12/03/14: Wed
20 Min Mandingo Stretches (switching hands as necessary q5-6 min)
20 Min 1/2 Bundled Mandingo Stretches (switching hands as necessary q5-6 min)

12/04/14: Thurs
30 min Hanging SD with LG @ 6.25 min
15 min Mandingo Stretches (switching hands as necessary q5-6 min)

Comments: Wasn't able to hang the past two days so I did some Mandingo Stretches. Was able to achieve erection easily last night and I really feel like my nerve Kristin is healed. Again will update post during the day
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12/05/14: Fri
20 min Mandingo Stretches (switching hands as necessary q5-6 min)
20 min 1/2 bundled Mandingo Stretches (switching hands as necessary q5-6 min)
hours break
20 min 1/2 bundled Mandingo Stretches (switching hands as necessary q5-6 min)
2 x 2 min fully bundled Mandingo Stretches (2 min per side)

Comments: Didn't go to the gym this am because of injury, so no hanging. I'm contemplating taking at least a week off of the gym but waking up early to go to my parents to hang
12/08/14: Mon
12 min Mandingo Stretches
30 min edge with ejaculation
Sex that night

12/09/14: Tues
35 min Mandingo Stretches (15 min 1/2 bundled)

Comments: Been going to bed late or having trouble sleeping this week. Will get up tomorrow for morning hanging session. Last time I went to my parents my old room had been cleaned. Found my [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]penomet[/words] on top of clothes in closet. I'm going no one is using that room
12/10/14: Wed
20 min Mandingo Stretches
20 min 1/2 Bundled Mandingo Stretches

12/11/14: Thurs
20 Min Mandingo Stretches
20 Min 1/2 Bundled Mandingo Stretches
1-2 hour break
35 min 1/2 Bundled Mandingo Stretches

12/12/14: Fri
20 min Mandingo Stretches
10 min 1/2 Bundled Mandingo Stretches

Comments: Well I tried to do some stretches and jelqs while me and my girlfriend were watching a show on Wednesday night. At first she was just laughing and kept telling me to stop and that it reminded her of what little boys do. At one point she even said here let me pull it for you and acted like she was going to pull it off. I thought she was joking around until she flipped out. Told me it reminded her of a time when she was sexually molested by a 6 year old boy when she was 6 and that he was pulling on his like that. It kind of put a damper on everything that night and for the next day we discussed it and tried to apologize through texts. I didn't know it would make her freak out like that. And it obviously won't be cool for her to have me do PE in front of her. I think she thinks I'm some kind of weirdo just for wanting my dick bigger and says that I'm perfect the way I am. I tried to explain to her that I was just curious to see if it would work and that the sites compared it to growing muscles. Which me working out has been the topic of numerous discussions (working out only on weekdays, getting in bed on time, waking up early, yada yada yada).

She said what woman would be cool with that. And I mentioned that a few guys on the message board had girlfriends and wives that were cool with it. Her basic response was for me to go and find one of those people. I really don't know how true that story of her being molested by a 6 year old is true or not, and if it is how it bears any resemblance to what I was doing. In any case I will respect that she has some kind of phobia with me stretching my dick. Even asked if I was doing it for one of my friends thats a girl. I think that might be the case with her more than likely is she is afraid I'm wanting to get bigger for someone else. Case in point I will have to continue to keep it in secret. I'm doing this for me and I'm not wanting to get freakishly large, just maybe half an inch all around. Newbie gains are gone so any gains I do get will more than likely take a while for me to get.

For a split second I was almost willing to break up with her for it. I know that might sound crazy to some but I was just feeling controlled and then when she brought the accusations of me and my friend into the mix, like I literally live with this girl now and besides work and gym any free time is given to her. I thought about it for a little bit while passions were high of just ending it. I would move back into my parents disgusting house but I would have my freedom back. Then I thought that would be a stupid reason to give up on somebody I love, just so I could PE. I hope our relationship can get better. I definitely have to be mindful with boundaries with this girl and its starting to become a headache because she goes through phases of support with my working out and then phases where she is needy and wants me to stay up all night with her when I have to work and get up for the gym the next day, so I don't miss workouts, which are like therapy to me. But after a few weeks of that she does seem not to push the issue as much and has been helping me get up for the gym, besides this week which I've been out for an injury.

I haven't been able to wake up to go home to do PE so I've only been able to do Mandingo Stretches and no hanging. I will try again next week but set up my alarm I plug in. I'm already in the bad habit of turning my alarm off on my phone and then bringing it back into bed with me and snoozing 12x. I gotta break outta that. Today I got some edema in my penis from yesterday so I didn't go for as long because I was getting raised areas where the penis was twisting the skin during Mandingos.
Women can quickly change from accepting and even enjoying PE for their man and then out of no where change up the way they see it. This is what happened with Jen and me, after supporting my PE for 3 years and being super involved with [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] she just changed and from there it was a down hill road until she left me. Her letter saying goodbye was all about how PE was discussing and she hated it, etc. Broke my heart really because I never thought she would turn on me like that. I think, if I could do it again, I would never, ever had included her in any part of it.
doublelongdaddy;625397 said:
Women can quickly change from accepting and even enjoying PE for their man and then out of no where change up the way they see it. This is what happened with Jen and me, after supporting my PE for 3 years and being super involved with [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] she just changed and from there it was a down hill road until she left me. Her letter saying goodbye was all about how PE was discussing and she hated it, etc. Broke my heart really because I never thought she would turn on me like that. I think, if I could do it again, I would never, ever had included her in any part of it.
I think I can see if it was an obsession with one's penis how that can be unattractive. A lot of guys here and me included can fall into insecurity and forms of mental illness wanting a bigger dick. I get unattracted to girls when they have to take 10 selfies just to eat dinner or when they go to the bathroom. In my case its really not an obsession, though I can admit there was a time when I was obsessed and actually turned down many opportunities for sex, relationships, family time, etc; so I could PE. Its more like a hobby for me today and I just wish she was more supportive but if she does have past trauma maybe she has a reason and it was seen as unattractive to her. I'm wishing I didn't try to tell her and especially show her now. I can feel the impact it had on our relationship and I could've gotten by just fine by continuing to stealth PE whenever I could fit time in and at my size now and how much I've already gained any gains I do get would come pretty slow. If I do make gains I doubt she will even notice until I'm at my goal.
longstretch;626074 said:
I think I can see if it was an obsession with one's penis how that can be unattractive. A lot of guys here and me included can fall into insecurity and forms of mental illness wanting a bigger dick. I get unattracted to girls when they have to take 10 selfies just to eat dinner or when they go to the bathroom. In my case its really not an obsession, though I can admit there was a time when I was obsessed and actually turned down many opportunities for sex, relationships, family time, etc; so I could PE. Its more like a hobby for me today and I just wish she was more supportive but if she does have past trauma maybe she has a reason and it was seen as unattractive to her. I'm wishing I didn't try to tell her and especially show her now. I can feel the impact it had on our relationship and I could've gotten by just fine by continuing to stealth PE whenever I could fit time in and at my size now and how much I've already gained any gains I do get would come pretty slow. If I do make gains I doubt she will even notice until I'm at my goal.

Tough lesson to learn my Brother and I completely feel for you, I lost my girl for this very reason. If I ever have another relationship PE will never be a part of it, ever. No matter how receptive a girl may seem when you are trusting her with something you never really know if she is going to understand it. The penis is a very touchy subject with men and women alike, stealth is the way to go in every case. If you need to talk about it the Brotherhood is all ears and no judgement.
Yes I'm beginning to come to the same conclusion. She isn't the first one I've told about PE, I've only told one other girl, but she has had the worst reaction. I'm going to leave it out for now on and just keep it hidden and hope to God I'll have more alone time when she starts school or something. The first girl I told was when I first started in High School. She probably thought it was weird too but she didn't really voice it that much and complimented me on my size.

12/16/14: Tues
20 min Mandingo Stretches
20 min 1/2 Bundled Mandingo Stretches
3 hours [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]VLC[/words] [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words]

12/17/14: Wed
20 min Mandingo Stretches
10 min 1/2 Bundled Mandingo Stretches
Few minutes of various stretches at full intensity

Comments: Learned about Mandingo V-Stretches and also ways to optimize the Mandingo stretche with applying a fulcrum stretch with wrist but also downward pressure with arm. I played around with it today and it made the stretch more intense. I'll probably need to start using baby powder again to help with grip. My workout partners didn't wake up this am and I've been having trouble sleeping. I have a morning and night self. The night self is motivated to wake up early and be productive but when I wake up still foggy from sleep I many times hit snooze out of habit. Still trying to break that and get my girlfriend to shut up at night so I can get some decent sleep.
It is hard to keep something from the ones we love but if what we are doing will cause them more pain knowing than not knowing it is better to keep it to yourself. I wish I did, I would still be with the girl that I love.
Hey Longstretch. Bit random, but I just looked up my old LG hanger thread on Thund3rs Pl@ce where you said you started using it, and holy tar, you're still using the thing. I can never stick to PE for more than a week or two, since my hands always get tired and I eventually can only do it so seldom, it becomes an afterthought, so if you're doing well with the LG hanger, that thing would be perfect for me. So, how's the thing treated you in the last 5 months?
I think the LG is the best vacuum hanger that I've ever owned and I pretty much have had them all. With that being said I did get over zealous and did develop a couple of blisters one month. I progressed to fast when my skin wasn't ready and have found out there were some problems in my tape and set up. I switched to a Bib after developing numbness from a twisting injury when I was using a malehanger. The numbness improved but I've come to the conclusion my penis doesn't do well with compression over extended time. The numbness was interfering with my sex life so I switched to manuals. Got a new girlfriend, looked for a new job and had privacy issues. I'm just now coming back from an unintended month of decon and will start hanging as soon as I can.

In general I'd highly recommend the LG if you can dedicate the time and have privacy. Those two will be concerns for PE regardless though.

01/05/15: Mon
1 Hour of edging with squeezes and Supra Slammers throughout (estimated 10 to 15 cumulative girth work)

Comments: My old job phased out today and I will start a new job soon that will be 3 x 12 hour shifts soon. I'll work less hours and days per week and make 3x as much money with benefits! I'm sure there will be some adjusting but I see myself having more time throughout the week to get quality PE work in. Today's session was highly sexual in nature and I did get some good expansion in. After a month of decon my flaccid size has finally began to shrink so I feel it's a good time to get back to work. I have several red spots from today. It was a great session and I'm glad I started with girth work.
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I broke up with my girlfriend today and moved back into my parents basement. I will start back on my PE journey soon. Most likely tonight
You are a strong man and believe me, you will get the best woman when you decide to find one. I don't intend going into any relationship for the next 2 to 3 years. This is enough time for me to arrive in my dream size.
huge-girth;645831 said:
You are a strong man and believe me, you will get the best woman when you decide to find one. I don't intend going into any relationship for the next 2 to 3 years. This is enough time for me to arrive in my dream size.

Awesome support my Brother!
Thanks guys! That means allot to me. Its hard because I still love her and now I'm feeling the void, but I know we weren't right for each other. I won't go into details here but thats the gist of it. It doesn't help that I'm living at my parents again but it could be a lot worse. I'm too blessed to be stressed. Now I'm just going to focus on becoming the man I want to be and I know eventually I will meet the woman that is right for me. I'm in no hurry though. Once the shock of ending the relationship wears off I'm sure I'll come to enjoy single life and my autonomy again.

05/16/15: Sat
1 hour edging with orgasm
few hours break
3 [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]x 20[/words] min hanging SD with LG @ 5 lbs with some jelqing in between

Comments: I meant to do some girth work at the end of the night but my oldest brother came over. I bought an infrared heat lamp at walmart today. So far I really like it. It doesn't heat up the LG tube like a space heater would, it only targets the skin. I got the clear one not sure if I should have bought the red lamp. I kept it on till 5-8 minutes were left on each set and then I turned it off. If heat helps relax the ligaments my theory of turning the heater off during the last couple of minutes is to let the tissues cool down and "harden" up at a longer state.

My now ex recently had facial surgery and was using silicone scar sheets to help heal the scar. While I was unpacking my shit today I found one of her used ones stuck to some cords. This got me thinking that a silicone tape would be perfect for the use of vacuum hanging if the adhesive could stick well enough. With her silicone scar sheets she was able to wash them and reuse them a few times. Silicone is very gentle on the skin which you would need on the penis. Is Elastic but also on the thicker side so it could form and shape the contours of the glans and at the same time give added protection against the vacuum. Well as luck would have it I think I got a free roll of something that is silicone based from a member on thunders. The tape I have is tan in color but after looking online I think its the same thing as MICROFOAM TAPE. I was able to reuse it on my last two sets. I'm using a light weight so more testing will be needed.
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longstretch;645885 said:
Thanks guys! That means allot to me. Its hard because I still love her and now I'm feeling the void, but I know we weren't right for each other. I won't go into details here but thats the gist of it. It doesn't help that I'm living at my parents again but it could be a lot worse. I'm too blessed to be stressed. Now I'm just going to focus on becoming the man I want to be and I know eventually I will meet the woman that is right for me. I'm in no hurry though. Once the shock of ending the relationship wears off I'm sure I'll come to enjoy single life and my autonomy again.

I have to say that the best lesson in life a man can learn is to be comfortable being alone. Becoming friends with yourself and not needing another to validate you in anyway. I have been single for quite awhile and I am just now becoming used to it and it is a great feeling. I know now that I have mastered this I can take on a relationship with a woman without all my old, negative ways that were driven by my own self hate. Learning to love yourself is a very hard thing but worth the effort. Loving another is tough without loving yourself first. I think when you said "I'm too blessed to be stressed" is a wonderful mantra to repeat when you are feeling down. I promise you, if you accomplish these things, your next relationship will be incredible. In the mean time you have the Brotherhood!
Thank you DLD! I appreciate everything you do. It might be just the internet but you help allot of guys. I'm just going to focus on accomplishing my own goals right now. I know in time I will meet the right one. When I'm the man that the woman of my dreams, dreams about, then I will find her. Until then I'm just focusing on being the best me I can be.

05/17/15: Sun
2 [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD @ 5 lbs
40 min Hanging, 20 min SD, 20 min sitting SD @ 5 lbs
40 min Hanging SD @ 5 lbs
10 -15 min 30 second base squeezes and/or Supra Slammers

Comments: The microfoam tape can only be reapplied once, maybe twice. That just gives me greater incentive to try to do all my sets back to back. The last two sets were longer and I only had 2 strips of microfoam tape. I criss crossed them at my urethra, where blisters are most likely to develop. I then used 2 strips of micropore tape to fill in the diagonal gapes. I took about 10 minutes of break between 3rd and 4th set and afterwards I did have slight fluid buildup. I finished up with a little girth work. My dick is a little sore after today.
longstretch;646008 said:
Thank you DLD! I appreciate everything you do. It might be just the internet but you help allot of guys. I'm just going to focus on accomplishing my own goals right now. I know in time I will meet the right one. When I'm the man that the woman of my dreams, dreams about, then I will find her. Until then I'm just focusing on being the best me I can be.

Right on point! The more we love ourselves the more they notice us. Confidence is king over anything else when it comes to women....everything else follows.
05/18/15: Mon
2 [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]x 40[/words] min Hanging SD Sitting @ 5 lbs
2 [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD (1st Sitting, 2nd set Standing) @ 6.25 lbs
20 min Base Squeezes and Uli's

Comments: I went against my better judgement and went up in weight, I don't want to progress too fast but I did reduce the time. I will stay at this weight and increase time till I'm back at the 40 to 45 min mark. I watched a video at PE gym that I want to try with or without cross sections of microfoam tape over the urethra. I just got to figure a way to wrap with this device a little better and progress slower than last run. I'm also thinking of putting makeup remover sponge in the end of the dome to spread out the vacuum pressure like everyone used to do with the Max-Vac, Hell even TheGrip comes with a built in green sponge.

Link to discussion of video

Link to video on Facebook
I think it is a smart move increasing weight and decreasing time as it will get you up in weight much faster and produce gains much faster.
doublelongdaddy;646235 said:
I think it is a smart move increasing weight and decreasing time as it will get you up in weight much faster and produce gains much faster.

Me too, I'm biting the bit but I'm fighting the urge. I gotta take it slow to get to where I want to be. I keep on comparing it to weight lifting. To get really strong you got to start off light weight and really work on form and then bit by bit increase the weight and number of sets.

05/19/15: Tues
2 x 45 min Hanging SD @ 6.25 lbs, sets were a few hours apart

Comments: I got work today but got off early. I had insane insomnia. I don't know if its from the recent break up or that cup of coffee I had in the afternoon when I haven't normally been drinking coffee in the afternoon. I got one freaking hour of sleep and even that was interrupted. Luckily I got off early and took a nap before I hit PE. I tried the wrap I linked to earlier and I did get some edema but it could be user error and also I have a few different types of tape so I'm willing to play around till I find something. I get off early tomorrow as well because I got called in, INCENTIVE PAY!!!, anyway I'll play around with it some more tomorrow. Going to try Self Grip tape next.

I have a friend that has a girlfriend and boyfriend coming down next weekend. They are into BDSM S/M and all kinds of fetishes like rope and impact. They might be taking me to a dungeon in the city. I was just wanting to learn a few knots and how to spice up my sex life but this might be something to look into. The idea of being dominant and having a woman trust me enough to submit appeals to me.
longstretch;646265 said:
Me too, I'm biting the bit but I'm fighting the urge. I gotta take it slow to get to where I want to be. I keep on comparing it to weight lifting. To get really strong you got to start off light weight and really work on form and then bit by bit increase the weight and number of sets.

Just stick with this line of thinking, it is smart and on point. Just like a Gym you are not going to go in and lift 500 pounds, I mean you could try it but you would hurt yourself. A better plan of attack in controlled, responsible increases as you can handle them. All rushing in PE is gonna get you is an injury. Pe is a progression of intensity and form to create gains, you are right on point with this.
Today I edged for 30 min, really just wacking off, with maybe 5 min worth of base squeezes. Talking to my friend and her boyfriend and girlfriend about BDSM over facebook got me going I think. I got called into work and got home later than anticipated and spent time with family. I'm beat. On work days my new goal is to get at least one set of hanging in. Starting next month I'll be working 4 days a week and hopefully will cross over into overtime. At any rate my off days will mean even more so I will try to attack it as best I can while managing an active social life. At least I don't have to worry about sexual partners right now hahaha. I almost started hanging when my little sister called down to my room.

When I got back I edged and was going to blast these little warts I have on top of my pubic region. I was treating them last year but now they've come back with a vengeance. I was going to try freezing the little fuckers with Freeze Away but the top to the canister is missing so I'll need to get another box. If this doesn't work this time I'm going to bite the bullet and just go to the dermatologist. I know I got them from my ex, not my recent one but the one before that. She was the last person I and my most recent ex fucked but I don't think my recent ex got them but she did get HPV from her years ago because she fucked one of my recent ex's boyfriends. Shits crazy. Live and learn and hope I can get rid of these warts.

I stopped smoking on Saturday. This is my 100th attempt but I feel really good about it this time. Anyone wanting to quit either get Allen Carr's "Easy Way to Quit Smoking" book, audio, they even have a video series from one of his students. It did take a few trials for me but when I quit trying to multitask through and give it my full attention I understood I'm either going to quit or I'm going to smoke my whole life and be miserable. Like I've had some mild cravings but nothing too bad. Anyway I know you're body can sometimes fight off HPV but not if you smoke so I think thats the link on why they are coming back.
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doublelongdaddy;646342 said:
Just stick with this line of thinking, it is smart and on point. Just like a Gym you are not going to go in and lift 500 pounds, I mean you could try it but you would hurt yourself. A better plan of attack in controlled, responsible increases as you can handle them. All rushing in PE is gonna get you is an injury. Pe is a progression of intensity and form to create gains, you are right on point with this.

Thanks DLD I always enjoy your perspective. Especially if you tell me I'm headed in the right direction! lol I can't wait for the gains in my pants and in the gym!
Ever since I stopped smoking I've become stronger and more eager to do PE. And I no longer eat as much as I used to do in the past. This is actually my 4th time of stopping. It's Marijuana I smoke not cigarette. Whenever I quit smoking I always see changes in my life.
longstretch;646368 said:
Thanks DLD I always enjoy your perspective. Especially if you tell me I'm headed in the right direction! lol I can't wait for the gains in my pants and in the gym!

You will get there my Brother, you have tenacity and that is like the hot sauce of buffalo wings:) Keep yourself in a good frame of mind and remain determined and committed and you will accomplish and surpass your goals.
huge-girth;646375 said:
Ever since I stopped smoking I've become stronger and more eager to do PE. And I no longer eat as much as I used to do in the past. This is actually my 4th time of stopping. It's Marijuana I smoke not cigarette. Whenever I quit smoking I always see changes in my life.

Stopping smoking, both Chronic and Cigarettes, is something I can not see happening in the near future. I smoke about 1/2 a pack of cigs a day. I smoke weed once a day (after I have gotten all my work done.) and I also enjoy a glass of red wine with my weed:) These are my crutches and something I truly enjoy. I can relate to you on the hunger issue, after smoking weed my appetite gets out of control and this is the reason I keep no food in the house but healthy fruits and vegetables. I know my wed wants chocolate, pizza, chips and every other bad thing for you but it is going to have to settle for health food:) Out of site out of mind in my crib. There have been the rare occasions that I say fuck it and get out of bed and drive to the 7/11 and go crazy coming home with a ton of bad food but this is once in while, maybe once every 3 months.
05/21/15: Friday
25 min Hanging SD @ 6.25 lbs
5 min Base Squeezes
Sex x2

05/22/15: Saturday
20 min Hanging SD @ 6.25 lbs
2 x 45 min Hanging SD @ 6.25 lbs
Sex to be determined number of times

Comments: So I texted my crazy ex yesterday, not my most recent one, and meet up with her family for dinner last night. Went back to house and fucked her pretty good. She squirted all over the place! I made it clear it was just sex and there was no way it would go past that. She seemed sad but understood. She's on her way now to my house since the parents are out of town. I'm playing the field with a few other girls just being flirty and making plans to hang out. The first set I did today I got an itching sensation just after 20 min into the set so I stopped and took it off. No blisters just a little swelling but nothing too bad. I'd rather be safe than sorry. I started my second set 10 minutes later and 3rd set about 6 hours later.

Now wrapping like this and getting pretty good results. Time will tell how it holds up with heavier weight but I'm optimistic. I like it better than anything else I've tried so far. http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/hanging-around-penis-enlargement-hanging/83684-longstretchs-lg-hanger-setup-2.html#post646530
doublelongdaddy;646422 said:
Stopping smoking, both Chronic and Cigarettes, is something I can not see happening in the near future. I smoke about 1/2 a pack of cigs a day. I smoke weed once a day (after I have gotten all my work done.) and I also enjoy a glass of red wine with my weed:) These are my crutches and something I truly enjoy. I can relate to you on the hunger issue, after smoking weed my appetite gets out of control and this is the reason I keep no food in the house but healthy fruits and vegetables. I know my wed wants chocolate, pizza, chips and every other bad thing for you but it is going to have to settle for health food:) Out of site out of mind in my crib. There have been the rare occasions that I say fuck it and get out of bed and drive to the 7/11 and go crazy coming home with a ton of bad food but this is once in while, maybe once every 3 months.

I had to quit everything because of addiction issues. The one thing that I lingered to give up has been cigarettes, but they do nothing for me.... they don't even get me high!!! And since I've learned how to live without getting high I must say my confidence level and self esteem is higher than its ever been. It wasn't easy but I've come to realize allot of the anxiety and depression I had when I used to use drugs was also fueled by drugs. Of course when I first quit it was higher than its ever been! I had to learn to cope without running to something that I couldn't control and was destroying me. If you still get enjoyment from it I understand... in a way I wish that was me. I just lose control and end up miserable and on the brink of death honestly. You don't seem to be like me because I would start out getting my shit done first and end up getting high first thing in the morning till I went to sleep
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lol i think cigareetes cause more harm.......whenever i smoke i kinda get breathless for a few minutes...
i smoked weed a few days back and my heart beat shot up and i kinda got gas from it....it was so weird...lol
Smoking anything is bad for you and the tar content of cannabis is high no matter what some people will tell you, it's not as bad as some drugs but it's far from harmless. I do miss it at times, pot was my DOC before I switched to opiates and even then I was a pot head.... But I get so much more shit done today haha.

Well I guess the crazy ex caught feelings and after me just beating that pussy up and her commenting how she feels I was ripping her open (in a very good way) we had a conversation before she was supposed to spend the night. I made it clear that there was no way we could ever be together again. There's to many factors involved and we have a rough history together. She left after that so now I'm without partners again but I do have some hopeful plans in the works
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well smoking anything is not bad actually .....
i have smoked mullein , chamomile , damiana , licorice root , turmeric leaf and so on....these things are infact good for your lungs...
that reminds me i have to buy these herbal cigarettes lol
pogzee;646612 said:
well smoking anything is not bad actually .....
i have smoked mullein , chamomile , damiana , licorice root , turmeric leaf and so on....these things are infact good for your lungs...
that reminds me i have to buy these herbal cigarettes lol

wow dream cigarretes the opposite of an average cigarrete.....
I do not have many crutches but smoking is one I am not willing to give up.
doublelongdaddy;646660 said:
I do not have many crutches but smoking is one I am not willing to give up.

lol you can always try smoking herbal cigarettes inplace of normal ones.....you will also get a high from them lol
i can advice you some if you want....
I've always heard herbal cigarettes are worthless to quit smoking but maybe there are some that are enjoyable.

05/23/15: sat
35 min Hanging SD Sitting, rotated to both sides for 5 min @ 7.5 lbs
30 min edging with 5 min of base squeezes

Comments: I worked today and stayed up late last night with my ex so when I got home I was exhausted. I felt lazy and didn't get another set in like I wanted because I started late. Went up in weight and cut the set at 35 min because of some slight skin pain. I had minimal swelling and the glans was smooth, I love the way I'm taping now. I can see this working with way heavier weighs but I'm going to try and progress slow, only going up in weight a little weekly.

I will be going with some friends to take pics of her, her girlfriend and boyfriend next weekend. They are going to tie her up and suspend her in the woods hehe. Then we will be going to a sex dungeon and taking an educational on spanking. They might do a scene or I might see other people do some bdsm stuff. I'm pretty excited, I've always wanted to learn rope work. I'll be busy the next week but will do what I can PE wise.
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longstretch;646741 said:
I've always heard herbal cigarettes are worthless to quit smoking but maybe there are some that are enjoyable.

The electronic cigarettes are not bad if you can get a good plume of smoke.
As for me, I shot smoking in the left eye. Now that I no longer smoke nor drink alcohol, my zeal and love for PE is out of this world. If I'm on a off day it's because there is an emergency. Marijuana is the reason why I couldn't achieve my PE goal since 2008. Smoking anything is dead in my life. I want to live my life with clear eyes and not acting under the influence of anything.
Yep smoking drains your energy and wrecks your cardiovascular and respiratory systems. It can also shrink your dick and I know that from experience. Since I've quit in only a week I've been super horny and my erections have been much harder. Marijuana will make you lose focus and become lazy. To each his own but I'm happy with my decisions.
guys smoking herbs like mullein, licorice root , are good for your lungs infact....lol
its in ancient ayurveda
05/24/15: Sat
35 min Hanging SD Sitting @ 7.5 lbs

Comments: Dick is very sore. I had an unexpected / slightly expected booty call. I was away from home most of the day with the holiday weekend. I was able to get a set in before I went to poundtown

05/25/15: Mon
35 min Hanging SD Standing @ 7.5 lbs

Comments: Dick is pretty sore today. The girl I've been having sex with is very tight and I did pop out a few times while she was laying on her tummy and jammed my dick. I've been very busy this weekend with it being a holiday. On my busy days I'm shooting for at least a good hanging set. I work the next three days so depending on my shift will determine how much time I have afterwards for PE. If its 12 hours I might be able to only get one set in but I'm thinking about taking a week off of the gym so I might have more time to PE. I'm off Friday but I got another booked up weekend.
05/26/15: Tues
2 x 35 min Hanging SD Standing @ 7.5 lbs

Comments: Got off work early for a business luncheon. Took a long nap and then got to it. My parents came back today and while I was considering doing 3 sets I ran out of time because I have to work the next day. Since starting back a week or two ago I've been measuring 8.0 BPSFL and today after my last set I measured BPFSL 8.25!!!

05/27/15: Wed
2 [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]x 40[/words] min Hanging SD Standing @ 7.5 lbs
10 min Base Squeezes, jelqs, girth stuff

Comments: I'm happy I got this much in I worked a full shift today. I will work tomorrow and go to a mandatory meeting. I'm hoping to get at least one set in tomorrow night. I will be hanging out with my fuck buddy/ something a little more all weekend. Will try to get many sets on Friday (3 or more) and at least one on Saturday. I'm looking into to trying clamping again but this time I will slowly progress with it.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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