I am transparent and that is why you see what I sell, I hide nothing. I give away much merchandise and I donate more than you will ever know. Thunders is not transparent and you have been fooled, they are sneaky and dishonest. Do you thing and I wish you the best but like I said, you are seriously trading down. In addition, the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words] is for sale here, the directions to make your own is here too! The [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PowerAssist[/words] we sell here but we also give directions to make your own. If you prefer a place that is not transparent you have made the right choice, Thunders is a bunch of snowflakes and their greatest accomplishment was stealing my exercises.

God Bless
what if there doesn't need to be a choice...I'm sure there's at least some info that could be useful at Thunders (or any other site, for that matter) and I'm from the mindset of 'the more info' the better.

Hey Longstretch...mine Thunders for any tidbits that you may think helpful/useful and please share :)
Big Schwanz Acht;744358 said:
what if there doesn't need to be a choice...I'm sure there's at least some info that could be useful at Thunders (or any other site, for that matter) and I'm from the mindset of 'the more info' the better.

Hey Longstretch...mine Thunders for any tidbits that you may think helpful/useful and please share :)

Well I can tell you that He will get a great education is spelling and grammar as they are pros with that. :)
I think they got a thread about an excercise called the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words], If you can find it bring it back DLD needs to learn this.
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doublelongdaddy;744420 said:
Well I can tell you that He will get a great education is spelling and grammar as they are pros with that. :)

I'd be screwed at thunders then, I can't spell for shit and my grammar is appalling 😂😂
beardedbaldy;744461 said:
I'd be screwed at thunders then, I can't spell for shit and my grammar is appalling 😂😂

They are great with enlarging language skills but you won't find any gains there.
doublelongdaddy;744585 said:
They are great with enlarging language skills but you won't find any gains there.

My home is here . It would take something massive for me to leave and even if for some reason a problem did arise I wouldn't join any other forum.
Big Schwanz Acht;744678 said:
If a problem ever did arise, we'd handle it like a family...listen/support/act

Exactly, we don't go running off to another forum, especially when it is a trade down! We work through all things here as a family but some people do not want this. I am here from LongStretch and he is always welcome to come back. I am sure he will see just how much different Blunders place is and come back. We have a revolving door.
Big Schwanz Acht;748444 said:
Merry Christmas Longstretch!! Looking forward to a 'full report' on your experiences at Thunders

lol :)
Since the beginning haha! Time has flown by.

I'm at 7.75 x 5.75 on a good day. I want to eventually get to 8.5 x 6. I'll be happy with 8.0 x 5.75 though
Ok so almost 2 years later and some very non continuous PE bouts and being mainly deconditioning, i.e. resting I'm back. Let's just say i no longer feel the same way I did when I left and I see things have actually improved here. I have bought the silistretcher and am excited to give it a whirl.

My stats are around the same, I think girth is back to 5.5. I will do a full measurement when I can. I've quit adult entertainment and am still adjusting so I'll wait to the mood naturally strikes to measure.

Current Framework of Routine as is follows, keep in mind my schedule is varied and I work long days. Privacy is hard to come by to as I cohabitate with multiple people. I get about 2 days off during week I can do longer session which is perfect. Deformation of collagen fibers is the name of the game. Goal is to inflame tissues, (aka attack them, stretch fibers apart) then use ADS as much as possible while collagen matrix is reorganizing itself for 1 to 3 days, especially 8 hours following PE workout. Repeat for about a month. Take a month of only ADSing. Rinse and repeat. Progressive overload of a rate of 1.1 to 1.5 will be utilized during successive workouts. Also during the month off I will purposefully wean the amount of ADS I use so that by the end I will be using hardly any if at all.

5 min IR heat lamp warmup only few inches away (getting fibers flexible)
Lengthmaster A-stretch currently at 15 min (1st 5 min under IR lamp, last part of session with lamp off, as fibers cool they will be reorganizing themselves in the extended state)
Other fulcrum stretches starting now with 5 min
Might repeat the above session twice in a day
Bucking Bronco stretch with PA every morning before getting out of bed 30+ seconds going for maximum intensity.
Sumo Squat stretch throughout the day, 3 seconds per squat going for maximum intensity.
At least one jelqing session a week
ADS with silistretcher, xsleeves with 9oz weight or PE weights as much as possible and depending on environment.

Happy gaining!
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I attached siliscale to length master and I can easily pull 20 to 25 lbs or more. Currently I would say I'm averaging 5 to 8 pounds on A-Stretch.

Lengthmaster attachment
Follow this link to see how I'm doing some things. Please note the inflammation process needs to be tailored to the individual. Theory is by continuing to take decons when you come back you gain more and the tissues aren't conditioned to be tougher. Therefore you gain more with less work.
Imagine how many gallons of gush have been squirted since you created this thread! ? ?
Thanks guys!
20.0 cm (7.87 in) BPEL
21.0 cm (8.26 in) BPSFL
14.7 cm (5.78 in) MSEG

Decided to start tracking in cm as it's easier to track a 0.1 cm gain over a 0.I inch gain.

To more accurately measure tension used I broke out the Bib Hardcore today and used that as my A-stretch with PA as fulcrum. Same warmup and same shutting off IR heat lamp 5 min into it. Did 16 minutes with 8 pounds and reached okay fatigue levels. Then did 6 minutes with lengthmaster for an assortment of stretches, mainly upper sides, bundles and V-stretch. Bib Hardcore and LM have different attachment points and can use same wrap so win win. I will ADS, Jelq for 15 min and repeat stretch routine later today. I wish I had measured BPEL a week or two ago. I feel like I've gained already. I got 5 hours of silistretcher use in 2 sessions on Sunday going for around 2 lbs.

After today Thursday will be my next stretch session. Doing Bucking Bronco in AM (like a leg and hip assisted down and out stretch but way more powerful) and sumo squat stretch throughout the day. Will continue to push ADS especially right after stretch sessions. Will be my first go of using silistretcher at work tomorrow.

I feel like I've gained already. 2 more weeks then decon. If I can gain 0.2 to 0.3 cm per run and maybe only lose 0.1 cm during decon I'll hit my end goal soon.
Thanks guys!
20.0 cm (7.87 in) BPEL
21.0 cm (8.26 in) BPSFL
14.7 cm (5.78 in) MSEG

Decided to start tracking in cm as it's easier to track a 0.1 cm gain over a 0.I inch gain.

To more accurately measure tension used I broke out the Bib Hardcore today and used that as my A-stretch with PA as fulcrum. Same warmup and same shutting off IR heat lamp 5 min into it. Did 16 minutes with 8 pounds and reached okay fatigue levels. Then did 6 minutes with lengthmaster for an assortment of stretches, mainly upper sides, bundles and V-stretch. Bib Hardcore and LM have different attachment points and can use same wrap so win win. I will ADS, Jelq for 15 min and repeat stretch routine later today. I wish I had measured BPEL a week or two ago. I feel like I've gained already. I got 5 hours of silistretcher use in 2 sessions on Sunday going for around 2 lbs.

After today Thursday will be my next stretch session. Doing Bucking Bronco in AM (like a leg and hip assisted down and out stretch but way more powerful) and sumo squat stretch throughout the day. Will continue to push ADS especially right after stretch sessions. Will be my first go of using silistretcher at work tomorrow.

I feel like I've gained already. 2 more weeks then decon. If I can gain 0.2 to 0.3 cm per run and maybe only lose 0.1 cm during decon I'll hit my end goal soon.

?? Excellent update my brother! I would really like you to describe the exercise you’re using above called Bucking Bronco
So got 4 hours ADS at work so far with minimal fluid buildup. Currently taking a break till after shift change and then will get 4 or more in. It hasn't felt like much at the time but I got some pretty good fatigue going on, I guess because of the cumulative effect of everything I've been doing.

Something I didn't think about till yesterday was creep deformation. Basically in layman's terms doing a low load for longer time (ADS) can reduce the amount of load required to induce microtears or plastic deformation. So less force is required or the same force has a greater impact... in theory. I did ADS up until my second stretch session last night and ended the night at 21.3 cm BPFSL. If I can I will try to get some ADS work prior to my fulcrum hangs, even the AM sessions
So got 4 hours ADS at work so far with minimal fluid buildup. Currently taking a break till after shift change and then will get 4 or more in. It hasn't felt like much at the time but I got some pretty good fatigue going on, I guess because of the cumulative effect of everything I've been doing.

Something I didn't think about till yesterday was creep deformation. Basically in layman's terms doing a low load for longer time (ADS) can reduce the amount of load required to induce microtears or plastic deformation. So less force is required or the same force has a greater impact... in theory. I did ADS up until my second stretch session last night and ended the night at 21.3 cm BPFSL. If I can I will try to get some ADS work prior to my fulcrum hangs, even the AM sessions

I still believe to this day that fulcrum work is the best way to stretch, it is what DLD blasters are based on. I’m also happy to see that you’re ADS work is going well with a little fluid retention. Keep up the good work and I can see great things happening very soon.
Shit man it's like I can see it growing before my eyes. I went a little zealous this morning. Wanted to put the silistretcher to the test, I attached the siliscale and a foot cord and applied 10 lbs of pressure with my foot for an hour. I pulsed up to 20 lbs on siliscale before reducing load, it held nicely though attaching weight did twist knob which I discussed in my review. For now I'll stick with ADS tension up to 4 or 5 hours before the stretch session. I was not conditioned to it and did get some swelling at frenulum area, I don't recommend people getting over zealous. It took an hour to subside to where I could do my 17 min hang session and 7 min fulcrum and bundled stretches.

After session I measured 21.7 cm (8.54 in) BPFSL! Before session I was still 21.3 cm! Not sure if anything has translated to BPEL but this is amazing progress in such short time. I'll see how I'm progressing next week to see if I'll commence with ADS decon afterwards. Will likely repeat hang session this afternoon with as much ADS as I can fit in. ADS tomorrow and aim for one short session Saturday, I have brought the wife aboard and she's not judging me thank God, but I know not to let this consume my life life I have let it in the past.
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Shit man it's like I can see it growing before my eyes. I went a little zealous this morning. Wanted to put the silistretcher to the test, I attached the siliscale and a foot cord and applied 10 lbs of pressure with my foot for an hour. I pulsed up to 20 lbs on siliscale before reducing load, it held nicely though attaching weight did twist knob which I discussed in my review. For now I'll stick with ADS tension up to 4 or 5 hours before the stretch session. I was not conditioned to it and did get some swelling at frenulum area, I don't recommend people getting over zealous. It took an hour to subside to where I could do my 17 min hang session and 7 min fulcrum and bundled stretches.

After session I measured 21.7 cm (8.54 in) BPFSL! Before session I was still 21.3 cm! Not sure if anything has translated to BPEL but this is amazing progress in such short time. I'll see how I'm progressing next week to see if I'll commence with ADS decon afterwards. Will likely repeat hang session this afternoon with as much ADS as I can fit in. ADS tomorrow and aim for one short session Saturday, I have brought the wife aboard and she's not judging me thank God, but I know not to let this consume my life life I have let it in the past.

That sounds awesome and you must feel great and I’m so glad that you have taken the SiliStretcher under your wing and truly put it to work. Your confidence and your attitude is very positive and this is going to definitely benefit you when measuring time comes. Thanks for the update
Girth measurements same, 21.7 cm BPFSL keeps getting more and more common. I was able to pulse up to 20.3 BPEL before it settles back into 20.0 or slightly below. That's common during other times I've gained too. I will continue out this week and next then go into ADS only for a month. I have an ultrasound unit coming Wednesday. I would like to use it a few times before my break and then intermittently while in ADS during my break.

Upped weight to 9.25 lbs for 15 min and assortment of stretches for 7 minutes.
Girth measurements same, 21.7 cm BPFSL keeps getting more and more common. I was able to pulse up to 20.3 BPEL before it settles back into 20.0 or slightly below. That's common during other times I've gained too. I will continue out this week and next then go into ADS only for a month. I have an ultrasound unit coming Wednesday. I would like to use it a few times before my break and then intermittently while in ADS during my break.

Upped weight to 9.25 lbs for 15 min and assortment of stretches for 7 minutes.

Looking good my brother I’m glad to see that you upped that weight!
Just did the math and with this measurement I've broken in to 8 inch club!!! Now this is at 110% erection level and I'd like to solidify 8.5. So I'm hoping to a gain a little more and hoping to not lose an anything in the coming decon break. The ADS should help cement what I've gained while at the same time allow healing and remodeling of tissues. Decon starts after stretch session next Thursday. I'll aim to do 3, possibly 4 more sessions before then.
Just did the math and with this measurement I've broken in to 8 inch club!!! Now this is at 110% erection level and I'd like to solidify 8.5. So I'm hoping to a gain a little more and hoping to not lose an anything in the coming decon break. The ADS should help cement what I've gained while at the same time allow healing and remodeling of tissues. Decon starts after stretch session next Thursday. I'll aim to do 3, possibly 4 more sessions before then.

Congratulations my brother what a incredible pinnacle to get to. This is where every single brother that starts out wants to get to so you should feel great about this. And I do look forward to the extra half an inch, believe me it’s on its way.
So you are on the road to gains. What do you feel is the successful approach to using the equipment?
Just been learning alott about different tissues and trying out different PE strategies. From what I know medically and have experienced in a long PE career it makes sense. Also I have a life these days, working overtime, married and active family and social life, I can't afford to do the hours worth of routines in the past. And I don't think need to. I've learned to really attack the tissues and then just let it rest and heal one can keep making consistent gains. I hope it plays out true in my case but time will tell. I've been hitting milestones so I think the odds are good. The inevitable plateau comes and instead of upping the ante and making maybe 25 to 30% more gains and leading to major conditioning, thereby making future gains harder. I just rest, let the body do its repair work, let the tissues decondition and then come back and do it all over. 2 years off and I can jump back into 8 lb fulcrum hangs tells me I needed the break. I also know what I can get away with and have a better framework of what it takes to gain and keep that up consistently.

Also I used to use heat throughout treatment now I warm up and then continue the heat during the first couple of minutes. The theory is the heat breaks some of the bonds in the connective tissues and aids in elasticity. The rest of the session it's cooling back off and the connective tissue is rearranging itself in an elongated position. ADS and rest help "cement" this gain as the tissue proliferates, repairs itself and becomes permanently adapted.

ADS or maybe even relaxed manual work BEFORE the main work might aid in creep deformation and will mean a lower load or the same load will have a greater impact. Been testing it out this last week and makes sense. Will concur objectively in a few more "runs" or "gains campaigns" as I like to look at them.

The hardest part is stopping after gaining but as mine and other experiences shows, you can bust that plateau but it'll come with more work, more conditioning, more work in the future to make the same gains, possibility of gains coming to a halt and will prolong the decon one would need to "reset" the tissues before another gains campaign.

Attack it, rest it, track your progress, get those "easy" (or easier) and"cheap" 75% gains and then take a break. Rinse and repeat. Now with girth I will probably do like 5 days on 5 days off. I tend to gain girth easy. You'll see I do a 1 day on 1 to 3 day off for length. Do that for one month. Rest for a month or two. I say rest but I continue sumo squat stretches and ADS if possible.
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Just been learning alott about different tissues and trying out different PE strategies. From what I know medically and have experienced in a long PE career it makes sense. Also I have a life these days, working overtime, married and active family and social life, I can't afford to do the hours worth of routines in the past. And I don't think need to. I've learned to really attack the tissues and then just let it rest and heal one can keep making consistent gains. I hope it plays out true in my case but time will tell. I've been hitting milestones so I think the odds are good. The inevitable plateau comes and instead of upping the ante and making maybe 25 to 30% more gains and leading to major conditioning, thereby making future gains harder. I just rest, let the body do its repair work, let the tissues decondition and then come back and do it all over. 2 years off and I can jump back into 8 lb fulcrum hangs tells me I needed the break. I also know what I can get away with and have a better framework of what it takes to gain and keep that up consistently.

Also I used to use heat throughout treatment now I warm up and then continue the heat during the first couple of minutes. The theory is the heat breaks some of the bonds in the connective tissues and aids in elasticity. The rest of the session it's cooling back off and the connective tissue is rearranging itself in an elongated position. ADS and rest help "cement" this gain as the tissue proliferates, repairs itself and becomes permanently adapted.

ADS or maybe even relaxed manual work BEFORE the main work might aid in creep deformation and will mean a lower load or the same load will have a greater impact. Been testing it out this last week and makes sense. Will concur objectively in a few more "runs" or "gains campaigns" as I like to look at them.

The hardest part is stopping after gaining but as mine and other experiences shows, you can bust that plateau but it'll come with more work, more conditioning, more work in the future to make the same gains, possibility of gains coming to a halt and will prolong the decon one would need to "reset" the tissues before another gains campaign.

Attack it, rest it, track your progress, get those "easy" (or easier) and"cheap" 75% gains and then take a break. Rinse and repeat. Now with girth I will probably do like 5 days on 5 days off. I tend to gain girth easy. You'll see I do a 1 day on 1 to 3 day off for length. Do that for one month. Rest for a month or two. I say rest but I continue sumo squat stretches and ADS if possible.

I could be the Iron Guru?!!! Trying to get like Frank Zane.

Got the ultrasound machine and tried it out. It's 3 mhz. Felt deep warmth after a few minutes. Did it while in ADS and then again while fulcrum hanging. Measured 22.0 cm BPFSL. Will probably not be able to get my second stretch session in tonight but that's okay. After next Thursday I'll go on my month long ADS decon break
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I could be the Iron Guru?!!! Trying to get like Frank Zane.

Got the ultrasound machine and tried it out. It's 3 mhz. Felt deep warmth after a few minutes. Did it while in ADS and then again while fulcrum hanging. Measured 22.0 cm BPFSL. Will probably not be able to get my second stretch session in tonight but that's okay. After next Thursday I'll go on my month long ADS decon break

We should probably look into these ultrasound machines since people are having good success with him and possibly make our own version at a better price. Maybe we should probably look into these ultrasound machines since people are having good success with them and possibly make our own version at a better price @Lightning can look at this.
Incredible stuff my brother and I’m gonna be spending my night with this! Great post indeed!
Did 3 hanging sets today, now at 20 min @10.5 lbs, 1 set off 10 min LM stretches and 1 hour progressive ADS x3 to induce and take out elastic creep before hanging sets. I used ultrasound during first ADS bout and during first 10 min of each hanging session.

I'm not totally sold on the idea but figured what the hell and did 10 min of Angion method. I halfway did 3.0 last night and woke up with a chubby, went back to sleep and woke up with raging hard on like I haven't experienced in a while, been flatlining due to no fap. I did cave today after AM 1.0 today and masturbated. Still if I can improve EQ and vascularoty with AM it's worth a shot.

This weekend and yesterday didn't do any ADS, will pick it up tomorrow. I had a RIP in durosleeve right below thicker area. Having the sleeve thicker another 1 cm might solve this in future as the weakest area is where sleeve is below rim. Also making rim less pronounced might help not stretch that area as bad but I'm hesitant to start sanding it away.

Started today at BPFSL at 21.5 cm. After elastic creep 21.7. And by end of day a full 22.0. I was thinking of ending this run on Thursday but I have next Monday off, which is a rarity and might push it back till then.
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A good bit of work done today. Thanks for such a thorough review of your training. I’m learning new stuff every day from you.
Awesome I'm glad I can still be learning and teaching after all this time.

So yesterday at work I was wearing ADS and the SS 2.0 slipped off in front of patients. I felt the familiar bubbling feeling of vacuum being lost and then heard the silicone noise of slipping off. Luckily it landed on the top part of my foot and didn't roll out my pants leg. I awkwardly walked off the floor while giving meds and went to restroom. I had cut the shorter tubing past where I got a hole in it. It was right past the thicker end. I guess I didn't have enough of the sleeve on the SS and either my leg rubbed it off ir the pull made it slip. I reapplied and everything was good from then on out. A fix would be to make the thicker end take up more of the sleeve so you could get more sleeve on chamber. Also weakest spot will be below ridge right before contact with shaft, that's where mine had a hole at, and as that's what is being stretched. I went on to get a cumulative of 8 hours in it so it was a success. I just wouldn't be able to explain it if it fell from my leg.
This post is for those that might not understand some of why I'll be mentioning more measurements here. I ADS or do light manual stretches to take out the crimping of the collagen fibers. I act on stress relaxation with my ADS, after a few minutes your penis relaxes into the ADS if you're not being too forceful. Basically I increase tension slightly, moving my safety pin further down the attachment point until this happens again. Maybe every 5 to 10 min until maxed out with the tension. This should help to get to the outer edge of elastic region. Basically in elastic region no permanent gains have been made and with enough time tissues will go back to original size. Think I saw it theorized it takes twice as long to return to normal.

I try to take advantage of this and then go into my hanging sets. Basically something with a higher strain load. The hope is I can push some of my fibers into plastic deformation, make microtears in others, while staying away from rupture point, which I think it would be hard to really rupture it. The strain increase I'll be shooting for realistically is 2-5%. The higher the better. I got 2.22% on the 23rd. I started the day at 21.5 cm, 21.7 cm after ADS and by end of day 22.0.
22.0 - 21.5 = 0.5
(0.5 ÷ 21.5) × 100 = 2.22%

This is still within elastic region but we are dealing with living tissues and I think the 2 to 5% daily increase goal will be enough to further growth. Will know for sure after a month decon.

Stress vs Strain Curves
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Well that could’ve been a very embarrassing situation LOL. Whatever is advised people with any ADS is to tie a string to it and connect at string to your belt loops. I’m also happy to hear that you figured out this for a much more comfortable workout.
Yes I need to start doing that again.

Ok started the day off at 21.3 BPSFL. Did 3 fulcrum hanging sets at 11 lbs @ 20 min with US heat for 10 min throughout day and did about an hour ADS before hanging sets. After 1st set I did 11 min with LM, mainly BTC and v- stretch. After last hanging set I measured 22.1 BPFSL. I got erect just to mark it and measured 20.4 BPEL. I didn't take as good measurements starting back but if I had to guesstimate I think that's a solid +0.4 cm maybe more gain, I'll see what sticks next month. Some people even gain during decon as new tissue is made permanent. Whole dick looks girthier, I guess from fulcrum stretches and kegels. Measured 14.5 to 14.6 cm MSEG so no direct proof. I will take measurements again after decon.

All in all I'm pretty happy with this run, I was able to experiment with some new theories and try out the US. This past week as about the max I can devote to PE timewise, but so far looks promising, might even be better to take more rest.

Next month will start off with as much ADS as I can muster and slowly wean myself down till nothing or almost nothing. Will continue with bucking bronco and sumo squat stretch.
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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