12/10/14: Wed
20 min Mandingo Stretches
20 min 1/2 Bundled Mandingo Stretches
12/11/14: Thurs
20 Min Mandingo Stretches
20 Min 1/2 Bundled Mandingo Stretches
1-2 hour break
35 min 1/2 Bundled Mandingo Stretches
12/12/14: Fri
20 min Mandingo Stretches
10 min 1/2 Bundled Mandingo Stretches
Comments: Well I tried to do some stretches and jelqs while me and my girlfriend were watching a show on Wednesday night. At first she was just laughing and kept telling me to stop and that it reminded her of what little boys do. At one point she even said here let me pull it for you and acted like she was going to pull it off. I thought she was joking around until she flipped out. Told me it reminded her of a time when she was sexually molested by a 6 year old boy when she was 6 and that he was pulling on his like that. It kind of put a damper on everything that night and for the next day we discussed it and tried to apologize through texts. I didn't know it would make her freak out like that. And it obviously won't be cool for her to have me do PE in front of her. I think she thinks I'm some kind of weirdo just for wanting my dick bigger and says that I'm perfect the way I am. I tried to explain to her that I was just curious to see if it would work and that the sites compared it to growing muscles. Which me working out has been the topic of numerous discussions (working out only on weekdays, getting in bed on time, waking up early, yada yada yada).
She said what woman would be cool with that. And I mentioned that a few guys on the message board had girlfriends and wives that were cool with it. Her basic response was for me to go and find one of those people. I really don't know how true that story of her being molested by a 6 year old is true or not, and if it is how it bears any resemblance to what I was doing. In any case I will respect that she has some kind of phobia with me stretching my dick. Even asked if I was doing it for one of my friends thats a girl. I think that might be the case with her more than likely is she is afraid I'm wanting to get bigger for someone else. Case in point I will have to continue to keep it in secret. I'm doing this for me and I'm not wanting to get freakishly large, just maybe half an inch all around. Newbie gains are gone so any gains I do get will more than likely take a while for me to get.
For a split second I was almost willing to break up with her for it. I know that might sound crazy to some but I was just feeling controlled and then when she brought the accusations of me and my friend into the mix, like I literally live with this girl now and besides work and gym any free time is given to her. I thought about it for a little bit while passions were high of just ending it. I would move back into my parents disgusting house but I would have my freedom back. Then I thought that would be a stupid reason to give up on somebody I love, just so I could PE. I hope our relationship can get better. I definitely have to be mindful with boundaries with this girl and its starting to become a headache because she goes through phases of support with my working out and then phases where she is needy and wants me to stay up all night with her when I have to work and get up for the gym the next day, so I don't miss workouts, which are like therapy to me. But after a few weeks of that she does seem not to push the issue as much and has been helping me get up for the gym, besides this week which I've been out for an injury.
I haven't been able to wake up to go home to do PE so I've only been able to do Mandingo Stretches and no
hanging. I will try again next week but set up my alarm I plug in. I'm already in the bad habit of turning my alarm off on my phone and then bringing it back into bed with me and snoozing 12x. I gotta break outta that. Today I got some edema in my penis from yesterday so I didn't go for as long because I was getting raised areas where the penis was twisting the skin during Mandingos.