

1. What are Alpha Jelqs?

2. What is a Monkey Spanker?

3. Just to clarify, this is an 8-week program? Weeks 1 & 2, plus weeks 3-8?

Alpha Jelqs are what I called a full body Jelq where you force flood from the abdomen and legs into the penis to cause the most expansion possible due to blood flow. From here a natural Jelq is performed.

The Monkey Spanker is a light vibrational device that has helped some people with discoloration but since we have discovered the 5x5x3 method, discoloration is no longer an issue in [words=]SRT[/words].

8 Weeks in progression, from there you would continue at the top of the program in advancing time.
doublelongdaddy;599314 said:
Alpha Jelqs are what I called a full body Jelq where you force flood from the abdomen and legs into the penis to cause the most expansion possible due to blood flow. From here a natural Jelq is performed.

these seem interesting. how do you direct all that blood flow?
With alpha jelqs, it'd be good to mentally push as much blood as you can into your penis. If you're good at visualization, you can feel how much more blood you can get flowing.
dmoney101;599400 said:
With alpha jelqs, it'd be good to mentally push as much blood as you can into your penis. If you're good at visualization, you can feel how much more blood you can get flowing.

Same question- same answer I have repeated in my head when it comes to these bad boys rofl... I hope it really works though..
I think alpha jells r just good in theory but likely will not have any more benefit that good quality normal jelqing. I think concentration would be better do used on relaxing the the tissue of the cock so it is able to expand more.
dmoney101;599400 said:
With alpha jelqs, it'd be good to mentally push as much blood as you can into your penis. If you're good at visualization, you can feel how much more blood you can get flowing.

This is what it is all about, mentally bringing as much blood as you can into your penis. With concentration and focus in attracting as much blood as possible to the penis there will be a greater outcome.
doublelongdaddy;599507 said:
This is what it is all about, mentally bringing as much blood as you can into your penis. With concentration and focus in attracting as much blood as possible to the penis there will be a greater outcome.

Even when I'm resting, I meditate on my penis growing and feel the cells expanding. Not sure if it really does anything besides give me an erection, but it can't hurt lol.
This is very interesting trial, I am up for this, if it's a yearly trial. Send me the questionnaire, etc. Looking forward to the dedication, hard work, then the gains. hit me up DLD :cool:
bluepocket;599614 said:
This is very interesting trial, I am up for this, if it's a yearly trial. Send me the questionnaire, etc. Looking forward to the dedication, hard work, then the gains. hit me up DLD :cool:

You will find the best gains ever on this routine. Here is a copy of the questionnaire:

Official Entry Questionnaire

Your height and weight?

how old are you?

At what age did you start masturbating?

How often did you masturbate?

How did you masturbate? Rough or Gentle?

How long was a typical masturbation session?

What did you wear for underpants, briefs, boxers, etc. during the day?

What did you wear to bed at night?

What was your final natural penis size?

When did you stop growing naturally?

What is your current size?

How long have you been in Penis Enlargement?

What do you wear for underwear today?

What do you wear to bed?

How often do you masturbate?

How long does a masturbation session last?

Are you taking any supplements or medication?

Are you allergic to any supplements?

How often do you do Penis Enlargement

How much have you gained to this point?

How deep is your fat pad?

have you tried the [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] [words=]Extender[/words]?

have you tried the [words=]Bathmate[/words] [words=]Hydropump[/words]

Have you tried the [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words] or [words=]PowerAssist[/words]?

Have you ever worn a cock ring

What is your current Penis Enlargement Routine

What is your current exercise routine

How much time do you have to dedicate to Penis Enlargement during this 3 months trial?

What is your diet like, be specific?
hey DLD i am thinking about buying the [words=]phallosan[/words] [words=]forte[/words] and i have a concern when it comes to bell sizes if i will be able to fit into the thing and i dont want to spend all that money to only find out its too small for me! do you know whats the biggest size the [words=]phallosan[/words] [words=]forte[/words] can accomodate in regards to girth? and another question are you able to fit into the large bell at all and wear this thing? thanks
What size are you? I can't verify this, but if the inventors of the [words=]phallosan[/words] made a penis enlargement device that doesn't fit at least up to 6" of girth, they'd be idiots lol.
DLD, I have sent you a PM.
doublelongdaddy;599678 said:
You will find the best gains ever on this routine. Here is a copy of the questionnaire:

Official Entry Questionnaire

Your height and weight?

how old are you?

At what age did you start masturbating?

How often did you masturbate?

How did you masturbate? Rough or Gentle?

How long was a typical masturbation session?

What did you wear for underpants, briefs, boxers, etc. during the day?

What did you wear to bed at night?

What was your final natural penis size?

When did you stop growing naturally?

What is your current size?

How long have you been in Penis Enlargement?

What do you wear for underwear today?

What do you wear to bed?

How often do you masturbate?

How long does a masturbation session last?

Are you taking any supplements or medication?

Are you allergic to any supplements?

How often do you do Penis Enlargement

How much have you gained to this point?

How deep is your fat pad?

have you tried the [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] [words=]Extender[/words]?

have you tried the [words=]Bathmate[/words] [words=]Hydropump[/words]

Have you tried the [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words] or [words=]PowerAssist[/words]?

Have you ever worn a cock ring

What is your current Penis Enlargement Routine

What is your current exercise routine

How much time do you have to dedicate to Penis Enlargement during this 3 months trial?

What is your diet like, be specific?
Hello DLD,
I wanted to know if you ever received my private message on the official entry questionnaire? I am still interested in participating.
bluepocket;604022 said:
Hello DLD,
I wanted to know if you ever received my private message on the official entry questionnaire? I am still interested in participating.

There has been a problem with my PM's, send it to my email at
Mr. Salvini,

I'm rather interested in the theory you have here. I myself have recovered from surgery to the groin area, and suffered considerable penis retraction as a result thereof. I'm working to get my penile size back to where it was before the surgery (and, in fact, preferably beyond), and it has been going well. Except for the fact that I've noticed a stunt in progress in the last week or so. I took a week off for extra recovery and just now restarted my routine.

In reading over your [words=]SRT[/words] theory, I noticed that you mentioned in the third phase of your personal trials you commenced a routine without [words=]SRT[/words] and noticed immediate progress starting again. You quickly gain all you size back. What do you mean by you did a routine "without [words=]SRT[/words]"? This whole matter written about years ago, what conclusions have you come to, if any?

I don't wear tight underwear; indeed, as a result of my surgeries I have to stay nude about the house most of the time for healing purposes. I started to keep my penis in a relative stretched state after exercises, and as much as possible in general throughout the day (when I say stretched I mean about a quarter of an inch to half an inch less than how far I stretch it during my exercises). I have what I believe to be an good routine where I do Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays on, with Tuesdays and Thursdays off in between; and I take Saturday and Sundays off all together. So in other words starting Mondays I do one day on and one day off, and weekends off. I exercise regularly by running anywhere from seven to fourteen miles daily. Apart from all this is there anything else I ought be doing?

The stunt in growth had frightened me a bit and probably had a slight psychological affect of to doubt that the routine might work. Any suggestions for that (I'm assuming most people that have undertaken PE have experienced that at one time).

Thank you for your time and I should look forward to your response.
Hey,can someone explain to me......i want to buy a [words=]bathmate[/words].... Do you guys think I should buy a big one since tht will offer more expansion and so will give results faster?
SageL;615011 said:
Hey,can someone explain to me......i want to buy a [words=]bathmate[/words].... Do you guys think I should buy a big one since tht will offer more expansion and so will give results faster?

What are your measurements?
SageL;615014 said:
Should I just start with the 8 by 8 one?

- - - Updated - - -

6.5 erect length and 5.3 in erect girth

Sorry. What are your goals as well?

The [words=]x30[/words] would be just fine. You don't want to go too big. The slimmer the tube, the more it can help w/ elongation as well.
mavekovis;614999 said:
Hopefully it works ^^ please remember to give us an update if they stay gone after like 2-3 months. I noticed a line of papules after my first [words=]bathmate[/words] session but they went back to hardly noticeable few hours later. Still freaked me out in case they get bigger over time.

mine are much much smaller now after a week of treatment, a few more days and they should be gone completely. ill then just carry it on for a week to make sure
The 6.5 girth is okay.....but I wanted one with more than 7 inch length.....are you sure the [words=]x30[/words] would be just fine to make good gains?
SageL;615011 said:
Hey,can someone explain to me......i want to buy a [words=]bathmate[/words].... Do you guys think I should buy a big one since tht will offer more expansion and so will give results faster?

dont order a size way bigger than you, as the pressure wont be as good. go to the [words=]bathmate[/words] section and theres info on sizing
SageL;615021 said:
The 6.5 girth is okay.....but I wanted one with more than 7 inch length.....are you sure the [words=]x30[/words] would be just fine to make good gains?

what size are you now? if you have very large goals you may have to buy two pumps in your p.e. career
jordey;615026 said:
what size are you now? if you have very large goals you may have to buy two pumps in your p.e. career

I'm 6.5 erect length and 5.3 erect girth.....when I put it in on the site it said I should get the [words=]x40[/words].....I'm confused
SageL;615027 said:
I'm 6.5 erect length and 5.3 erect girth.....when I put it in on the site it said I should get the [words=]x40[/words].....I'm confused

if thats 6.5 bone pressed then go for the [words=]x30[/words]. the [words=]x40[/words] will have too much negative space. the [words=]x30[/words] will take you to around 8 inches bone pressed (would depend on fat pad size though), and around 5.75 inch girth. once you get there, upgrade to the [words=]x40[/words] if you want to be bigger, which will take you to around 9.5bp x 6.9
SageL;615027 said:
I'm 6.5 erect length and 5.3 erect girth.....when I put it in on the site it said I should get the [words=]x40[/words].....I'm confused

No cue why it would be saying that, you are definitely fit of the [words=]X30[/words].
jordey;615030 said:
if thats 6.5 bone pressed then go for the [words=]x30[/words]. the [words=]x40[/words] will have too much negative space. the [words=]x30[/words] will take you to around 8 inches bone pressed (would depend on fat pad size though), and around 5.75 inch girth. once you get there, upgrade to the [words=]x40[/words] if you want to be bigger, which will take you to around 9.5bp x 6.9

Alrite man....thanks for the advice ,I'll be ordering the [words=]x30[/words] today

- - - Updated - - -

doublelongdaddy;615034 said:
No cue why it would be saying that, you are definitely fit of the [words=]X30[/words].

That's what I was saying too......but I'll be ordering the [words=]x30[/words] today
SageL;615047 said:
Alrite man....thanks for the advice ,I'll be ordering the [words=]x30[/words] today

- - - Updated - - -

That's what I was saying too......but I'll be ordering the [words=]x30[/words] today

yeah you may have to get the [words=]x40[/words] in the future if your goals are bigger than the numbers i stated, but in the short term you will make quicker gains with the [words=]x30[/words]
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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