Still waiting on parts to come in, I risked it and water pumped anyway... just this once as privacy was great.

T⁰: 22.1
30 min extender with LG attached, stress relaxation every 5 min, no heat
Pre-BPEL: 20.9
15 min cable clamp with US and IR heat lamp
2 x 1 min cock coffin, increasing tension every so often
5 min jelq
5 min base squeezes for 30 seconds each
10 min hot water pumping using a 1.75 x 2.25 elliptical cylinder @ 7.5 mmHg
5 min dry jelqs
2 min length restricted pumping at around 19 cm at 5 mmHg
10 min cyclical pumping with rice sock (5 mmHG, up to 15 mmHg over 15 seconds, 15 seconds hold at 15 mmHg, reset to 5 mmHg for 15 seconds)
5 min free pumping cooldown at 7.5 mmHg
Post-BPEL: 21.2
T²: 22.8

Strain: 3.17%

Comments: Did stress relaxation laying down for a change and felt better.

I didn't like the restricted length pumping and got paranoid of getting sock stuck in cylinder but I was able to fish it out. I will try it again once other cylinder comes in. I have a good bit of FR today. Hot water pumping felt very good and penis very warm after. Plan to build up to another set of jelqs and squeezes after. No need to really add anything now as I'm getting a good response. Going to start doing better about keeping focus and limiting adult entertainment use.

I lowered time on cock coffin to increase tension. When we clamp we are actually straining the area above and below the clamp. By spacing out clamps it creates strain eclipses. I have circled areas of strain you can see both pics to get the idea. You can actually see my penis bulging as it gets strained.

I should be getting my new cylinder tomorrow and hopefully rest of my supplies by next week. Will start adding a heat cycle to pumping with rice sock or hot water.
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I got some pretty good FR last time, that's to say too much. So I adjusted things down today. My other cylinder came in so I incorporated that in. My water reservoir came in but not the extra tubing or connector, privacy was limited today as well so I wouldn't been able to anyway. What I got today was expansion with much less FR

T⁰: 22.1
30 min extender with LG attached, stress relaxation every 5 min, no heat
Pre-BPEL: 20.9
12 min cable clamp with US and IR heat lamp
2 x 1 min cock coffin, increasing tension every so often
5 min jelq
5 min base squeezes for 30 seconds each, doing compression at head for a few sets and some AM jelqs targeting CS for last sets
10 min pumping using a 2.0 inch round cylinder @ 5.0 mmHg
5 min dry jelqs
10 min cyclical pumping using 1.75x2.25 elliptical cylinder (5 mmHG, up to 15 mmHg over 15 seconds, 15 seconds hold at 15 mmHg, reset to 5 mmHg for 15 seconds)
5 min free pumping cooldown at 5.0 mmHg
Post-BPEL: 21.0
T²: 22.5

Strain: 2.27%
I got some pretty good FR last time, that's to say too much. So I adjusted things down today. My other cylinder came in so I incorporated that in. My water reservoir came in but not the extra tubing or connector, privacy was limited today as well so I wouldn't been able to anyway. What I got today was expansion with much less FR

T⁰: 22.1
30 min extender with LG attached, stress relaxation every 5 min, no heat
Pre-BPEL: 20.9
12 min cable clamp with US and IR heat lamp
2 x 1 min cock coffin, increasing tension every so often
5 min jelq
5 min base squeezes for 30 seconds each, doing compression at head for a few sets and some AM jelqs targeting CS for last sets
10 min pumping using a 2.0 inch round cylinder @ 5.0 mmHg
5 min dry jelqs
10 min cyclical pumping using 1.75x2.25 elliptical cylinder (5 mmHG, up to 15 mmHg over 15 seconds, 15 seconds hold at 15 mmHg, reset to 5 mmHg for 15 seconds)
5 min free pumping cooldown at 5.0 mmHg
Post-BPEL: 21.0
T²: 22.5

Strain: 2.27%

How are you calculating the strain and what is that?
What in God's name is that Takashi Miike inspired cyborg clamp device?? Ichi... is that you? My word...
Yes haha that is me. It's called the cock coffin. Its only cable clamps glued together.
How are you calculating the strain and what is that?
I divide the post by the pre BPSFL, subtract one and multiply by 100. The last 2 steps just to get decimal place where it needs to be. I haven't done a strain on girth but the same steps apply. Girth can be tricky because if FR would obscure results. I'm not necessarily going for girth right now. I'll probably need 2 more cycles of dedicated length work before final goal is reached.
Don't like the name of that, haha. Straight Jacket sounds better, as that's an insane device. Well, I guess since you definitely WILL be burying that dick in at LEAST six, it's fitting. Just don't kill your junk lol
Don't like the name of that, haha. Straight Jacket sounds better, as that's an insane device. Well, I guess since you definitely WILL be burying that dick in at LEAST six, it's fitting. Just don't kill your junk LOL

No bruises yet or in past but it definitely has that potential and is only to be used by veterans to both PE and clamping. I only do it for a minute or two at a time for sets. Doesn't take much.

I have in the past and in fact used it in my last cycle. I switched to bib hardcore because I have more control on the attachment point with that. Either one could be used though.
Quick question, while we are still on the graveyard shift. Did you make it yourself? If so, what type of adhesive was used? Also, are those the newest design? I noticed the black and orange color scheme...
Thoughts currently. For better or worse I took ADS out of current cycle and I have gained. However the gain rate all but stopped around 30 days. I knew the gains probably weren't going to be as robust as last campaign but currently looks like I gained 0.3 cm in BPEL which I can sometimes pulse up to a 0.6 cm gain, but that isn't as consistent. I will for experiment sake finish what I've been currently doing, I switched to a more girth focus after 40 days, it remains to be seen if any further length gain will be achieved.

I could've also got less results because I was using ADS throughout the beginning of my last decon and so tissues haven't really had full time off. So I think upcoming decon I will continue with no ADS, and when I start next campaign in December will incorporate ADS and see if ADS contributes to more gains. I have a good hunch it will, but I've been following kyrpa's lead with no ADS.
What do you mean by stress relaxation every 5 minutes when using the lg extender? Also how many lbs are you using with the extender? If I were to recreate your routine would you have any core tips or principles of the procedure to share with me? Thanks so much longstretch your post ate very helpful. I'll try to work up to this type of routine with AM on the side.
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Stress relaxation is after a period of time the stress felt at a fixed length is reduced as the tissues relax into the stretch. This has been shown to occur around the 5 minute mark. You can feel it in the extender, it'll feel less intense compared to when first putting it on. So every 5 min I slightly increase tension, I'd put it around 5 lbs but haven't measured it. Usually there is no more relaxation occurring once at a maximal stretch has been achieved around 20 to 25 min mark. This marks the collagen fibers have been uncrimped and have been mostly taken out of toe region of stress-strain curve.

I wrote a full write up here with the science behind things. There is an overview on page 3 or 4 by kyrpa and shortly after he joined the discussion.
Had a condensed routine. Was unable to do anything over weekend.
5 min clamp with US
5 min Uli
5 min jelq, "perfect jelq" aiming for 4 second maximal expansion per jelq
2.5 min pump using 2.0 cylinder.
BPEL: 21.0.
MSEG: 14.8

The 2.0 is already too small most times unless I warm up with it and is pretty uncomfortable compared to my elliptical. Shaft gets stuck and dragged up sides of chamber, very uncomfortable. But it was 1/3 the price. Might need to buy another cylinder in future. I'll continue with only using pumping for heat when privacy available (wasn't tonight) and for the cyclical pumping. I seem to get better results with expansion style manual and homemade device exercises. Too much pumping just results in FR and donut dick.

Lack of measurements as I did this session in another room while wife slept and this was spur of the moment. I'm thinking of wrapping this campaign up and taking the decon soon. I originally wanted to go 2 months but things seem to be screeching to a halt, length wise. Vein growth in dick has really taken off though.

Will add other manuals like sadsak head mod, horse squeezes and others, especially when I commit to girth once length goal achieved. Also the perfect jelq is how I'll be jelqing from now on. Really tight grip and going slow.
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Amazing thread LS and the DOE/research is ridiculous informative.
Thank you

I do have a question tho, I am sure you and the others have answered it but after reading a couple hundred pages on this topic, damn if I remember what page/post it was on.

Back with your length routine, could you explain exactly how, when, and how long the ultrasound was applied?

Sorry for the repeat question, if you just point me to the page that works also.

Thanks again,
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Or.... it may be easier to just correct/confirm the following.

For a typical 60-90 minute length routine:
Warm up - none
30 min extender - no heat
20 min Main stretch (fulcrum hang etc.) applying US for the entire time of the stretch
15-20 min cool down stretch - manuals Power Assist/Length Master etc. - no heat
May or may not include additional cool down of 20-30 min extender - no heat.

In a nut shell... does that look correct for this ultrasound program?

I will also add, while reading the first hundred or so pages (between the multiple threads) I thought there was no way in hell I was risking doing PE and microwaving my unit (yeah, yeah, I know it isn’t microwaves) but somewhere in the last hundred or so pages I started looking at portable units and reading up on them and now my biggest question is it seems like 3 MHz is better for the application yet you and the others recommend the 1 MHz... not sure why.

(Late edit)
I should also include....
Suggested program would be a 3 day on / 2 day off routine with extra rest days being suggested over any extra on days.
Cycles would last for 2 months followed by a 1 month or longer break.
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In a nutshell that is correct. Pre-condition stretch AKA condition stretch is done with extender and stress relaxation. Taking tissues out of toe region. This could be done in other ways like manual stretching or hangers could do first set at reduced weight. Now tissues able to extend longer take advantage of this as now stretch will be more effective. Add weakened collagen bonds with applied therapeutic heat and you have magic happening. With heat US is best. Theoretically 3 mHz is better. In real life they are comparable. 3 mHz heats slightly faster at lower W/cm². I would go no longer than 20 min using US and no greater intensity than 2.0 w/cm². Keep at from 1.5-2.0. I mainly stay at 1.8. Start with 1.0 if new to US and slowly increase as you get accustomed to it.

Now after heat you will want to cool in extended state. This can be accomplished with manuals with less time investment. I do this bib hanger and PA but do cyclical manual like stretches. Read my Long Game thread if not already

In regards to decon this needs to be played around more and taken to personal values and measurements. Depends on current conditioning, if you've taken any decons recently and how intense routine is. Changes in those variables and perhaps others will effect length of an adequate decon. I have now stalled around 30 days, started girth focus around 40 days and am currently 47 days in. I was going to go for the full 60 days but I think I'm going to call it and take decon. So for macro cycles of 1-2 months on and 1-2 months off would be best. If stalled for long time and no decons taken recently I would extend decon to 3+ months. For micro cycle I can see 1 on 1 off working, which is what I was able to do mainly this campaign even though I would have liked to do 2 on 1 off. Again this would depend on variables and intensity and able to recover would come into play. 2 on 2 off and 3 on 2 off would work too. Main thing is consistency once campaign has begun and don't fret if an extra day of rest because of life circumstances happens. My schedule is hectic and I work 12+ hours, plus 1.5-2 hours gym time 5 days a week, wife and social life... yeah it can be hard to keep what I think is ideal micro cycle. Believe it or not but PE is not my highest priority these day and I don't think it should be anyone's. I think these principles will allow others to gain more faster so that they can move on with their lives and gain the confidence they need to do so.

Forgot to mention Sunday things came up while I was doing PE. Only got the pre-condition stretch in (extender).
T⁰: 22.0
30 min extender with LG attached, stress relaxation every 5 min, no heat
Pre-BPEL: 20.9
10 min cable clamp with US and Rice sock
2 x 1 min cock coffin, increasing tension every so often
5 min base squeezes for 30-60 seconds each
5 min jelq
5 min pumping hot water pumping using a 1.75x2.25 elliptical cylinder @ 5 mmHg
5 min base squeezes for 30-60 seconds each, last 2 min Slow Squash jelq
Post-BPEL: 21.3
Post-MSEG: 15.5
T²: 22.7

Strain: 3.18%

I did things a little differently. Accidentally came during last Uli's while watching adult entertainment, damn. Didn't feel like doing last cyclical pumping. Still got a good workout in. I might have confused DLD bends with slow Squash jelqs. At any rate I feel it more comfortable to uli, then other had OK grip behind head then squeeze blood out of head with that hand. Kegel pump a few times to really expand shaft before compressing hands together. No bending of shaft occurred either.
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Theoretically 3 mHz is better. In real life they are comparable. 3 mHz heats slightly faster at lower W/cm². I would go no longer than 20 min using US and no greater intensity than 2.0 w/cm². Keep at from 1.5-2.0. I mainly stay at 1.8. Start with 1.0 if new to US and slowly increase as you get accustomed to it.

Thank you very much for that reply.
One last point of detail, is the above (1.5-2.0) also true at the 3 MHz or does that get adjusted?
More shots of cock coffin. Will get more clamps for next campaign. Also started using left over durosleeve for base. Helps keep blood in and prevents skin pinch when adding cock coffin.

My water pumping set up. Did it for only $28 more dollars.
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So looks like measurements have a range, depending on EQ, from:
BPEL: 20.8-21.0 (+0.3-0.5)
MSEG: 14.4-14.5
BPSFL: 22.1 (+0.6)

End goal for length is 21.6 and MSEG 15.2. I aim to reach length goal in 2 campaigns. I wouldn’t mind 21.6 NBEL which might be doable once I start pursuing girth. I’m taking my decon now. As stated before next campaign will include ADS again and might go back to one month on and one month off.
Posting current signature that is at thunders now so when I change it I’ll be able to see what past stats were:

“Starting Size: circa 2003: 5 BPEL x 5.0 MSEG August 2007: 6 2/3 BPEL x 5.5 MSEG

04/22/08: 7.5 BPEL x 5.6 MSEG… On and Off again for a while… 11/25/13: 7.75 BPEL x 5.75 MSEG 08/01/19 BPEL 8.03 x 5.6”
Posting current signature that is at thunders now so when I change it I’ll be able to see what past stats were:

“Starting Size: circa 2003: 5 BPEL x 5.0 MSEG August 2007: 6 2/3 BPEL x 5.5 MSEG

04/22/08: 7.5 BPEL x 5.6 MSEG… On and Off again for a while… 11/25/13: 7.75 BPEL x 5.75 MSEG 08/01/19 BPEL 8.03 x 5.6”

That is incredible! I started in 2000, who knows where I will end up.
You've come a long way bro! I could have sworn that you were at least 6"EG. You must have a thin frame. Jealous!! LOL
I get up right at if not past 6.0 during my girth sessions. It hovers around 5.6-5.8 normally.
That is incredible! I started in 2000, who knows where I will end up.
Awesome! Do you have any end goals in mind?

I will be taking down any photos of myself for my wife just a heads up.
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I get up right at if not past 6.0 during my girth sessions. It hovers around 5.6-5.8 normally.

Awesome! Do you have any end goals in mind?

I will be taking down any photos of myself for my wife just a heads up.

No goal in sight just love what I’m doing!
I get up right at if not past 6.0 during my girth sessions. It hovers around 5.6-5.8 normally.

Awesome! Do you have any end goals in mind?

I will be taking down any photos of myself for my wife just a heads up.
Hey longstretch I have a question about my lg hanger. Im hanging at 8.5lbs right now with that tbone wrap at 9in HG, which goes up to 13in hg when hanging. My glans are being pulled about an inch away from the top of the chamber after about 4 pounds. Is this because I'm not using enough vacuum or is it that my sleeve is weakening? There's no leakage so I'm thinking it's my sleeve. Just wanted to hear your thoughts on this or any tips you have for me
Hey longstretch I have a question about my lg hanger. Im hanging at 8.5lbs right now with that tbone wrap at 9in HG, which goes up to 13in hg when hanging. My glans are being pulled about an inch away from the top of the chamber after about 4 pounds. Is this because I'm not using enough vacuum or is it that my sleeve is weakening? There's no leakage so I'm thinking it's my sleeve. Just wanted to hear your thoughts on this or any tips you have for me

Are you sleeved down to the base? Is this a DuroSleev?
Are you allowing time before you attach weights for the head to expand in the chamber? A little pull back is okay, a full inch is extreme. What level of erection are you taping at? The tbone method is really good for higher weights or longer hangs. I really recommend my way for your current weight it'll allow better glans expansion as well. I think it's $15-$20 to buy the glans protector cap. Here they call it the silicap but it's the same thing. If you want to go cheap you can look up the toe protector caps they spawned from.
Are you allowing time before you attach weights for the head to expand in the chamber? A little pull back is okay, a full inch is extreme. What level of erection are you taping at? The tbone method is really good for higher weights or longer hangs. I really recommend my way for your current weight it'll allow better glans expansion as well. I think it's $15-$20 to buy the glans protector cap. Here they call it the silicap but it's the same thing. If you want to go cheap you can look up the toe protector caps they spawned from.
Im wrapping when im fulling erect, i pump up to 5in hg and do pulses for about 3 minutes then bump straight up to 9-10in HG, but by that time my head is fully filled, should glans be touching the side of the chamber? Maybe my dome is too big.
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I heard $35 but that's to get it made bigger not smaller, a smaller one might be more. Send me a pic I might can come up with a work around.
ive seen a couple of pictures and vids of other guys using the lg hanger and they like have to cram their cock in. With me its not really like that. Im pretty posotive my glans are too small. Ill send you a pic around 5 so you can confirm for me. I know i measured right so i dont know why its fucked, i measured like 10 times, you measure while erect right? Thanks longstretch.
Took some measurements today. These will likely change during decon slightly.
BPSFL: 21.8 +0.3 (7.68)
BPEL: 20.7 +0.2 (8.15)
NBPEL: 18.0 (7.09)
MSEG: 14.5 +0.1 (5.7)
BSEG: 14.5 (5.7)
Coronal ridge: 12.6 (4.96)
Glans width: 4.5 (1.77)
Midshaft width: 5.0 (1.97)
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Took some measurements today. These will likely change during decon slightly.
BPSFL: 19.8 +0.3 (7.68)
BPEL: 20.7 +0.2 (8.15)
NBPEL: 18.0 (7.09)
MSEG: 14.5 +0.1 (5.7)
BSEG: 14.5 (5.7)
Coronal ridge: 12.6 (4.96)
Glans width: 4.5 (1.77)
Midshaft width: 5.0 (1.97)

How long do you plan to spend off?
So looks like measurements have a range, depending on EQ, from:
BPEL: 20.8-21.0 (+0.3-0.5)
MSEG: 14.4-14.5
BPSFL: 22.1 (+0.6)

End goal for length is 21.6 and MSEG 15.2. I aim to reach length goal in 2 campaigns. I wouldn’t mind 21.6 NBEL which might be doable once I start pursuing girth. I’m taking my decon now. As stated before next campaign will include ADS again and might go back to one month on and one month off.

Took some measurements today. These will likely change during decon slightly.
BPSFL: 19.8 +0.3 (7.68)
BPEL: 20.7 +0.2 (8.15)
NBPEL: 18.0 (7.09)
MSEG: 14.5 +0.1 (5.7)
BSEG: 14.5 (5.7)
Coronal ridge: 12.6 (4.96)
Glans width: 4.5 (1.77)
Midshaft width: 5.0 (1.97)

hey @longstretch how can your BPFSL go down 2.3cm in 8 days and how can it actually be smaller than BPEL?
Or do you mean NBPFSL - which would be very unlikely for you, I don't understand.
Please explain LOL would be thankful, maybe a measurement mistake or typing mistake?
I have been working on the science behind bundled stretching and I think it’s going to be very beneficial in the way of understanding exactly was happening when we were doing bundled stretches. I’ll send you my thoughts before I post to see what you think.
I'll be ending my decon tomorrow. BPSFL at 21.8 and BPEL at 20.5-20.7 depending on EQ. This time I will leave ADS in and will hope that will lead to more consistent gains like those I got from my 1st campaign back in June.
T⁰: 21.8
30 min extender with LG attached, stress relaxation every 5 min, no heat
T¹: 22.1
20 min SO with LG at 9.25 lbs with 20 min US on ventral shaft and IR heat
T²: 22.3
10 min manual stretch with BIB hardcore and Power Assist at base sets (15 second ease into stretch , 15 seconds full stretch , 15 seconds rest; targeting upper and side angles and fulcrums... also now targeting A-stretches )
T³: 22.5 (glans sulcus 19.5)

Strain: 3.21%

Comments: I got the idea to measure at glans sulcus from kyrpa. This could make for more accurate measurements as it'll prevent FR of glans from distorting measurements. I only did it at the end.

I'm headed to gym now. I'll ADS when I get back with either PE weights or VacADSv3 with LG leg strap. I'll really try to get in 4-8 hours ADS time most days. Shooting for 2 on 1 off active PE but will depend on work and life schedule. PE isn't a main priority these days, wife, work and gym take precedence.

The extender felt especially intense starting out today. Some length was lost so this is normal. All aboard the gain train!
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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