BPSFL 21.3 cm this morning and I do feel soreness. The extra back to back day along with 2 sessions yesterday were too much. I'm not wanting to experience fatigue like this and certainly no retraction. My goal is to now not trigger a wound healing response, just elongation and proliferation. I'll be using 2 PE weights and end cap today, totalling right at, maybe little over a pound.
Made a rice sock out of no show socks so it's a smaller one. Used that for conditioning stretch and like 3 min into fulcrum stretch but was too intense (might have over heated it). I was laying sock flattened over fulcrum. When I removed it I forgot my fulcrum was thin metal (3/8th inch) and when the fulcrum touched my dick burned it LOL, only temporary but it woke me up. I went back to my other fulcrum (1.25 inch), IR and US heat and used the rice sock on one side (L or R) after heating it with US. I put cyclic stretches back in, with manuals but will most likely continue with lengthmaster set because it's more intense and easier to apply the right amount of pressure, aiming for 15 to 20 lbs. 15 seconds easing into stretch, 15 seconds max pull and 15 seconds rest. Do that for 10 min with V-stretches, side fulcrums and upper angles.

T⁰: 21.7, recovered from Tuesday
40 min conditioning stretch with Vac-Extender, minutes 10-20 US and rice sock heat
T¹: 22.0
20 min Fulcrum Hang with bib @ 9 lbs
T²: 22.0
10 minute manuals
T³: 22.1
60 min SD with LG @ 5 lbs, last 10 minutes would pulse the weight with one of my feet being cyclical in nature
T⁴: 22.3

Total strain: 2.76%

Comments: With the increased frequency and retraction and inflammation experienced earlier this week I'll will cease multiple stretch sessions in one day. I should be able to get more stuff done in my life outside PE as well.

I'm on the fence about ADS during next decon. I've heard the pros and cons. Honestly if I can continue making gains without it I might just do that. During the proliferation stage fibrils align in the orientation that will resist strain. Others have surmised that without ADS the patchwork that is made will be disorganized mesh that eventually is "trimmed" away. This sort of condition would actually be more beneficial coming back from decon as the fibers would not be able to resist the loads as well and could even be recruited for elongation and greater gains. I may experiment next decon with a total break and see what comes of it. I'm still hoping that in 2 or 3 more cycles I'll be at or above end goal lengthwise and can move on to girth.

Speaking of girth, Kyrpa at another forum, has been doing similar routine and then switching gears midway through to include girth work with great results. He seems to do one month length and one month girth before one month decon. Sounds good to me. 2nd month keep condition stretch and experiment with clamping. If I don't do that this campaign I will next for sure.
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The MOS Red is for red light therapy not heat. Many including me have used far infrared heat lamps, however these need to be placed a few inches away from penisand are kinda dangerous if touched or dropped, they also heat surface and so you'll experience skin burning sensation sometimes. I used that for half my routine this past campaign and then I got the US unit, they are expensive, need hours of research and common sense to use properly... but it heats and heats deep! Some have modified hot tubs and other forms of moist heat are great. I was gaining before the US unit but it made it easier to heat to proper levels deeper inside the penis than just the surface.

I was just going over your thread for ideas when I start again.

What is the US device you use? Is that type of therapy compatible with red light therapy?
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Therapeutic ultrasound has been used for decades for physical therapy. It's using sound waves to heat up tissues deeper into muscle bellies and tendons. There are precautions like you have to keep the transducer moving because it can heat up bone and cause pain, don't go over spine or other major nerve pathways and no organs other than penis (heart, lung, liver, testicles, prostate, etc). It usually is found in 2 frequencies 1 mHz and 3 mHz.

1 mHz can heat deeper than 2.5-5.0 cm and 3 mHz can heat 0-2.5 cm. Theoretically 3 mHz is ideal but in practical terms birth would work just fine. Both heat deep and won't cause skin burn with other methods of heat. If I apply it to my dorsal side I'll mainly feel the heat in the center and on other side of penis.

Therapeutic range is 39.8-43°C (103.6 to 109.4°F). After 45°C you risk cellular death and below isn't going to get you the effect your after. A member at another site did some experiments by placing a thermometer in his urethra and measuring common heat applications. US was able to get to those ranges quicker, maintain best and be the most comfortable.

1 mHz option

The 3 mHz option, also the one I currently have.

You can use red light therapy as it's a different form of therapy. However if money is an issue and you're smart enough to do your research I'd recommend the ultrasound over the red light therapy.
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T⁰ BPSFL: 21.7 cm
60 min extender, min 15-25 with US and rice sock heat.
T¹: 22.2
20 min Fulcrum hang at 9 lbs
T²: 22.3
10 min lengthmaster sets (15 second ease into stretch , 15 seconds full stretch , 15 seconds rest; targeting upper and side angles and fulcrums)
T³: 22.3
60 min SD hang with LG at 5 lbs
T⁴: 22.2

First time it retracted slightly after vacuum hang. Margin of error probably is +/-0.1cm though. Strain if calculated at 22.3 is 2.76% and for 22.2 is 2.3%
effin' RockStar!

Hello @longstretch ! Congrats on the gains bro. I was reading through your posts and saw you had experience with the golf weights and even the heavier pe weights that are discontinued (dangit).
Did you ever have problems removing them? I was just about to order some and try as a light weight ADS until a heavier option is found
T⁰: 21.7
30 min extender, stress relaxation every 5 min, no heat
T¹: 22.2
20 min fulcrum stretch at 9.75 lbs with 18 min US and IR heat
T²: 22.4
10 min manual stretch with Power Assist sets (15 second ease into stretch , 15 seconds full stretch , 15 seconds rest; targeting upper and side angles and fulcrums)
T³: 22.6

Strain: 4.15%!!! Record for me

Comments: I may take out length master from routine. Last time it didn't grip well and caused some burst capillaries and glans pain. I wasn't able to apply as much tension as I'd like because of it. I'll either hook up bib with PA at base to do "hanging manual" fulcrums or load up on gym chalk and just use my hands with PA like today. BPEL still at 20.5 cm. I'll have till Tuesday till I go out of town and take a 1 week break. I think if I can keep this up gains will be coming. I'm experimenting with no ADS and if things don't go my way I can always throw it back in. However if I can make gains with a focused routine right at an hour then I'll stick with that.

Been working on kegels lately as well to fix EQ issues. Had bilateral hip surgeries a few years back and it feels like the nerves to the muscles down there aren't as connected as they used to be. Doing t- shirt raises where I used to do towel and jacket raises with erection. Will also do Angion method and maybe 10 min jelqs when possible.
I do not. I think also I didn't attached to close to glans to begin with when I think back on that day.

You can my modify it by adding to bolt holes to the back side distributing the pressure on a much wider footprint.
T⁰: 21.9
30 min extender, stress relaxation every 5 min, no heat
T¹: 22.1
20 min fulcrum stretch at 9.75 lbs with 18 min US and IR heat
T²: 22.5
10 min manual stretch with BIB hardcore and Power Assist at base sets (15 second ease into stretch , 15 seconds full stretch , 15 seconds rest; targeting upper and side angles and fulcrums)
T³: 22.7

Strain: 3.65%

Definitely getting results now. Had raging hard on this morning and measured BPEL 20.8 cm (8.19 in) at highest level and ~1 lb of pressure squeeze at base. I could pulse up to 21.0 but that's cheating to me. The slight base squeeze to me is just a way to guarantee 100% EQ to measure.

Attached is how I have my Bib and PA set together. I'm able to really do intense cyclical fulcrums and stretches this way. I have made one side slightly bigger years ago by wrapping theraband strip and blue electrical tape around one side. I can pull Bib strap and push with other hand against PA for a crazy tug of war fulcrum stretch. Keep in mind I still ease into stretch before really stretching intensely. I can anchor handles of PA against open dresser drawer for side fulcrums.
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Got back in town yesterday. So I had about 5 days off. Was planning on doing piss pulls but really didn't do anything besides a few kegels. Hitting the cul de sac with wife more consistently, can feel my penis slide past the uterus and she likes it. Doggy style with her ass up is out of the question now as it causes pain.

T⁰: 21.8
30 min extender, stress relaxation every 5 min, no heat
T¹: 22.1
20 min fulcrum stretch at 9.75 lbs with 19 min US and IR heat
T²: 22.5
10 min manual stretch with BIB hardcore and Power Assist at base sets (15 second ease into stretch , 15 seconds full stretch , 15 seconds rest; targeting upper and side angles and fulcrums)
T³: 22.7

Strain: 4.13%

Also did 10 min AM 1 and 6 x 30 sec base squeeze with slow jelq to glans
T⁰: 22.1
30 min extender, stress relaxation every 5 min, no heat
T¹: 22.4
20 min fulcrum stretch at 9.75 lbs with 19 min US and IR heat
T²: 22.7
10 min manual stretch with BIB hardcore and Power Assist at base sets (15 second ease into stretch , 15 seconds full stretch , 15 seconds rest; targeting upper and side angles and fulcrums)
T³: 22.7

Strain: 2.71%

Wasn't quite able to make it to 9.0 inches BPSFL like I was on Wednesday (09/25). Don't know if tissues started cooling. I did feel like unit did not get as hot as normal with US. Still I'm starting off longer and overall trend is upwards. I've been doing kegels and Angion method when I can. I have noticed a gain in EQ, ease of attaining erection and bigger dorsal artery. Used to feel flat now it's nice and plump and palpable.
T⁰: 22.1
30 min extender, stress relaxation every 5 min, no heat
T¹: 22.4
20 min fulcrum stretch at 9.75 lbs with 19 min US and IR heat
T²: 22.7
12 min manual stretch with BIB hardcore and Power Assist at base sets (15 second ease into stretch , 15 seconds full stretch , 15 seconds rest; targeting upper and side angles and fulcrums)
T³: 23.1

Strain: 4.52%

Increased time on what I'll call hardcore manual stretches as I'm using the bib hardcore and PA. I had to move out of the room I was doing hardcore manual stretches in as my wife was getting ready. I also increased ultrasound intensity from 1.8 to 2.0 w/cm² the last 3 min. Had excellent strain rates today. A full cm temporary gain.
T⁰: 22.1
30 min extender, stress relaxation every 5 min, no heat
T¹: 22.4
20 min fulcrum stretch at 9.75 lbs with 19 min US and IR heat
T²: 22.7
12 min manual stretch with BIB hardcore and Power Assist at base sets (15 second ease into stretch , 15 seconds full stretch , 15 seconds rest; targeting upper and side angles and fulcrums)
T³: 23.1

Strain: 4.52%

Increased time on what I'll call hardcore manual stretches as I'm using the bib hardcore and PA. I had to move out of the room I was doing hardcore manual stretches in as my wife was getting ready. I also increased ultrasound intensity from 1.8 to 2.0 w/cm² the last 3 min. Had excellent strain rates today. A full cm temporary gain.

I love seeing that you’re still using the power assist, it’s such a brilliant simple design and such a great machine to use for fulcrum stretching.
T⁰: 22.1
30 min extender, stress relaxation every 5 min, no heat
T¹: 22.5
20 min OTL hanging at 9.75 lbs with 20 min US and IR heat (10 min each side)
T²: 22.8
12 min manual stretch with BIB hardcore and Power Assist at base sets (15 second ease into stretch , 15 seconds full stretch , 15 seconds rest; targeting upper and side angles and fulcrums)
T³: 23.1

Strain: 4.52%

I tried something new with OTL hanging. Kyrpa does it and it makes sense as I'll be able to apply US on more area of penis and down to crux. However it being my first time doing this I felt like I was fiddling too much starting out trying to pad the bolts of the bib from digging in my leg. I found that I could use my rice sock and my Thermedic Pw140l far infrared heating pad between penis and leg for added heat. I had good strain but still feel like I didn't get hot enough. I measured 23.1 three times and then penis stiffened to where I could only get 22.8 cm. I noted it to be weird but think it was due to heat not being ideal. Happened a minute apart. I'll continue to play with this angle as with the heating pad, US and IR heat lamp it has more potential to get into therapeutic heat range while heating more surface of penis. It's now October 1st. I did have a 5 or 6 day break within September but I'm going to start adding some girth work in with hopes of converting BPSFL gains into BPEL. Which is still hovering at 20.5 to 20.8 depending on EQ.

I'm starting to think a SO angle might be ideal as I could apply US ventrally thereby hearing dorsal side. When I move to cyclic stretches I could do A-stretches to really target dorsal thickening. I no longer have a place to do SO unless I install a new pulley system or use a door jamb attachment from Rogue (which is somewhere in the storage)
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T⁰: 22.1
30 min extender, stress relaxation every 5 min, no heat
T¹: 22.5
20 min OTL hanging at 9.75 lbs with 20 min US and IR heat (10 min each side)
T²: 22.8
12 min manual stretch with BIB hardcore and Power Assist at base sets (15 second ease into stretch , 15 seconds full stretch , 15 seconds rest; targeting upper and side angles and fulcrums)
T³: 23.1

Strain: 4.52%

I tried something new with OTL hanging. Kyrpa does it and it makes sense as I'll be able to apply US on more area of penis and down to crux. However it being my first time doing this I felt like I was fiddling too much starting out trying to pad the bolts of the bib from digging in my leg. I found that I could use my rice sock and my Thermedic Pw140l far infrared heating pad between penis and leg for added heat. I had good strain but still feel like I didn't get hot enough. I measured 23.1 three times and then penis stiffened to where I could only get 28.1 cm. I noted it to be weird but think it was due to heat not being ideal. Happened a minute apart. I'll continue to play with this angle as with the heating pad, US and IR heat lamp it has more potential to get into therapeutic heat range while heating more surface of penis. It's now October 1st. I did have a 5 or 6 day break within September but I'm going to start adding some girth work in with hopes of converting BPSFL gains into BPEL. Which is still hovering at 20.5 to 20.8 depending on EQ.

I'm starting to think a SO angle might be ideal as I could apply US ventrally thereby hearing dorsal side. When I move to cyclic stretches I could do A-stretches to really target dorsal thickening. I no longer have a place to do SO unless I install a new pulley system or use a door jamb attachment from Rogue (which is somewhere in the storage)


It's been awesome to read through your entire log. I, too, have started to utilize US heat in a similar fashion to you and have read through Kyrpa's whole log as well. Needless to say, you've been an inspiration! I'm only on day 3 of my adventure, but I'm already seeing some encouraging increases in BPFSL - especially post-workout. I'm not sure if you've mentioned it here or in Kyrpa's thread, but have you noticed better results from hanging up in the 9.75lb area (4.5kg-ish) as opposed to the 3kg (6.5lb) area as Kyrpa settled in on?

I've been doing 3-3.25kg for my US heated stretches, but I'm only seeing 2.8-3% strain... nowhere near the high-3 to 4.5% you're seeing.

If you look back in previous campaign, or perhaps I didn't post it as detailed as this one, but first campaign was getting around that strain level. I'd say stick with it. Keep tracking and as things stall you might try to up weight slightly but keep in mind I'm gaining at relatively low weights and upping weights is not the focus like many forms of hanging. Keep in mind I'm a very seasoned vet that took 18 months off. Kyrpa is newer to the scene so to speak, I think that's why I'm getting results at a slightly higher weight.
If you look back in previous campaign, or perhaps I didn't post it as detailed as this one, but first campaign was getting around that strain level. I'd say stick with it. Keep tracking and as things stall you might try to up weight slightly but keep in mind I'm gaining at relatively low weights and upping weights is not the focus like many forms of hanging. Keep in mind I'm a very seasoned vet that took 18 months off. Kyrpa is newer to the scene so to speak, I think that's why I'm getting results at a slightly higher weight.

Roger. Thanks for the reply, man! I haven't done any length work since I put my PF away back in June-ish, but prior to that I logged over 1200 hours in the PF so I'm not exactly a beginner... but I've never done any heavy hanging or manuals either.

Seeing any sort of increase is exciting, though, so I'll definitely stick with the current regime and see how far it can take me. US heat seems like a game-changer. Thanks for being a pioneer!
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Typo found. On the 1st I did 15 min cyclical stretches. Also did 20 min AM. Did have fatigue and inflammation yesterday, cut back to 12 min on cyclical stretches today. Added A- Stretches to cyclical portion since dorsal side would be hottest and therefore primed to stretch dorsal "cord".

T⁰: 22.1
30 min extender with LG attached, stress relaxation every 5 min, no heat
T¹: 22.5
20 min SO with LG at 9.75 lbs with 20 min US on ventral shaft and IR heat
T²: 22.8
12 min manual stretch with BIB hardcore and Power Assist at base sets (15 second ease into stretch , 15 seconds full stretch , 15 seconds rest; targeting upper and side angles and fulcrums... also now targeting A-stretches)
T³: 23.0

Strain: 4.07%

Comments: Good routine gooder. Now I can go from extender with LG attached to LG hanging. More efficiency for same results and more area of penis to be heated. I have been wrapping for bib with another durosleeve overwrapped with long soft ACE bandage with velcro strip. Today I quickly made adjustments to bottom hex nuts and did away with ACE. However that was a little too intense at attachment site. Got through my routine and cut some theraband to 3x16 inches to wrap over durosleeve. Made some more adjustments to bib and felt like it should. I should be good to go right through routine next time, quicker than ever.

BPEL: 20.7-21.1 cm (8.15-8.31 inches). After a few minutes able to kegel up to 21.1. Hovers around 20.8. Good sign.
MSEG: 14.8 cm (5.83)

These were taking post workout and some lingering inflammation from Tuesday. Still progressing nicely. I might reach my girth goal in pursuit of my length goal. Most likely from fulcrums.
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Roger. Thanks for the reply, man! I haven't done any length work since I put my PF away back in June-ish, but prior to that I logged over 1200 hours in the PF so I'm not exactly a beginner... but I've never done any heavy hanging or manuals either.

Seeing any sort of increase is exciting, though, so I'll definitely stick with the current regime and see how far it can take me. US heat seems like a game-changer. Thanks for being a pioneer!
What you're doing is actually the smartest move IMO knowing what I know now. As a newbie use lots of time with low level tension (<8 lbs) with extender or vacuum hanger, milk that for all it's worth. After a year or two then move into a routine that is slightly heavier loads with lower time. As far as overall gains over a PE practitioner's lifespan I believe that is how to maximize it.

Therapeutic heat is the revolutionary next step achieved with US. I'm gaining with weights around 10 lbs and doing it more proficiently than many of the heavier weight hangers. You might find good strain at lower levels. Remember heat allows for greater elongation with reduced damage at lower weights. Don't forget to take accurate measurements and keep tracking your strain levels. Good luck to you.
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I just bought the house I’m living in. I was always living in the one bedroom apartment but I will have access now to five more bedrooms so I’m going to set up a very serious PE room that I think everyone here is going to be very impressed with. Lightning is going to help me and it’s going to be one of the coolest things ever!
1st time in a while I was able to get back to back days. Got some FR by end of routine. Skin needs to have slightly more conditioning to move straight into vacuum hanging and then into compressive force of bib and my hardcore stretches.

T⁰: 22.1
30 min extender with LG attached, stress relaxation every 5 min, no heat
T¹: 22.6
20 min SO with LG at 9.75 lbs with 20 min US on ventral shaft and IR heat
T²: 22.9
12 min manual stretch with BIB hardcore and Power Assist at base sets (15 second ease into stretch , 15 seconds full stretch , 15 seconds rest; targeting upper and side angles and fulcrums... also now targeting A-stretches )
T³: 23.1

Strain: 4.52%
T⁰: 22.0
30 min extender with LG attached, stress relaxation every 5 min, no heat
T¹: 22.3
20 min SO with LG at 9.75 lbs with 20 min US on ventral shaft and IR heat
T²: 22.5
12 min manual stretch with BIB hardcore and Power Assist at base sets (15 second ease into stretch , 15 seconds full stretch , 15 seconds rest; targeting upper and side angles and fulcrums... also now targeting A-stretches )
T³: 22.7

Strain: 3.18%

I think I might be hitting diminishing returns. Will finish out this week to be sure. It's been around 36 days, with a 5 day break because of a trip. Also past few weeks has been more like 1 on 1 off instead of goal of 2-3 on 1 off.
Started this campaign at 21.5. I've been averaging pre‐BPSL of 22.1 for last 1.5 weeks. Reaching post of 23.1. Cumulative strain of 7.44%, taking pre on 1st day to post now using 21.5 and 23.1. Gain of 0.6 cm which in itself is a gain of 2.79%
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T⁰: 22.1
30 min extender with LG attached, stress relaxation every 5 min, no heat
Pre-BPEL: 20.8
10 min cable clamp with US, rice sock and IR heat lamp
5 min cock coffin, increasing tension every so often
5 min jelq
5 min base squeezes for 30 seconds each
5 min pumping using a 1.75 x 2.25 elliptical cylinder @ 5 mmHg
5 min cyclical pumping (5 mmHG, up to 15 mmHg over 15 seconds, 15 seconds hold at 15 mmHg, reset to 5 mmHg for 15 seconds)
Post-BPEL: 21.1
T²: 22.7

Strain: 2.71%

Comments: I don't think for one I got tissues hot enough for long enough. This is a nice beginning to my girth work. I will be looking for water trap so I can water pump with hot water in cylinder while no one is home. I also used adult entertainment, didn't ejaculate but I didn't focus on much of the exercises like I should. I have a 2.0 inch round cylinder that is 12 inches long to try out kyrpa's idea of using pumping as a form of stress relaxation. He puts a rolled up sock in his cylinder to limit elongation and focus on girth expansion.

I used cock coffin for strain eclipses, clamping every other clamp. I feel like the manual portion is actually the most intense portion. Might bump up heated portion to 15 min and limit it there as heat increases metabolic rate of cells and increases oxygen uptake which oxygen levels are reduced during clamping. In future when I get second cylinder I will start in my smaller cylinder and introduce heat via hot water and/or IR heating pad. From there will move up to bigger cylinder and do cyclical pumping with no heat.
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Bought some supplies to convert my pump into a water pump. This will allow me to pump with hot water when privacy allows for it. When I got my new LG hanger he sent about 6 inch tubing with male connector attached. So I bought a water reservoir from mityvac and some tubing from LeLuv that comes with a male connector. So I just needed another female connector which I also got from LeLuv. Total was less than $30.

Water Reservoir

LeLuv tubing with Male connector

Leluv Female connector
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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