templnite;699204 said:
Because you've always hanged weights and that tilts your pelvis in a way that weakens it.

How do you mean, it weakens it? Do you have a study or a link I can read? I have never heard of this and I am very curious, even though I don't hang. :)
Dont ever hang bro its bad for you. Even doing normal PE can leave your body all achy from weird positioning. Its always important to stand or sit with good form when doing your workouts because if not you could condition your bones out of align. Add weights to the mix and your just compromising body integrity even more.

Bottom line dont hang weight from your body for any amount of time. Do [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]srt[/words] instead, it grants your bones/ligaments more freedom and relief from unneeded constant strain
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Haha okay didn't know that hanging weights can form unnecessary bone around the femur but okay, stupid doctor thinking it was from adolescents and karate and wrestling. I haven't always hung before I did manual PE for years before switching. I do maintain good posture even when hanging, I'm actually pretty strong physically and can maintain alignment through 15 pounds of pull for pretty much all day
Bought an [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?44-Ace-Strapped-Jims-Joint]ACE[/words] knee wrap this weekend and learned to attach it. I'm going to start back wearing the [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]VLC[/words] [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]tugger[/words] at work. I was able to get in 2 hanging sessions today. Dick is nice and sore.

4 [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]x 20[/words] min SD @ 15-18 lbs with bib hardcore
10 min EDGE
40 min SO @ 15 lbs with LG
5 hour break
1 [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]x 20[/words] min SD @ 15 lbs with Bib hardcore
40 min SO @ 15 lbs with LG

Wish everyday was this productive. I'm excited to add in the [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]VLC[/words] again. I'm hoping it will stay on while at work and I won't have any issues. I have the tug-n-wear thong thing too but I don't think it will work best with the [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]VLC[/words] but definitely the PE weights. I'll stick with the [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]VLC[/words] at work for now and might do the golf weights when out and about in shorts
templnite;699280 said:
And did you tell the doctor that you hang weights? Why you think your back hurts when you hang weights?

You are correct temp, when the doctor hears about the positions longerstretch is holding all day, which cause him pain sometimes, he would have advise to stop hanging. His hip began to calcify because of the weird positioning which always rubbed the joints awkwardly and caused the fusion.

Sure that he is physically strong and everything but remember that its not uncommon in bodybuilders to have very stiff backs/ joints because of the constant strain on the jelly parts which causes them to dry up and wither away.

Everything affects everything. If you have some fuked up pain in your knee then its likely that its really a problem with your hip or with hanging etcetera :D
I stand or sit. I'm not in weird positions. Please either add constructive criticism or troll somewhere else.

And I should add that I've had this problem before I even began hanging.
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Dont get upset bro I'm just trying to watch out for the newbies, that's no reason for you to get all bitchy. Just acept that you're mad hanging isn't working out for you and just causing back pain. Shoulda stuck with [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]srt[/words] at least then you could employ the btc stretch without throwing out your back.

All new guys should take note of these all-day hangers who aren't getting anywhere except the doctors office. All because they though gaining would be a walk in the park. Take heed to my advice: Dont expect anything you haven't put in the work for. And when temp aks you something make sho you put some respek on it
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Dude I'm saying this with all respect I can but you need to see a counselor. I recommend a CBT therapist and maybe meds but the CBT should help you realign with reality.
I just see you doing this same thing in numerous other threads. Nearly everyone could use some therapy from time to time, there is no shame in it.

This will be the last time I address you on my progress log.
Doing what same thing? Pointing out your incongruences? Dont ignore the fact you were aggravating structures for there to be pain. Remembers a few posts back when you'd get numb in the glans and kept going with your sessions before finding out you weren't wrapping correctly? When you stayed with girlfriends that clearly weren't all that good to you? You're a teensy bit reckless bro, maybe even masochistic, its gonna be ok but don't forget that some of the brothers actually care about like their general well being
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Thank you templ. In a weird way you are motivating me. In all areas of my life. And at the same time making realize how grateful I am. It's hard to do both. Thank you.

I spent about 12 hours of my 14 hour shift in the [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]VLC[/words] down my right leg today. I had to take it off for a few minutes or during my food breaks every 2-3 hours due to the burning from the skin pull. Would have a white ring around my dick where the shaft and skin were taking the pressure. The idea of growing my foreskin does interest me, not enough at the moment to pursue but does interest me. A chick friend, that's a Douala and is a strong proponent of circumcision, has really gotten me to want to grow it back out eventually. If I do grow some skin while keeping my dick extended I'm all for it. I could use some room to grow in anyway. I could tell some stretching of the nerves was done today, in a good way, because while chilling at home and scrolling through Facebook a very hot friend of mine that moved out of state commented on something. I got a boner and could just tell I have a little heightened sensation going on down there. All tissues must be stretched to grow. CC's, CS, ligaments, skin and nerves.

I would count today a big success as far as [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words] goes because I proved that as long as I keep tension low I can do it while at work and I work long fucking hours.

I'm only getting one set SD in tonight with the Bib and then 40 min SO with the LG. 3:30 AM comes fucking quick.
templnite;699389 said:
Doing what same thing? Pointing out your incongruences? Dont ignore the fact you were aggravating structures for there to be pain. Remembers a few posts back when you'd get numb in the glans and kept going with your sessions before finding out you weren't wrapping correctly? When you stayed with girlfriends that clearly weren't all that good to you? You're a teensy bit reckless bro, maybe even masochistic, its gonna be ok but don't forget that some of the brothers actually care about like their general well being

Good advice and it looks like you are really trying to help your Brothers. Much better attitude.
I don't see how you see his attitude as improving or trying to help DLD. Not many people do here. Not the first troll I've seen on a penis enlargement board but probably is the first one I've personally had issues with. He started off with accusations and attacks in my progress log. It's stupid, it's whatever, I'm letting that shit go.

Well all I can do is learn from my mistakes and move on with a clearer head and conscience. I think since getting a stronghold on who I truly am you will see I take much more calculated risks.

So far I think this routine will pay off. I'm not getting shacked up with any woman anytime soon so as long as I keep on keeping on I think I will gain. Temporary numbness is normal until you get your settings dialed in which is what I was doing since incorporating the Bib into my routine is new again. Yes I have used it in the past and pushed to hard, I've learned since then.

I'm working on decreasing my work hours so I have more of a fulfilling life. The only upcoming issues I can see will be the possible surgery and how hindered my mobility might be afterwards
I've said it a thousand times and I'll say it a thousand times more. If I'm am starting to attract haters I must be doing something right
So last Wednesday (07/13/16) the clip on the strap that I use to attach the [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]VLC[/words] broke free. I kinda knew it was coming on Tuesday but was hoping I could find a safety pin at work the next day before the stitching broke free. After about an hour into my shift it popped and as I was trying to take off the whole setup the safety pin broke as well haha. I do have a back up but I had it at my house. I did 1 set SD with Hardcore @ 18 lbs and 1 40 min set SO with LG @ 15 lbs after I got home.

Thursday I did not get home till 8 PM. I did not [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words] but I did get some hanging sets in. I used a Stridex Acne bottle to add a SD fulcrum at 15 lbs with my Bib sets. The dimensions of the bottle are 2.75 inches diameter and 2.75 inches deep.

I edged and did 2 SD fulcrum sets on Friday.

The fulcrum sets felt good but was hard to get the position right on my chair. I looked into making a RSDT for a fulcrum on Saturday and eventually found this post on here http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/hanging-around-penis-enlargement-hanging/21406-great-technique-rice-sock-and-duct-tape-4.html#post350091.

I used a [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Power Assist[/words] for my SD fulcrums and I will still need a RSDT when I decide to go to SU or SO with fulcrums. Here is my post about it http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/hanging-around-penis-enlargement-hanging/21406-great-technique-rice-sock-and-duct-tape-4.html#post699769
I had a family members funeral to attend Saturday but was able to get this routine in. I decided not to worry about [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words] while with family
07/16/16: Saturday
20 min Hanging SD with Hardcore with Stridex bottle as fulcrum at 15 lbs
2 [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD with Hardcore with [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] Fulcrum at 15-18 lb
1 [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD Fulcrum (PA) with Hardcore @ 15 lbs
40 min Hanging SO with LG Hanger at 15 lbs
20 min 60-80% Jelqing with 2 30 second base squeezes approximately every 5 min
4 more base Squeezes with ejaculation
Cockring on for 1 hour

07/17/16: Sunday
20 min Hanging SD w/ Fulcrum with Hardcore at 15 lbs
Church and cockring for approximately 4 hours..... Never thought I'd say that before
20 min sets Hanging SD w/ Fulcrum with Hardcore at 15-18 lbs
20 min base Squeezes mixed with some erect Jelqs
All Day Cockring(ADC) for 4 hours
2 [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]x 20[/words] min sets Hanging SD w/ fulcrum 15 lbs, down to 13 on last 10 min of 2nd set
So some changes to routine. On Wednesday and Thursday night I lifted my leg up high on my desk while hanging SD with the Bib, similar to Blue Whale's setup for his "Ultimate Lig Stretch" without hooking the ligs. I did this for up to a minute a few times on each side. I got an incredible stretch in my ligs on each side. Way more intense than just SD or BTC. It really divides and conquers. This will be something I can still explore if the fulcrums get to be too much. Sadly these last few month I would rate my consistency as a 8/10 and have mainly attacked ligs but failed to see any gains. Now I'm going back to my theory of penis is three balloons wrapped in theraband. So in order to stretch properly and gain the most length I will be adding girth work back in to stress the fibers horizontally and will continue to stretch them vertically with hanging and other stretches. I've had 4 days off to give it thought on whats really worked for me in particular in the past and the abundance of gains that can be had in the tunica and "expressive stretches", will need to read up on specifics about those again. For now I will attack the tunica and keep it either elongated or expanded.

I've gotten some early preliminary results. I was up 1/8-1/4th inch post hang BPSFL when I switched to the fulcrums mimicking an inverted-V stretch. After the jelq and base squeeze session on Saturday I measured a full 6 inches MSEG. Its temporary expansion from the exercises but I've never gotten to 6 before. After church on Sunday I was going to hang 2 sets but I just couldn't get a boner to go away and I wasn't thinking anything sexual. But I listened to my body and went ahead and did my girth portion for that days. Jelqs didn't help it go down so I just did a session of mainly base squeezes.

So a formula or framework for my routine will be this. Have divided sessions. Ideally get in a set or 2 of fulcrums and then a long set SO with LG. At some point in the day have a girth focused session. Now on my work days, especially back to back work days, I'll be doing good to get in one fulcrum set and one SO set plus [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words]. But off days are usually for the most part free. I've attacked it hard this weekend and have built up some fatigue and will ride this for as long as I can.

Ideal day would look like this
1-2 sets SD fulcrum with Hardcore
40-60 min SO with LG
[words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words] or ADC
1 set SD with fulcrum
20 min jelq with squeezes/supra slammers/horse squeezes every 3-5 min
5 min of squeezes/supra slammers/horse squeezes

Days of severe time restriction
[words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words] or ADC
1 set SD w/fulcrum
40-60 min SO with LG
possibly 20 min jelq

And of course everything in between the two above. Thats my template but my day to day workings will be based on time, schedule and how my body feels.
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This is incredible news and the gains came so fast! Congratulation my Brother!
doublelongdaddy;699916 said:
This is incredible news and the gains came so fast! Congratulation my Brother!
Yes I was surprised at the speed too. I know its not cemented yet but definitely positive results

07/18/16: Mon
2 [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]x 20[/words] min SD w/ Fulcrum (1st set with Stridex bottle 2nd set with [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words]) @ 15 lbs
45 min SO with LG @ 15 lbs
ADC for 4 hours
18 min jelq with base squeeze/ horse440 every 5 min
Quick edge and ejaculation

Comments: There was no part of my penis that was not sore this morning. I applied DMSO liquid before both AM and PM workouts and let it soak in before starting the routine. So far I haven't noticed too bad of breath but I'm not widely distributing it to my hips and shoulders like I have in the past.
longstretch;699959 said:
Yes I was surprised at the speed too. I know its not cemented yet but definitely positive results

Cementing will happen as you continue to grow. There will always be new gains to cement as you climb the ranks in size.
Tuesday I wore the ADC while at work. Got in one fulcrum hanging session. Wednesday I did the [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]VLC[/words] while at work. I noticed it really helps if I apply some lotion to my skin in the morning before attaching to limit skin discomfort. I still can only wear it for 2-3 hours at a time before I need to take it off, even if just for 5 min. I'm usually taking it off during my breaks and maybe once or twice more during the day. Got about 8-9 hours of tugging in. One set of hanging fulcrums. Thursday I didn't do anything while at work other than piss pulls and jelqs a few times during the day. I did one set of edging when I got home.

Friday was my day off but did have some family come over. I got 2-3 sets of fulcrum sets during the day, one more during the night along with, clock it, 60 min with the LG. It felt really good and I had no fluid build up at 15 lbs for one hour. I definitely felt great burning fatigue and this coupled with the bib fulcrum sets its really hitting all areas. I'll twist in my chair or adjust the angle of my pelvis to change the stretch slightly to make it feel even better. I got about 10 min of wet jelq before passing out

Saturday had family over again after work. I didn't bother with any ADC or [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words] while at work, I couldn't find my [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]VLC[/words] that morning. Hit the gym and had family over again. I got in 2 fulcrum sets before passing out again.
Thanks DLD!

Sunday I got in 2 sets of fulcrum sets and 20 min of Wet jelqs/squeezes/Uli's

Monday I did 8 hours tugging with [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]VLC[/words], one set of fulcrum hanging and 20 min of Wet jelqs/squeezes/Uli's

Tuesday I did 8 hours tugging with [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]VLC[/words] and 3 hours ADC.

Comments: I worked yesterday, got off went to the gym with the cockring loosely on. Then I took it off and meet my friend to do yoga in this park in the city. Certain positions really showed off my bulge which is looking nice now. I'm going some of those hot ass fuck girls saw it, definitely going to make this a habit. My shaft skin is sore as well as deep in my shaft, even after doing only [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ads[/words] and ADC yesterday.

I got back late last night and went to bed. I started talking to a old fuck buddy last night since a family member of hers died recently. Today we sexted a little bit and she said I've gotten bigger!!!

All in all I think I'm making some very nice progress
longstretch;700688 said:
Thanks DLD!

Sunday I got in 2 sets of fulcrum sets and 20 min of Wet jelqs/squeezes/Uli's

Monday I did 8 hours tugging with [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]VLC[/words], one set of fulcrum hanging and 20 min of Wet jelqs/squeezes/Uli's

Tuesday I did 8 hours tugging with [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]VLC[/words] and 3 hours ADC.

Comments: I worked yesterday, got off went to the gym with the cockring loosely on. Then I took it off and meet my friend to do yoga in this park in the city. Certain positions really showed off my bulge which is looking nice now. I'm going some of those hot ass fuck girls saw it, definitely going to make this a habit. My shaft skin is sore as well as deep in my shaft, even after doing only [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ads[/words] and ADC yesterday.

I got back late last night and went to bed. I started talking to a old fuck buddy last night since a family member of hers died recently. Today we sexted a little bit and she said I've gotten bigger!!!

All in all I think I'm making some very nice progress

Awesome to hear, it sounded like a fun day. YOGA is my shit! This is how I get in touch with my LORD, it is good to learn to quite the mind and listen....there is much to be heard and much positive energy to be brought in!
So I have the hip surgery in a few weeks. I will be on non-weight bearing crutches for 2 weeks and then weaning myself off. Out of work for 1.5-2 months. I've made the decision to stay out of the gym until my surgery as last week I had a bad flare up and could barely work all week. Aleve is a God send. I'll be staying upstairs across the hall from my parents during recovery. Hanging will be out of the question as I'll have a hard enough time moving about. I'm thinking of focusing on light manual stretches, some jelqing and maybe even [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]Penomet[/words] pumping using the wine-vac mod. I'm sure I'll be pretty sore and swollen the first week or two. I'm even thinking of just lightly keeping expansion throughout the day and treat it as a decon break.

Lately I've been getting in one or 2 sets of fulcrum or SD sets with the bib at between 16.25-11.25 pounds. Lucky if I get in girth work or LG set because I've been focusing on getting ready for surgery. Allot has been going on to get ready. My dad wants to renovate my living areas while I'm staying upstairs so I have to clean everything up and make sure everything I don't want him to see is up. I'm sure if he ran across my hangers and pocket pussy (which I never really use) he'd have questions.

I'm showing a 0.25 inch gain in BPFSL. Still trying to get [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words] or ADC during work and have been successful most days. The first time me and old fuckbuddy got together she mentioned that I've grown, I told her it was from quitting smoking... you know better bloodflow.
longstretch;701733 said:
So I have the hip surgery in a few weeks. I will be on non-weight bearing crutches for 2 weeks and then weaning myself off. Out of work for 1.5-2 months. I've made the decision to stay out of the gym until my surgery as last week I had a bad flare up and could barely work all week. Aleve is a God send. I'll be staying upstairs across the hall from my parents during recovery. Hanging will be out of the question as I'll have a hard enough time moving about. I'm thinking of focusing on light manual stretches, some jelqing and maybe even [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]Penomet[/words] pumping using the wine-vac mod. I'm sure I'll be pretty sore and swollen the first week or two. I'm even thinking of just lightly keeping expansion throughout the day and treat it as a decon break.

Lately I've been getting in one or 2 sets of fulcrum or SD sets with the bib at between 16.25-11.25 pounds. Lucky if I get in girth work or LG set because I've been focusing on getting ready for surgery. Allot has been going on to get ready. My dad wants to renovate my living areas while I'm staying upstairs so I have to clean everything up and make sure everything I don't want him to see is up. I'm sure if he ran across my hangers and pocket pussy (which I never really use) he'd have questions.

I'm showing a 0.25 inch gain in BPFSL. Still trying to get [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words] or ADC during work and have been successful most days. The first time me and old fuckbuddy got together she mentioned that I've grown, I told her it was from quitting smoking... you know better bloodflow.

I will put your in my prayers for this operation. You can do plenty of manual PE as you lay in that bed, be creative!
Yes thank you! It would suck to halt everything especially when I'm gaining. I looking into developing a skeleton of a routine I could do while in recovery. Definitely going to keep fulcrum stretches and occasional girth work in. Can use a cock ring for ADC and be incognito.
longstretch;701846 said:
Yes thank you! It would suck to halt everything especially when I'm gaining. I looking into developing a skeleton of a routine I could do while in recovery. Definitely going to keep fulcrum stretches and occasional girth work in. Can use a cock ring for ADC and be incognito.

Been praying daily for you my Brother!
velvetfog;702761 said:
Inspirational thread, love the cul-de-sac goal. I think you must be past the CDS now?

Too bad about the HPV, keep fighting!

Learning to make this happen is a huge sexual accomplishment. When I first got my ex-girl to squirt it was amazing, nothing compares!
I had hip surgery a few days ago. The other two days I've been doing Mandingo stretches for 20+ min. Will start doing girth work tonight, will have to wait for parents to go to bed. I'm now staying across the hall from them. I'm on crutches and have limited privacy right now but am trying to keep things moving forward. Should still be able to push girth work and Mandingo stretches if nothing else.

I never really had a fat pad and bpel is the best way to track actual gains so that's how I measure. I also measure standing with my back straight. If I sit with a posterior pelvic tilt I can get 8.5 but as I don't believe that to be accurate I'm right before 8. Maybe still at 7.75. I had some signs of gaining right before surgery
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doublelongdaddy;702801 said:
Learning to make this happen is a huge sexual accomplishment. When I first got my ex-girl to squirt it was amazing, nothing compares!
It's a huge boost to the ego when you can make girls squirt! Once i heal from the hip surgeries I will see about getting aldara cream or something similar to get rid of them. I stopped smoking so that's been a big help
longstretch;702984 said:
I had hip surgery a few days ago. The other two days I've been doing Mandingo stretches for 20+ min. Will start doing girth work tonight, will have to wait for parents to go to bed. I'm now staying across the hall from them. I'm on crutches and have limited privacy right now but am trying to keep things moving forward. Should still be able to push girth work and Mandingo stretches if nothing else.

I never really had a fat pad and bpel is the best way to track actual gains so that's how I measure. I also measure standing with my back straight. If I sit with a posterior pelvic tilt I can get 8.5 but as I don't believe that to be accurate I'm right before 8. Maybe still at 7.75. I had some signs of gaining right before surgery

Very inspirational as I am starting at 6 bpel, good luck on healing up
longstretch;702985 said:
It's a huge boost to the ego when you can make girls squirt! Once i heal from the hip surgeries I will see about getting aldara cream or something similar to get rid of them. I stopped smoking so that's been a big help

Me and my boy both used apple cider vinegar, dab a cotton ball in it and tape it to it. be careful tho cuz if left on to long it will leave a chemical burn
longstretch;702985 said:
It's a huge boost to the ego when you can make girls squirt! Once i heal from the hip surgeries I will see about getting aldara cream or something similar to get rid of them. I stopped smoking so that's been a big help

I can remember it vividly, I had just measured at 8.5", about 3 months after my initial gains and Jen and I started to have sex. As we were having sex I could feel her vagina pulse and pulse harder and harder until I felt pressure from the top of my cock and I pulled out and the flood gates opened. After that it happened every time we had sex. We had to lay down plastic or have sex on the leather couch because she would gush so much. My favorite thing was when she was about to squirt have her jump off my cock and sit on my face and gush! It was like a shower of sex! So fucking sexy.
pewannabe;703048 said:
Me and my boy both used apple cider vinegar, dab a cotton ball in it and tape it to it. be careful tho cuz if left on to long it will leave a chemical burn
How long do you leave it on for? I tried that for months but besides raw skin and foul smelling balls it didn't do anything. I bought some TCA from Amazon and I'm waiting till I'm more mobile before applying it. I'll need gloves and baking soda in case I need to neutralize the acid but through research it seems it will take care of the warts in a few weeks doing one treatment a week.

doublelongdaddy;703049 said:
I can remember it vividly, I had just measured at 8.5", about 3 months after my initial gains and Jen and I started to have sex. As we were having sex I could feel her vagina pulse and pulse harder and harder until I felt pressure from the top of my cock and I pulled out and the flood gates opened. After that it happened every time we had sex. We had to lay down plastic or have sex on the leather couch because she would gush so much. My favorite thing was when she was about to squirt have her jump off my cock and sit on my face and gush! It was like a shower of sex! So fucking sexy.
That sounds sexy. I've never had them squirt on my face but is something I'm willing to try. Its usually been while I was on top. The girls that could squirt on top just never jumped off and onto my face, though I never gave them permission.

I've never been able to pull it off manually. One girl would complain that my nails or rough skin was scratching her. Since then I've tried to make sure nails and cuticles were smooth but I haven't had luck in making girls squirt with my fingers, I've made them cum but I don't know if they were relaxed enough to squirt. I don't know if its more impressive that its only been through sex or not.
I'm looking into starting clamping while I'm recovering from surgery. Going to keep my sets to 10 min because in the past any longer resulted in numbness. I won't be able to hang for a few more weeks at least and plan on having my other side done in a couple of months so I'll be down again. Might wait till both sides are recovered before I hang again. I've seen quite a few adult entertainment stars with surgical scars at the hips or knees so I know I too can bounce back from this and smash like I want to in the future. I've been using the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] assist to get some inverted-A/Blaster stretches in as well as Mandingo stretch. Been doing a 20-30 min girth session every other day. Things were getting too intense with fuckbuddy so I ended it with her. Now I'm fully single and crippled but not sweating it. Bitches they come and go.
doublelongdaddy;703049 said:
I can remember it vividly, I had just measured at 8.5", about 3 months after my initial gains and Jen and I started to have sex. As we were having sex I could feel her vagina pulse and pulse harder and harder until I felt pressure from the top of my cock and I pulled out and the flood gates opened. After that it happened every time we had sex. We had to lay down plastic or have sex on the leather couch because she would gush so much. My favorite thing was when she was about to squirt have her jump off my cock and sit on my face and gush! It was like a shower of sex! So fucking sexy.

That's pretty crazy. I want to do this :/
doublelongdaddy;703049 said:
I can remember it vividly, I had just measured at 8.5", about 3 months after my initial gains and Jen and I started to have sex. As we were having sex I could feel her vagina pulse and pulse harder and harder until I felt pressure from the top of my cock and I pulled out and the flood gates opened. After that it happened every time we had sex. We had to lay down plastic or have sex on the leather couch because she would gush so much. My favorite thing was when she was about to squirt have her jump off my cock and sit on my face and gush! It was like a shower of sex! So fucking sexy.

wish my wife squirted like that too.
pillesnoppen;704217 said:
wish my wife squirted like that too.

Jen did not just squirt, she gushed. I always made sure she took a good pee before sex in the beginning as I thought it might be urine. I was wrong! She was gushing the most beautiful fluid by the gallon! Somewhere on the forum there is a picture of how much of a mess we would make :)
doublelongdaddy;704253 said:
Jen did not just squirt, she gushed. I always made sure she took a good pee before sex in the beginning as I thought it might be urine. I was wrong! She was gushing the most beautiful fluid by the gallon! Somewhere on the forum there is a picture of how much of a mess we would make :)

effin beautiful getting a powerful shot from a beautiful and horny girl:cool:
I wouldn't say it's a rarity, (and I believe most women have the capacity), but hitting that special spot, making sure she's 100% confident in you and herself, (a toughie and always a moving target), and emotionally safe I think are the keys to unlocking WildWaves
Big Schwanz Acht;704329 said:
I wouldn't say it's a rarity, (and I believe most women have the capacity), but hitting that special spot, making sure she's 100% confident in you and herself, (a toughie and always a moving target), and emotionally safe I think are the keys to unlocking WildWaves

Then there are good chances out there to get to the spot!
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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