So I worked Monday and Tuesday. I believe I did 13 hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 PE weights on Monday and 1 set of Hanging with the Bib Hardcore SD @ 11.25 lbs. I didn't use PE weights on Tuesday though I believe I hung for 2 sets same weight. Yesterday, Wednesday, I hung for 2 sets and edged for one hour, unfortunately it did end in orgasm. Been doing sumo stretches every morning and on Tuesday during piss breaks.

I measured today because I noticed a BPFSL a centimeter gain to 21.0 cm. I measured BPEL tonight and I'm at 7 5/8 inch or 19.5 cm. According to the pictures that I posted for the April competition that was where I was at before my surgery. Both times before starting back I was right at 7.5 so I guess nothing got cemented. Now the biggest I've been is 7.75 and I will continue this current cycle until gains stall. So far I'm glad to see forward progress. Now with more privacy and alone time the sky is the limit. I'm shooting for around 8.5 BPEL. Hoping to surpass my biggest measurement soon.

02/23/17: Thursday
Sumo Stretch x 3 secs x 3
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD with Bib Hardcore, to be recognized from here on as just Bib since its the only one I use.
6 hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 PE weights
10 min clamped edged and jelqed
10 min wet jelq with coconut oil
20 min Hanging SD with Bib

Comments: You may notice that I haven't broke out the LG much. My plan has been to use the bib in the morning and keep my tissues somewhat accustomed to the bib so I can use it for fulcrum work. Currently using it to stretch out my ligs along with the Sumo Stretch. The Sumo Stretch is really intense, I grip it with both hands perform a sumo squat while tugging downwards and/or outwards then standing up. Others have reported lig pops. I couldn't tell if I had one last night or if was my hip hahaha. Others have also reported really quick gains with it and after experiencing them I can attest that they are indeed powerful and I think capable of stretching the ligs out really good.

Was going to do an LG set but wanted to mix it up even further with a clamped set and I felt the need to jelq. After getting things greasy the tape needed to use the LG hanger will not stick so back to the bib.
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Glad you have some abundant privacy, this was one of my biggest advantages over other PE'ers, I had unlimited time to dedicate. I hope this extra time continues the upward moment momentum for you.
Yes DLD me too! Its always been a struggle of mine. I feel I could have already reached my goals if I did have privacy, but who knows, I'm still here and at it and I guess thats what really matters.

02/24/17: Friday
2 x 13 lbs Hanging SD with Bib
4 hour [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 PE weights
20 min Clamped Edging, last 10 min clamped jelqing

Comments: After allot of reading and buying materials I have made a Tiger Trap that Xeno from Thunders came up with. Shit looks intense and I've had good experiences when combining length with girth. I shouldn't have to do sets with these too often or for very long. Its really an interesting device with an interesting theory behind it. Thats why I started with the clamps to grow somewhat accustomed. I have to let it cure so won't be tried for a few days.
02/25/2017: Saturday
8 hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 PE weights
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD @ 13 lbs with Bib
20 min Clamped Edge/Jelq, last 10 min 2nd clamp in inch increments up the shaft

Comments: I worked today, finished up the TT, Tiger Trap, and added a coat of wipe on polyurethane to it. I did one really intense set of clamps. Last 10 minutes I added a 2nd clamp an inch above the base clamp, I left it there for 30-60 seconds and then un clamped it and moved it up the shaft another inch. I kept doing this till I reached the head, edging the whole time. It felt great and really intense, I was taking great care to not clamp too much.

02/26/2017: Sunday
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD @ 13 lbs with Bib
7 hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 PE weights
5 min with 1 Cable cuff at base and TT

Comments: I test drove the TT tonight and its fucking intense, I can really see how I'm going to have great gains when I decided to fully implement this in my routine. I used a clamp at the base then stuck my dick through the TT. Then I started tightening the proximal screws first and then the distal. Every so often I would try to tighten all 4 wingnuts without having to exert too much pressure. I'm thinking I'm going to have to use a HTW to avoid minor pinching and my dick sticking to the wood when removed. This will definitely lead to girth gains, will be using length exercises at the same time when that day comes to strive for even gains. Will continue my length phase for right now.
longstretch;724844 said:
Yes DLD me too! Its always been a struggle of mine. I feel I could have already reached my goals if I did have privacy, but who knows, I'm still here and at it and I guess thats what really matters.

02/24/17: Friday
2 x 13 lbs Hanging SD with Bib
4 hour [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 PE weights
20 min Clamped Edging, last 10 min clamped jelqing

Comments: After allot of reading and buying materials I have made a Tiger Trap that Xeno from Thunders came up with. Shit looks intense and I've had good experiences when combining length with girth. I shouldn't have to do sets with these too often or for very long. Its really an interesting device with an interesting theory behind it. Thats why I started with the clamps to grow somewhat accustomed. I have to let it cure so won't be tried for a few days.

Is this a picture of a homemade bundle chamber?
doublelongdaddy;724980 said:
Is this a picture of a homemade bundle chamber?
It's similar to Red's Frendo's. He actually started out with just the vice with no teeth. He was then experimenting with multiple clamps. He created his own version of a cock coffin where he glued a bunch of cable clamps together then would tighten every other clamp.

He, and a few others, hypothesized that the area's right below and right above the clamps are what receives the majority of the stress from the clamps from having the tissue after swell and the clamp dig in the area's right below and above the clamp are stretched in an eclipse shape, or eclipse strain as xeno called it. From there this was born to disrupt and deform the tunica longitudinally from forcing the blood to the glans and against the top of the CC's and CS and, and also mainly, radially from constricting and forcing blood outwards from the penis.

What in the world haha!
I need to do a better job of logging. Monday and Tuesday were brutal at work. I think I ADSed both days while at work, I most likely hung 1-2 sets after getting home. Tuesday I did double clamp work for 20 min. Took a break, came back and did 5 min of Tiger Trap. Then did 3 sets of cyclical pumping. I start at 5 mmhg for a minute or two, over the course of about 10 seconds pump up to 15 mmhg, hold for 10-15 seconds then release pressure to 3-4 mmhg for a few seconds, pump up to 5 mmHg and repeat 3 times. I woke up Wednesday with cock in hand holding the biggest and hardest erection I think I've ever had. I was so tired from work though I went back to sleep.

Did 5 sets SD with bib on Wednesday at 14.25 lbs. Did double clamp work, moving 2nd clamp every 2-3 minutes up shaft and sometimes jelqing all while edging. Then did 3 sets of cyclical pumping.

Did a few sets of bucking bronco stretches with [words=]PA[/words]. Lay down as if about to do a crunch or hip thrust, [words=]PA[/words] on top of legs with penis looped through stretching towards head, now raise hips off bed and stretch hard. Really powerful V-Stretch. Then did 2 sets A-Stretch fulcrum hangs with Bib @ 10 lbs, moving slightly up shaft every 5-10 minutes, starting at very base. 5 min TT set, no pumping tonight.
longstretch;725185 said:
What in the world haha!
I need to do a better job of logging. Monday and Tuesday were brutal at work. I think I ADSed both days while at work, I most likely hung 1-2 sets after getting home. Tuesday I did double clamp work for 20 min. Took a break, came back and did 5 min of Tiger Trap. Then did 3 sets of cyclical pumping. I start at 5 mmhg for a minute or two, over the course of about 10 seconds pump up to 15 mmhg, hold for 10-15 seconds then release pressure to 3-4 mmhg for a few seconds, pump up to 5 mmHg and repeat 3 times. I woke up Wednesday with cock in hand holding the biggest and hardest erection I think I've ever had. I was so tired from work though I went back to sleep.

Did 5 sets SD with bib on Wednesday at 14.25 lbs. Did double clamp work, moving 2nd clamp every 2-3 minutes up shaft and sometimes jelqing all while edging. Then did 3 sets of cyclical pumping.

Did a few sets of bucking bronco stretches with [words=]PA[/words]. Lay down as if about to do a crunch or hip thrust, [words=]PA[/words] on top of legs with penis looped through stretching towards head, now raise hips off bed and stretch hard. Really powerful V-Stretch. Then did 2 sets A-Stretch fulcrum hangs with Bib @ 10 lbs, moving slightly up shaft every 5-10 minutes, starting at very base. 5 min TT set, no pumping tonight.

Love that you are getting creative and inventing exercises. Finding new ways to grow always makes PE so much more fun. And when what we have discovered helps other men gain it is a great feeling.
doublelongdaddy;725206 said:
Love that you are getting creative and inventing exercises. Finding new ways to grow always makes PE so much more fun. And when what we have discovered helps other men gain it is a great feeling.
I can't take credit for these. They were invented or at the very least used by xenolith. He used an ax handle for the bucking broncos but I'm using the [words=]PA[/words] behind the legs. Both the bucking bronco and sumo stretch are fucking intense and will definitely stretch out the ligs.

I'm using them to keep my ligs stretched out and to take advantage of any gains left in them. I'm now back to the biggest I've ever been. From starting this year at 7.5 x 5.5 to 7.75 x 5.75, I have yet to measure the base but I'm guessing over 6. The head has shown unique growth and attribute it to the multiple clamping, TT and cyclical pumping. I'm now attacking my tunica and hoping I can squeeze out a gain before taking another decon break. My penis is already set to adapt to what I'm throwing at it but I will continue with gains cycle as long as I'm gaining. I hypothesize it might come to a halt by the end of this month. The age old question on whether to take a break or up the time and intensity. Sadly with my busy schedule and part unwillingness to have PE consume my life once things start to become to much of a time investment I will have to make the call to cement and then decon. That way when I come back my penis will be newbie like again and I can gain easier. Until it reconditions and I'm forced to repeat the cycle

03/05/17: Sun
Bucking bronco stretch for 20 seconds
Sumo stretch x3 to 4 for 3 to 5 seconds each
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min SD fulcrum with [words=]PA[/words] hanging with BIB at 11.25 lbs
6 min clamped edging
5 min TT

Comments: Going to start bucking broncos before getting out of bed and sumo stretches throughout day. I spent the weekend with let's call her Red Jenny. She said I think your dick has gotten bigger, and it feels stronger like more hard! Oh yeah baby and she ain't lying. The head is for once showing signs of growth, I know some think it's impossible to grow but I know before even this year it has grown in my PE career. The discretionary stress the TT and multiple clamped exercises place on the penis couples with displacing the blood to the very tips of the CCs and CS and glans I believe will lead to permanent growth. Or at least I really hope so it's nice to see it so plump. I usually have a spade shaped head but it was a mushroom this weekend
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Damn it I did it again haha.

Okay so
03/06/17: Mon
20 min Hanging SD Fulcrum with [words=]PA[/words] with BIB at 14.25 lbs

03/07/17: Tues
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD Fulcrums with Bib @ 14.25 lbs
Few hours break
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD with Bib @ 14.25 lbs
5 min TT
3 x 15 sec Cyclical Pumping (20-30 seconds at 5 mmHg then pump up to 15 mmHg and hold for 15 seconds, thats one rep

03/08/17: Wed
12 hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 PE weights
30 min Hanging SO with LG @ 13 lbs

Comments: A tad bit too much weight considering I haven't hung with the LG in weeks. The fatigue feeling in the entire shaft and base was fantastic though. It seems at lower weights and for longer times the LG can give a better stretch than the Bib, I'm coming to believe they both have their uses though. Both are top of the line for both classes of hanger: vacuum style and compression.

03/09/17: Thurs
12 hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 PE Weights
40 min Hanging SO with LG @ 10 lbs

Comments: Again fantastic stretch and fatigue feeling in the shaft. Also mixing the LG back in I think is a shock to my dick now after all the compression with the Bib and Tiger Trap.

I made 2 cock coils that I hope will replace my PE weights and will also be a little heavier and more versatile. My increased girth is making it harder to take on and off, even with the hair tie wraps. The Cock coils are more versatile, supposedly easier to take on and off and can even pee with them on. Plus by twisting and spreading the coils out, one can stretch the tunica in a [words=]ADS[/words] format, maybe even applying fulcrum pressure. I will try them out today and next week.

My response on what I used to make them and how they turned out are on page 23.
03/10/17: Fri
Bucking Bronco Stretch with [words=]PA[/words] 30 seconds
20 min Hanging SD with Fulcrum with Bib @ 15 lbs
3 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD with Bib @ 15 lbs
2 min TT - been using it horizontally, I did it vertically today, where it bites the sides
3 x 16 second Cyclical pumping @ 15 mmHg

Comments: Did not get to try the Cock Coil out today, I had a lot of errands to run. I work tomorrow so will use the PE weights. I have company over this weekend so thats it for this week. Should get about 12 hours [words=]ADS[/words] with PE weights tomorrow. Starting sometime next week I will go into P phase in my IPR routine. Once I get the hang of my cock coils I will use them, Bucking Bronco Stretches and Sumo Stretches only for 2 weeks, then will take 1-2 months off. My dick is already toughening up I can tell. Its hard to describe just something I can feel.
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Sex this weekend. Little Longstretch performed very well. I was hitting spots in Red Jenny that I never felt before. I figured out how to make her squirt with my fingers and did that again this weekend. Its surprisingly easy and my finger bang game used to be very weak.

03/13/17: Mon
2x 30 second Bucking Bronco with [words=]PA[/words] Stretches
3 x 3 second Sumo Stretches
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD with [words=]PA[/words] Fulcrum with Bib @ 18 lbs
4 hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 1 pound Cock Coil (now going to be referenced as CC)
20 min Hanging SD with [words=]PA[/words] Fulcrum with Bib @ 18 lbs
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD with Bib @ 18 lbs
3 Cable Clamps: Starting with base one, while edging place 2nd 1 inch up shaft, repeat for third, kept it there for about 5-7 minutes
5 min TT Vertically
5 min TT Horizontally
3 x 15 seconds cyclical pumping at 17 mmHg
3 x 3 second Sumo Stretches

Comments: I was going to hang with the LG but its done gotten late here. Will test drive the CC at work tomorrow. My weight is increasing fast, meaning I'm conditioning fast. I will try to only hang with the LG the next couple of days with [words=]ADS[/words] and then I'm going into my P phase for 2 weeks. Head is growing great. I was a few ticks above 7.75 BPEL today. I will take all measurements before my P Phase to keep track.

Pics of me using the TT are attached.
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longstretch;725951 said:
Sex this weekend. Little Longstretch performed very well. I was hitting spots in Red Jenny that I never felt before. I figured out how to make her squirt with my fingers and did that again this weekend. Its surprisingly easy and my finger bang game used to be very weak.

03/13/17: Mon
2x 30 second Bucking Bronco with [words=]PA[/words] Stretches
3 x 3 second Sumo Stretches
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD with [words=]PA[/words] Fulcrum with Bib @ 18 lbs
4 hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 1 pound Cock Coil (now going to be referenced as CC)
20 min Hanging SD with [words=]PA[/words] Fulcrum with Bib @ 18 lbs
2 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD with Bib @ 18 lbs
3 Cable Clamps: Starting with base one, while edging place 2nd 1 inch up shaft, repeat for third, kept it there for about 5-7 minutes
5 min TT Vertically
5 min TT Horizontally
3 x 15 seconds cyclical pumping at 17 mmHg
3 x 3 second Sumo Stretches

Comments: I was going to hang with the LG but its done gotten late here. Will test drive the CC at work tomorrow. My weight is increasing fast, meaning I'm conditioning fast. I will try to only hang with the LG the next couple of days with [words=]ADS[/words] and then I'm going into my P phase for 2 weeks. Head is growing great. I was a few ticks above 7.75 BPEL today. I will take all measurements before my P Phase to keep track.

Pics of me using the TT are attached.

What does the TT do?
longstretch;725029 said:
It's similar to Red's Frendo's. He actually started out with just the vice with no teeth. He was then experimenting with multiple clamps. He created his own version of a cock coffin where he glued a bunch of cable clamps together then would tighten every other clamp.

He, and a few others, hypothesized that the area's right below and right above the clamps are what receives the majority of the stress from the clamps from having the tissue after swell and the clamp dig in the area's right below and above the clamp are stretched in an eclipse shape, or eclipse strain as xeno called it. From there this was born to disrupt and deform the tunica longitudinally from forcing the blood to the glans and against the top of the CC's and CS and, and also mainly, radially from constricting and forcing blood outwards from the penis.
So I wanted to upload these here to let others see what I've been up to. I've been experimenting with multiple clamped sets. I made another Tiger Trap (TT) in pics 2 and 3. The last pic is of the tunica tenderizer (TTr) which I can use up and down the shaft and on the sides to cause focused stress along the tunica. Both the the TT and TTr are used while double clamped. I try to increase the stress each session and my workout days have been about 1 on 1 off.

Typical routine as of now:
Bucking Bronco Stretch [words=]x 30[/words] secs every morning
Sumo Stretch throughout day 3-5 x 3 sec each squat every day
10-13 min multiple clamped, adding a clamp a minute. Might pause time, take clamps off and start to reattach
3-4 sessions of TT use, about 20-30 seconds of "crush time" after winding down wingnuts till extreme clamp or physically hard to turn, then will quickly unwind all four, remove, stimulate erection as close to PONR as I can and restart
10-20 TTr compressions up and down shaft and on sides for 10-20 seconds each
Dynamic pumping, pump up to 20 mmHg for 20 seconds, then down to 5 mmHg for up to a minute x 3-5
[words=]ADS[/words] use everyday
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longstretch;733924 said:
So I wanted to upload these here to let others see what I've been up to. I've been experimenting with multiple clamped sets. I made another Tiger Trap (TT) in pics 2 and 3. The last pic is of the tunica tenderizer (TTr) which I can use up and down the shaft and on the sides to cause focused stress along the tunica. Both the the TT and TTr are used while double clamped. I try to increase the stress each session and my workout days have been about 1 on 1 off.

Typical routine as of now:
Bucking Bronco Stretch [words=]x 30[/words] secs every morning
Sumo Stretch throughout day 3-5 x 3 sec each squat every day
10-13 min multiple clamped, adding a clamp a minute. Might pause time, take clamps off and start to reattach
3-4 sessions of TT use, about 20-30 seconds of "crush time" after winding down wingnuts till extreme clamp or physically hard to turn, then will quickly unwind all four, remove, stimulate erection as close to PONR as I can and restart
10-20 TTr compressions up and down shaft and on sides for 10-20 seconds each
Dynamic pumping, pump up to 20 mmHg for 20 seconds, then down to 5 mmHg for up to a minute x 3-5
[words=]ADS[/words] use everyday

Looks good, just be sure to pad it well.
I actually don't pad it. The only thing I pad is the base clamp or two, even with the multiple clamps I just put them on the skin, I guess you get used to it.
longstretch;734348 said:
I actually don't pad it. The only thing I pad is the base clamp or two, even with the multiple clamps I just put them on the skin, I guess you get used to it.

WOW! Just WOW!
I won't lie it gets painful but never the ohhh shit I broke it type of pain. I'm aiming for inflammation and slight trauma and then do nothing and let the body rebuild. The theory is sound, especially for vets. I will try a few cycles to see if it works for me
longstretch;734432 said:
I won't lie it gets painful but never the ohhh shit I broke it type of pain. I'm aiming for inflammation and slight trauma and then do nothing and let the body rebuild. The theory is sound, especially for vets. I will try a few cycles to see if it works for me

So you know the difference between pain and soreness, that is what I was aiming at.
Heya longstretch. Good shit dude and damn, wtf is that wooden contraption?!?!? You've entered into deep territory doing something like that but I can imagine the intensity is amazing.

Also, using your [words=]PA[/words] as a fulcrum is actually pretty smart, I can already see myself implementing that once I am conditioned.

That cock coil [words=]ADS[/words] looks promising. Gonna get the materials to get a couple made. How does a PE'r put one of those on and leave it on? And you've said that we can pee with that thing on? For me that is a big win because I am drinking a gallon upwards 1.5 gallons of water a day.

Are also hanging everyday? Throwing in clamping and pumping while hanging is making me question how you're keeping your EQ really good for those exercises.

Maybe create a five day week program with three days including girth workouts and then [words=]ADS[/words] everyday huh? That should work huh. Thanks brotha.
GoodLookingNerd;736986 said:
Heya longstretch. Good shit dude and damn, wtf is that wooden contraption?!?!? You've entered into deep territory doing something like that but I can imagine the intensity is amazing.

Also, using your [words=]PA[/words] as a fulcrum is actually pretty smart, I can already see myself implementing that once I am conditioned.

That cock coil [words=]ADS[/words] looks promising. Gonna get the materials to get a couple made. How does a PE'r put one of those on and leave it on? And you've said that we can pee with that thing on? For me that is a big win because I am drinking a gallon upwards 1.5 gallons of water a day.

Are also hanging everyday? Throwing in clamping and pumping while hanging is making me question how you're keeping your EQ really good for those exercises.

Maybe create a five day week program with three days including girth workouts and then [words=]ADS[/words] everyday huh? That should work huh. Thanks brotha.

The [words=]PowerAssist[/words] is incredible for fulcrum work but remember the [words=]PowerAssist[/words] is part of the [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words] so it is far more useful to spend the extra $25 and get the [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words] as it has so much more to offer.
GoodLookingNerd;736986 said:
Heya longstretch. Good shit dude and damn, wtf is that wooden contraption?!?!? You've entered into deep territory doing something like that but I can imagine the intensity is amazing.

Also, using your [words=]PA[/words] as a fulcrum is actually pretty smart, I can already see myself implementing that once I am conditioned.

That cock coil [words=]ADS[/words] looks promising. Gonna get the materials to get a couple made. How does a PE'r put one of those on and leave it on? And you've said that we can pee with that thing on? For me that is a big win because I am drinking a gallon upwards 1.5 gallons of water a day.

Are also hanging everyday? Throwing in clamping and pumping while hanging is making me question how you're keeping your EQ really good for those exercises.

Maybe create a five day week program with three days including girth workouts and then [words=]ADS[/words] everyday huh? That should work huh. Thanks brotha.
Its a Tiger Trap (TT) and Tunica Tenderizer (TTr) created by xenolith at thunders. His log is worth the read through and he goes into details on how to make them and how to utilize them. They are of course very extreme and I would only go this route after many years of consistent PE and maybe a few cycles of multiple clamp sessions up and down the shaft. The Cock coil (CC) has been okay, its cheap but I do find myself preferring PE weights, though Monty seems to be MIA so golf weights would be the best alternative.

I have taken a break from hanging. I will be doing Mem's Momentous Rapid Gain Mechanism for a few months before trying another round of my last routine cycle mentioned here. I just can't, or rather won't, commit to the time investment needed for hanging. Especially if I can take a long break and gain with more intense albeit controlled means. I might return to hanging someday but for now I'm closing in on my long term goals. These routines are what I've suspected with my physiology that I gain length best with girth work thrown in.
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longstretch;740012 said:
Its a Tiger Trap (TT) and Tunica Tenderizer (TTr) created by xenolith at thunders. His log is worth the read through and he goes into details on how to make them and how to utilize them. They are of course very extreme and I would only go this route after many years of consistent PE and maybe a few cycles of multiple clamp sessions up and down the shaft. The Cock coil (CC) has been okay, its cheap but I do find myself preferring PE weights, though Monty seems to be MIA so golf weights would be the best alternative.

I have taken a break from hanging. I will be doing Mem's Momentous Rapid Gain Mechanism for a few months before trying another round of my last routine cycle mentioned here. I just can't, or rather won't, commit to the time investment needed for hanging. Especially if I can take a long break and gain with more intense albeit controlled means. I might return to hanging someday but for now I'm closing in on my long term goals. These routines are what I've suspected with my physiology that I gain length best with girth work thrown in.

Keep it up man in for updates on the new routine. I'll have to read what your new routine will entail, the Mem's one. What's your long term goal man?
longstretch;740012 said:
Its a Tiger Trap (TT) and Tunica Tenderizer (TTr) created by xenolith at thunders. His log is worth the read through and he goes into details on how to make them and how to utilize them. They are of course very extreme and I would only go this route after many years of consistent PE and maybe a few cycles of multiple clamp sessions up and down the shaft. The Cock coil (CC) has been okay, its cheap but I do find myself preferring PE weights, though Monty seems to be MIA so golf weights would be the best alternative.

I have taken a break from hanging. I will be doing Mem's Momentous Rapid Gain Mechanism for a few months before trying another round of my last routine cycle mentioned here. I just can't, or rather won't, commit to the time investment needed for hanging. Especially if I can take a long break and gain with more intense albeit controlled means. I might return to hanging someday but for now I'm closing in on my long term goals. These routines are what I've suspected with my physiology that I gain length best with girth work thrown in.

You know my Brother you have been with us for 12 years! That is amazing!
doublelongdaddy;740368 said:
You know my Brother you have been with us for 12 years! That is amazing!
Since the beginning haha! Time has flown by.

I'm at 7.75 x 5.75 on a good day. I want to eventually get to 8.5 x 6. I'll be happy with 8.0 x 5.75 though
longstretch;740485 said:
Since the beginning haha! Time has flown by.

I'm at 7.75 x 5.75 on a good day. I want to eventually get to 8.5 x 6. I'll be happy with 8.0 x 5.75 though

Who knew that life would move this fast?
longstretch said:
Thank you for all the support guys. I know life will get in the way at times but I just got to keep pushing.

This is what I did today and is what I would like to model my days as.

10 min Mandingo Stretch (unbundled)
10 Min Mandingo V-Stretch with [words=]PA[/words]
20 Helicopter Stretches in each direction
2 x 1 min Bow and Arrow Stretch per side (30 sec @ base, 15 sec midshaft, 15 sec inch from gripping hand.) (4 min total)
20 Helicopter Stretches in each direction
5 min Down and Out or V-Stretch with [words=]PA[/words]
20 Helicopter Stretches in each direction
6 min Expressive stretch with [words=]PA[/words] (full unit through hole gripping at base of shaft and stretching down)
14 min A-Stretch with [words=]PA[/words]

I used a pump sleeve with the elliptical thickwall Vacutech Cylinder today during pumping sessions. The pump sleeve seems to act as a cock ring as well. Head really swelled and got expanded, almost as if I used a boa constrictor, though I did not.

5 min pump
5 min Jelq (50 to 80% Erect)
2 Supra Slammers (30 sec Uli, 15 sec Jelq, 10 second hold behind head, 15 horse squeeze or [words=]SSJ[/words]: most times horse squeeze)
5 min pump
5 min Jelq
2 Supra Slammers
5 min Pump
5 min Head Jelqs (base hand Uli, 2nd hand jelqs slowly to head a few times before switching hands)
2 Supra Slammers

Comments: Girth portion is similar to DLD's 5x5x3. I saw similar routine at thunders while browsing their archives. They would jelq for 100 strokes or so then pump for 6 to 8 minutes. Very similar. While looking at Sadsak's head mod in the archives I saw another user describe the jelq technique that I will call head jelqs. Basically the base hand squeezes the base while the other hand then grips directly above base hand and slowly jelqs towards head, increasing pressure the closer you get to head. I played around with different grips today. I really focused also on slowing my jelq down to 3 to 5 seconds, I think I was going faster. I noticed great expansion in my head, even before the head jelqs. I think the boa's with the [words=]penomet[/words] have been helping.

Another user mentioned cutting a silicone sleeve so that an inch at the base and 3/4th an inch and the head is showing and then pump. Basically the base will expand in the chamber and then the head will expand more so then the shaft. Thats next on the list and I think will be more comfortable than boa's. Though I do think boa's will still have their place even if that works in increasing head size.

longstretch;722494 said:
Thank you arkailija for all your encouragement.

Quote above from October between my surgeries. I was really kicking ass and will continue to. So just wanting to repost this to keep it fresh for me. Now towards the end I was hanging as well. Being out on my own I will have more free time and privacy, YAY! I will now have a deconditioned dick coming back. I'm starting to think long term. I want to incorporate gradual increase in intensity, similar to last time. Keep my penis guessing and keep it growing. I will be recommitted to [words=]ADS[/words] more. From others and my own experience that is key after intense PE sessions. I will also incorporate more rest as needed with maybe light [words=]ADS[/words] on those days to heal extended. And finally I will track measurements much more scientifically. In fact I'm going to try to start thinking more scientifically all around.

I will be tracking measurements in Inches as well as millimeters. I will also start tracking BPFSL more frequently to catch when my penis is growing or the lack thereof. Lack of growth will mean more intensity needed or if prolonged another decon break. I've been reading more and more on the IPR theory and it does seem the best for long term growth. However there are many variables and its introduction of decon breaks, [words=]ADS[/words] and backing off every now and then are the main things I will be focusing on while at the same time creating a routine more fluid and geared to help me gain personally. Using what I know works for me and keeping better records. Its been around for 12 years but looking back it has shaped much of the current PE landscape. Also last time if you notice I have a strong favor towards Tunica work. That will continue, especially as routine continues.

Quoting self here to remember girth portion
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Haha yep I'm a spam artist

I am now back 1 week strong and plan on carrying out this cycle till end of year. I’m going back to basics with Memento’s routine found here Mem's Momentous Rapid Gain Mechanism - Thund3rs Pl@ce. (Sorry its a thunders routine but I think it will work for me and its not too time intensive)

I use a smaller sized 12 oz mason jar filled with hot water for fulcrum and either a heater or IR heat lamp for heat. I bought a mityvac brake bleeder kit to do some water pumping when the fancy arises. I got a fresh tattoo that will be finished in another month so it will be awhile before I will be able to water pump in tub. At any rate this will be my girth portion of Mem’s routine.

5 min pump
5 min Jelq (50 to 80% Erect)
2 Supra Slammers (30 sec Uli, 15 sec Jelq, 10 second hold behind head, 15 horse squeeze or [words=]SSJ[/words]: most times horse squeeze)
5 min pump
5 min Jelq
2 Supra Slammers
5 min Pump
5 min Head Jelqs (base hand Uli, 2nd hand jelqs slowly to head a few times before switching hands)
2 Supra Slammers
(optional) 3-5 minute 2 handed Sadsak head exercise

In addition I will be working in piss pull stretches and BB (Bucking Bronco with [words=]Power Assist[/words]) and Sumo Squat stretches throughout day. Mainly will be basic stretches during bathroom breaks. I foresee myself naturally taking breaks when I work back to back days as I work long and hard (hehehe) hours. The goal per week is 5 on 2 off in whatever combination I see fit. After about 2 or 3 days I’m pretty sore if I’m really focusing during routine.

After some trial and error I figured out how to start water pumping. Much cheaper and more comfortable than buying a new [words=]bathmate[/words] in my experience and opinion. Plus I can accurately measure amount of vacuum and air pump when I want. It only extends the length of my routine by a few minutes to go in and out of bathroom. so far I’m liking it
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Excellent update and that dick is massive! If this was spam, it was mighty tasty!
haha thank you thank you. It is growing I can feel it. A negative is now my forearms hurt after I do girth work haha.

Okay here is my Bucking Bronco. Set up is laying down on back with feet close to butt. Basically use a monkey grip (1st pic, thumbs running along index finger, its a wrestling term) to trap the penis between my hand and the [words=]Power Assist[/words]. Xenolith uses an ax handle but this works fine for me. Once trapped and I can lower my legs and apply tension by rotating my hips either forwards or backwards and flexing my hamstrings and driving my legs down. Because it takes my weak opposable thumbs out of the equation I can hold this for a pretty long time with maximum intensity. I try to get at least one 30 to 60 second set in everyday before I get out of bed.

The pull is amazing with these. If you’re familiar with DLD’s expressive stretches (basically trying to expose more bulb of the penis so we can enlarge that) this is the perfect stretch. The angle of the pull ends up being near a BTC stretch but the “attachment” point is at the base of the penis. Its a really powerful lig stretch. Simple, easy, efficient and intense. Really can’t say enough about them.
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I've developed the best jelq lube. I had 1/3 of a container of Vaseline left. I've been going back and forth between vaseline and coconut butter to jelq and masturbate with. Well I decided to mix them and its glorious! Coconut butter usually takes a few seconds to heat up and melt and can be too thin. Vaseline too can be too thick. After mixing it the consistency is more like a gooey lotion. There is no melt time though in the container its now a whipped consistency. I used 1 parts Vaseline to 2 parts coconut butter, though the volume did "melt" or shrink down a little. It lasts a really long time, is not to thick or thin and feels good.

Also in addition to that I've been using lifting chalk when it comes to stretches. I've tried my Primo chalk and also the regular cheaper chalk. I don't know why I didn't do it sooner. Both are much better than baby powder, though of course the Primo is well Primo. I don't have to reapply during my 20 min Inverted V-stretches like I normally would and it provides the perfect grip.
longstretch;742632 said:
haha thank you thank you. It is growing I can feel it. A negative is now my forearms hurt after I do girth work haha.

Okay here is my Bucking Bronco. Set up is laying down on back with feet close to butt. Basically use a monkey grip (1st pic, thumbs running along index finger, its a wrestling term) to trap the penis between my hand and the [words=]Power Assist[/words]. Xenolith uses an ax handle but this works fine for me. Once trapped and I can lower my legs and apply tension by rotating my hips either forwards or backwards and flexing my hamstrings and driving my legs down. Because it takes my weak opposable thumbs out of the equation I can hold this for a pretty long time with maximum intensity. I try to get at least one 30 to 60 second set in everyday before I get out of bed.

The pull is amazing with these. If you’re familiar with DLD’s expressive stretches (basically trying to expose more bulb of the penis so we can enlarge that) this is the perfect stretch. The angle of the pull ends up being near a BTC stretch but the “attachment” point is at the base of the penis. Its a really powerful lig stretch. Simple, easy, efficient and intense. Really can’t say enough about them.

Thanks for that my Brother! Very helpful!
I won't be updating this log anymore. I'm switching my log to Thunders. For other members its at https://www.Thund3rs

I hope everyone reaches their goals.

I hope I don't get banned and this thread remains. This place has changed for the worse, Thunders has changed for the better, especially with marinera gone. Everywhere I look a product from a sponsor is being pushed. Routines are made to push products. I get it because I see it elsewhere especially in the fitness communities. I can't type [words= ]bathmate[/words] or some other bullshit without it being hyperlinked to them. There are other issues too but I won't delve into them. When this place can go back to its roots of like minded men trying to gain instead of selling one more [words=!!!]lengthmaster[/words] (it is an okay hanger but damn it man its pushed hard) I'll come back.

People have rarely been banned here. A few should have been banned way sooner. But their posts were left so others could see the discourse. Now I am seeing people being banned for having an opinion not merely trolling, their posts deleted and threads locked. The censorship here has begun.

I've been here 12 years. Since the beginning and I'm not happy with the direction its being taken. Most leave in quietly. I'll let you know so you can decide if you want to do something different.
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longstretch;743903 said:
I won't be updating this log anymore. I'm switching my log to Thunders. For other members its at https://www.Thund3rs

I hope everyone reaches their goals.

I hope I don't get banned and this thread remains. This place has changed for the worse, Thunders has changed for the better, especially with marinera gone. Everywhere I look a product from a sponsor is being pushed. Routines are made to push products. I get it because I see it elsewhere especially in the fitness communities. I can't type [words= ]bathmate[/words] or some other bullshit without it being hyperlinked to them. There are other issues too but I won't delve into them. When this place can go back to its roots of like minded men trying to gain instead of selling one more [words=!!!]lengthmaster[/words] (it is an okay hanger but damn it man its pushed hard) I'll come back.

People have rarely been banned here. A few should have been banned way sooner. But their posts were left so others could see the discourse. Now I am seeing people being banned for having an opinion not merely trolling, their posts deleted and threads locked. The censorship here has begun.

I've been here 12 years. Since the beginning and I'm not happy with the direction its being taken. Most leave in quietly. I'll let you know so you can decide if you want to do something different.

I am sorry you feel this way bro. You will be missed longstretch.
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longstretch;743903 said:
I won't be updating this log anymore. I'm switching my log to Thunders. For other members its at https://www.Thund3rs

I hope everyone reaches their goals.

I hope I don't get banned and this thread remains. This place has changed for the worse, Thunders has changed for the better, especially with marinera gone. Everywhere I look a product from a sponsor is being pushed. Routines are made to push products. I get it because I see it elsewhere especially in the fitness communities. I can't type [words= ]bathmate[/words] or some other bullshit without it being hyperlinked to them. There are other issues too but I won't delve into them. When this place can go back to its roots of like minded men trying to gain instead of selling one more [words=!!!]lengthmaster[/words] (it is an okay hanger but damn it man its pushed hard) I'll come back.

People have rarely been banned here. A few should have been banned way sooner. But their posts were left so others could see the discourse. Now I am seeing people being banned for having an opinion not merely trolling, their posts deleted and threads locked. The censorship here has begun.

I've been here 12 years. Since the beginning and I'm not happy with the direction its being taken. Most leave in quietly. I'll let you know so you can decide if you want to do something different.

Good luck my Brother, you are making a terrible move but we will leave the door open for you. And by the way, Thunders pushes so many more products than us!

Here are all the products the thunders DOES NOT sell lol :)

Going from [words=]MOS[/words] to Thunders is like Going from a Benz to a Greyhound!
I'm only speculating based upon the few threads I read regarding hanging and which apparatus had the best became a bit contentious and then it vanished. LS claims impropriety and I can see his point and I encourage/applaud vigorous discourse, but there was definitely a tinge of 'personal vendetta' throughout so it was probably best to agree to disagree and move-along.
No personal vendetta, not sure where you're getting that unless you're talking about one member in particular that tried to troll my posts I had made to help others. Even that has no bearing on my leaving. Thunders has sub forums for products is true but nothing is pushed and is more likely different consumers recommending different things.

I got love for you DLD but my point is I've seen members lay out what they are doing and with what equipment and the general recommendation is to get more equipment... and I use equipment. However if I'm giving someone that doesn't own a [words=!!!]length master[/words] advice on their log its not to just abandon what they have and buy the [words=!!!]length master[/words].

It goes beyond that. It's the hyperlinks to sponsors. Its designing 6 hour per day routines that most people won't have the time, the motivation, the discipline or the privacy to pull off. That needs 10 different gadgets and waazoos to complete. It's designing routines to sell products instead of gaining. Most people don't need to spend all day stretching their dick to gain and if they do they need a decon.
I see your points LS, I get it. And I do think as well that theres some people here that have done things in the past that I do not agree with and would prefer to not have around. Please understand though that at the end of the day this is DLD's forum, its not public. This is how he makes a living, and he does push products including his own on this site however he does also give away the same products he promotes. And Ive seen him even donate a certain product out of the blue to people that cannot afford it. That being said I do think the pros outweigh the cons by a long shot. You've been a very important member on this forum and you have brought amazing value here, I would hate to see you leave.

I know I joke around alot, and bring up memes all the time. I am lighthearted like that, specially online... I apologize if my way of interacting on these forums has contributed to you leaving.
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From an 'outside looking in' perspective, I got the impression that there was a bit of 'history' to the interaction and that's where my speculation arose...if I was off-base, please accept my apology.

As for products and the pushing thereof, my interpretation has been that Mike is only trying to 'expedite' gains for members (hehe) based on his experience of never having access to any equipment when he began his PE journey. You're correct about the majority of people not having the time,dedication,privacy,etc. but those would be the same people that will find any excuse for not putting in the work that's required...the old 90/10 rule.

I for one would greatly miss your input/insight as I feel you're the '10' part of the rule(r) lol
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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