So I caught the dietitian looking at my crotch yesterday, hoping I am just being paranoid because I did have the silistretcher on. I looked down and was slightly noticeable. Today I got the dremel out and sanded down the ridge of the silistretcher. I then used a sanding block to refine it. It's not perfect but I did want to test it out. I will likely sand more and even all sides out.

I attached pics of me currently wearing it to show that it is more stealthy now even when I pull my shorts to it, to increase visibility.

While I was sanding I had bought a new wooden ruler and used that to sand away any excess wood and to soften the edges. I also took out the plastic straight edge. Now I'll be able to measure exactly. My old rule was plastic and I had sanded it for similar purposes but it was cracked at one point and super glued together. Well the crack happened again. It didn't effect measurements but it's time to be replaced.

Also I'm thinking I might like to try a size down to really use at work and this one at home. How much for just a new chamber?
I did that to my ruler to back in the day. I was tired of trying to get bone pressed measurements and cutting myself with the edge of the ruler. ??
I bought a vac extender for my next campaign. Will use it before my hanging sets to stretch out the elastic region of the tunica. I've been averaging around 21.5 cm BPSFL. I measured 20.4 cm BPEL after sex tonight. I will continue to make some measurements during this decon. I will stop all ADS work on the 25th. Will be aiming for 7 hours of ADS everyday this week with maybe one or 2 days of nothing..
I bought a vac extender for my next campaign. Will use it before my hanging sets to stretch out the elastic region of the tunica. I've been averaging around 21.5 cm BPSFL. I measured 20.4 cm BPEL after sex tonight. I will continue to make some measurements during this decon. I will stop all ADS work on the 25th. Will be aiming for 7 hours of ADS everyday this week with maybe one or 2 days of nothing..

Thanks for the update my Brother!
BPEL is steady, thank God! Though if I lose a little that is many times expected, I'm glad to see that's not the case so far. BPSFL hangs out around 21.5 to 21.7 cm. Flaccid hang besides at gym is averaging 5.5 to 7.0 inches. I'm now a shower instead of a grower again. 2.5 more weeks until next campaign. The decon is honestly the hardest part especially after such a successful campaign last time. Last week of August will be no ADS. This week aiming for 4 to 6 hours most days.
BPEL is steady, thank God! Though if I lose a little that is many times expected, I'm glad to see that's not the case so far. BPSFL hangs out around 21.5 to 21.7 cm. Flaccid hang besides at gym is averaging 5.5 to 7.0 inches. I'm now a shower instead of a grower again. 2.5 more weeks until next campaign. The decon is honestly the hardest part especially after such a successful campaign last time. Last week of August will beo ADS. This week aiming for 4 to 6 hours most days.

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This is last week of doing ADS. Aiming for 2 to 4 hours this week. Next week will be hands off and then next week new campaign.

Next Campaign Routine
Measure pre-BPSFL before pre-condition stretch
I will be posting pics of my X4 extender with Vac-Extender mod. Use this mainly to push through the elastic region of the strain curve. Take the elastic stretch out of penis so the heavier hang set is going further up the strain curve (out of toe region) and pushing for more growth. Heat cycles with US and IR lamp aimed at groin, penis through hole in underwear to keep balls cooler. This allows me to heat further up the shaft than when I do fulcrum hangs with the BIB. Note I lost my LG hanger during a move and attempt to buy a used one was a bust so I bought a new one, I'm toying with long fulcrum sets and US for my campaign after next one. This heat relaxes the collagen and allows a further stretch. Every 5 to 10 min I increase the length of extender playing on stress relaxation of penis. After the first 5 to the 10 min I add Ultrasound heat, I only use ultrasound during a stretch, not a warmup tool. I use it for 10 minutes and then let penis cool in extended position for about 10 minutes. So about 30 to 40 minutes extending. Increasing tension every 5 to 10 minutes, studies show efficient stress relaxation happens after 300 seconds or about 5 minutes. I use US heat, though others could use any intense heat, in the middle of extending set, then let cool last 10 minutes or so. Measure BPSFL.

Immediately after extending move into fulcrum hang session. Using progressive overload with time and weight and dictated by post BPSFL on when to increase weight. Last campaign started with 8 lbs for 15 min and ended with 11 lbs for 20 min. Started with one hang set and ended with 3 throughout day, ideally each would have pre- condition extender set and heat beforehand. Privacy is tight these days but I pulled it off last time. Wife is on board which makes it easier but I'm living with her family until we can purchase our own home which can make it harder. Masure BPSFL.

After hang set 10 min LM set with assortment of stretches, searching for what areas was missed and doing bundles and fulcrums. This is slow cyclic stretch which also acts on strain curve in different way. If hanging multiple sets I only do this once a day after first hanging set. Measure BPSFL and calculate strain between exercises and total strain. I will likely only post total strain.

Every AM 30 second bucking bronco stretch. Hard Sumo Stretches throughout the day (these are intense so be warned). I will try to jelq at least once a week and do Angion Method as much as possible within reason. ADS as much as possible.

Schedule will be 1 on, 1 to 3 off depending on life schedule but I do tend to think this is ideal as long as stress levels remain at good levels. 1 month on, 1 month off. Weaning off ADS during month off. Hopefully this cycle will allow continued growth.

Results of Last Campaign
I didn't take good BPEL measurements before last campaign. I really wish I had but I'd estimate 0.5 inch BPEL gain in a little over a month and 0.125 inch gain in MSEG, probably from fulcrums. BPSFL increased a full cm. Sitting at 8.03 BPEL x 5.625 MSEG. So far no decreases since starting decon, only 0.3 cm decrease in BPSFL to hovering around 21.5 to 21.7 cm

A few things to consider are I did come back from an almost 2 year long decon break, 20 months I believe. The importance of decon breaks and rests is now firmly engrained in my mind because of these newbie like results. 1/4 inch gain was reclamation of lost gains but I'm now the longest I've ever been. I now use heat only when stretched (especially US) and I let tissues cool down in elongation. I repeat heat cycles through day on my on day as needed. Also I believe there is a science to my techniques. Oddly enough to big gainers at another forum have read similar threads as me and have nade great gains. My routine has been like a hybrid of theirs and is working quite nicely for them. This next campaign will give me more data and I'm hoping for continually growth. I'm close to the end length goal and then will switch to a KRazy girth routine using my homemade contraptions I got from Xeno
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Very insightful, really taking this on the pathway to much more productive training then what we used in the past.

I recall a cool down method in past members, used it too briefly to Know it's long-term success with myself, but, visually it seemed promising.

This cool down is for length, and girth.

Not sure off the top of my head the science, but by using a wrap, cloth, whatever that is cold, not freezing, and applying it to the penis post workout for just one to three minutes, has helped the recovery of men using it.

I know that bib himself, the original hanging guru, knew about this method.
Heat is a valuable tool. It allows greater stretch response, basically pushing the stress- strain curve to right. Cooler temperatures has the opposite effect. In the absence of heat though I've noticed, in me at least, the penis rapidly cooling to body temperature or even below in about 10 minutes. One reason I usually have a cooldown with stretching. The tissues cool with the fibrils in elongated orientation.

I have tried ice water dunks in past but like you not long enough to really see anything. I might try it with my current protocol in future but right now I don't see the need for it and am progressing better than expected. The gradual cooling might be better anyway since it'll slowly go back to normal temps under load. Our body seems to do better with gradual changes, including adding loads. I now gradually increase tension when using any load, extender, hanging, manuals or lengthmaster work.
Heat is a valuable tool. It allows greater stretch response, basically pushing the stress- strain curve to right. Cooler temperatures has the opposite effect. In the absence of heat though I've noticed, in me at least, the penis rapidly cooling to body temperature or even below in about 10 minutes. One reason I usually have a cooldown with stretching. The tissues cool with the fibrils in elongated orientation.

I have tried ice water dunks in past but like you not long enough to really see anything. I might try it with my current protocol in future but right now I don't see the need for it and am progressing better than expected. The gradual cooling might be better anyway since it'll slowly go back to normal temps under load. Our body seems to do better with gradual changes, including adding loads. I now gradually increase tension when using any load, extender, hanging, manuals or lengthmaster work.

I'm loving all this geek talk in your thread, LS!

Good show my friend! Excellent update and then you for going so in depth. Every post you made is so instructional and valuable to whoever is reading. I appreciate people who put that much work into their training in the expression of it.
This is a quote from a member at another forum. We have been doing similar routines after reading the same science threads and studies. I felt he put these thoughts succinctly regarding heat and it's application.

Kyrpa said:
"Heat of the moment
I have already mentioned elsewhere that phenomenological modelling is the description for my contributions theory wise.

To establish direct relations between the external stimuli via stretching and the observed tissue response without trying to explain the mechanisms behind the observations.

But Tutt and Manko have somehow got me involved and I am kind of forced to open thinking behind the things I have chosen do with my dick and why.

Here is my take on studies referred in the book: Science of flexibility by Michael Alter. I had previously captured screenshots from this and took a while to remember the source again but here it is. There are few things which I rely for being crucial for the growth I have achieved with my concept.
Heat is the key, so many times mentioned here at Thunders, but I think it is not clearly understood how high temperatures are actually needed.

When connective tissue is stretched within therapeutic temperatures ranging 102 to 110 F (38.9- 43.3 C), the amount of structural weakening produced by a given amount of tissue elongation varies inversely with the temperature. This is apparently related to the progressive increase in the viscous flow properties of the collagenous when it is heated. (Warrent et al (1971,1976)

The mechanism behind this thermal transition may be destabilization inter-molecular bonding or enhanced viscous flow properties of the collagenous tissues, possibly allowing elongation to occur with less structural damage. (Rigby 1964)
Raising the temperature of tendon above 103 F(39,7 C) increases the amount of permanent elongation that results from the initial stretching. (Laban 1962, Lehmann et al . 1970)

Above 104F (40 C) occurs thermal transition of the microstructure of the collagen, significantly enhancing the viscous stress-relaxation of collagenous tissue and allowing greater plastic deformation during stretch. (Mason and Rigby 1964, Rigby et al 1959)
According to Sapega et al (1981), stretching connective tissue at elevated temperature the condition which under the tissue cools down affects the elongation that remains after tensile stress is removed.

They based their hypothesis on Lehmann et al. (1970) , which found that after heated tissue is stretched , maintaining tensile force during cooling down significantly increasing the relative proportion of plastic deformation compared with unloading the tissue while its temperature still high.
They also speculated that cooling the tissue before releasing allows the collagenous micro-structure to re-stabilize more toward its new stretched length.
However (Hardy and Woodlal 1998) have questioned benefits the cooling while tension. Applying cold while tension it diminished all the gains made in flexibility with every study group.
Therefor applying ice during cool down is not necessary.

IMO possibly even counterproductive. Perhaps, it is better to let the tissues cool down naturally , applying the tension via manual stretching or at extender with fixed length at maximal elongation achieved during heated exercises.

In my case all above mentioned should mean that operating at 41- 43 C the tissues are able to go through plastic deformation at some degree at strains well below proportional limit, not to mention plastic region which will remain untouchable in every circumstances while enlarging our penises.

Being able to elongate BPFSL at every cycle without reaching proportional limit at the stress strain curve.

Baseline BPFSL transitioning 1 mm at time forward and starting every cycle at new fresh starting point longer than before.
Stress strain curve staying the same and tangent modulus being intact, baseline just transitioning forward due elongation
I am hugely convinced that I am not breaking anything, no micro tears , no inflammation. Even if there is minor it is not the case of the growth here. This is something else.

Heat being the topic I would like to add few advantages with the temperatures I am using.

These were posted previously in here by guy named MX and are all valid:
“Increased Metabolic Rate - Metabolic effects - Enhances healing
Increased enzymatic activity has been seen in tissues at 39-43C (102-109F)
Enzyme activity rates begin decreasing beyond 43C (here was 45 but I corrected it) and cease completely at 50C (122F).
Any increase in enzyme rate will increase the cellular biochemical processes and the uptake of oxygen resulting in accelerated healing
Increase of tissue temperature shifts the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve to the right which releases more oxygen for tissue repair.

Hemoglobin releases twice as much O2 when tissue temperature is 41C. (106F) than when it is at resting temperature. “
The last paragraphs comes very important to knowledge when starting to clamp with US."
Also the stress strain curve is a physics thing. I have never taken any physics classes. I'm posting some videos that have helped me understand the very basics.

An amateur resource directed at biomechanics of tendons and ligaments.

And basic orthopedic doctor showing what happens to collagen fibrils during stress strain curve.

One that might help tie it all together and is a bonus.
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Brilliant stuff. Makes me want to train again.
Do you think that devices such as MOS red use those principles with regards to heat?

What equipment are those other guys using to manipulate the temperature.
The MOS Red is for red light therapy not heat. Many including me have used far infrared heat lamps, however these need to be placed a few inches away from penisand are kinda dangerous if touched or dropped, they also heat surface and so you'll experience skin burning sensation sometimes. I used that for half my routine this past campaign and then I got the US unit, they are expensive, need hours of research and common sense to use properly... but it heats and heats deep! Some have modified hot tubs and other forms of moist heat are great. I was gaining before the US unit but it made it easier to heat to proper levels deeper inside the penis than just the surface.
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Did 4 hours vac extender work today, one session of 8 min US heat. Today will be the last day of any ADS. I'm still unsure if it's good to ADS during a decon or not. So far have not lost nor gained anything during decon. Last campaign wasn't really intense enough in my opinion to actualize delayed gains during decon though.

Wanted to get a measurement pic in, damn these are hard. Had to take my phone out of the case and that little jelly cock ring is doing nothing. I did resort to adult entertainment use but did not orgasm.

Coming up week will be hands off, it's good I'll be busy at work and then I'll start anew September 1st.

I'm still 8.03 x 5.625. Got up to 22.3 cm BPSFL unintentionally after ADS today, that's the biggest I've recorded I think. Started the day off at 21.5 cm, might be that I haven't used the extender that much and it's more of a push than a pull.
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Did 4 hours vac extender work today, one session of 8 min US heat. Today will be the last day of any ADS. I'm still unsure if it's good to ADS during a decon or not. So far have not lost nor gained anything during decon. Last campaign wasn't really intense enough in my opinion to actualize delayed gains during decon though.

Wanted to get a measurement pic in, damn these are hard. Had to take my phone out of the case and that little jelly cock ring is doing nothing. I did resort to adult entertainment use but did not orgasm.

Coming up week will be hands off, it's good I'll be busy at work and then I'll start anew September 1st.

I'm still 8.03 x 5.625. Got up to 22.3 cm BPSFL unintentionally after ADS today, that's the biggest I've recorded I think. Started the day off at 21.5 cm, might be that I haven't used the extender that much and it's more of a push than a pull.

I feel your pain regarding trying to get the right EQ to get measurements. If I am unable to get strong EQ, I don't measure. I just use BPFSL instead.
8 x 5 is excellent though!
As this gains campaign felt so easy I'm hoping and betting on achieving my goal of 8.5 BPEL soon, maybe 2 to 3 more cycles. 4 to 6 more months for some perspective. I know I'll soon turn my attention to girth.

I made a cable clamp cock coffin (or cable cuff LOL). The point of strain using a cable clamp is directly above and below cable clamp. Engorgement is also at play to some degree. This device takes into account the strain areas and is another way to take advantage of it, read further back on more uses of xeno's ideas and other torture devices. You simply slowly clamp down every other clamp thereby straining the whole shaft. This is 8 clamps I might have to go longer. I may after achieving length goal during the last length focus campaign skip the decon break and move directly into girth routine for a month before taking month off.

I simply super glued these together and even sprayed with activator to instantly harden. Might make a few double clamps in the future.
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I original intended to start back on the 1st but forgot about Labor Day weekend. So I'm starting back today it's been right at a month. I also have a 5 day trip coming up the 3rd week of September so that might effect this cycle.

30 min Precondition stretch in vac extender, middle 10 min US heat.
15 min A- Stretch with Bib Hardcore at 8 lbs
10 min LM, mainly V- stretch, slow cyclic stretches

Will most likely get in another extender and hanging set then strap into vsc-ads across waist for ADS.

So far BPSFL 21.5 to 22.0 cm. 2.32% strain first stretch set. If anything interesting happens during second session today I'll record it. Will try to get one session in on Saturday and then start back next Wednesday and Friday.
I did a second stretch set (extending with US heat for 1 hour then 15 min A- Stretch with Bib at 8 lbs) and also wore 2 PE weights afterwards for 1.5 hours while I cut grass. It only brought my BPSFL up to 22.1 cm and that was after the extending set, no further measurable increase after extending .

Still it took daily strain up from 2.32% to 2.79%.
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Wearing the PE weights yesterday gave me inspiration to wear my homemade cock coil today. I have 2 but can only find my ugly one today, it was the first one I made with mistakes. In the past I couldn't get this to work right in the past but I think I understand the concept better now. I'm wearing a hair tie wrap underneath. This cock coil is slightly lighter than a pound. These things are cool, can be stretched out, put a bend in it if suffering from peyronie's, and it can keep the shaft after it engorged like a cock ring. I've been wearing it 6 hours straight and counting.
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Wearing the PE weights yesterday gave me inspiration to wear my homemade cock coil today. I have 2 but can only find my ugly one today, it was the first one I made with mistakes. In the past I couldn't get this to work right in the past but I think I understand the concept better now. I'm wearing a hair tie wrap underneath. This cock coil is slightly heavier than a pound. These things are cool, can be stretched out, put a bend in it if suffering from peyronie's, and it can keep the shaft after it engorged like a cock ring. I've been wearing it 6 hours straight and counting.

Love the weights! Perhaps @Lightning will consider these for the store. I think the user Stonerwithaboner used these with great success. He has not been around for a while but it’s good to see that you’re doing it and see how it affects you. Thanks for the picture.
Thank you, if ya'll can reengineer penis weights they would sell.

I was able to get another session in while the wife watched a show. 30 min extender and 20 min A-stretch at 9 lbs. Post BPSFL 22.3 cm. Definitely needed the extra time. Daily strain at 2.76%
Wore PE weights last few days between 4 and 12 hours.

Today: 6.5 hours PE weights at work, then gym and home
30 min vac extender, middle 10 min US heat.
20 min Fulcrum Hang with Bib at 9 lbs, 1st 10 min US heat
20 min SD @ 5 lbs with LG, wife came home and wanted to end set early, felt great fatigue feeling

Comments: BPSFL from 21.7 when getting home to 22.2 cm after taking LG off. Just got a new LG as I seem to have lost my old one in a move. Going to build up to 60 min sets after fulcrum sets with US. Also I will try my best to switch to a 2 on, 1 to 3 days off routine as I think that will be better for gains. Trying my best not to change too many variables. Daily strain 2.3%
Ok so some interesting things today. As pictured above I had one of the first editions of silipad at end on LG hanger. I tested to see if would allow vacuum past it or clog up the vacuum port and give false readings. It did indeed plug up vacuum port. I hung with nothing in front of vacuum port today. I may add cotton ball, cotton round or makeup remover round in future. Something that will provide protection of concentrated vacuum at tip of glans without plugging the port and giving false readings.

I initially used the silicap but got some skin pinching at edge of LG. I did buy LG's glans cap and it is slightly longer and slightly softer. I could use a wrap or tape in future to totally reduce shaft skin pinch but was able to avoid it my second time in with LG's glans cap. The LG's is not so long to avoid skin pinch but i think I just inserted better the second time. Will post pictures of each.

So I've been debating on taking the cyclic stretches (lengthmaster set) out in favor of a long duration, low weight stretch after my fulcrum stretch. Mainly due to conflicting studies that it may or may notlead to strengthening. I've also responded to vacuum hanging really well in past. I got really good results today in one session.

Pre-BPSFL (T⁰) 21.5
40 min extender, 10 min US mid set
20 min Fulcrum hang @ 9 lbs, 15 min US
60 min SD @5 lbs with LG, no heat

Total strain 3.72%!
As this gains campaign felt so easy I'm hoping and betting on achieving my goal of 8.5 BPEL soon, maybe 2 to 3 more cycles. 4 to 6 more months for some perspective. I know I'll soon turn my attention to girth.

I made a cable clamp cock coffin (or cable cuff LOL). The point of strain using a cable clamp is directly above and below cable clamp. Engorgement is also at play to some degree. This device takes into account the strain areas and is another way to take advantage of it, read further back on more uses of xeno's ideas and other torture devices. You simply slowly clamp down every other clamp thereby straining the whole shaft. This is 8 clamps I might have to go longer. I may after achieving length goal during the last length focus campaign skip the decon break and move directly into girth routine for a month before taking month off.

I simply super glued these together and even sprayed with activator to instantly harden. Might make a few double clamps in the future.

Did get 2nd session in today more out of curiosity.
(T⁰) 21.7 cm, higher than earlier this morning
50 min extender, 10 min US heat after 10 min.
(T¹) 21.8 cm
20 min Fulcrum hang @ 9 lbs with 15 min US
(T²) 21.9
60 min SD hang with LG @ 5 lbs
(T³) 22.2
10 min manual stretches, cyclic in nature, 15 second build up, 30 second stretch, 15 second off time. Mainly fulcrum and upper and side angles
(T⁴) 22.2 cm
Strain 2.3%

Comments: Manual work did not result in any measurable improvement. Could be other factors at play. I don't know if 2 sessions in one day would really be any better, especially if I increase my cycles to 2 days on and then 1 to 2 off. So far marked 0.1 cm gain in BPEL so I know I'm at least moving in right direction first week back.
Thank you. I do not know how to reverse engineer the PE weights but it's only lead donuts with a plastic covering. It was designed to be heavier than golf swing weights and more comfortable. I don't know anything about manufacturing them though. The homemade cock coil I have has been professionally manufactured and is being sold by stealth for men, they call it the corkscrew.
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Thank you. I do not know how to reverse engineer the PE weights but it's only lead donuts with a plastic covering. It was designed to be heavier than golf swing weights and more comfortable. I don't know anything about manufacturing them though. The homemade cock coil I have has been professionally manufactured and is being sold by stealth for men, they call it the corkscrew.

@Lightning is always open to creation!
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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