doublelongdaddy;604630 said:
What is sex?:)
I don't even know man. I just hear that word said alot and was trying to be cool hahaha

09/10/14: Wed
3 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD Standing with Bib Starter at 8 lbs
1 hour wrapped
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD Standing with Bib Starter at 8 lbs
3 hour break
3 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD Standing with Bib Starter at 8 lbs

Comments: Had the day off of work and was able to get alot of sets in. 8 total. I was going to use the PE weights but I forgot that I would need to go through a metal detector today and didn't want to do that in front of everyone and my family. Starting around set 3 of the day I could feel an intense pull from both the skin at attachment and pubic bone and my ligaments themselves. After a few minutes it subsided but man it was intense. I had time to hang even more and contemplated dropping down to 5 lbs and continuing for another set or two, I'm not used to having a lot of time on my hands, but I decided not to push it too far and risk injury just coming back and conditioning the soft tissues for the bib. I did cut the theraband to 2 [words=]x 20[/words] inches long and it works wonderfully. I had to make some adjustments to the bib but I think I have it dialed in okay and will continue to experiment.

I made a weight stack today for pretty cheap. I started a thread here to showcase it. I got the idea from looking at bib's forums.
longstretch;604683 said:
I don't even know man. I just hear that word said alot and was trying to be cool hahaha

lol...I guess so!
09/11/14: Thurs
20 min Hanging SD Standing with Bib Starter @ 8 lbs
20 min Hanging BTC with Bib Starter @ 8 lbs
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD Standing with Bib Starter @ 8 lbs
12 min Hanging SD Standing with Bib Starter @ 9.25 lbs transitioned into Sitting SD for 13 min

Comments: I decided to transition into BTC my last set but my dick wasn't having that and immediately felt a sharp burning in skin and ligs so I just stayed at sitting SD. In addition the timer I have can also act as a stopwatch and I guess I had it in that mode and went into a 25 min set.
09/12/14: Friday
3 hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 Golf Weights
20 Min Hanging Seated SD with Bib Starter @ 9.25 lbs
2 [words=]x 20[/words] Min Hanging BTC with Bib Starter @ 9.25 lbs
20 Min Hanging Standing SD with Bib Stater @ 9.25 lbs
5 hour break
2 [words=]x 20[/words] Min Hanging SD with Hardcore @ 9.25 lbs

Comments: My Hardcore came in today and I think I'm in love. It has a deeper well than the starter. With seating myself in the starter's well, many times it was a balancing act of not letting the top bolt dig into my wrap too harshly versus having the bottom teeth pinch the shit out of my dick. The hardcore can really bite and I'm still trying to get it dialed in but I only had 2 sets. At some points it actually felt more comfortable than the padded starter, still I know I'm going to have to adjust my wrap and the bottom hex nut settings
longstretch;605204 said:
Comments: My Hardcore came in today and I think I'm in love. It has a deeper well than the starter. With seating myself in the starter's well, many times it was a balancing act of not letting the top bolt dig into my wrap too harshly versus having the bottom teeth pinch the shit out of my dick. The hardcore can really bite and I'm still trying to get it dialed in but I only had 2 sets. At some points it actually felt more comfortable than the padded starter, still I know I'm going to have to adjust my wrap and the bottom hex nut settings

Good for you Brother! I hope this new hanger really adds to your gains!
jacob5414;605206 said:
hows the bib hanger
I prefer the LG because its more comfortable and I can hang longer sets which the end result is more time under tension. But I got too ambitious, didn't listen to my own body cues and had some problems with my wrap and have developed a couple of blisters in the last month. I learned my lesson the hard way and I'm currently letting the skin heal and to keep making progress I decided to learn how to use the bib. I like it just fine really, its a really great hanger. I plan to use it for a little while longer and then do most of my sets with the LG but try to get one or two sets with the bib in a day to keep up soft tissue conditioning. Plus I'm starting to think because they attach differently there is potential for greater gains if both are employed. Its late and I'm getting off track, the take home is I really like the bib but it does have a steep learning curve and isn't as comfortable.

doublelongdaddy;605322 said:
Good for you Brother! I hope this new hanger really adds to your gains!
Well I'm now counting a 1/8th gain in BPFSL AFTER my sets today, temporary I know but I'm definitely heading in the right direction. Thats 3/16th inch gain in BPFSL in like a month.

09/13/14: Sat
20 min Hanging BTC with Hardcore (to be referred now on as the Bib, I'm making this my main Bib) @ 9.25 lbs
10 min Hanging BTC then 10 min Hanging Standing SD with Bib @ 9.25 lbs
20 min Hanging Standing SD with Bib @ 9.25 lbs
5-6 hour break
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD with Bib @ 10 lbs

Comments: I experimented with my wrap early in the day. I got the idea from SheLovesIt at bib's forum and he has roughly the same size as me. It really is genius I gotta say and makes sense to halt turkey neck growth. I used a Goody HTW with 2 strips of theraband. One strip at 2 [words=]x 20[/words] inches that I been using and cut a new strip at 2 [words=]x 30[/words] inches. I cut a toilet paper roll in half up the middle and utilized a third hand tool. I used the toilet paper roll as an easy HTW applicator. I cut the HTW in half and rolled the HTW into a HTW condom pretty much. I stretched it over the toilet paper roll and unrolled it onto the toilet paper roll. I then strung the third hand tool through the HTW on the toilet paper roll. I attached the 3rd hand tool below my glans and while stretched and using my fingers to widen the roll, hence why I cut it, over my penis close to the base. Then I work the HTW onto my penis, usually my head slips out of the 3rd hand tool at some point. While applying pressure to the HTW at the base I slide the toilet paper roll off my penis making sure the HTW stays behind. Then I apply the two strips of theraband like normal but trying to spiral the wrap to the of the HTW at the base. I start back towards the glans with the second strip of theraband and spiral that towards the base as well. I think this will limit the further development of a turkey neck. I also pull any skin out of the HTW as I'm applying it as I can.

This wrap is noticeably thinner than what I was doing and the HTW were brand new. I did get some fluid build-up especially before I took the break and my other last set. This could be increased because the HTW were brand new and haven't gotten worn in yet. It was however more comfortable than I thought. My last 2 sets I used 2 HTW in addition to the 2 strips of theraband mentioned above. The problem I had with the wrap today is the hanger would stay in place very good but the wrap would go past the top of my head and dig in a little and cut off circulation. My head didn't fill with blood with this wrap (making it easier for the wrap to slide past the head) and I did get fluid build-up which leads me to believe it was cutting off circulation even though I was able to tighten the hanger well. I've decided to start wrapping all the way to the base and this can compound the loss of circulation if the wrap is too tight. I will either keep trying to adjust this way along with hanger settings (might need to come in more with bottom hex nuts or toe out more or less) or go back to the pajama/Sweatpants material and maybe try that with 2 strips of theraband.

Also I believe a paper towel roll would make a better HTW Applicator but I'll have to wait to run out of paper towels, I had an empty toilet paper roll laying in my bathroom and decided to try that for now.
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09/14/14: Sun
20 Min Hanging SD Standing with Hardcore @ 10 lbs

20 min Hanging SD Standing with Starter @ 10 lbs

Comments: I tried to use an xsleeve with theraband as wrap before my first set but it didn't work. The xsleeve would get pushed even more post my head and my penis twisted in the hanger. After a few tries I tried the pajama and 2 strips of theraband. It was better but I did get some twisting before fully tightening and twisted my dick back to neutral. When I pulled out I had a bruise on the left side and underneath area of my penis near the circumcision scar. It went away by my second set though I had a few hours break. Idid have many tiny burst capillaries and done general brownish discoloration. My penis couldn't tolerate the hardcore and I kept getting twisting so I went with the starter. I fit well with this wrap and to my surprise it was a very comfortable hang. I'll need to widen the bottom hex nuts to accommodate the change in wrap. I'm going to research how to fix the twisting and use the starter for a little bit to let my soft tissues at the attachment point heal a little bit before I go back to the hardcore.
longstretch;605628 said:
09/14/14: Sun
20 Min Hanging SD Standing with Hardcore @ 10 lbs

20 min Hanging SD Standing with Starter @ 10 lbs

Comments: I tried to use an xsleeve with theraband as wrap before my first set but it didn't work. The xsleeve would get pushed even more post my head and my penis twisted in the hanger. After a few tries I tried the pajama and 2 strips of theraband. It was better but I did get some twisting before fully tightening and twisted my dick back to neutral. When I pulled out I had a bruise on the left side and underneath area of my penis near the circumcision scar. It went away by my second set though I had a few hours break. Idid have many tiny burst capillaries and done general brownish discoloration. My penis couldn't tolerate the hardcore and I kept getting twisting so I went with the starter. I fit well with this wrap and to my surprise it was a very comfortable hang. I'll need to widen the bottom hex nuts to accommodate the change in wrap. I'm going to research how to fix the twisting and use the starter for a little bit to let my soft tissues at the attachment point heal a little bit before I go back to the hardcore.

That must have been frustrating, sorry Brother. I hope you find something that works better for you.
Nah it's all good. I found some stuff in my research and I was honestly expecting some difficulties switching over but I do have the padded starter to switch back to until I get my attachment down with the hardcore. And once I feel my skin is 100% and gravitate back to the LG I'll only be doing a set or two daily with either bib
09/15/14: Mon
20 Min Hanging Standing SD with Starter @ 10 lbs
7 hours with 2 golf weights as [words=]ADS[/words]
09/16/14: Teus
9 hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 Golf Weights

Comments: I didn't wake up in time to come home from my fuck buddy's house this am. I wore golf weights at work but I took too long after the gym to eat and didn't get any hanging in. I tried to wrap like malehanger/stillwantsmore suggest at his site but that's not working for me. It don't feel thick or solid enough and not only did it twist in the hanger during the tightening part but I got nerve pain. I didn't have the energy to try my original wrap or break out the starter. Will resume hanging tomorrow
longstretch;606233 said:
Nerve pain will feel electrical in nature.

Have you had this issue Long? Someone has been complaining about nerve damage and I would love to know more on the signs of it really being nerve damage and nothing else.
No it only happened yesterday when I was pulse pushing in the hanger. My penis twisted and the pressure of the pulse push immediately turned to nerve pain. I stopped and it went away
longstretch;606321 said:
No it only happened yesterday when I was pulse pushing in the hanger. My penis twisted and the pressure of the pulse push immediately turned to nerve pain. I stopped and it went away

Have any clue to how long this might last?
I don't have time to go into full detail but some searches online might provide you with the answer. I believe it was just sensory nerves located in the skin maybe a little deeper and was from the twisting. The pain itself is gone soon after I took the hanger off and untwisted. This might have been different if I would have actually hung weight.

Numbness,hypersensitivity, tingling, loss of spatial awareness of the extremity and of course the electrical sensation are symptoms of nerve pain.

Of course half of those can be attributed to poor circulation too but remember nerves are part of the package that must be stretched as well
09/17/14 Wed
8 hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 Golf Weights
3 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD Standing with Starter @ 10 lbs
09/19/14: Thurs
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD Standing with Starter @ 10 lbs

Comments: I'm still getting petechiae around where the front of the hanger clamps down at, especially the underside. Good news is the attachment site isn't sore anymore and I will be trying to build my sets back up.

In my personal life things have seemed to fizzle out with both of my girls. They both knew we weren't exclusive. The first girl was my ex. She's a narcissistic, self absorbed, hot and cold manipulative dumb Bitch. She's a redhead and sex wasn't impressive to me and being all about herself I usually had to do all the work. The relationship never worked out but we were comfortable with each other and she is trying to get her life on track too and quit drinking. She's not all bad, she can be sweet and is pretty funny but I think I've realized we're not right for each other right now and we both have some growing to do and we can't do that with each other. The hot and coldness and not showing me enough affection also got to me.

Girl number 2 is everything girl number one isn't. She's a sweet, smart, affectionate nerd haha. Coming from my ex to her was like night and day. My ex would always want me to massage her but I would have to beg to get a massage, even if I was in pain and then if she did it was for like 2 minutes after I gave her a 45 minute massage. But this girl gave me massages without me asking for it. She would get on top and ride the shit out of me without me begging and was just extra freaky in general. Ole red only wanted to do 3 positions if you count the very rare cowgirl. She also gave me great compliments, which my ex never did because she "didn't want my head too get big" and because I think she hated the spotlight being off of her.

But girl number 2 lives an hour away and just started Graduate school. Our conversations have gotten increasingly shorter and less frequent. I'm usually the last to respond and I know it's pretty much over. I have gotten tagged on Facebook with my ex and we recently went on vacation with her parents so I'm sure girl #2 saw this and is maybe upset and she has told me she's been turning down dates because of us. Me and my ex went to a concert a month ado and girl number 2 was there right at the gate. I don't know if she saw me with my ex but my ex saw her. I'm not ready for relationships because of bad experiences with my ex and I just think I need to play the field for a little bit and I have some growing to do. We all have our faults and I'm not trying to put my ex down but it's just never been right with her and timing was off.

I say all of this to say, barring social activities I should have more time to PE and week be sleeping in my own bed for the foreseeable future. I do plan on getting back out there and dating but without placing limitations on myself I just need some time alone.
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Seeing the silver lining is a smart thing. I am definitely a fan of girl number 2, she seemed to be the best for you and sorry to see that that ended. The good thing is you got the experience and now have a better idea of what you want as a mate. Maybe the absence of the 2 is a good thing PE wise, nothing like absolute privacy when practicing PE. I suggest you set your Facebook to approve all photos, tags and posts this way if #3 comes she will not be hit with long stretch spam:)
doublelongdaddy;606832 said:
Seeing the silver lining is a smart thing. I am definitely a fan of girl number 2, she seemed to be the best for you and sorry to see that that ended. The good thing is you got the experience and now have a better idea of what you want as a mate. Maybe the absence of the 2 is a good thing PE wise, nothing like absolute privacy when practicing PE. I suggest you set your Facebook to approve all photos, tags and posts this way if #3 comes she will not be hit with long stretch spam:)
Thats actually a pretty smart idea and I had thought about it before just never carried it out. Definitely want to control the amount of Longstretch spam I'm sending haha

09/19/14: Fri
30 min Edge then ejaculation
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD Standing with Starter @ 10 lbs
15 min Hanging SD Standing with Starter @ 10 lbs
30 min Edge then ejaculation

Comments: Had the house to myself and was home by 9:30 so I decided to get some good ole quality time alone in and edged. I'm still getting some discomfort during the tightening process and then some numbness towards the end of the set. Truth be told I've been experiencing a slight general numbness for the past couple of days but it gets better the longer away from my last hanging set I am. I was experiencing both numbness and slight fatigue in the ligs on the 3rd set so I cut it short. I think in a few days I will drop weight and switch to the hardcore and then start a thread at bibs for guidance. I will also get most of my hang time in with the LG probably one long set at night before bed and then get a few short sets with the hardcore until I can dial it in and get my wrap right. Then I will do 1 or 2 sets for 20 min per day, should be able to get more done on the weekend. Starting next week I will start to have Saturday's off. The less pay sucks but it will be great to have 2 days off to play catch up on PE and life. I did notice that despite the twisting which hurt the attachment site the hardcore was about as comfortable if not more comfortable than the starter if everything is right. I'm just having trouble reproducing the same results with every set even if I don't change the settings or wrap. Its a lot to learn but hopefully if I send bib some pics he'll know what to suggest and I'll be even closer to my goals.
longstretch;606948 said:
Thats actually a pretty smart idea and I had thought about it before just never carried it out. Definitely want to control the amount of Longstretch spam I'm sending haha.

Facebook is a bunch of sneaky programmers that don't think of the negative impact they have on users when they automatically allow privacy issues to exist. Always keep the highest security on Facebook or you are asking for trouble.
They sure are. I've been hearing awful things about the messenger app. One of my friends said she looked down and her phone's camera was on and when she looked down it automatically went to the welcome screen! Then she started hearing about the app and deleted it.

09/20/14: Sat
20 min Hanging SD Standing with Starter @ 10 lbs
10 min Hanging SD Standing with Starter @ 10 lbs
5 minute break and then 10 min Hanging SD Standing with Starter @ 10 lbs
12 min Hanging SD Standing with Starter @ 10 lbs
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD Standing with Starter @ 10 lbs

Comments: I was getting some extreme numbness and things didn't feel right with the hanger so I cut the middle sets short. I was getting twisting and its almost like a pain in my urethra near my attachment point. I changed my wrap back to 2 HTW and one 2 [words=]x 30[/words] theraband and it was so much comfortable so I think I'm switching over. Plus no twisting. I had to bring the bottom hex nuts in quite a ways but it's working better than my old wrap. I did get a lot of blood in the glans even after squeezing it out before tightening. I read that the HTW should hang over the glans so it doesn't happen. I tried to use a small strip of xsleeve that I use for the LG as a girth band but I was attaching the HTW and theraband at my circumcision scar and it wasn't long enough. I might cut a longer piece. I had cut one HTW in half, I think they are 7 inches a piece so I think I'm going to use one of them to hang over the head. If that doesn't work I'll just use 2 full lengths of HTW out use a longer piece of xsleeve.
longstretch;607232 said:
They sure are. I've been hearing awful things about the messenger app. One of my friends said she looked down and her phone's camera was on and when she looked down it automatically went to the welcome screen! Then she started hearing about the app and deleted it.

Yeah, they make you agree to crazy shit in order to use their messenger and if you don't you can't use it. Facebook is becoming a link mine and will eventually go the way of MySpace. Social Networks are a fad but Bulletin Boards have remained consistent and free of all the spam that plagues other sites. I am so happy that we have stuck with this format, I think Bulletin Boards will be around long after social networks disappear.

I am glad you found a solution that is more comfortable and avoids the twisting, even us old timers need to modify and change things.
I wouldn't doubt it winding up like another MySpace. In a way MySpace was better because you could customize everything but the [words=]ads[/words] ruined it. I'm glad I found something comfortable too. I still have some tweaks to do and I think my attachment point is healing from when I manually straightened out my twisted penis in the hardcore after it was tight. I had some superficial bruising going on. Everything is seeming like it's getting tougher. Once I get consistent comfortable arts I will go up in weight.

09/21/14: Sun
20 min Hanging SD Standing with Starter @ 10 lbs
How are you holding up bra? Keeping the numbness at bay I hope, I know at the first sight of pain in the head I would piss myself let alone numbness. You mentioned a toughening wouldn't that make your unit less enjoyable?
tkto;607429 said:
How are you holding up bra? Keeping the numbness at bay I hope, I know at the first sight of pain in the head I would piss myself let alone numbness. You mentioned a toughening wouldn't that make your unit less enjoyable?
I mean it's toughening up at the attachment point. Obviously to hang weights from your dick certain changes must be made. I'm using a bib at this moment which like all traditional hangers clamp down on the penis before the weight is applied. This can be very stressful. The skin and shaft have to adapt to take this stress. The numbness I'm experiencing goes away for the most part after the set (circulation issue). I had some problems with my wrap and attachment that I'm trying to work out.

I have noticed a slight loss of sensitivity (nerve problem). I twisted in the hanger and I believe it damaged a few nerves but it's getting better. I've felt it before when I first started clamping and my sensitivity came back. It's definitely letting me know I'm not attaching or wrapping right. I know it sounds scary but it's not. The ligs, CC's and tunica isn't the only thing that must stretch. Blood vessels, nerves and skin must also. I'm not scared but I am going to listen to my body if this makes sense. I decided last night to drop weight until everything is comfortable again

09/22/14: Tues
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD Standing with Starter @ 10lbs

Comments: My first attempt I wrapped several passes of theraband (2 [words=]x 30[/words]) before spiraling down and added another strip (2 [words=]x 20[/words]). That was very uncomfortable I believe because it was too thick so I went with 2 HTW's and theraband (2 [words=]x 30[/words]) with 2 or 3 passes before spiraling
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09/23/24: Tuesday
7 Hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 Golf Weights
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD Standing at 8 lbs

Comments: I used only one HTW with theraband (2 [words=]x 30[/words]). I did 3 passes of theraband and then spiraled down in 1/8th increments. I adjusted my bottom hex nuts to 1/4th inch. I based that off of a 3/16th recommendation from bib to a member that had smaller girth than me so I adjusted to 1/4th and made the hanger parallel. During my first set everything was feeling fine and still had sensation in my head. I tightened down more and immediately experienced numbness so I loosened the top bolt a few turns and sensation returned, so I think in addition to improper settings and attachment I have been over tightening. I took off my wrap in between sets and the second set wasn't as comfortable but manageable. I'm getting closer to comfort and learned I should have dropped weight to get everything sorted out to begin with.
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longstretch;607789 said:
09/23/24: Tuesday
7 Hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 Golf Weights
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD Standing at 8 lbs

Comments: I used only one HTW with theraband (2 [words=]x 30[/words]). I did 3 passes of theraband and then spiraled down in 1/8th increments. I adjusted my bottom hex nuts to 1/4th inch. I based that off of a 3/16th recommendation from bib to a member that had smaller girth than me so I adjusted to 1/4th and made the hanger parallel. During my first set everything was feeling fine and still had sensation in my head. I tightened down more and immediately experienced numbness so I loosened the top bolt a few turns and sensation returned, so I think in addition to improper settings and attachment I have been over tightening. I took off my wrap in between sets and the second set wasn't as comfortable but manageable. I'm getting closer to comfort and learned I should have dropped weight to get everything sorted out to begin with.

You live and you learn! I admire how much you are putting into getting the perfect setting, it is time well spent. Even though it can be frustrating going through this in the end it will be a positive thing. Keep up the good work my Brother!
doublelongdaddy;607809 said:
You live and you learn! I admire how much you are putting into getting the perfect setting, it is time well spent. Even though it can be frustrating going through this in the end it will be a positive thing. Keep up the good work my Brother!
Thanks for the encouragement it means allot coming from a PE God! That's one thing I'm trying to keep in mind. Just like with working out it's important to focus on form before the steady increase to major weights and growth can be worked towards, and in the long run is actually faster to do just that.

09/24/14: Wed
9 Hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 Golf Weights

Comments: I slept in this am and things came up after work so no hang time today :( I did at least get some [words=]ADS[/words] work in and I'll be waking up first thing in the morning to go to the gym. I get home sometime before I have to get ready for work so hopefully I can get in 1 set before then. I won't be home till late the next couple of nights and I'll be away on Saturday. I will get in as much as I can and try to hit it hard on Sunday. I'm happy to note that a few hours after I removed the golf weights I measured BPFSL at 8.25!!!! I believe that's the biggest I've ever had my BPFSL. That's a 0.25 gain in BPFSL since June! I'm hoping BPEL follows soon
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Congratulations of the gains Brother! It always makes my day when I hear of one of you gaining, excellent work!
Yep seeing and reading of others gains gives me motivation to keep at it. Just like with my gym partners and others at the gym. I'm happy to report measured 7.75 BPEL last night! I've gotten that measurement before but it wasn't cemented. I think I'm headed in the right direction.

09/25/14: Thurs
7 Hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 Golf Weights
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD Standing with Hardcore @ 5 lbs

Comments: I went with one HTW and theraband (2 [words=]x 30[/words]) with 4 passes before spiraling down in 1/8th increments. I think I'm going to try another strip of theraband to increase my flaccid wrap girth. I got no twisting this time.
longstretch;608214 said:
Yep seeing and reading of others gains gives me motivation to keep at it. Just like with my gym partners and others at the gym. I'm happy to report measured 7.75 BPEL last night! I've gotten that measurement before but it wasn't cemented. I think I'm headed in the right direction.

09/25/14: Thurs
7 Hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 Golf Weights
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD Standing with Hardcore @ 5 lbs

Comments: I went with one HTW and theraband (2 [words=]x 30[/words]) with 4 passes before spiraling down in 1/8th increments. I think I'm going to try another strip of theraband to increase my flaccid wrap girth. I got no twisting this time.

Now set your sights big time on the 8" mark, it is so close my Brother, just stretch till you get it!
doublelongdaddy;608228 said:
Now set your sights big time on the 8" mark, it is so close my Brother, just stretch till you get it!
Oh yeah brother it's mine already I just got to bring it into creation. My ultimate goal as of right now is 9 to either stop with length and not worry about cementing or 8.5 and then start a cementing routine while I start to focus on girth. I really don't want too much more girth though and will most likely stop at 6 but continue doing some head exercises.

09/26/14: Fri
7 Hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 Golf Weights
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD Standing with Hardcore

Comments: Used HTW and 2 strips of theraband. 1st strip had 6 passes and then spiraled down. Next strip had two passes and then spiraled down. Felt pretty good but could be better. I'm out of town tomorrow afternoon so I'm going to wake up and get a few sets in before I leave. Last 5 min of last set I sat down and meditated.
longstretch;608345 said:
Oh yeah brother it's mine already I just got to bring it into creation. My ultimate goal as of right now is 9 to either stop with length and not worry about cementing or 8.5 and then start a cementing routine while I start to focus on girth. I really don't want too much more girth though and will most likely stop at 6 but continue doing some head exercises.

That is monster cock material right there. I can't wait for you to realize this and let the world know that it is possible.
I can't wait either!

09/27/14: Sat
5 Hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 Golf Weights
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD Standing @ 5 lbs
09/28/14 Sun
12 min Hanging SD Standing @ 5 lbs
Few hours break
3 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD Standing @ 5 lbs

Comments: Switched to some brand new silver theraband (2 [words=]x 30[/words]). All sets with bib hardcore. The black theraband I have is 10 years old and heavily worn from physical therapy. The silver is much thicker and feels allot better. I came back home Sunday afternoon but took a long and well needed nap so didn't get as much PE in as I would like. My sensitivity has returned in my shaft and glans. This week I will try to mix the bib and LG. My skin is back to normal. I will use the bib in the morning and start to slowly progress in weight as long as my attachment is solid. I will use the LG in the evening after maybe a set or two with the bib. I've been back to using DMSO/Paba mix before and after hanging
So glad your sensitivity has returned, that was a quick some quick healing. I hope you can avoid this in the future.
09/29/14: Mon
8 min Hanging SD Standing with Hardcore @ 5lbs
10 Hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 Golf Weights
24 min Hanging SD Standing with LG @ 10 lbs
35 min Hanging SD Sitting with LG @ 10 lbs

Comments: I was running late for work and notified I would be at another location that morning which is further away so I only got 8 min with the hardcore. I tried on the LG for the first time back. I wrapped erect and slowly increased vacuum. I taped with 4 strips of paper tape over the glans crossing each other (down, across and the two diagonal directions). I then over wrapped an 3 x 8 of Self Grip bandage like namsoniek does at pegym. I should have done shorter sets and slowly built up. I did have two small blisters on either side of the glans when I took the paper tape off. They appeared a few minutes after taking the tape off. I think they were formed from not allowing the paper tape to soak in water long enough for the adhesive to loosen all the way. My glans was a little swolen and I think the pressure from pulling the tape off the glans separated the dermal layers. I'll hang with just the hardcore until skin is ready again. I'm not popping these blisters and expect them to reside in a couple days. In The meantime I will look at refining my technique and drop weight to 8 pounds and keep sets short when I do start hanging with the LG again
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09/30/14 Tues
2 [words=]x 20[/words] Min Hanging SD with Hardcore @ 5 lbs

Comments: Note this is more for myself. I'm starting to really refine my attachment technique. Got little to no twisting tonight, Bib says no more than 45 degrees in either direction. I've learned the hanger must be angled up slightly with the glans side exiting slightly higher than the base. I also made sure to take my time pulse pushing and if I got too much twisting I would loosen and readjust or take the hanger off completely and start over. I used 2 HTW's. (one cut to size and both rolled over each other) with the silver theraband (2 [words=]x 30[/words]). I made 3 passes and then spiraled down in 1/4th increments. Very comfortable hang. Sight numbness on last couple of minutes on last set but quickly returned and wasn't complete numbness. Able to feel light touches to penis skin after set and playful masturbation feels just like normal
Modifying your technique is dope nigga. I know whenever I do different things to my guy he sort of gets tricked into changing
tkto;609211 said:
Modifying your technique is dope nigga. I know whenever I do different things to my guy he sort of gets tricked into changing

The penis will always become used to doing the same thing over and over and eventually you will need to either add intensity or switch up the exercises. I will cycle the [words=]SRT[/words] Routine every couple months to keep things different, starting at the beginning and working up in intensity again and again. I will even sometimes take devon breaks and start over with the [words=]Newbie Routine[/words]. I like things to remain fun and interesting.
10/01/14: Wed
8 Hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 Golf Weights
3 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging BTC with Hardcore @ 6.25 lbs
10/03/14: Friday
12 Hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 Golf Weights
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging BTC with Hardcore @ 6.25 lbs

10/04/14: Sat
20 min Hanging BTC with Hardcore at 6.25 lbs
12 hour break
3 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging BTC with Hardcore at 6.25 lbs
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10/05/14: Sun
20 min Hanging SD Standing with Hardcore (2 min @ 6.25 lbs, 2 min at 8.75 lbs, then 16 min @ 11.25 lbs)
2 hour break
20 min Hanging with Hardcore (1 min SD @ 6.25 lbs, 2 min SD @ 11.25 lbs, 17 min BTC @ 11.25 lbs)
6 hour break
20 min Hanging BTC with Hardcore @ 11.25 lbs

Comments: Used a HTW, Pajama material (2 x 8) and theraband (2 [words=]x 30[/words]) with 2 passes then spiraled down. It was comfortable, added WFG and because I was able to widen the bottom hex nuts I didn't have to reset because of twisting as much and was able to hold more weight. I went up to 11.25 lbs today which I know might be a little quick to some but this was totally comfortable and I proceed into the sets slowly. I'm pretty much at my set limit with my schedule to allow for only 2-5 sets per day with the average being 2 or 3 at best and most likely getting more sets done on the weekends unless I have plans. I will now slowly progress in weight per week (15% increase) till I'm consistently hitting fatigue. I guess I'll have to go a "Hardcore" approach out of necessity because of my busy schedule. I wasn't successful with the pajama material before because it was too long. I've learned a little more about what makes a wrap since then and with 2 x 8 its just long enough for one pass with no spiraling.

I may not bring the LG Hanger back in till my schedule calms down a bit. I would like to mix the Hardcore and the LG together but I just don't know if its feasible at this time. I wouldn't have time to use both until the weekend and I wouldn't want to just use the LG on the weekend. I'll mull it over for a week or so.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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