Big Schwanz Acht;717727 said:
I consider this more of a journey to be explored than a ride that needs to end...

This is a life sentence :)
longstretch;717371 said:
Okay so life has gotten in the way of PE. I haven't done it for almost a month now. Christmas season is upon us, I'm planning my other surgery in a few weeks and planning on moving after I recover. Will most likely start back up a few weeks after my surgery, I'm treating this period of time as a decon. Will come back 2nd or 3rd week of January.

Hope your surgery goes well buddy and wishing you a speedy recovery.
Thanks for the prayers and words of encouragement, I will always gladly recieve those. Surgery went well. I start PT next week. If memory serves me right I was able to start PE again last time once I was off crutches but that will be in 4 weeks.
longstretch;718686 said:
Thanks for the prayers and words of encouragement, I will always gladly recieve those. Surgery went well. I start PT next week. If memory serves me right I was able to start PE again last time once I was off crutches but that will be in 4 weeks.

Praise Jesus! So happy this worked out and I know the PT will go get too. It is amazing when we all pray for each other everything works out! This is why everyday, at least 3 times a day, I pray for the Brotherhood and thank God for this amazing gift we get to share.
So I'm moving out on my own in February, I should be close to going back to work then. I'm also looking to going back to school this fall for my masters.

I had some nephews spend the night around Christmas time. This was after my surgery so I was upstairs as I couldn't go downstairs on my crutches and they slept in my room. Well one of them stole from me and rambled through all my drawers, I didn't find out till a few days ago. I had some money missing. Well I think that same nephew stole or hid my LG Hanger. He gave me back the money he stole after admitting to it though blaming the finding of it on the other nephew.

I rounded up most of my PE equipment before the surgery or hid it but I distinctly remember leaving the LG Hanger where it was because it was in another room and it was out of the way. I kept it in the cardboard box it came in and I found that box on top of the desk I kept it in empty, save some leather cock ring straps and strips of sleeves. I asked saying it was for cupping but he denies it. I checked everywhere to no avail.

So anyway I ordered the LG with bundler arms just because. I probably won't start hanging till I move out. I will probably start stretching and jelqing again this next week
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Wow, Christmas taking a present away from you, that is not how it works :(
So I found my old LG Hanger. They stuck it in a draw in another room but I didn't find it till I was off Crutches. So now I have two LG Hangers, whatever. I'm moving this week, so by next week I'll be on my way to building my biggest dick yet. Newly single (my decision), living alone with unlimited privacy and won't be going back to work till the middle of next month. I'm going to make shit happen!
I found this jewel in my email. This is from years ago while I was in college, circa 2007 or 2008. I'm now around an inch longer. This reminds me that this works. I'm determined to reach my goals now. I'm looking into the IPR theory now since I'm coming back from a good decon breakView attachment 32577
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Good job! In your more recent picture your penis seems a lot stronger, good girth gains. Congratulations! Keep on pushing it.
Really good to see these kind of "before" and "after" pictures.
Thank you arkailija for all your encouragement.

longstretch;710678 said:
Thank you for all the support guys. I know life will get in the way at times but I just got to keep pushing.

This is what I did today and is what I would like to model my days as.

10 min Mandingo Stretch (unbundled)
10 Min Mandingo V-Stretch with [words=]PA[/words]
20 Helicopter Stretches in each direction
2 x 1 min Bow and Arrow Stretch per side (30 sec @ base, 15 sec midshaft, 15 sec inch from gripping hand.) (4 min total)
20 Helicopter Stretches in each direction
5 min Down and Out or V-Stretch with [words=]PA[/words]
20 Helicopter Stretches in each direction
6 min Expressive stretch with [words=]PA[/words] (full unit through hole gripping at base of shaft and stretching down)
14 min A-Stretch with [words=]PA[/words]

I used a pump sleeve with the elliptical thickwall Vacutech Cylinder today during pumping sessions. The pump sleeve seems to act as a cock ring as well. Head really swelled and got expanded, almost as if I used a boa constrictor, though I did not.

5 min pump
5 min Jelq (50 to 80% Erect)
2 Supra Slammers (30 sec Uli, 15 sec Jelq, 10 second hold behind head, 15 horse squeeze or [words=]SSJ[/words]: most times horse squeeze)
5 min pump
5 min Jelq
2 Supra Slammers
5 min Pump
5 min Head Jelqs (base hand Uli, 2nd hand jelqs slowly to head a few times before switching hands)
2 Supra Slammers

Comments: Girth portion is similar to DLD's 5x5x3. I saw similar routine at thunders while browsing their archives. They would jelq for 100 strokes or so then pump for 6 to 8 minutes. Very similar. While looking at Sadsak's head mod in the archives I saw another user describe the jelq technique that I will call head jelqs. Basically the base hand squeezes the base while the other hand then grips directly above base hand and slowly jelqs towards head, increasing pressure the closer you get to head. I played around with different grips today. I really focused also on slowing my jelq down to 3 to 5 seconds, I think I was going faster. I noticed great expansion in my head, even before the head jelqs. I think the boa's with the [words=]penomet[/words] have been helping.

Another user mentioned cutting a silicone sleeve so that an inch at the base and 3/4th an inch and the head is showing and then pump. Basically the base will expand in the chamber and then the head will expand more so then the shaft. Thats next on the list and I think will be more comfortable than boa's. Though I do think boa's will still have their place even if that works in increasing head size.

Quote above from October between my surgeries. I was really kicking ass and will continue to. So just wanting to repost this to keep it fresh for me. Now towards the end I was hanging as well. Being out on my own I will have more free time and privacy, YAY! I will now have a deconditioned dick coming back. I'm starting to think long term. I want to incorporate gradual increase in intensity, similar to last time. Keep my penis guessing and keep it growing. I will be recommitted to [words=]ADS[/words] more. From others and my own experience that is key after intense PE sessions. I will also incorporate more rest as needed with maybe light [words=]ADS[/words] on those days to heal extended. And finally I will track measurements much more scientifically. In fact I'm going to try to start thinking more scientifically all around.

I will be tracking measurements in Inches as well as millimeters. I will also start tracking BPFSL more frequently to catch when my penis is growing or the lack thereof. Lack of growth will mean more intensity needed or if prolonged another decon break. I've been reading more and more on the IPR theory and it does seem the best for long term growth. However there are many variables and its introduction of decon breaks, [words=]ADS[/words] and backing off every now and then are the main things I will be focusing on while at the same time creating a routine more fluid and geared to help me gain personally. Using what I know works for me and keeping better records. Its been around for 12 years but looking back it has shaped much of the current PE landscape. Also last time if you notice I have a strong favor towards Tunica work. That will continue, especially as routine continues.
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Looking awesome in the pictures, so close to 8" it is crazy!
Your gains are an inspiration!

Can I ask what [words=]ADS[/words] you use?
doublelongdaddy;722546 said:
Looking awesome in the pictures, so close to 8" it is crazy!

I know it's so close I can taste it.... Well actually I'll need a few more inches lol

Pre-PE BPFSL was right almost at 8.0 in (19.6 cm)
Post-PE before [words=]ADS[/words] was 20.5 cm... Mission accomplished
Warm-up, 20 min A Stretch with [words=]PA[/words]
8 hours [words=]ADS[/words] WITH 2 PE Weights
20 min edge
longstretch;722705 said:
I know it's so close I can taste it.... Well actually I'll need a few more inches lol

Pre-PE BPFSL was right almost at 8.0 in (19.6 cm)
Post-PE before [words=]ADS[/words] was 20.5 cm... Mission accomplished
Warm-up, 20 min A Stretch with [words=]PA[/words]
8 hours [words=]ADS[/words] WITH 2 PE Weights
20 min edge

Ha Ha!
So I went to a sporting event with my parents and older sister on Friday. It was 2 hours away. I had PT beforehand and didn't want to risk a metal detector being there, even though there wasn't. Saturday I had my crew and family help me move the last of my stuff and I spent the rest of the night building my desk. I went to a family event today and finally have my desk all set up to hang. I bought some curtains because I'm paranoid the little area of the blinds that don't fit 100% in the window; I can look out and see a glimpse of cars in the parking lot and I'm worried someone could see me through the slits. I will install those tomorrow and resume PE.

Took a measurement tonight BPEL: 7 11/16ths or 7.6875 inches.
longstretch;722910 said:
So I went to a sporting event with my parents and older sister on Friday. It was 2 hours away. I had PT beforehand and didn't want to risk a metal detector being there, even though there wasn't. Saturday I had my crew and family help me move the last of my stuff and I spent the rest of the night building my desk. I went to a family event today and finally have my desk all set up to hang. I bought some curtains because I'm paranoid the little area of the blinds that don't fit 100% in the window; I can look out and see a glimpse of cars in the parking lot and I'm worried someone could see me through the slits. I will install those tomorrow and resume PE.

Took a measurement tonight BPEL: 7 11/16ths or 7.6875 inches.

Privacy is key in a positive PE session. Feeling secure and not under the eyes of many, such freedom gives PE great momentum.
doublelongdaddy;722948 said:
Privacy is key in a positive PE session. Feeling secure and not under the eyes of many, such freedom gives PE great momentum.

that is the truth,having no visitors and being alone and can give better results than having people around.....
20 Min Hanging SO @ 7lbs with LG
7 hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 PE weights
30 Min Hanging SO @ 7lbs with LG
1 hour break
30 min Hanging SO @ 7 lbs with LG
5 min Cold wrap/5 min Heat x 2
30 min Edging

Comments: Got my brooder lamp and clear infrared bulb from my parents house today. Used that during my 2nd and 3rd hanging sets and I ordered a red one today that radiates only short Wavelength A (near infrared). Supposed to penetrate deeper. On my 3rd hanging set I had to cut the lamp off every 5 min, it was in a better position but got pretty hot. Last 10 min no heat. Mixing the ice and heat I got from bodybuilding and I took the idea of vasoconstricting with over vasodialating one step further with edging. Towards the end was more like Ballooning, it was pretty hard to fight back the orgasm but I prevailed.
doublelongdaddy;722948 said:
Privacy is key in a positive PE session. Feeling secure and not under the eyes of many, such freedom gives PE great momentum.
LONGERDICK7+;723007 said:
that is the truth,having no visitors and being alone and can give better results than having people around.....
I recently logged off facebook and plan to stay off for a while. I've really noticed here lately how much more I get done and I'm comparing myself to others less and less. Now with added freedom and privacy I can totally focus on my goals and ambitions, PE and otherwise.
longstretch;723014 said:
I recently logged off facebook and plan to stay off for a while. I've really noticed here lately how much more I get done and I'm comparing myself to others less and less. Now with added freedom and privacy I can totally focus on my goals and ambitions, PE and otherwise.

Stay away from social media. it is more like social murder.
doublelongdaddy;723040 said:
Stay away from social media. it is more like social murder.

yep i ahve realized that fake book is a waste of time..Even [words=]MOS[/words] has facebook page tough..LOL
LONGERDICK7+;723062 said:
yep i ahve realized that fake book is a waste of time..Even [words=]MOS[/words] has facebook page tough..LOL

FaceBook can be used to promote [words=]MOS[/words] and that is fine and helpful. Even posting pictures between family and friends it is a great service. The part that sickens me is how it replaces people lives. These people use it as if they were rock stars. It is a slothful orgy or distain and deceit.
yep those three, sloth deceit and deceive..But yeah can help to promote some stuff.....What kind of stuff anything or almost anythng.
I know for me I was just spending way too much time on it. The way the notifications work are meant to pull you back onto the site. Now with all the political and PC posts if get caught up in trying to have our read about some bullshit debate that in the grand scheme of things don't matter. Hell even funny memes I get caught up in reading all the funny comments. Before I know it an hour has gone by so I decide to get off and not buy a couple minutes later I get a notification. Plus I don't want to call it an addiction, it was just maladaptive behavior, but I was not being present in my life. I'm having it with family and friends and am constantly checking my phone. I decide to do something about it and it hasn't even been a week but I'm happy with that decision.

Yesterday I had two 30 minute edging sessions with orgasms. After my last surgery I had a couple of ED episodes with my now ex and noticed it was harder to come. Others that have had the same surgery has complained about the same thing but it's starting to resolve.

2 [words=]x 40[/words] min hanging SO @ 7.5 lbs
4 hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 PE weights
20 min wet jelq 50-80% erect

Comments: Penis sore and slightly "lazy" today. It's definitely been worked I'm glad I started back at a much smaller weight
Turn off the notifications and if you want to be social, be social here where you penis will grow :)
Took PE off, had a busy day and penis was nice and sore.
Sex all night with 3 orgasms, maybe around 10 - 20 minutes between sessions

40 min Hanging SO @ 7.5 lbs
8 hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 PE weights
30 min masturbation under infrared light

Will edit this later, planning on more sex tonight
45 min Hanging SO @ 7.5 lbs
Thank you

Had sex all day Saturday and Sunday to the point of it being sore.
02/06/17: Mon
30 min Hanging SO @ 10 lbs
6 hour break
40 min Hanging SO @ 10 lbs
25 min Wet jelq (downwards, upwards and 5 min of V-jelqs)
Big Schwanz Acht;723782 said:
hope your girl was ok :)
Haha me too, she told me the guys at her work noticed she got to work really early and we ragging her saying Longstretch really have it to you didn't he, look she's walking funny lol

02/07/17: Tues
2 [words=]x 40[/words] min Hanging SO @ 10 lbs (6 hour break forgot the [words=]ADS[/words])
20 min A-Stretch
20 min dry jelq
Big Schwanz Acht;723808 said:
jeez...does the poor girl work at the docks?
She works in the billing department of a trucking company. It makes me uncomfortable how they talk to her, knowing its sexual harassment but its on her for not shutting that shit down. I think she's okay with it and kind of has a "guy" sense of humor. Plus honestly after reading her she thrives off the attention.

20 min A-Stretch with [words=]PA[/words]
40 min Hanging SO with LG @ 10 lbs
20 min jelqing under infrared light
6 hours [words=]ADS[/words] with PE weights

Comments: I knew that same girl was going to be coming over today and was worried about ED but I thought with this past weekend I was over whatever effects the surgery had. Well I think even though the infrared light won't give you a sunburn I jelqed too close (about 8 inches from a 250 watt bulb). It lightly burned the glans, I didn't notice it till she was going down on me and it was a little too sensitive. She sucked it a little than got down to riding me. She made mention that it took me longer than usual to get hard on our way to dinner. Then she said I don't want you to be all up in your head about it and it happen again, I said I was alright... but the bitch made mention of it again before putting whip cream on my balls and dick. Idk between some kind of hindrance from the surgery, the mental aspect and her comments I had trouble again. I pushed her back and took the whip cream can from her. By the time I was done little Long was ready for action, so after grabbing some coconut oil and moving to the bedroom I slowly slid my dick in her ass haha, anal always makes me feel so big but hell I wouldn't want my dick up my ass. Afterwards I noticed the redder than usual appearance of my head and put two and two together. I told her I been using the infrared for healing from the hip surgery and it must've lightly burned my pecker. After I washed up I put some coconut oil on it and it was pretty much healed by today 02/09.

4 hours [words=]ADS[/words] with PE weights

Comments: Busy day today. I bought the last supplies to have a fully stocked kitchen. Started meal prepping today, I'll taste my work tomorrow. Starting out small and progress from there. My training has always been on point but my diet was my weakness. Now it won't be. I'm sitting at 15% body fat and looking to drop to 8%. I'm at a size for my body that I like, for once I don't want to get any bigger. I'm working on getting "cut", I want to have excellent conditioning, be flexible with occasional yoga and be brute fucking strong.

Also the girl has caught feelings. I let her know we had an expiration date and she shouldn't get her hopes up. I like her but she's not the one and I'm focusing on moving my life forward right now. I didn't say it harshly, she felt bad and I felt bad for having to be like that but its the right thing to do. I can't keep staying where I don't belong and with girls I don't belong with.
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longstretch;723932 said:
She works in the billing department of a trucking company. It makes me uncomfortable how they talk to her, knowing its sexual harassment but its on her for not shutting that shit down. I think she's okay with it and kind of has a "guy" sense of humor. Plus honestly after reading her she thrives off the attention.

Some need this attention for so many different reasons, but usually it is a Daddy issue.
99% of women's self-esteem is predicated on the amount of attention they garner. Honestly, it can suck the life out of a relationship if she's so insecure that her mood is dependent upon each and every interaction she has out in the world. It could be that her father didn't provide enough attention, or societal cues demean her worth, or is just unfortunate that they can't feel okay about themselves unless someone else validates them. Must be tough
25 min Hanging SO @ 11.25 lbs with LG

02/11/17: Sat
Had all day to myself and was rest day from the gym.
20 min Hanging SD @ 5 lbs with Bib Starter
2x20 min Hanging SD @ 8 lbs with Bib Starter
10 min Hanging SD @ 8 lbs dropped down to 5 lbs for 10 min with Bib Starter
4 hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 PE weights
40 min Hanging SO @ 11.25 lbs with LG
20 min dry jelq (basically light kind of like a massage)
20 min Edging with around 2 or 3 ejaculations cessations

Comments: Broke out Bib starter today. I used 2 HTW and theraband for wrap. Took me a few sets to get the hanger dialed in. I had to drop weight on last set from a mixture of skin irritation and fatigue. Still playing around with routines in my head. Thinking 2 on 1 off. Bib is better for fulcrum hanging so I wanted to get reacquainted with it. I still love the LG especially for the longer sets.
I've been thinking I'm going to try to limit ejaculations during my growth phase. Not totally eliminate because I've seen cases of negative effects of going too long without busting. But I do think some balance and setting some limits on how much I bust and how much I watch adult entertainment and I can reap the benefits of that too. I don't think I have a sex addiction, I should clarify that as I know many that do on these boards and the recommendations would be different if my desires were too compulsive. So I will see if it has an effect on me, looking at others cases it might but at the same time not going dramatically long lengths before busting. I will not hold back during sex as thats what its made for and many girls will take offense.

Same girl I've been talking about displayed some acceptance and offered to come over sunday (02/12/17). I fingered her after going down on her and using whip cream which lead to a yeast infection for her. Poor girl, she did a one day treatment. She sucked me off to adult entertainment and without later that night. Note tonight is Valentine's Day and PornHub is offering free premium adult entertainment so I took advantage and busted again after 30-40 min of edging so I didn't feel as guilty haha.

02/12/17: Sunday
20 min Hanging SD with Bib Starter at 8 lbs
4 hour [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 PE weights
Oral sex x 2

02/13/17: Monday
4 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD @ 8 lbs with Bib Hardcore
3 hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 PE weights
40 min Hanging SO @ 11.25 lbs with LG
20 min light dry jelqing

Comments: Why do I always waste my time with the Bib Starter?!!! When wrapped right the hardcore is loads more comfortable. I can never seat myself properly in the starter and either the bottom teeth or top bolt really bite or dig into my penis. I really feel it in my ligs and skin right now with the hardcore. It actually felt comfortable and the way hanging should be. I've been hanging and jelqing under infrared light. Last 5 min of last set of bib, before [words=]ADS[/words], I used an ice pack but the cloth I wrapped in was too thick. I had to lightly touch it bare to the skin of my ligs and base of my shaft for a few seconds and pull away. Theory behind is heat is amazing for stretching and deformation, then cool while stretched to help "solidify" the cells shape and space for remodeling.

12/14/17: Tuesday
12+ hours [words=]ADS[/words] with 2 PE weights
30-40 Edge with ejaculation
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Big Schwanz Acht;723990 said:
99% of women's self-esteem is predicated on the amount of attention they garner. Honestly, it can suck the life out of a relationship if she's so insecure that her mood is dependent upon each and every interaction she has out in the world. It could be that her father didn't provide enough attention, or societal cues demean her worth, or is just unfortunate that they can't feel okay about themselves unless someone else validates them. Must be tough

Yup, I spent 4 years with a girl with all these issues and, as much as I love her, I had to cut the string, I could no longer act like her father.
Big Schwanz Acht;724276 said:
...not to mention how unhealthy acting that way is for both parties.

So unhealthy. It took a beautiful relationship and made it dross! I love and miss her and I wish her the best, I hope she finds the right guy and gets her life straightened out. I am happy, very happy that I am single with no desire to be with a woman, the freedom is amazing!
Sometimes it's healthier and you'll be happier in the long run single than in a toxic relationship. I've learned the hard way too many times.

14+ hours with 2 PE weights

02/16/17: Thurs
4 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD with Bib Hardcore
5 min light dry jelqs

Comments: Busy week. I started back to work and the days have been really long. That girl came over yesterday but I was just too tired. I woke her up at 4 am this morning for sex. I will [words=]ADS[/words] the next couple of days. She brought me lunch on Tuesday and grabbed my butt and felt my jock strap that I use in case my PE Weights come off. She thought I was wearing a thong or something for my Valentine, shit my plans were to go home eat and go to sleep. I let her know about the PE weights so the cat's out of the bag. Fuck it she won't be around long term and if it's an issue she can kick rocks
longstretch;724335 said:
Sometimes it's healthier and you'll be happier in the long run single than in a toxic relationship. I've learned the hard way too many times.

Indeed this is truth! I have been alone for more than 9 years now and I would not trade it for the world! The freedom is incredible and I am never lonely, Jesus is always with me! I believe every man should learn to live on his own and learn to rely on himself, this type of growth is so important!
02/19/17: Sun
4 [words=]x 20[/words] min Hanging SD @ 11.25 with Bib Hardcore
3rd set was attached to base producing very strong skin and light stretch
Few sets of sumo stretches trying to achieve lip pop but failed, still very intense stretch and happy my hips can sort of do it
20 min light dry jelqing

Comments: Friday I ADSed with PE weights at work. That girls birthday is tomorrow and she came over this weekend to celebrate. Left this afternoon so I got the hanging. Today my erections are looking bigger and she was cumming quick. My measured BPFSL while she was in the shower at 280 mm, with no PE! Maybe taking a day or two off every now and then really works for me.

Hanging at base for one set to stretch skin and see any difference in lig stretch. Couldn't stretch as hard in sumo stretch after due to sore skin and ligs.

- - - Updated - - -

Thank you dld. That's exactly the type of growth I want to see in myself
longstretch;724450 said:
Thank you dld. That's exactly the type of growth I want to see in myself

That is big boy growth right there! I am so happy I have accomplished this, it has truly made me complete independent and unattached, no better freedom.
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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