No but I am starting to build up some fatigue that feels really nice. Still can't [words=]ADS[/words] but hopefully I'll be able to add that back in in a few weeks

07/02/14: Wed
45 min Hanging SD Sitting @ 8.75 lbs
30 min Hanging SD Standing @ 8.75 lbs
20 min Edging with Ejaculation

Comments: A plastic piece from the female coupling of my LG broke off that led to the metal slide, springs and pin coming out last night before my second set. I can't remember if I dropped the hanger but it is likely and I hang above concrete floors. I was able to to just stick the pump in the hole and add vacuum but I was still unsure if this would hold the pressure so I only hung for 30 min. Today I was able to connect all the parts back together and it works for now. The guys at LG Hanger are sending me a new coupling tomorrow so my fear of being away from hanging for a few days and having to send the dome in to be repaired have been relieved. I'm really loving this hanger and the company more and more everyday.
07/03/14: Thurs
45 min Hanging SD Sitting
30 min Hanging SD Sitting 8.75 lbs dropped to 7.5 lbs Hanging SD Standing for 20 min

07/05/14: Sat
2 x 45 min Hanging SD at 8.75

07/07/14: Mon
45 min Hanging SD Sitting @ 8.75 lbs

Comments: Took the 4th off, had sex like 4 times Saturday and was away from home all day Sunday
longstretch;590940 said:
had sex like 4 times Saturday and was away from home all day Sunday

Thats 4 times more than I have had in the past 5 years:)
Awe DLD you should use what you got man, I just hope I just hope I don't get your sloppy seconds! I hung since my last post but I had family at my house sleeping in my room all week so I didn't get any hang time or pe in this week
longstretch;593642 said:
Awe DLD you should use what you got man, I just hope I just hope I don't get your sloppy seconds! I hung since my last post but I had family at my house sleeping in my room all week so I didn't get any hang time or pe in this week

Someday maybe. I do get awfully lonely on my own and it has been many years since I have had a relationship. I know that the good Lord will bring me the right mate when it is the right time.
That's right when the time comes the right one will find her way in your life.

07/22/14: Tues
60 min Hanging Sd Sitting @ 8.75 pounds with standing swings thrown in

Comments: I finally had the family leave and my room all to myself. I had sex on Wednesday and all weekend to make up for no PE. I came orally for the first time ever on Sunday and it was awesome!!! I definitely have a psychological holdup or something when it comes to coming orally and had to be kneeling beside her while she layed on her side. I think I have to be in control to cum. I'll be out of town this weekend but my family will be away all next week so I'm planning on making the most of my time and privacy then as well as start my routine back up
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longstretch;594304 said:
That's right when the time comes the right one will find her way in your life.

07/22/14: Tues
60 min Hanging Sd Sitting @ 8.75 pounds with standing swings thrown in

Comments: I finally had the family leave and my room all to myself. I had sex on Wednesday and all weekend to make up for no PE. I came orally for the first time ever on Sunday and it was awesome!!! I definitely have a psychological holdup or something when it comes to coming orally and had to be kneeling beside her while she layed on her side. I think I have to be in control to cum. I'll be out of town this weekend but my family will be away all next week so I'm planning on making the most of my time and privacy then as well as start my routine back up

Thanks for that vote of confidence:)
longstretch;594849 said:
07/25/14: Friday
46 Min Hanging SD Sitting @ 10 lbs

07/26/14: Sat
46 Min Hanging SD Sitting @ 10 lbs
20 min Hanging SD Sitting @ 10 lbs with some standing swings

Even though I did not gain too much hanging I did love the long sets and all the attention my penis was getting. There is something special about long sessions in hanging.
So I didn't state this but last Saturday I developed my first blister ever. I should have know better to than to go up in weight and add pendulum swings too. Also I remember being rushed so I'm not so sure I wrapped properly. When I got out of the tube and took a shower a had a very small water blister on the right side of my glans. I popped it and then after work came home. By that time there was no blister just a slight purple mark where it was and I do remember the skin on the blister being thin so I decided to hang a short set. Well it came right back. I was thinking of using the Bib but the internet at my job went down and I didn't have time once I got home to research the things needed to make a switch to the Bib for this week. I was able to hang tonight with no problems and there is still a very thin scab where the blister was. On the bright side I'm close to a weight that I know will cause the fatigue needed for growth.

08/01/14: Fri
30 Min Hanging SD Sitting @ 10 lbs
Also if I wasn't having so much fun with the LG Hanger I was thinking of switching anyway. With working 60 hours a week, going to NA meetings almost daily, hitting the gym hardcore and having a budding social life its hard to always find 2 hours a day to hang. Hardcore hanging is starting to look pretty attractive with only doing 1 or 2 20 min sets, plus I know how well my body responds to heavy ass weight. I know I would still have to start out light to learn all the nuances of the Bib and then slowly build up in weight then. I've even been thinking of just adding a set with the bib here and there just to learn how to attach it properly but still get my actual workout from the LG. Once I get back into my original career I will have more time to hang because then I'd only be working 40 hours a week and I'm hoping to get back in a few months.
longstretch;595705 said:
Also if I wasn't having so much fun with the LG Hanger I was thinking of switching anyway. With working 60 hours a week, going to NA meetings almost daily, hitting the gym hardcore and having a budding social life its hard to always find 2 hours a day to hang. Hardcore hanging is starting to look pretty attractive with only doing 1 or 2 20 min sets, plus I know how well my body responds to heavy ass weight. I know I would still have to start out light to learn all the nuances of the Bib and then slowly build up in weight then. I've even been thinking of just adding a set with the bib here and there just to learn how to attach it properly but still get my actual workout from the LG. Once I get back into my original career I will have more time to hang because then I'd only be working 40 hours a week and I'm hoping to get back in a few months.

You have inspired me with this post. Many know I am in a deep depression but hearing how you have got your life on track socially lets me know I need to do the same. I may start going to meetings again, that would be a good first step for me even though I am not an addict I could use the help in other ways. Thanks for posting this!
08/02/14: Sat
30 min Hanging SD Sitting @ 10 lbs

08/03/14: Sun
30 min Hanging SD Sitting @ 10 lbs

08/04/14: Mon
30 min Hanging SD Sitting @ 10 lbs
35 min Hanging SD Sitting @ 10 lbs

08/05/14: Tues
10 min Hanging SD Standing with Bib @ 2.5 lbs
30 min Hanging SD Standing with LG @ 10 lbs
40 min Hanging SD Standing with LG @ 10 lbs

Comments: Yesterday felt good but I did walk out of the room I was hanging in to check my phone in the other room and I do remember the weight hitting my leg and feeling a slight pinch on the glans but I didn't stop the set and I think I just repumped once I waddled back to try to keep the pressure but I think it was too late. I must've slipped a little in the hanger and the pinch should've been a dead give away but I learned my lesson. This happened at the beginning of the 40 min session and when I pulled out of the hanger I had 2 small blisters where right beside where the one last week was. Knowing how to hang with the Bib during a period like this will be a great benefit as it won't slow me down. I just have to be more careful. It seems that this area of skin will be weaker than the surrounding areas for a while so I'll have to be more careful. I'm thinking of finding some stronger tape than the one provided as I believe it is too stretchy.
doublelongdaddy;595790 said:
You have inspired me with this post. Many know I am in a deep depression but hearing how you have got your life on track socially lets me know I need to do the same. I may start going to meetings again, that would be a good first step for me even though I am not an addict I could use the help in other ways. Thanks for posting this!
Everyone should work a 12 Step program at least once and they have them for just about anything you can think of. Also having a support group with people who are battling or have battled what you're going through helps tremendously. I battled with depression and anxiety, especially social, my whole life and I believe thats why I picked up drugs so quick because it took those feelings away.... for a time. Then they quit working and started causing depression and anxiety. Check out CBT therapy DLD it is scientifically proven to help with all sorts of thinking problems which is exactly what depression is. It wasn't enough to help my addiction alone, though I did have the advanced stage addiction, but since quitting drugs and getting some clarity it helps realize that my unwanted feelings are caused by my thoughts and my thoughts are many times unrealistic and pessimistic. I started with "Feeling Good" by Dr. Burns and there is even workbooks so you can work through the exercises and start thinking more realistically. I know with me I'm my own worst critic but now I try to talk to myself the way I would a friend. Because if a friend was feeling bad I wouldn't then start constantly berating them and telling them what a piece of shit they are but I will do just that to myself. It takes time and some continual work but its better and healthier than taking a pill that many times doesn't work and causes all types of unwanted side effects.
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longstretch;596365 said:
Everyone should work a 12 Step program at least once and they have them for just about anything you can think of. Also having a support group with people who are battling or have battled what you're going through helps tremendously. I battled with depression and anxiety, especially social, my whole life and I believe thats why I picked up drugs so quick because it took those feelings away.... for a time. Then they quit working and started causing depression and anxiety. Check out CBT therapy DLD it is scientifically proven to help with all sorts of thinking problems which is exactly what depression is. It wasn't enough to help my addiction alone, though I did have the advanced stage addiction, but since quitting drugs and getting some clarity it helps realize that my unwanted feelings are caused by my thoughts and my thoughts are many times unrealistic and pessimistic. I started with "Feeling Good" by Dr. Burns and there is even workbooks so you can work through the exercises and start thinking more realistically. I know with me I'm my own worst critic but now I try to talk to myself the way I would a friend. Because if a friend was feeling bad I wouldn't then start constantly berating them and telling them what a piece of shit they are but I will do just that to myself. It takes time and some continual work but its better and healthier than taking a pill that many times doesn't work and causes all types of unwanted side effects.

I agree with it being a thinking problem, with me it is like a record just skipping over and over, repeating the same line of negative thoughts. I try to change the thoughts but they are quickly countered with that voice in my brain that insists on negativity. I used drugs and alcohol in the past and know they only make things worse so that is no longer an option for me. What is so hard to get across to people is the feeling of being paralyzed or stuck in time and feeling like I can not even move sometimes out of fear and the fear is not justified at all, it is simply a huge fear that comes out of no where and stays as long as it likes. I have gone through this for many years and it simply repeats a cycle and the cycle is like no other cycle I have read on. Even the therapist I see agrees that my cycles go way too long. It follows the seasons big-time, in the summer I am deep in depression then once the cool weather starts something clicks and I have some relief for maybe 2 months but at around that point it becomes mania. The crazy thing is I never know that it is mania setting in until it is way too late. I will go from being happy again to things going way too fast and then I crash. Last year was the worst yet and I fear that things will become progressively worse. They have suggested neurological testing due to the length of my cycles and I will find out more about that tomorrow. I appreciate your kind words and I will take them to heart. I know that I am in here somewhere and I am determined to find myself. I think talking about it is best and I know that coming to the Brotherhood always helps.
08/06/14: Wed
30 min Hanging SD Sitting @ 10 lbs

08/07/14: Thursday
30 min Hanging SD Sitting @ 10 lbs

30 min Hanging SD Sitting @ 10 lbs

08/11/14: Mon
60 min Hanging SD Standing @ 10 lbs

Comments: I'm back to wrapping the head and just under the head with micropore tape and now I'm back to having no fluid build up even after an hour straight at 10 lbs. I then over wrap with the hurt free tape. I was going to hang Friday but I had family over all last week and my dad passed out in the spare room next to mine and was lucky to hang the days I did. I was over at a girlfriend'a house all weekend and must have had sex 4 times so I was keeping my unit busy.
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longstretch;598041 said:
I was over at a girlfriend'a house all weekend and must have had sex 4 times so I was keeping my unit busy.

The other half of PE is using your penis! Good for you!
doublelongdaddy;596402 said:
I agree with it being a thinking problem, with me it is like a record just skipping over and over, repeating the same line of negative thoughts. I try to change the thoughts but they are quickly countered with that voice in my brain that insists on negativity. I used drugs and alcohol in the past and know they only make things worse so that is no longer an option for me. What is so hard to get across to people is the feeling of being paralyzed or stuck in time and feeling like I can not even move sometimes out of fear and the fear is not justified at all, it is simply a huge fear that comes out of no where and stays as long as it likes. I have gone through this for many years and it simply repeats a cycle and the cycle is like no other cycle I have read on. Even the therapist I see agrees that my cycles go way too long. It follows the seasons big-time, in the summer I am deep in depression then once the cool weather starts something clicks and I have some relief for maybe 2 months but at around that point it becomes mania. The crazy thing is I never know that it is mania setting in until it is way too late. I will go from being happy again to things going way too fast and then I crash. Last year was the worst yet and I fear that things will become progressively worse. They have suggested neurological testing due to the length of my cycles and I will find out more about that tomorrow. I appreciate your kind words and I will take them to heart. I know that I am in here somewhere and I am determined to find myself. I think talking about it is best and I know that coming to the Brotherhood always helps.

I feel Ya. I don't think I have the mania but I definitely experience the intense depression for months at a time. It's getting easier to deal with the more I learn and find what works for me. Sending prayers your way big guy

08/14/14: Thursday
15 min Hanging SD Standing @ 12.5 lbs supersetted
15 min Hanging BTC laying on bed with legs on chair

Comments: Finally reaching intense fatigue especially when I switched to BTC. I got a really nice pull and this morning I was back to hitting 5.75 MSEG and 7.75 BPEL . I did lose what I didn't cement when I took a break to treat some warts, then blisters and lack of privacy. I lost a little in both length and girth (was probably down to 7.5 x 5.5) so it's nice to finally get to a weight that looks promising and since I changed my taping method I no longer have to worry about the skin and the penis takes all the stress
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longstretch;598915 said:
I feel Ya. I don't think I have the mania but I definitely experience the intense depression for months at a time. It's getting easier to deal with the more I learn and find what works for me. Sending prayers your way big guy

08/14/14: Thursday
15 min Hanging SD Standing @ 12.5 lbs supersetted
15 min Hanging BTC laying on bed with legs on chair

Comments: Finally reaching intense fatigue especially when I switched to BTC. I got a really nice pull and this morning I was back to hitting 5.75 MSEG and 7.75 BPEL . I did lose what I didn't cement when I took a break to treat some warts, then blisters and lack of privacy. I lost a little in both length and girth (was probably down to 7.5 x 5.5) so it's nice to finally get to a weight that looks promising and since I changed my taping method I no longer have to worry about the skin and the penis takes all the stress

Thanks for the prayers and I will pray for you too my Brother. Depression is the Great Deceiver, it can take any normal or even good thought and make it become negative. I am trying to see what happens over the next 2-3 weeks as the whether changes before I try any new medication. I am very determined to beat this thing. The long months of depression seem to be breaking apart a bit as we approach the change in weather so I have put a lot of hope into this. I have really tried to track things this year and now looking back on the past 13 years I see a pattern that is emerging that I have the exact opposite of Seasonal Affective Disorder where I feel great depression during the summer months and relief in the cooler fall months but like clockwork I end up crashing in the Winter months. I am hoping this year to ride the good out as long as possible and when the mania arrives be ready. It is one of the biggest challenges in my life, dealing with these cycles, I wish there was a pill I could take that would just fix it but this is obviously not the case. I am happy I get to express this to my Brothers here, this brings me the most clarity.
08/15/14: Fri
52 min Hanging SD @ 12.5 lbs

08/17/14: Sun
30 min Hanging SD @ 13.75 lbs
30 min Hanging SD @ 13.75 lbs

08/21/14: Thurs
4 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD with Bib @ 2.5 lbs
4 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD with Bib @ 5 lbs

Comments: So I really got to learn to be more careful and listen to my body. On Sunday I decided to go up in weight since I didn't reach fatigue at 12 pounds on Friday at 52 min long. Well the first set felt great. Between sets at some point I had to go pee but I forgot about the tape and pretty much peed on the middle strip of tape before I peeled it back to pee regularly. Well I guess that must have messed up the adhesive and halfway into the 2nd set I felt an itching sensation at my glans and something told me to stop it short but I just figured I was feeling the tape. Well from now on if something tells me to cut a set short I will. Basically the middle strip didn't stick to the other tape so the skin on both sides of my urethra was subject to the vacuum. When I pulled out the tape was wet!!! Never a good sign. I had a massive blister all along the right side of my glans. The one on the left side had already popped and I had 2 small ones on the frenulum. I ended up getting impatient and popping the right one, but it was so big I doubt it would have ever gone away. I've been putting antibiotic cream on it daily. I have to learn my lessons the hard way but lets just say I've learned.

Today I was sick and didn't go to work. I made it productive and broke out the Bib and read up on it and tried different settings each set. I think I'm close to finding something that will work and will continue to work on skin stretching and just get used to using it over the next couple of weeks. Hopefully the blisters will heal by next week. I was thinking of getting in a set or two with the Bib in the morning and doing a longer set with the LG in the afternoon. Of course the funny thing is at this point I would be able to hang heavier and longer with the LG as I'm not accustomed to the Bib yet
Popping a blister is never a good thing, just be sure to keep it clean and using the antibiotic cream to prevent infection. I too get inpatient and rush things, my biggest injury happened when I was trying to measure with a crap ruler, I was impatient and rushed it and the ruler slipped and effectively removed most of my frenulum. This had to be one of the most painful injuries and it took about a month to heal. Slowing down and listening to true body are very important. I hope you heal up quickly and get back to healthy training.
Holy Shit that made me cringe! I couldn't imagine cutting my frenulum, lucky for me a blister is relatively pain free. I've learned my lesson big time, patience is a virtue for a reason. In the positive side it had given me some time to get familiar with the bib. In starting to understand most concepts that we're totally foreign to me years ago when I made a Captain's Wrench
08/22/14: Friday
1 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD with Bib @ 5 lbs
Work while leaving the wrap on ~11 hours
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD with Bib @ 5 lbs

Comments: I'll need some adjusting with my wrap. I have only been using 2 htw and then a self grip tape over but I don't think it's thick enough, Idk I'll have to explore it more this weekend. I'm feeling a little soreness in my shaft which is great! Before my shower tonight my flaccid was hanging long and fat. It looks like it'll take at least 3 or 4 days for new skin to grow and the scabs to fall off my glans. I think I'll be using this new self grip tape I got from Walgreens as it's thicker and have a micropore under wrap for my glans. I'm thinking of adding a cross section to the middle strip to for support. I got some ideas in the works from that I'll want to try out once I'm ready for the vacuum hang. In the meantime I'm enjoying learning about the bib. It's allot more comfortable than I'd imagine but there are a lot of little nuances with settings and wrap that I'll need to work out to get it perfect.

I'm hanging more towards the base to stretch the skin as right now I'm not to sure what bib means by forming shoulders. But he recommends taking a few weeks to stretch the skin to help allow for room to grow and once it's stretched all the stress will be on the ligaments and tunica
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longstretch;600482 said:
Holy Shit that made me cringe! I couldn't imagine cutting my frenulum, lucky for me a blister is relatively pain free. I've learned my lesson big time, patience is a virtue for a reason. In the positive side it had given me some time to get familiar with the bib. In starting to understand most concepts that we're totally foreign to me years ago when I made a Captain's Wrench

It was an awful injury, I thought I cut my head off at first. The ruler I was using had one of those metal strips inside of it and when it slipped that is what caused the cut. Funny thing is, long before frenulum tying, I gained about .25" from the cut on my frenulum. I never wanted to say that because I did not want guys purposely cutting themselves but then out of no where someone started a thread on cutting the frenulum purposely to gain length.
Wow I don't think I'm crazy enough to try that not even for a quarter of an inch. Glad you were okay and didn't perform your own Lorena Bobbit!

08/23/14: Sat
4 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD with Bib @ 5 lbs

08/23/14: Sun
1 x 15 min Hanging SD with Bib @ 5 lbs
A few hours break
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD with Bib @ 5 lbs

Comments: On Saturday I cut a longer piece of pajama material and spiraled it down like Bib wraps with self grip tape on top. On Sunday I cut a long strip of theraband (black) and replaced the self grip tape. I think both using the theraband and spiraling creates a more stable bundle. Today it seemed like I was getting the hang of wrapping down a little better but I still need to work on attachment and will continue to read up on it. The scabs fell off my glans yesterday and I had sex last night. My erections are back to looking longer and thicker already
doublelongdaddy;600639 said:
It was an awful injury, I thought I cut my head off at first. The ruler I was using had one of those metal strips inside of it and when it slipped that is what caused the cut. Funny thing is, long before frenulum tying, I gained about .25" from the cut on my frenulum. I never wanted to say that because I did not want guys purposely cutting themselves but then out of no where someone started a thread on cutting the frenulum purposely to gain length.

WOW!!! it was that bad of a cut??? did your ruler double as a steak knife???? lol
youknowme123321;600924 said:
WOW!!! it was that bad of a cut??? did your ruler double as a steak knife???? lol

It was awful, the ruler slipped and like a steak knife it sliced most of my frenulum away. Blood was everywhere and I was in the worst pain. It was during this injury, where I could not do any PE, that I invented DLD Blasters. Someone was asking how I used thought experiments to create new exercise, DLD Blasters is a perfect example.
Haha the next time I can't find a knife I'm just going to grab my ruler. Thanks for that little nugget of gold DLD! Hehe

08/25/14: Mon
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD with Bib @ 5 lbs
Work while wrapped ~11 hours
1 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging BTC with Bib @ 5 lbs
Sex ~40 min

08/26/14: Tues
4 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging BTC with Bib @ 5 lbs
longstretch;601423 said:
Haha the next time I can't find a knife I'm just going to grab my ruler. Thanks for that little nugget of gold DLD! Hehe

08/25/14: Mon
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD with Bib @ 5 lbs
Work while wrapped ~11 hours
1 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging BTC with Bib @ 5 lbs
Sex ~40 min

08/26/14: Tues
4 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging BTC with Bib @ 5 lbs

08/27/14: Wed
5 or 6 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging BTC with Bib @ 5 lbs

Comments: Okay so I got my Bib for free from a member at thunders (Bike2Swim) that didn't gain and was getting rid of all his stuff. Looking at the pictures and measurements I believe it's actually a Bib Starter. After my first set I had some irritation in my urethra and I believe it's because I didn't pee after ejaculation. By set 3 I was feeling some lig soreness and skin stretching at the base (finally it feels sooo good) for the first couple of minutes of each set. I felt what it was like to grasp the internals on Tuesday. In order to have the top gap smaller I'm going to have to make some adjustments and widen out the bottom gap today but I didn't wake up in time to hang this am. I will go up to 6.25 lbs tomorrow.

I'm letting my glans heal a little before I resume the vacuum hanging but hope to start this weekend. It's still a light pink color where the blisters were and I think if I hung now it would turn those areas to a deep purple color. I'm going to t-cross the middle strip of tape from now on. I now see how the bib and LG pull a little differently and when I do eventually switch to hitting the tunica I will be wrapping my scrotum and hanging SU with the bib starter to get rid of my turkey neck. The bib definitely stretches more skin with it which is a good thing to me. I'm thinking of hanging with the bib starter for one to two sets in the am with a longer set or two in the pm with the LG. I think I'll have the best of both worlds, I'm sure others would disagree, but I'll get the compression forces and some skin stretch (until the skin grows) in the am and a longer set based on expansion in the afternoon.
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longstretch;601622 said:
08/27/14: Wed
5 or 6 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging BTC with Bib @ 5 lbs

Comments: Okay so I got my Bib for free from a member at thunders (Bike2Swim) that didn't gain and was getting rid of all his stuff. Looking at the pictures and measurements I believe it's actually a Bib Starter. After my first set I had some irritation in my urethra and I believe it's because I didn't pee after ejaculation. By set 3 I was feeling some lig soreness and skin stretching at the base (finally it feels sooo good) for the first couple of minutes of each set. I felt what it was like to grasp the internals on Tuesday. In order to have the top gap smaller I'm going to have to make some adjustments and widen out the bottom gap today but I didn't wake up in time to hang this am. I will go up to 6.25 lbs tomorrow.

I'm letting my glans heal a little before I resume the vacuum hanging but hope to start this weekend. It's still a light pink color where the blisters were and I think if I hung now it would turn those areas to a deep purple color. I'm going to t-cross the middle strip of tape from now on. I now see how the bib and LG pull a little differently and when I do eventually switch to hitting the tunica I will be wrapping my scrotum and hanging SU with the bib starter to get rid of my turkey neck. The bib definitely stretches more skin with it which is a good thing to me. I'm thinking of hanging with the bib starter for one to two sets in the am with a longer set or two in the pm with the LG. I think I'll have the best of both worlds, I'm sure others would disagree, but I'll get the compression forces and some skin stretch (until the skin grows) in the am and a longer set based on expansion in the afternoon.

I think the starter is right for every man no matter his size, it will work the same as the Bigger version.
Oh yeah it definitely fits me I just wanted to be accurate. I heard the original is better at handling really heavy weight or if you want to stretch more skin because it's longer. What do you think of mixing a compression hanger with a vacuum one. I would think to hang with the starter in the morning and then the LG at night
longstretch;601744 said:
Oh yeah it definitely fits me I just wanted to be accurate. I heard the original is better at handling really heavy weight or if you want to stretch more skin because it's longer. What do you think of mixing a compression hanger with a vacuum one. I would think to hang with the starter in the morning and then the LG at night

There is such a small difference that I don't see how weight would matter. I actually would opt for the smaller one just so it would not be so bulky. Once attached comfortably to the shaft any hanger will work great.
I've decided to stick with just the LG as I think I'm getting the same exact stretch just more of a skin stretch with the bib which I will get any way in the fall and winter when I go back to wearing the [words=]VLC[/words]. These past 2 weeks have been informative on how to use the bib but the increased skin stretch and 10 min breaks really suck. Plus I can tell there is a risk for numbness and I've heard reports of discoloration which I will try to avoid for the time being. I've made great gains from vacuum hangers and I like how there is a possibility of glans enlargement with them. I will start back with the LG today. It's still nice to know my options are open for using either one.

08/28/14: Thurs
4 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging BTC with Bib at 5 lbs

08/29/14: Fri
20 min Hanging BTC with Bib at 6.25 lbs
Wrapped while at work ~11 hours
3 [words=]x 20[/words] Hanging BTC with Bib at 6.25 lbs
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longstretch;602183 said:
I've decided to stick with just the LG as I think I'm getting the same exact stretch just more of a skin stretch with the bib which I will get any way in the fall and winter when I go back to wearing the [words=]VLC[/words]. These past 2 weeks have been informative on how to use the bib but the increased skin stretch and 10 min breaks really suck. Plus I can tell there is a risk for numbness and I've heard reports of discoloration which I will try to avoid for the time being. I've made great gains from vacuum hangers and I like how there is a possibility of glans enlargement with them. I will start back with the LG today. It's still nice to know my options are open for using either one.

08/28/14: Thurs
4 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging BTC with Bib at 5 lbs

08/29/14: Fri
20 min Hanging BTC with Bib at 6.25 lbs
Wrapped while at work ~11 hours
3 [words=]x 20[/words] Hanging BTC with Bib at 6.25 lbs

It is good you have both, who knows, maybe they will both serve a purpose.
08/30/14: Sat
25 min Hanging SD Standing (first 5 min BTC) with LG @ 12.5 lbs

09/01/14: Mon
25 min Hanging SD Standing with LG @ 12.5 lbs
5 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging BTC with Bib Starter @ 6.25 lbs

Comments: Well I guess I didn't give my skin enough time to heal, it's still been reddish. On Saturday I hung with no problems but today I felt some itching in my set and cut my 30 min set short. I had a small pin size blister under the glans and another on 1/3 cm one on the right side. The smaller one disappeared within half an hour but the the other one is still there though it has gone down. I didn't pop it and I believe it will be gone by tomorrow. My micropore tape was off a little bit and I think I'm going to stop applying the Vaseline under the middle strip as it's allowing the vacuum under the tape and start putting 4 strips vertical to the glans and not 3. I'll just have to remove the tape to pee. I'll also need to change the way I wrap with the self grip tape because it's thicker than I'm used to. I will also drop weight to 10 lbs and build back up. I'll be on vacation on Friday to the middle of next week so I'm going to wait till next week to hang with the LG to allow my glans to further heal. I will be using the bib until I leave for vacation.
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longstretch;602782 said:
08/30/14: Sat
25 min Hanging SD Standing (first 5 min BTC) with LG @ 12.5 lbs

09/01/14: Mon
25 min Hanging SD Standing with LG @ 12.5 lbs
5 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging BTC with Bib Starter @ 6.25 lbs

Comments: Well I guess I didn't give my skin enough time to heal, it's still been reddish. On Saturday I hung with no problems but today I felt some itching in my set and cut my 30 min set short. I had a small pin size blister under the glans and another on 1/3 cm one on the right side. The smaller one disappeared within half an hour but the the other one is still there though it has gone down. I didn't pop it and I believe it will be gone by tomorrow. My micropore tape was off a little bit and I think I'm going to stop applying the Vaseline under the middle strip as it's allowing the vacuum under the tape and start putting 4 strips vertical to the glans and not 3. I'll just have to remove the tape to pee. I'll also need to change the way I wrap with the self grip tape because it's thicker than I'm used to. I will also drop weight to 10 lbs and build back up. I'll be on vacation on Friday to the middle of next week so I'm going to wait till next week to hang with the LG to allow my glans to further heal. I will be using the bib until I leave for vacation.

Sorry to hear about the blisters, they really suck. For me it took extra diligence when wrapping, I needed to make sure the wrap was perfectly smooth and without any winkles. If I did not wrap perfectly I would experience blisters, pinching and irritation. I hope you heal up quickly Long!
doublelongdaddy;602900 said:
Sorry to hear about the blisters, they really suck. For me it took extra diligence when wrapping, I needed to make sure the wrap was perfectly smooth and without any winkles. If I did not wrap perfectly I would experience blisters, pinching and irritation. I hope you heal up quickly Long!
Thank you. I went ahead and popped the blister because it was a little biggr then I first analyzed and I might be getting sex tonight. I think that's exactly what happened the Vaseline on the middle strip has been doing more harm then good. I got some ideas on how to improve my wrap from Including cutting the micopore tape into a few strips. One strip goes on vertical over the meatus, then one criss-cross to that one and then vertical strips between those all over lapping. This would make a spiral shape and would contour better to the shape of the glans.

Also it seems to be the consensus to wrap erect to better fit the penis as it will expand in the tube and then let it subside before hanging. Also to take 5 to 10 min to pump up to the pressure I'll be using before weights are applied to allow full expansion in the dome so friction is created and no slippage or pulling back from the dome will occur once the weights are applied. I will try it out next will and then post pics but I think these few suggestions week take care of my problems. I will take weight and time increases with the LG slower until I get the hang of the wrap

09/02/14: Tuesday
4 or 5 sets [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging BTC with Bib Starter at 6.25 lbs
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Bought the bib hardcore to add to my collection as I believe it will grip better and the starter I have is used and the padding has to be placed back on the teeth from time to time
longstretch;603027 said:
Bought the bib hardcore to add to my collection as I believe it will grip better and the starter I have is used and the padding has to be placed back on the teeth from time to time

Now this really wonders me- what is the actual difference between the starter and the hardcore? The only difference I see is the size of the hanger. No other- how does that affect the hanging session and the grip? :)
The starter and hardcore are the same size but the hardcore is designed with no padding and it's cheaper haha. The padding is supposed to make it more comfortable but I'm not so convinced. Plus like I said the one I have is used, one of the teeth seem to be missing and the padding peels away sometimes. It seems the guys who have hung for years switch to the hardcore and recommend it. I'll have to change my wrap and get used to it I'm sure but I think in the long run the hardcore will grip the internals better and provide for better gains. Plus I always insert my penis deep in the well but I barely clear the top bolt so I'm thinking without the padding I'll have more room. As I'm not focusing solely on using the bib I wanted to try it out.
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longstretch;603034 said:
The starter and hardcore are the same size but the hardcore is designed with no padding and it's cheaper haha. The padding is supposed to make it more comfortable but I'm not so convinced. Plus like I said the one I have is used, one of the teeth seem to be missing and the padding peels away sometimes. It seems the guys who have hung for years switch to the hardcore and recommend it. I'll have to change my wrap and get used to it I'm sure but I think in the long run the hardcore will grip the internals better and provide for better gains. Plus I always insert my penis deep in the well but I barely clear the top bolt so I'm thinking without the padding I'll have more room. As I'm not focusing solely on using the bib I wanted to try it out.

Without the padding isn't it just two pieces of plastic with some screws through it?
doublelongdaddy;603109 said:
Without the padding isn't it just two pieces of plastic with some screws through it?
Pretty much but it's designed to grip the penis without padding. I believe with its design it will grip the CCs better.

09/0314: Wed
8.5 hours with [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 golf weights
20 min Hanging SD Standing with Bib Starter @ 7.5 lbs
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging BTC with Bib Starter @ 7.5 lbs
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD Standing with Bib Starter @ 8 lbs
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09/04/14: Thurs
20 min Hanging SD with Bib Starter @ 8 lbs
9 hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 Golf Weights
4 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD with Bib Starter @ 8 lbs

Comments: Something happened this am which I'm not sure I've ever felt but my cock was actually hot to touch. Though I didn't see any signs of inflammation or fluid buildup I believe a similar reaction was happening and count it as a positive sign. I'll be on vacation this weekend and won't be able to do anything other than some stealth jelqs and piss pulls.
longstretch;603458 said:
09/04/14: Thurs
20 min Hanging SD with Bib Starter @ 8 lbs
9 hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 Golf Weights
4 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD with Bib Starter @ 8 lbs

Comments: Something happened this am which I'm not sure I've ever felt but my cock was actually hot to touch. Though I didn't see any signs of inflammation or fluid buildup I believe a similar reaction was happening and count it as a positive sign. I'll be on vacation this weekend and won't be able to do anything other than some stealth jelqs and piss pulls.

Maybe the heat is a sign of break down and deformation, new gains happening. I hope so.
I don't remember feeling anything like that either DLD and I hope so too! It wasn't just how I was sleeping because I left the girl's house I slept at to go home and hang and my whole duck was still noticeably warmer than usual.

09/05/15: Fri
20 min Hanging SD with Bib Starter at 9.25 lbs

Comments: I was able to a sneak in a set before I left for my trip. I decided to up the weight slightly and do a more "hardcore" set. I won't be able to do any more PE till Tuesday or Wednesday
longstretch;603834 said:
Comments: I was able to a sneak in a set before I left for my trip. I decided to up the weight slightly and do a more "hardcore" set. I won't be able to do any more PE till Tuesday or Wednesday

Just get some stretching in on bathroom breaks, maybe some light jelqing in the shower, a few things here and there to keep things moving.
I did just that. I also masturbated twice on Saturday and Sunday and had sex last night. I still felt a little sore up to Monday but it could have been fatigued from masturbation.

09/09/14: Tues
5 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD with Bib Starter @ 8lbs

Comments: I cut my slightly elastic pajama underwrap longer. I used a 2 [words=]x 20[/words] inch pajama underwrap (previous is 3 x 7 and then 2 x 15) with a 3 x 15 inch theraband. I'm thinking I need to do the same with the theraband as 3 inches is to wide. I also slightly toed out the hanger. 2 of the sets I stopped halfway because the hanger wasn't positioned right and reapplied it and finished the set. I measured my BPFSL before my sets and it was 1/16 inches longer so the vacation might have been good for me. I'm still trying to learn more about this contraption everyday. It seems some use a shorter underwrap and then longer theraband. I'm just going to have to keep experimenting till I find what works for me. I'll start to log it here so I can keep up.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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