Glad you are getting the wrapping down and remaining determined in this. It can get frustrating but you seem so calm with it. Good work my Brother.
10/06/14: Mon
6 Hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 Golf Weights
20 min Hanging SD Standing with Hardcore @ 11.25 lbs
I started dating my ex's friend, now of course my ex's ex-friend but that has more to do with my narcissistic sociopathic ex than the girl I'm now seeing. We started talking with no intention of getting together but it lead to something more. This girl used to be a model, is intelligent, sweet, tough, artistic and is very sexual. I think I found someone that can finally keep up with me and she has been complementing me well. She has natural triple D tits and though because of some health issues she could stand to lose 20 lbs I still find her very hot. She is covered in tattoos but this adds to her sexiness in my opinion. She has a rocky past and still drinks and smokes but I can see she will treat me right and I already have trust with her. I'm keeping things open because of the drinking and pot use. She is also bi-sexual and was wanting my permission to have a girlfriend on the side but I don't really feel comfortable with it because I would view it the same as if she had another dude on the side, plus the possibility of her getting with another couple or using her seeing her girlfriend as an excuse for other things... though these last points has more to do with my ex than her. We've been having sex everyday since our first date last Tuesday. Sometime this weekend after sex she stated that if I kept up my sex skillz she wouldn't need anyone else, referring to having a girlfriend she would fool around with every now and then. She's already told me that once she got married she would commit to just her husband but I would prefer if she was just with me to begin with before marriage unless she wanted to share a girl.

Anyway I had issues with numbness last week so I took a whole week off and it was hard to ejaculate up until last night. I jumped weight too fast I know, but I need to heal this nerve damage if I'm consistently using my dick for sex now. Because I wasn't using it at the time I figured if I jumped weight fast to hit fatigue and did experience loss of sensitivity it wouldn't matter. I know from past experience how a girl feels when she can't get you off. Her mom is out of town the next 2 weeks and I have a feeling I'm going to spend most of my time with her but if I wake up early to workout I can go home and get some PE in before work. Though she's been keeping me up into the late night. She's very open and told me she likes to be controlled. We went to spencer's and she pointed out the bed straps to tie her hands and feet down and spread them. My ex didn't like when I talked dirty during sex so I may have skillz but I will need to work on my psychology and dominance. I got to step up my game with this one. Will PE soon but will probably start with just jelqing until my sensitivity completely returns.
She sounds enchanting, I am glad you found someone Long! Have you got her to squirt yet?
I believe she squirted a little bit the second or third time we had sex and that will be something I will get her to do more often once I refine my technique a little more and get her to relax to the idea more. She's also an ex contortionist haha she is very enchanting. I did get ohhh that hurts while she was holding her ankles and followed by you can hurt me if you want to. She really likes to get me off lol.
longstretch;612190 said:
I believe she squirted a little bit the second or third time we had sex and that will be something I will get her to do more often once I refine my technique a little more and get her to relax to the idea more. She's also an ex contortionist haha she is very enchanting. I did get ohhh that hurts while she was holding her ankles and followed by you can hurt me if you want to. She really likes to get me off lol.

Plz don't sacrifice sensitivity bra that's counter intuitive for us PE guys. How could we know when were hitting the tissues right?
Also I think your new girl is too high on the crazy scale to marry her. Hope she doesn't key your car or some shit
I wasn't voluntarily sacrificing sensitivity. I had numbness before last week but was getting a good hold on the tissues and just had my sensitivity return when I upped the weight to test my limits. II guess it reaggravated the same nerve that just healed. In hindsight it was pretty dumb and I should have just steadily climbed. She is crazy don't get me wrong but so far ithink she's a good crazy.
Train safe bro I need to hear my brother reporting positive results.
While I was an addict I knew I couldn't trust even myself. That's why I flinched when you said you trust her
tkto;612233 said:
Train safe bro I need to hear my brother reporting positive results.
While I was an addict I knew I couldn't trust even myself. That's why I flinched when you said you trust her
I will train by the book from now on. I finally had my attachment down but I shocked my soft tissues to harshly. My sensitivity is already back. I meant I trust her as far as loyalty goes, I'm keeping a lookout on her using. I have over a year clean and have worked the steps, have a sponsor, do service work and I also take random drug screens to keep me accountable to myself and others. I know it wouldn't have been possible if I was only a few months clean and haven't worked the steps. I'm getting back into nursing so I will always have drugs around but we do recover and no matter what I know that I can't use successfully. I know where you're coming from and that is the only cause of concern I see in this relationship right now. I hope it works out because I will leave if it doesn't or I find her to have problems. She's not pressuring me to use with her, understand I'm an addict and only does pot and drinks which will show up in drug screens
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longstretch;612315 said:
I will train by the book from now on. I finally had my attachment down but I shocked my soft tissues to harshly. My sensitivity is already back. I meant I trust her as far as loyalty goes, I'm keeping a lookout on her using. I have over a year clean and have worked the steps, have a sponsor, do service work and I also take random drug screens to keep me accountable to myself and others. I know it wouldn't have been possible if I was only a few months clean and haven't worked the steps. I'm getting back into nursing so I will always have drugs around but we do recover and no matter what I know that I can't use successfully. I know where you're coming from and that is the only cause of concern I see in this relationship right now. I hope it works out because I will leave if it doesn't or I find her to have problems. She's not pressuring me to use with her, understand I'm an addict and only does pot and drinks which will show up in drug screens

Hopefully you will rub off on her and she will become sober too. I would not press her or put too much stress on her, just lead by example and hopefully she will follow suit. Love is a very powerful thing and it can overcome anything. Your in my prayers Brother!
Very soothing to hear your dik is regenerating, and your gonna kick-back with tons of experience points from this.
I also got to the point where I wasn't using "successfully" all my friends would tell me to just shoot up the smack unless I wanted to be selling my money short. Each of those same people had also told me before that I shouldn't go near syringes unless I didn't plan to quit. I swear these same kids I went to middle school with look, and sound lil complete strangers.

Like you said "that part of my life is over" right?
It can be over if you want it to be. Working the Steps and getting to know myself and realign my life with God's will for me has changed me so much. I'm still an addict even though I might not be currently addicted. I thought I had a drug problem. But I lost the drug problem after the 1st week but the disease of the mind known as addiction stays with me for life. It will reach into every aspect of my life if I don't get spiritually fit and work on my recovery. I have to put recovery first above everything. I can put the drugs down but then become obsessive with working out, shopping, food, sex, video games, tv, etc, etc. The scared little boy in a grown mans body that I am will act out like a big baby if I don't live by principles and remain spiritually fit. I know I can't do any mind or mood altering drug or drink, alcohol's a drug after all, for the rest of my life without unleashing that addictive cycle all over again. Those nerve pathways in the brain have gone from a small groove to a 10 lane highway over the years. My life is so much better and I have a sense of freedom and possibilities that I only felt during childhood. I know if I use I risk losing everything and possibly my life. The fucked up thing is if I don't keep vigilant and constantly work on my recovery that little voice in the back of my head could convince me that its okay to use just once. Its hard to find anyone else that doesn't at least have an occasional beer these days and the girls in the rooms are many times very very sick and not in a good way. So I know I'm taking a risk with this one, but I've set boundaries with her, she knows I'm an addict and can't use anything not even alcohol and I have outside people and things keeping me accountable. I hope it works with her but I won't hesitate to cut ties if I feel I'm in jeopardy, many people wouldn't understand that its a matter of life and death with me and even if I don't die I will lose whatever I put in front of my recovery anyway when I do relapse.

I had using and partying friends but I can't find them these days. Its no skin off my ass because the only people I have in my life are true friends who want to be in my life and aren't there for what drugs I can get them or just want to get high and stare at the boob tube for 6 hours. We actually talk and get to know one another. All in all I'm much more fulfilled these days
Discipline ma brothas that's was up. I don't ever want to snort heroin again, like I said I wasn't even getting off. And that chem makes pot seem homo as phuk. I do drink beers cuz you know, for the heat. Just don't go near four loko,or Jose cuervo if I want to remain conscious enough to socialize. But heroin? No thanks bra I'm borderline scary of the shit. Good thing my Jesus always by my side to warn me of any funny business
tkto;612421 said:
Good thing my Jesus always by my side to warn me of any funny business

Jesus is there for all of us and if we can hear his message we will always be on the right track. I suffered with over use for many years of heroin and alcohol. I finally went to Christ with these issues and I can say that for 3 years now I have been able to practice great discipline over misuse and abuse of drugs and alcohol. I can have a glass of wine daily without needing more. I can smoke weed without it consuming my life. For me, moderation in all things is what keeps me most safe. I have not done heroin for many years now and no longer have the desire.
Great! I think I might say the "L" word tomorrow. She said it during sex last night but I didn't reply because I wasn't there yet but after talking about it to her and feeling the way I feel about her I believe I am.
Which word eloel? I would have trolloled if a bich said that to me. What does she expect I forget my feelings for #1 tecato bauws thread kidnap, torture, dismemberment nigga? But lovemaking is a beautiful thing, maybe she got carried away
longstretch;614324 said:
Great! I think I might say the "L" word tomorrow. She said it during sex last night but I didn't reply because I wasn't there yet but after talking about it to her and feeling the way I feel about her I believe I am.

What a beautiful love story! I am so happy for you that you have found someone you can share your life with!
smerc;614371 said:
Love I would assume :blush:

or letsjustbefriends
Haha you really live up to your name and are always making me laugh!
10/22/14: Wed
15 min Hanging SD with Hardcore at 6.25 lbs
3.5 hours of [words=]VLC[/words] attached to [words=]PMP[/words] down right leg at strong tension

Comments: I've suggested to my new girl that I stay at my house during the week so I can get up go to the gym, workout and get in bed on time. I'll also have privacy to PE. We had a date last night, I spent the night at her house and I could only hang in the morning before work but my workout was overtime so I only got 15 min in.
longstretch;614686 said:
Haha you really live up to your name and are always making me laugh!
10/22/14: Wed
15 min Hanging SD with Hardcore at 6.25 lbs
3.5 hours of [words=]VLC[/words] attached to [words=]PMP[/words] down right leg at strong tension

Comments: I've suggested to my new girl that I stay at my house during the week so I can get up go to the gym, workout and get in bed on time. I'll also have privacy to PE. We had a date last night, I spent the night at her house and I could only hang in the morning before work but my workout was overtime so I only got 15 min in.

sounds like a good balance
longstretch;614686 said:
Haha you really live up to your name and are always making me laugh!
10/22/14: Wed
15 min Hanging SD with Hardcore at 6.25 lbs
3.5 hours of [words=]VLC[/words] attached to [words=]PMP[/words] down right leg at strong tension

Comments: I've suggested to my new girl that I stay at my house during the week so I can get up go to the gym, workout and get in bed on time. I'll also have privacy to PE. We had a date last night, I spent the night at her house and I could only hang in the morning before work but my workout was overtime so I only got 15 min in.

Love and PE, what difficult choices to make:)
10/23/14: Thurs
5 min Hanging BTC with Hardcore at 6.25 lbs
3.5 hours [words=]VLC[/words] attached to [words=]PMP[/words] belt

10/25/14: Sat
20 Min Hanging SD Standing with Hardcore @ 6.25 lbs
8 min Dry Jelq
longstretch;615443 said:
3.5 hours [words=]VLC[/words] attached to [words=]PMP[/words] belt

Why are you not using the [words=]PMP[/words] bell? Did it break?
No ididn't break it. I don't like the way it pulls at an upward angle not straight out and causes allot of fluid buildup after an hour. I'm at work so there are no guarantees if be able to take it off and put it back on constantly through the day. The [words=]VLC[/words] and golf weights are much better options in my opinion
longstretch;615961 said:
No ididn't break it. I don't like the way it pulls at an upward angle not straight out and causes allot of fluid buildup after an hour. I'm at work so there are no guarantees if be able to take it off and put it back on constantly through the day. The [words=]VLC[/words] and golf weights are much better options in my opinion

The [words=]VLC[/words] is a very useful tool in so many ways. I think it's functionality gets lost in it's use with the [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] but it does so much more. It os a great [words=]ADS[/words], it can be used as a light hanger, it can replace [words=]Uncle Jim[/words]'s Wrap as a healing method, and many other ways it can be used. For the price it is a great deal that will make all kinds of stretching so much more comfortable and lengthly.
longstretch;615961 said:
No ididn't break it. I don't like the way it pulls at an upward angle not straight out and causes allot of fluid buildup after an hour. I'm at work so there are no guarantees if be able to take it off and put it back on constantly through the day. The [words=]VLC[/words] and golf weights are much better options in my opinion

I didn't know the flare in the bell thing actually had that problem. Kind of glad I stuck it out now and got the [words=]phallosan[/words]. Especially w/ the different bells they have.
I'm sure you could modify your own bell thing and attach the [words=]PMP[/words] valve on the top and use the pump/hose for the vacuum aspect. That's if you wanted to ever use a vacuum [words=]extender[/words] instead of your [words=]VLC[/words] down the road. Could end up being more trouble than it's worth though.

Have you thought of selling it and putting the money towards something else?
Heard of a few people (not here) using the [words=]PMP[/words] belt and saying it's top tier.

I might have to settle for the [words=]VLC[/words] belt as [words=]PMP[/words] wants around $70 for it (not sure of shipping).

You might find a buyer even w/ the belt not included. Still has the rods :blush:
I'm definitely down to sell that as well as some of my other equipment. I have a complete [words=]size genetics[/words] box. A [words=]Hercules[/words] [words=]bathmate[/words], a small max-vac 1 and a medium sized The Grip bell complete with hour glass sleeves. I also have the original male hanger. The only items that I will not part with are my bibs, LG Hanger, [words=!!!]Lengthmaster[/words], [words=]penomet[/words] and [words=]goliath[/words] pumps.

10/30/14: Thurs
20 min Hanging SD with Hardcore at 6.25 lbs

Comments: I lost some consistency because I've been staying at my girls house getting ready for Halloween and haven't been waking up early to go to the gym and then go home and hang
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And yes my [words=]pmp[/words] still had the rods and many sleeves left
longstretch;617220 said:
I'm definitely down to sell that as well as some of my other equipment. I have a complete [words=]size genetics[/words] box. A [words=]Hercules[/words] [words=]bathmate[/words], a small max-vac 1 and a medium sized The Grip bell complete with hour glass sleeves. I also have the original male hanger. The only items that I will not part with are my bibs, LG Hanger, [words=!!!]Lengthmaster[/words], [words=]penomet[/words] and [words=]goliath[/words] pumps.

10/30/14: Thurs
20 min Hanging SD with Hardcore at 6.25 lbs

Comments: I lost some consistency because I've been staying at my girls house getting ready for Halloween and haven't been waking up early to go to the gym and then go home and hang

Never sell the [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words], when they become scarce people are willing to pay whatever for one.
I keep getting pop ups from this site whenever I click on a thread

11/03/14: Mon
20 min manual stretching, inverted V-Stretches over Emu can for fulcrum
longstretch;618027 said:
I keep getting pop ups from this site whenever I click on a thread

11/03/14: Mon
20 min manual stretching, inverted V-Stretches over Emu can for fulcrum

It looks like it has all been cleared up now. Let us know if you have any more popups.
11/06/14: Thurs
20 min manual Inverted V-Stretches over fulcrum, switching hands as needed

11/07/14: Friday
24 min Mandingo Stretches, switching hands as needed

11/10/14: Mon
13 min Hanging SD with Hardcore @ 6.75 lbs
15 min Hanging SD with Hardcore @ 6.75 lbs
Hey longstretch, I like your thread a lot and I had a question. I already have a [words=]SG[/words], but it is a bitch to use because the noose and other attachments suck IMO. Is the [words=]VLC[/words] any good? I have heard that the [words=]VLC[/words] is not that good for stretching and instead is much more like the [words=]TLC[/words] in that it just causes you to restore foreskin. I really do not want to restore foreskin, but I am interested in the [words=]VLC[/words], what is your opinion on this?
boohoohoo;620956 said:
Hey longstretch, I like your thread a lot and I had a question. I already have a [words=]SG[/words], but it is a bitch to use because the noose and other attachments suck IMO. Is the [words=]VLC[/words] any good? I have heard that the [words=]VLC[/words] is not that good for stretching and instead is much more like the [words=]TLC[/words] in that it just causes you to restore foreskin. I really do not want to restore foreskin, but I am interested in the [words=]VLC[/words], what is your opinion on this?
I love it and while it might promote some skin growth it won't be as much to restore your foreskin. I did get a little extra skin when I first used it but it's only noticeable to me and I find it welcome. Also some skin Growth must happen with growth in general if your penis is to become longer. Bib spoke of this and would even dedicate a week or two every so often only stretching skin. Also the glans did get a little softer and more sensitive which I liked as well. I've tried many [words=]ADS[/words]' and the only ones I promote now are the [words=]VLC[/words], golf weights/PE weights, or [words=]uncle Jim[/words] strapped.

11/24/14: Mon
15 min Hanging SD Standing with LG Hanger at 6.25 lbs

Comments: I pretty much live with my new girlfriend now and though I'm very happy I no longer have much time to PE or privacy. The only time I could is a little bit of time after I hit the gym early in the morning during the week as I go back to my house before work. The past two weeks however my little sister has decided to work out in the weight room adjacent to mine about the time I get home from the gym... Ugh. I took last week off the gym to prepare for an interview I had last week and got back on track today. Luckily she didn't workout today. I'm thinking I might have to just come home and hang in my bathroom. I've been doing a 100 dry jelqs most days between when I last logged and now. I'm thinking of also doing some girth work and kegels as my erections have been harder to achieve lately, which I've never had a problem with.

I will progress slowly with the LG. I have sex daily with the new girlfriend and can't afford blisters. I found two blue sheaths from my Max-Vac so I taped like I used to do today. The only difference is I applied the paper tape in cross sectional strips around the glans.
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longstretch;621768 said:
I love it and while it might promote some skin growth it won't be as much to restore your foreskin. I did get a little extra skin when I first used it but it's only noticeable to me and I find it welcome. Also some skin Growth must happen with growth in general if your penis is to become longer. Bib spoke of this and would even dedicate a week or two every so often only stretching skin. Also the glans did get a little softer and more sensitive which I liked as well. I've tried many [words=]ADS[/words]' and the only ones I promote now are the [words=]VLC[/words], golf weights/PE weights, or [words=]uncle Jim[/words] strapped.

This is a great post! Men need to understand that skin has to stretch in order to accommodate new gains in both length and girth.
11/26/14: Wed
20 min Mandingo Stretch (switching hands as necessary q5-6 min)

11/28/14 Fri
25 min Mandingo Stretch (switching hands as necessary q5-6 min)

12/01/14: Mon
25 min @ 6.25 min Hanging SD Standing
12.5 min Mandingo Stretch

Comments: I will edit this post as needed for today. I used the same setup as last time for the LG today with 4 strips of paper tape in cross sectional pieces over the glans and the blue sleeve of MV-II. Today I also tore some toilet paper that would fit around my glans to provide cushion and protection from the tape. I really liked it and I believe it will prevent blisters from forming at creases that might be made with the paper tape while at the same time limiting unwanted over expansion of the skin. I do apply some pressure to the paper tape to slush the glans to restrict fluid build up and limit over expansion. All of my blisters have formed on the glans. I'll take pictures and add it to my thread on my setup whenever I can. It's early to tell but I can see this working.

Yesterday while at a book store with my girlfriend we were looking through the sex section. She pulled out a book called Sexual Reflexology by Mantak Chia. My first reaction was this was bullshit because I don't believe in reflexology but she opened it up and I saw a section on kegels. Further in the book it detailed some basic stretches and jelqs which it called "power milking".

Later at home I started doing the stretches in bed to open a dialogue. I kept it light hearted, in the book they were doing the stretches with the guys tongue sticking out. Of course I did the same and did goofy faces. I said, "that book said it would make it bigger I wonder if that's true?" Of course I already know the answer to that. She said I was perfect and wouldn't want me to get any bigger. Later on I started doing the jelq and pretended I had no idea what I was doing and she mentioned she hated the phrase I was milking it, like I was a cow. She also said I better read into it if I was going to do it because she didn't want me to injure myself, like what if my balls got sucked up into my body. I said the pictures did show the guy holding his balls back and laughed. Then I told her I'll research it. I say all this to say I'm going to let my girlfriend in on it but only do manual work in front of her
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longstretch;622928 said:
Yesterday while at a book store with my girlfriend we were looking through the sex section. She pulled out a book called Sexual Reflexology by Mantak Chia. My first reaction was this was bullshit because I don't believe in reflexology but she opened it up and I saw a section on kegels. Further in the book it detailed some basic stretches and jelqs which it called "power milking".

I guess you really can't tell a book by it's cover:)
longstretch;623106 said:
Haha very true. Things are really cumming together because of that book

And I bet it made your girl feel good that she helped out, sharing in the whole PE process.
doublelongdaddy;623141 said:
And I bet it made your girl feel good that she helped out, sharing in the whole PE process.
Time will tell but she's getting a breast reduction and lift soon. I joked while we can't have sex I can milk my dick. Mandingo Stretches have been a favorite to use while watching tv or lounging around for a long time too.

12/02/14: Tues
20 min Mandingo Stretches (switching hands as necessary q5-6 min)
26 min 1/2 bundled Mandingo Stretches (switching hands as necessary q5-6 min)
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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